Olga (13 page)

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Authors: Olga Kotelko

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Nutrition, #Biography & Autobiography, #Sports, #Exercise

BOOK: Olga
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Exercise for a Healthy, Happy OK Lifestyle

To limber up your groin area and stabilize tension, use the following ingredients: Persistence is a big fancy word for “never giving up”. Determination is just another way of saying “no ifs, buts or maybes”. Courage is about “having the guts to do what needs to be

According to Webster’s Dictionary, exercise means a bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness. In my experience, it is
key to staying young. I am proof that if you diligently follow an exercise program it will add life to your years and years to your life, prevent illness, and help you manage the symptoms of aging. My exercises are practical, challenging, and athletic. The body is strengthened, the mind is alert, and the spirit is

“Aging is a new stage of opportunity and strength.”


All the photos in this exercise chapter
were provided by Cindy

“It is impossible to over-estimate the benefits of exercise,” according to Dr. Art Hister, a Vancouver family physician and author of numerous health books. “The most important thing we can do to increase our chances of living longer and staying healthy begins with an E, and it’s not Eat. Our bodies may need proteins, carbs, vitamins and minerals but oxygen is the most important nutrient we need for every cell of our bodies and we can get that through daily Exercise.” As you can see, this well-known doctor believes exercise is the best medicine for successful, healthy

I started to
put together my exercise program,
The O.K. Way to a Healthy, Happy Life
about ten years ago
when I was some 80 years old. I want to share this
program with you because I believe it has helped me
achieve the level of good health and physical fitness that
I enjoy

Some exercise ideas became obvious to me as
I received information from different sports’ therapists at international track
and field competitions. These experts confirmed that vigorous exercise is
needed to bring the maximum amount of oxygen into all the cells
of the body. Religiously, I work out 3 times a week
and alternate days with an aerobic aquafit class. My stretching
exercises take place three nights a week in bed. On Sundays,
I take a break from exercise, and I attend church to
give thanks for my blessings of a healthy body, mind

My exercises are practical, challenging, and athletic. I am proof that
if you diligently follow an exercise program, it will add life
to your years and years to your

I realized that a
healthy body increases the chance for a longer life, and
a healthy mind almost certainly guarantees a more satisfying one. Our
thoughts become our words, our words become our actions, our
actions become our habits, and our habits become our character.
A sound, healthy mind is found in a sound, healthy

strong, invasive thoughts, such as fear or anger come to
mind, deep breathing will clear them away. In this way, you
can build your mental muscle. Oxygen must be provided to
each cell in the body. During my deep breathing exercises, I
count from 1 to 4 with each inhalation to fill
the lungs with air and 5 to 10 with each exhalation
to clear stale air from the lungs. Using this rhythmic technique,
I experience less fatigue and exhaustion and, of course, better
results in my athletics. I believe that the mental muscle gets built
with enough strength to help me in any difficult situation,
whether at competitions, at home, or with friends and loved
ones. Most of all I become better able to
avoid negative emotions like fear and anger and other stresses that
make us less than the best we can

In the following pages I will demonstrate my personal exercise

Reflexology— feet
Deep Breathing
Facial Massage
Body Massage
Sitting Position
Kneeling Position

Cotton belt, sponge balls, darning tool

The materials you will need for my fitness

Exercise mat or large towel
2 Sponge Balls (found in dollar store)
Cotton belt
Blunt tool (i.e., darning tool, optional)

I incorporate the activities of
stretching, massage, reflexology, yoga, the use of sponge balls, and a tie belt
into my routine program. I will give a brief description of each of these activities, and I will illustrate how and why I do each exercise. I hope you will benefit from and enjoy the exercises. I use two balls because I use both hands at the same

Very Important:
Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program for the first time. Stop working out immediately if you experience any of the

Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Extreme pain
Feeling too hot
Numbness in any body part
Throbbing headache
Dizziness or a feeling the room is


If you carefully watch a dog or a cat, see how they stretch every day, especially first thing in the morning. We should follow the example of our furry friends. Our modern lifestyle contributes to our muscular tension and stiffness, especially as we age. I believe that these stretching exercises can heal any tired and hurt muscle tissue quickly, and they always bring me back to a calm, healthy state. Also, I believe that cramps may be prevented by exercising and massaging regularly. Regular exercise and massage can have the effect of reducing painful spasms and areas of muscular

