Olga (17 page)

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Authors: Olga Kotelko

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Nutrition, #Biography & Autobiography, #Sports, #Exercise

BOOK: Olga
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Workout For The Upper Part Of The Face

rd right leg position
- straight up and across your

With the left hand hold belt around bottom of right foot as you bring your right leg straight across your body; now you will work with the right hand on the upper part of your face

Massage the middle of your forehead (between your eyebrows) for 10 seconds, moving your hand in a slight slanted angle

Massage the middle of your forehead (between your eyebrows) in the opposite direction for 10 seconds

Massage the middle of your forehead (between the eyebrows) up and down for 10 seconds

Massage right eyebrow for 10 seconds Massage left eyebrow for 10 seconds

Massage laugh lines along both eyes at the same time for 10 seconds

Massage forehead from right side to left side and then back again for 10 seconds Massage your nose for 10 seconds

Massage your forehead, up and down across from right side to left side for 10 seconds

This upper face exercise takes 90 seconds to

Discipline and determination play a large role in doing my exercises. If it’s worthwhile to do at all, it’s worth doing well. Whoever thinks to massage their ears? We do! They need stimulation too. Realize how much massaging you did in such a short time. Whoever thinks to massage their nose? We do, of course. Our noses will thank us in many

The facial exercises with the 3 right leg positions are now complete.

We will now begin the facial exercises with the 3 left leg

3 Left Leg Positions

1 -
Straight up in the air above the body-hamstring

2 -
Straight out flat to the left side of the body-inner thigh

3 -
Straight up and across the body to the right side (Do not aggravate the hip joint. This position should be avoided if you have a hip

Note: May be done with leg bent to 90 degrees, therefore more controlled

Workout For The Right Side Of The Face

1st left leg position
- left leg straight up in the air above the

Place belt around the bottom of your left foot

Hold the belt with your left hand

With your right fingers massage the right sinus area for 10 seconds

Move to the mouth and massage across your lips from one side to the other for 10 seconds

Massage the lips up and down for 10 seconds

Move to the throat and massage your neck with the back of your whole hand across from side to side for 10 seconds (This exercise may prevent the turkey neck.)

Move to the upper lip and massage up your face along the upper gums towards your right ear for 10 seconds

Massage and come down along the lower gum line across the side of your face toward the front lower jaw for 10 seconds

You will have massaged for a total of 60 seconds to this

With the fingers of your right hand pinch the right side neck muscles under your chin gently pinching from chin to collar bone for 5 seconds; work on the muscles, not just the skin

Move to the right and pinch muscles upward to the jaw for 5 seconds

Continue the pattern to the back of your neck counting 5 seconds on each neck area to the count of 85 seconds

On the last pattern, massage the back of your neck with all fingers for 5 seconds

This last massage at the back of the neck gives a great relaxing feeling

You have now massaged the right side of your face for a total of 90 seconds. The massage around the mouth area is to get rid of those little river lines and to prevent them from getting deeper and bigger.

I am proud of my wrinkles. They give my face

Facial Exercise

2nd left leg position
- flat out to the side of the

Workout for the left side of the face using the same sequence as just

Place the belt around the bottom of left foot

Hold the belt with the left hand

With the fingers of your right hand massage the left sinus area for 10 seconds

Move to the mouth, massaging lips diagonally in one direction for 10 seconds

Massage lips diagonally in the other direction for 10 seconds

Move to the throat and massage the neck with the back of your whole hand across from side to side for 10 seconds

Move to the upper lip and massage up your face along the upper gums towards your left ear for 10 seconds

Come down along the lower gum line across the side of your face toward the front lower jaw massaging for 10 seconds

You have massaged a total of 60 seconds to this

With the fingers of your right hand pinch the left side neck muscles under your chin gently pinching from chin to collar bone for 5 seconds

Move to the left and pinch muscles upward to the jaw for 5 seconds

Continue this pattern to the back of your neck counting 5 seconds on each neck area to the count of 85 seconds

On the last pattern massage the back of the neck for 5 seconds

You have now massaged the left side of your face for a total of 90

There is yet the last massage to benefit your head and hair, as you hold your left leg in the 3rd left leg position—across the

Hair needs to be rejuvenated. The cells in the hair follicles need to be stimulated to repair themselves.

