Read On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: #Romance
Jazz flushed with pleasure and nodded. “I’d be thrilled to teach here, Mr. Remington. I could set up an impromptu class tomorrow if you like? Since I’m currently your guest, I’d feel like I was as least earning my room and board.”
“Not until after we have your situation settled. You’ve hired us to protect you. You don’t need to earn anything.” Remington’s slate-gray glance moved from Jazz to Jase. “How is that situation going, Waters?”
“I took Tara and Val to recon Miss Master’s house, and we’ve identified areas where security can be improved. Jake will be getting a copy of the report so he can start making upgrades.” He glanced down at Jazz and wished there was a kinder way to tell her what they’d found.
“They’ve been on your property, Miss Masters. We found evidence of two separate incursions. There may have been other visits, but the rain’s wiped out their tracks.”
“On my property?” The smile faded from her face and Jazz paled slightly as she absorbed the news.
“I’m afraid so. They haven’t gotten into the house, though, and we’ll make sure they never do.” His hand itched to reach out for her, but he knew Remington wouldn’t approve. Paladin’s owner had a very strict rule about fraternizing with clients. He didn’t believe it was fair. They were in danger and vulnerable, and that meant it was no time to flirt. Until today, Jase had agreed with him, but not anymore.
Jazz took a deep breath and then asked the question Jase had been waiting for. “Which types of tracks did you find?”
“Types?” Remington arched an eyebrow and looked at Jase. “Is there something you’d like to tell me about this case?”
Before Jase could open his mouth, Jazz delivered the news. “I’m being hunted by werewolves, Mr. Remington.”
To his credit, Remington didn’t bat an eye at that announcement. “I see. Well, that explains your question.” He looked at Jase expectantly. “So, what sort of tracks were there?”
“There were both types present, wolf and barefooted human.”
“So they’re getting braver.” Jazz sighed. “If I had gone home last night…”
“You didn’t. That’s all that matters. You listened to your instincts, and you’re fine. Better than fine, you have us to protect you now.” Jase didn’t want her dwelling on what might have been. It was an emotional trap that would only make things worse.
“I’m looking forward to reading the full report on this case. I trust one will be on my desk shortly. Won’t it, Waters?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Excellent. Then I just have one more question for Miss Masters. Why are you being hunted by werewolves?”
Jazz gave Remington an innocent smile, and Jase had to bite back a snicker as she replied sweetly, “Because, Mr. Remington, I’m one, too. I can only guess they are looking to add to their numbers.”
“Right, then. Now I’m really looking forward to that report.” He nodded to Jazz and turned on his heel and left.
The moment he was out the door, Jase doubled over with laughter. “You have no idea. God, that was the closest I have ever seen him to being speechless!”
“I thought he took it pretty well. Considering.”
Jase finally got himself under control and straightened up, though he was still snickering slightly despite his best efforts. “He’s hard to read, but trust me. You got to him. Sin will be sorry he missed it.”
As his amusement faded, he remembered the scene he’d walked into when he’d finally tracked her down. “Now, care to explain to me why you didn’t tell me the truth about what you do for a living? Or where you learned to fight like that?”
“I did too tell you the truth. I run my own business. Jazz’s Gym.”
Jazz? Your gyms are all over the West Coast!” Lights were going on in Jase’s brain now. “Your gyms are girls-only and specialize in fitness and self-defense. I’ve seen the ads. Some of the guys have sent their wives and girlfriends there to learn how to protect themselves. Now it’s all making sense.” He shook a finger at her. “You could have mentioned it instead of leaving me to discover on my own that your house is a fucking mansion. I tried to tell the driver she had the wrong address!”
“Sorry.” She hung her head, and he realized he’d hit a nerve. “When people find out who I am, they act differently. I just have gotten into the habit of deflecting those sorts of questions.”
He couldn’t help himself. He stepped in close and folded her into his arms until his chin was resting on the top of her bowed head. “Sweetheart, I’m okay with the fact you’re a werewolf, so I think you could have given me a little credit and assumed I could handle the fact you make more money than me.”
He heard her giggle slightly, the sound muffled by his shirt. “You might have a point there.”
“Mhmm.” Temptation sang to him, and he lowered his head to brush a kiss over the curve of her ear.
“If you’re going to keep doing that, there’s something I need to tell you, Jase.”
“I can pretty much guarantee that I am going to keep doing this unless you tell me to stop.” He blew a puff of air across her ear and felt her shiver in response.
“I haven’t dated very much,” she murmured, her face still pressed against his chest.
“No? I find that hard to believe. You’re beautiful, Jazz. What man wouldn’t want to ask you out?”
“Oh, they ask.” Her breath fanned across his chest, warming it even through his shirt. “I’ve never said yes.”
“Never?” He couldn’t keep the shock out of his voice. “What about before the attack?”
“A few movie dates and school dances. That’s it,” she confessed quietly. “I’ve been too afraid. What if something happened and I got scared or angry? Strong feelings weaken my control.
strong feelings. I can’t risk hurting someone else.”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s not much of a life.” He couldn’t believe this vibrant woman had kept herself walled off from the world for more than ten years. It was such a waste.
“It beats the alternative,” she argued. “What if I hurt someone? What if I killed them? I couldn’t live with myself.”
