Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God

BOOK: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God
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of a Dragon God











Book three of the Dragon Lord Series

By Barry A. Gibbons




Wrath of a Dragon God

Book three of the Dragon Lord series



Barry A. Gibbons




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drew in a deep breath, savoring the taste of fresh air after untold eons. It had been hundreds of centuries since he had chosen to leave his place among the heavens, where he watched over his children with all seeing eyes, but recent events had unfolded that needed his
full attention, forcing him to return to the world that he had left to his
children so long ago.

exhaled heavily. It was because of his children that he had returned. He had watched as many of them were slaughtered while childishly fighting amongst themselves, until one brood was finally defeated by the other, and was subsequently banished from the world, never to rise again.

snarled, causing twin curls of smoke to drift up from his nostrils. The decision to accept the oath and banish his children was not an easy one to make, but in the end, he had decided that they would be far better off banished, rather than killed off one by one. He accepted the oath, and cast the entire brood down into the depths of the earth where they would remain in a semi-permanent hibernation until the end of time.

With the brood's banishment,
his remaining children flourished and spread throughout the world. The centuries rolled by without incident, until a new plague enveloped the land. Humans. The elves and the dwarves had learned to dwell along side of his children, but the humans seemed completely incapable of living in peace with anyone, including themselves. He had been forced to watch as the world erupted into turmoil, and a number of his children fell to the blades of men.

he chose to remain aloof from the chaos, allowing everything to play out as it may, trusting in the knowledge that his children were still the most dominant species in the world. The years continued to roll by, and the humans continued to be a nuisance, but after a number of fatal confrontations with
his children, they decided that their efforts would be better spent harassing the others races, and began avoiding his
children altogether.

Then one day
he looked down upon the world and saw that a new race had been spawned. A corrupted race, born from the blood of his children. Dragonspawn. Created by a human sorcerer, and perverted by magic, these dragonspawn soon looked to him as their god. At first, he spurned the prayers of these corrupted beasts, despising the fact that they were the result of a human's work. But after a time, he
realized that at their core, they were still in some small way his children. He finally relented, and looked down upon his new children with favor.

The eons passed
and he
was pleased. His new children spread across the land, driving off many of the humans that had infested nearly every corner of the world. The humans were no real match for his new children, and they were soon driven out of the wild lands to dwell in the open areas of the world, where they constructed cities and cultivated the lands to suit their needs.

Everything was as it should be, and
he was content, until the fateful day that he
looked down to find no sign of his
true children anywhere in the world below, and though he looked for hundreds of years, he could not find any trace of them anywhere.

only a few years earlier, his children reemerged into the world once more, controlled by a mythical sword which was wielded by a man unlike any other that had lived before. This human had the blood of dragons flowing in his veins, linking him to the great serpents like no other human before him. He watched the human with great interest, seeing within him a glimmer of something truly great.

Then the
human did something that surprised even him. The man released his children to live free once more. This act pleased him greatly. What did
please him
was the fact that when the human released them from their prison, he also somehow managed to release the banished brood from
imprisonment, allowing them to enter the world once more.

had been livid that the brood had managed to cheat their fates, slipping the bonds of their oaths to reemerge once again into the world that had cast them out. Even though his anger knew no bounds, he refrained from interfering, and allowed his children to remain free, unwilling to banish from the world again.

taying true to their character, the brood renewed their war against their brethren, the scarlet dragons, throwing the entire world into chaos once more as they began to spread the seeds of destruction throughout the land.

It was then that the human surprised
him once again by tracking down the brood and releasing their brethren upon them. Many of the brood had been slaughtered in the following mayhem, and the rest were scattered to the four winds, finding refuge in only the most remote areas of the world.

watched this strange human with a calculating gaze. This man had faced the entire brood,
had emerged victorious! Instead of being furious, he had been intrigued. This man, a man with the blood dragons in his veins, had managed to do something that he would have never dreamed possible!

Then a unique opportunity suddenly presented itself. This dragon
man produced an offspring. An infant girl unlike any born before. With her birth, he saw a chance to bring about a new reign to the world that he had left behind so long ago. He reluctantly left his place among the heavens above, and returned to the world once more, ready to put his plans into motion.

he stood at the edge of a cliff, staring out over the vast ocean that separated him from his unknowing quarry. This child shall help him
give birth to an entirely new race of serpents, stronger and more powerful than any before, and his children would once again hold dominance over the world that had once belonged to them.

drew in another breath of the sweet air, then turned and disappeared into the shadows. He would need to call upon the aid of those who he could trust to help carry out his plans, including several that he
would had never called upon otherwise. But his
plans were far too important for him to allow his distaste to color his
judgment. He would call upon those he
would need, and they will help him, or he
shall destroy them.

Chapter 1



The huge smoky grey warhorse slowly emerged from the darkness, its hooves scarcely making a sound as it trotted through the drizzling rain towards the gates of the mountain city of Sevria. Its rider, an enormous figure wrapped in a long hooded cloak, nudged the great shaggy beast forward and guided it towards the open gates, which was located in between a pair of massive dragon skulls that had been mounted on the enormous battlements that surrounded the city.

"Halt!" One of the soldiers
that guarded the gate commanded, rushing forward to block the rider's advance. "Identify yourself!"

The huge figure reined in the shaggy warhorse,
then reached up and lowered his hood. "It's me. Captain." The huge man answered with a friendly smile.

"Lord Omensent!" The captain exclaimed in surprise. "We weren't expecting you until morning!"

The enormous man slid down from his saddle, and stood towering over the tallest soldier by nearly two feet. "I didn't feel like hanging around Sierra any longer than I really had to." He made a face, which was exaggerated by the thick ridge of dark red scales that grew across his brow and stretched back to each temple on either side of his head. "I don't think I could have taken another second of listening to those merchants whine about paying their taxes."

"That's what merchants do best, milord." The captain laughed. "Not a week goes by that we don't
catch some merchant trying to sneak out of town without paying his fees."

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