Read On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: #Romance
She squirmed closer and he grinned to himself as he felt her thighs part further in invitation, encouraging him. “You taste so good, sweetheart. I think I’m going to have you for breakfast.”
She leaned back, bracing herself on her arms as she rocked her hips off the edge of the pool. “You’re talking too much.”
“What happened to the sweet little virgin I knew?” He laughed into the soft skin of her stomach and then ran his tongue around the edge of her navel, making her gasp.
“She got seduced by a sexy, smooth-talking helicopter pilot, and now she’s as bad as he is.”
“Lucky man.” Jase nuzzled his way down to her pussy and paused to blow across her wet skin. The scent of her arousal perfumed the air and he drew in a lungful. His wolf rumbled in approval somewhere in the back of his mind. They’d both learned that the scent and touch of their mate helped calm the darker half of their natures and that discovery had turned into the perfect excuse for getting to touch Jazz as often as he wished.
He reached for her calves and draped them over his shoulders as he crouched in the water, the cool liquid doing nothing to quench the fire that flared inside him as he watched her legs part to reveal the gleaming inner lips of her pussy. He heard himself groan as he dove into her folds.
He swirled his tongue around her clit and felt her shudder, her hips rising up off the deck once more to grind against his mouth. He slid a finger deep into her pussy and she mewled in pleasure. A fresh wash of honey flowed over his fingers and he added a second digit to the first, teasing her as he kept lapping at her clit.
He felt her tense and then she leaned further back, sliding her ass off the edge so she could lever herself against his face.
“Make me come, Jase! Stop teasing me!”
He let her feel his laughter vibrate around her clit as he kept up his relentless teasing, pushing her to the edge. Her legs were quivering and her body was taut as a bowstring when he finally brought her over. He drew her clit into his mouth and sucked hard as she screamed and came, the walls of her pussy clenching tight around his fingers.
Without waiting for her to recover or even catch her breath, he scooped her back into his arms and headed for the secluded grotto at the far end of the pool.
He ducked them both under the waterfall and into the dimly lit cavern behind it, finding the bench by feel before sitting down and drawing her into his lap. Her legs parted at his touch, and he helped her to keep her balance as she straddled his thighs beneath the water. Her breasts bobbed, and he leaned down to suck at one pert nipple, earning him a mewling sigh of pleasure.
“I want you,” she whispered and leaned back, offering her body up as a feast. Hunger slammed through him again, and he drew her flesh deeper into his mouth, his fingers working at one tight peak as he laved and nibbled at the other.
“And you’ll have me, very soon,” he promised as he lifted his head to capture her lips with a kiss. Her lips tasted of papaya and as he kissed her, he slowed everything down. This was going to be one of those moments they would always remember, and he wanted it to be perfect.
Her slender fingers wrapped themselves around his dick and he groaned as she stroked him, enjoying himself as the warmth of her hand and the slide of wet skin combined to make him even harder. He reached down and cupped her pussy in his hand, teasing her with his fingertips as he traced the seam of her labia without entering. The rumbling growl of her wolf told him he had her on the edge of her control, and he laughed as he kissed her. In the weeks since the attack, they’d spent hours learning more about the primal wolf that was now part of both their natures. They still had a lot to learn, but transformations came easier and the wolf was no longer something Jazz feared. Even the pain of changing had lessened, though the exhaustion always came after they had changed back to human form.
He slid a single digit inside and flicked at her clit lightly, enjoying the way her grip tightened around his cock as he touched her. She gasped and he moved deeper, penetrating her with his fingers. His thumb found the delicate bundle of nerves within her pussy and pressed down, making her buck against his hand. Her teeth nipped at his lower lip and lust spiked through him, hot and hard.
“I love you,” he whispered into the sweet cavern of her mouth, and she moaned a wordless response. “Wolf got your tongue?”
She snarled and bit his lip again, squirming in his lap so that her pussy ground against his questing fingers.
“Love you, too,” she murmured as she broke their kiss to draw a ragged breath into her lungs. “But right now I need you, so much.” She dipped her head and ran her tongue up the side of his neck. “Please, Jase.”