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Not on my watch.” His brain was already buzzing along, formulating a plan. “And that includes letting you hurt anyone else. I promise you’ll be safe with me. And since you’re going to be safe, I am going to take you out for dinner.”
She peeked up at him them, her amber eyes wary. “To the cafeteria?”
“No, sweetheart. I think I can do a little better than that for your first date.”
“Date? But I don’t have anything to wear!” She leaned back and gave him a wild-eyed look.
“You’re adorable when you get all worried like that. Your things are in your room. I dropped them off earlier. Judging by weight of the suitcase they packed for you, you have plenty of clothes to choose from.” He gave her a hug and then let her go with some reluctance. He was already getting to like the way she fit into his arms. He had no doubt that they’d fit together perfectly in every way, and his imagination was already indulging in vision after vision of all the ways he wanted to prove it. His groin ached as blood surged to his cock.
Dinner, we’re just going to dinner.
“You promise me it’ll be all right?” She looked up at him, so hopeful it actually made his heart ache for her. She deserved a rich life. And Jase was determined to find a way to give it to her.
Chapter 4
She was still damp from her shower and her hair was dripping water onto the carpet as she tore through the suitcase of clothes that had been packed for her. Most of the contents were practical. An assortment of jeans, T-shirts, socks, and underwear. She lifted up a racy concoction of red-and-black lace and blushed. She had forgotten she even owned them. They’d been a spur-of-the-moment purchase, and she’d never had the nerve to go back to the store and return them or the matching bra. She put both aside and kept looking. She needed something to wear tonight, and jeans weren’t going to do it. Her fingers touched something soft, and she reached in, pulling out the answer to her prayers. She’d have to thank Val and Tara later. In amongst the practical assortment of clothing, one of them had thought to include her favorite little-black-dress. She nearly crowed with glee when she fished out a pair of black leather heels she’d bought to go with it
You can do this,
she told herself as she laid out the dress on the bed and headed back to the bathroom to do battle with her hair.
She was just stepping into her shoes when there was a knock on her door. The sound corresponded to the explosion of butterflies that suddenly filled her stomach.
It’s just dinner
Deep in her psyche, her darker nature stirred. There was something about Jase that attracted them both, the person and the monster. She wasn’t sure what it meant, but he was the first man she’d ever said yes to. The first one she didn’t have to lie to.
She opened the door, and nearly forgot how to breathe as she drank in the sexy image he cut as he stepped into her doorway. He was dressed in a striped dress shirt, dark green tie, and a charcoal-gray leather bomber-jacket that accentuated the width of his shoulders.
She managed to meet his gaze and was gratified by the heat that flared in his eyes as he looked her up and down. “You look amazing.” Jase gave her a smile that made her toes tingle. He stepped into the room and produced a bouquet of pink roses from behind his back. “For you.”
“You got me flowers?” She stared at him and then at the roses, stunned.
“It’s a date. Guys are supposed to bring flowers on dates, aren’t they?” He was laughing as he produced a glass vase in his other hand and presented them both to her.
“I suppose so.” She took both items and filled the vase with water from the bathroom sink before arranging the roses. She stepped back to admire them and startled as she backed right into Jase.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
“I meant for you to.” His voice was a husky whisper near her ear. She felt strong arms curve around her waist, and she squirmed slightly, painfully aware of every one of her extra pounds.
“I’ve finally got you all to myself, and as much as I want to take you out to dinner, there’s something I need to do first.”
Her heart beat faster, and she fought to breathe.
Calm, I have to stay calm.
His breath whispered over the nape of her neck, which was exposed by the simple French twist she’d styled her hair into. “Shh, sweetheart, I just want to enjoy this moment.” His lips brushed along her hairline and a frisson of arousal washed over her. Her pulse raced, and a shimmer of molten heat coursed through her body and wound itself around her heart. She could feel him, lean and powerful as he pressed his body against hers. He wanted her. She could feel how much as the hard ridge of his cock was trapped between them. He kissed his way to her ear, and she felt a jolt of sexual energy spark as he nibbled gently on her earlobe. She quivered at the touch, and then his hands were on her hips and he was coaxing her to turn around and face him.
She followed his silent instructions, turning within the circle of his arms. As she tipped her head up to look at him, she found herself staring into his smiling eyes and the world just fell away. For the first time in her life, both parts of her wanted the same thing, and she reached up to wrap her arms around Jase’s shoulders. His head bowed down to kiss her, and she stood on her toes to meet him halfway. This time his kiss wasn’t gentle or fleeting. His lips slanted over hers with a possessive hunger that stole the breath from her lungs.
She felt the tip of his tongue tease at her lips, and she parted them, instinctively knowing what he needed. The kiss deepened, and his hands splayed across her back, holding her tight to his chest as his tongue slipped into her mouth and tangled with hers. He tasted of cinnamon breath mints, and his short hair was surprisingly soft to the touch. She realized that she had her hands in his hair and she was standing on her toes to get closer to him. She tried to slow down, but something inside her growled in refusal, and she found herself nipping at his lower lip instead. The growl sounded again, and this time she realized with horror that it was real. The sound was coming from her.
“Jason, we have to stop!” she gasped and pushed him away. She sent him staggering back half a yard as she used more strength than she had intended. Panting, she fought to calm herself as she struggled to cage the beast again. Once she was calm, she looked up at him, expecting to see fear or revulsion. Instead, he was smiling and there were sparks of desire still glittering in his eyes.