Massaging the hair and head with your fingers will encourage this process and make your hair be and look healthy and

Head And Hair Massage

left leg position
- left leg across the


Place belt at the bottom of your left foot

Hold belt in right hand. Bring left leg across the body to the right side

With your left fingers, above the forehead at the hair line, start to massage your scalp upward to the crown of your head to the count of 5 seconds

Move fingers to the left and massage downward to the hair line for 5 seconds

Move to the left massage upward to the crown of the head for 5 seconds

Massage and come down to the hair line for 5 seconds

Repeat and continue the sequence of up and down massage moving to the left until you have massaged your entire head and come back to the forehead

This head massage will take a total of 60

Second head/ hair

Starting at the front hair line with the fingers of your left hand massage a circle around your head for 10 seconds

Move upwards and massage another two circles around your head for 10 seconds each

Third head/hair

The total head exercise count should be 90 seconds. Enjoy the stimulation you have created for your whole head. I am discovering that the colour of my hair is changing and improving. It is not getting lighter and whiter. I can see a hint of strawberry colour. This hair colour is definitely not from a package!

I realize it will take a while to master these instructions. Why use legs with facial exercises? Elevating the feet keeps the legs light with a lot of consistent energy. It is a wonderful way to rest and relax tired feet. It helps the entire body to feel good. And it is a simple way to help prevent and relieve varicose veins. As you move the legs to different positions the back muscles are strengthened and relaxed. This exercise helps and improves balance in your body.

I don’t have any difficulty so far doing these exercises. I have yet to have a falling spell in my


First, study the reflexology hand chart carefully and follow the directions.

Correctly stimulating reflex points in the hand can induce relaxation and relieve stress and tension in the corresponding glands, organs and tissues in the body. This exercise may slow down the inflammation progression of osteoarthritis in the fingers. As well, it can increase flexibility in the muscles, stimulating blood and energy circulation. Remember there are 4,000 nerve endings in our

Anything worth doing at all is worth doing well.

Energize your body.

Slow down.

Be patient.

Be determined.

Remember: read the chart and directions carefully.

Practice makes perfect. Do

Reflexology On Fingers

Self-reflexology massage on

There are 4 parts to the self-reflexology massage on each

There are 2 pull parts, and there are 2 push

The first 2 pull parts

Begin on the right little finger with the left hand

Grasp the base of the right little finger

Pull and twist in one direction to the tip count 1

Grasp the base of the same finger

Pull and twist in the other direction to the tip count 2

Do this to the count of 10 on the right little finger

The next 2 parts are 2 push parts of self-reflexology massage on each finger. The energy is being pushed back into the

Grasp at the tip of the right little finger and push to the base of the finger.

Push and twist in one direction count 1

Push and twist in the other direction count 2

Do this to the count of 10 on the right little finger (You have now completed self- reflexology massage on the right little finger)

Next begin to work on your right ring finger. Follow the above directions. Remember to count to 10 with each pull and to the count of 10 with each

Again, begin at the base of the finger and follow the same two-step pull-push pattern. Complete the reflexology on every finger and thumb of the right hand. Now, repeat this self-reflexology massage on the fingers and thumb of your left hand using the same two-step pull-push

This exercise is not as tedious as it sounds. You will be surprised by what you have accomplished so far. Check the reflexology hand chart from time to time. Remember: reflexology means releasing blocked energy in energy pathways of the body. These 12 pathways connect to all of the organs, glands and tissues and culminate in the hands and feet. These pathways should not be blocked if we wish to enjoy vibrant good

So far you have worked only on the fingers of both hands. Now you will do reflexology on the right palm with the left

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