“See what a good idea I had?” He stroked her clit one last time before releasing her pussy. He shifted his hands to her hips and picked her up easily, turning her around so that she was facing away from him.
She let her thighs fall open as he drew her down onto his aching cock, spearing it deep into her heated pussy and then stopping.
She groaned and twisted in his hands, but he held her steady, not letting her gain another inch.
“Tell me this was a good idea, and then you can have me.”
“You had a very good idea.” She wriggled again, and he bit back a groan at the pleasure that shot through him as she twisted her body around his cock. “Now will you
fuck me?”
“With pleasure.” He drew her down as he brought his hips up, plunging the rest of the way inside.
The cool wash of the water made her pussy that much hotter, and Jase had to fight back the urge to howl at the intense pleasure that spiralled through him.
“You’re mine,” he told her as he started rocking his hips back and forth in a rhythm just a half beat slower than he knew she wanted it.
“And you are mine.” She braced herself above him, hands wrapped around his wrists as she turned and kissed him hard. The motion of their bodies sent the water in the grotto sloshing into the walls as it swirled around them. Jase tightened his grip on her hips and started moving faster, pounding into her with his newfound strength. He was so strong now that he knew no one but Jazz would be able to handle him when he truly let himself go. They were made for each other. Both of them perfectly matched for a lifetime of loving and fighting and protecting each other.
He held back his own release until after she came apart in his arms, her cries echoing inside the small chamber. With her velvety heat pulsing around him, he finally relinquished control and slid into an orgasm that overrode his senses.
In the aftermath of their lovemaking, she leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder, her hand once again on the newly rounded curve of her tummy.
“I’m almost sorry we have to go back soon,” she murmured and tipped her head up to smile at him.
“Me, too. Part of me is tempted to e-mail my resignation, declare myself a kept man, and stay here forever.”
She laughed and patted her stomach. “I think I’d prefer to have this baby back home, thank you. Talented as you are, I suspect you’d make a lousy midwife.”
“Not to mention the fact we still haven’t told anyone you’re pregnant. I can’t wait to see Sin’s face when he finds out I’m going to be a daddy.”
“He’ll likely need a beer to recover from the shock. I know I would have liked one.” She snuggled into his arms with a contented sigh that gladdened his heart.
“My best friend is going to need more than a beer when he remembers that our condition is inherited. Our babe is going to be a big, bad wolf one day, sweetheart.”
“No child of ours is going to be bad,” she corrected him gently. “We’re going to raise them to understand what they are, and how to live with their wolves. Besides, they won’t grow into their powers until they are almost done puberty. We’ve got sixteen years or so to figure out how to deal with a teenager who can sprout fur and fangs. Hopefully by then we’ve got our own wolves well and truly under control.”
“You’re already under control, Jazz. You haven’t changed once in the last month. Not even partially.”
“I did too! The night of the last full moon.”
His cock twitched at the memory of that night. “Well, that doesn’t count. And we didn’t stay that way for long. Who knew that the fastest way to stop a full-moon shift was to have mind shatteringly good sex?”
“It was good, wasn’t it?”
“Every time with you is good. We were made to do that together.”
“I still can’t believe you knocked me up that first night.”
“It was either that night or right after we rescued you. I vote we tell everyone
was when it happened, just so Sin can go the rest of his life believing he was an involuntary witness to our son’s conception.”
“Or our daughter’s.” She giggled at the thought. “You really are a very bad man.”
“Of course I am. I keep telling you that, sweetheart. You really have to start listening to me.”
Susan lives out on the Canadian west coast surrounded by open water, dear family, and good friends. She’s jumped out of perfectly good airplanes on purpose and had lunch next to the queen of Denmark by accident. She’s worked for local law enforcement, been a freelance wordsmith, and bakes what she claims are the world’s best double-chocolate-and-caramel brownies. She’s passionately in love with the written word (and a few of her more hunky creations). Writing is her joy, her escape from reality, and the only way she knows of to quiet the nagging harridan of a muse she claims the universe assigned to her.
For all titles by Susan Hayes, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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