Bob Anderson introduced me to The Basic Program 5 stretching exercises, a program he developed thirty years ago, and I incorporated some of his excellent stretching exercises into my personal health program. Throughout this portion of
The O.K. Way to a Healthy, Happy Life
, you will learn how muscles are continually strengthened in the various exercises. Over the years, I have added and extended ideas to my program to maintain vitality and good health in the whole

Stretching is not stressful; you will find it peaceful and relaxing. I stretch frequently and exercise regularly. Each one of us is a unique physical and mental being with our own comfortable and enjoyable ways. We are all different in strength, endurance, flexibility, and temperament. The body’s capacity for recovery from serious illness is phenomenal. All of us have this amazingly miraculous capacity for regaining health. Regular stretching will relax your mind and tune-up your unique body. Concentrate on the area being stretched. Deep breathing should be slow, rhythmical, and controlled to develop lung

Your muscles stretch more easily when your body is properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day. Relaxed stretches help your body to function more naturally and to help you sleep soundly. Take your time, stretch with control, and breathe

As we get older, we go through periods of inactivity and then activity again. We cause stress and strain on the knees, lower legs, ankles, and arches. If you have had knee problems, be careful bending the knees: do it slowly and under control. If there is any pain, discontinue the stretch. The same holds true for any other reasons. It is better to under stretch than to over stretch. Always be at a point where you can stretch further and never at a point where you have gone as far as you can

Learn to listen to your body. If the stretch builds and you feel pain, your body is trying to let you know that something is wrong, that there is a problem. If this happens, ease off gradually until the stretch feels right. Connect with your

I believe that stationary exercises are more beneficial than ballistic ones. No jerking or bouncing. Therefore, I hold most poses for approximately 30 seconds. This has helped me to develop my balance, strength, and stability. In fact, I continually work on maintaining my flexibility and balance. I never sit down to dress, and I remain standing to pull on my socks and put on my

First of all, find a place to exercise that is convenient for you and make it part of your regular routine. Believe it or not, the best time for me to do my stretching exercises is about 2 a.m. After nature calls me to the bathroom, and I am unable to fall asleep again, rather than suffer with insomnia and get up to paint my kitchen or rearrange my spice drawer, I do my exercises in bed. Over the years, every week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays my body has become programmed for these

These stretching exercises can take 1½ hours for me to complete. Afterwards, I easily fall asleep again, benefit from 4 to 5 more hours of peaceful sleep, and I wake up refreshed at 9 or 10 a.m. Without a doubt, these nighttime exercises have helped to balance my body and mind. I will demonstrate the exercises starting on the right side of my body and then follow on the left side. Stretching is a natural way to reduce aging. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Make sure that each stretch is felt in your muscles and not your joints. Do not jerk or bounce. Slow down. Work slowly. Have control. No cheating! Focus on holding each stretch during inhalation and on increasing the stretch and releasing tension with each exhalation. A regular, moderate stretching exercise improves your heart and lung fitness and lowers blood pressure. Therefore, you will undoubtedly enjoy a healthier

Remember. Listen to your body, and don’t do anything that causes pain. Release from each stretch slowly and easily. Here we

Exercises To Prevent Illness And Help Manage Symptoms Of Aging

Elongated Stretch

Realign your spine and energize the back muscles. This is a great stretch to do first thing in the morning while still in

your arms, shoulders, abdominals as well as muscles of the rib cage and

Lie flat on your back

Right arm and right leg together reach and pull overhead

Left leg and arm together push and pull in opposite direction

Stretch for 30 seconds

Change direction and stretch for 30 seconds

With both arms overhead and legs straight pull and stretch in opposite direction for 30 seconds while toes point 15 seconds and flex for 15 seconds

Continually and gently pull in your abdominal muscles to make the middle of your body feel thin. This really feels good! Enjoy the stretch in the shoulder

Bring hands toward the neck below the ears

Keep elbows out and down

Squeeze shoulder blades together; count 30 seconds

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