On the Mountain (27 page)

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Authors: Peggy Ann Craig

BOOK: On the Mountain
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“Where the hell is Anna?”  Wade growled under his breath as he searched for the second time in the livery.  Most of the ranch hands had already unsaddled their horses, fed them and had them settled for the night when he finally returned from the stock exchange.

Prescott looked up from brushing his horse and frowned at Wade.  “I don’t know.  Perhaps she already went up to the saloon.”

Wade gave his brother a look that sincerely doubted as much then spotted Kim Whong placing some kitchen supplies in a cold box.  “Kim?”

The Chinese man looked up from his task as Wade approached.

“Where did An—the boy go after you got back from the trail?”

He shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated manner and spoke some words in Chinese that made absolutely no sense to Wade.  He sighed and walked away.  Hell, this was the last thing he needed.  It seemed he lost her more times than not whenever they went into town.  In the future, he made a mental note to keep Anna planted firmly on the ranch.

He left the livery and headed for the dance hall and saloon.  Maybe Prescott was right.  Maybe one of the ranch hands had brought her up there.  The town was large and the building was at the far end, but Wade made good time with his long strides.  The place was much bigger than the saloon in Lantern.  It was buzzing with activity as he entered and he thought that if she were in there, he probably wouldn’t be able to spot her out of the crowd.

Two long bars ran down the center and a stage with dancing ladies rounded off the back of the dance hall.  The top floor was visible as its railings ran the entire length of the establishment along all four walls.  He gave both floors a sweep and spotted no one remarkably close to looking like Anna.  A frown tugged on his brow and he felt the first trigger of apprehension.

Running a hand along the back of his neck, he fought the feeling of unbelievable tiredness.  He hadn’t been sleeping much for the past four nights.  Most of it he had laid wide awake next to her.  Truthfully, his only thought was to ensure her safety and if he was asleep he couldn’t do that.  However, as he sat there watching her sleeping so peacefully and looking so innocent something strange began to affect him.  He knew it was dangerous and he really should have turned around and gone to sleep, but to his dismay all he could do was sit and watch.  Then look what happened.  The minute he took his eyes off her, she was gone.  He cursed and searched some more.

“Looking for me, handsome?”

A seductive voice spoke to him from behind and Wade turned to see a beautiful woman with long and shiny blond curls standing directly behind him.  She wore a low cleavage dress and reeked of cheap perfume.

“If things were going my way, I probably would be.”  He admitted and allowed his eyes to drop to the half exposed breasts.  A male response stirred in his pants reminding him how long it was since he last lay in bed with a woman.  An image of Anna lying next to him as she slept came to mind and Wade angrily brushed it aside.  “I’m looking for a boy.”

The woman’s brows shot high.  “Kinky.  But not necessarily unheard of.  We get all sorts of type in here.”

Wade didn’t have the patience for this and sighed heavily.  “He’s small, about this height, with dark hair and brown eyes.  Have you seen him?”

She shook her head.  “No, but if you want I’ll keep my eye open and when he comes in I’ll be sure to book the three of us a room.”

“I’d appreciate it if you just watched for him.”  Purposely ignoring her comment regarding a threesome.

Thankfully, he spotted Joe and excused himself from the woman to head over in that direction.  “Have you seen the boy?”

A saloon woman was hanging all over him and he barely acknowledged Wade, but he did offer him a funny grin as the woman licked him in an unusual spot.  “Nope, can’t say that I have.”

He eyed his foreman and wondered what his new lady friend would think if she saw him now, but somehow, Wade seriously doubted the man cared less.  “Do me a favor.  Find the other men and ask them if he came in with any of them.”

Joe gave him a look from under his brow that said he wasn’t too pleased with the task, but pushed himself off his stool nevertheless.  “Come on sugar, you can keep me company.”

As he watched him leave, Wade placed his hands on his hips and took another look around the saloon.  Nothing.  His annoyance was beginning turn in to panic.  Where the hell was she?

Chapter 17

Anna looked outside the tavern’s entrance and noticed it was completely pitch black outside.  Only a handful of customers had come in and none of them were Wade.  She sighed with disappointment and turned back to the dishes she was collecting from an empty table.  Not that she expected him to come looking for her, but she had certainly hoped he would.  It had been several hours now since their arrival in Kamloops and she had thought at the least he would wonder where she had gone to.  If anything, Anna felt guilty that she hadn’t let him know where she was and that she would not be returning to the Circle H.

She brought her bucket of dishes into the back room where Ralph’s wife was busy cleaning dishes.  The couple were nice to Anna.  In particular, Mrs. Ashcroft.  While Anna’s clothing were being washed and dried she had provided her with a clean set of clothing that once belonged to their son who had long grown and moved on.  Anna felt less guilty knowing the clothes were no longer being used.  When she spoke her voice was cheerful and made Anna feel that much more welcome.  Her cooking was hearty and filled her empty insides up quickly so that by five o’clock Anna was ready to work for Mr. Ashcroft.

Admittedly, she was worn out from being out on the trail all day long and craved a soft and comfortable bed to rest her head.  However, she had to start to think of survival.  There was no time for rest and relaxation for Anna.

She had just stepped back out of the kitchen and into the bar when she realized the establishment had just doubled the size of clientele.  Five of the ranch hands wandered in slowly and looked about.  She prayed they would simply acknowledge her with a nod of the head and be on their way, since it was apparent there were no female entertainment in that particular saloon.  Then, when one of them spotted her, he swiftly ran back outside.

“He’s in here, boss,” he shouted down the street and Anna had an urge to turn and run.

Their presence caught Mr. Ashcroft’s attention. “What can I get you boys tonight?”

“We ain’t here for a drink.  We just lookin’ for someone.”  One of them explained then pointed at Anna.  “Him.”

“Hell, kid, you just about ruined everyone’s night.”  Neil told her as he approached her with an annoyed grimace.  “Boss wouldn’t let us off until we tracked ya down.”

Anna felt stunned, then turned bright red as a tall and burly cowboy came bursting into the small saloon.  His blue eyes scanned the room before narrowing in on Anna.  At first a look of relief filled them, then just as quickly turned to anger.  She immediately took a step back when he made his way toward her.

“Where the devil have you been?”

Anna bit her bottom lip and shriveled away.

“What’s going on here?”  Ralph Ashcroft came from behind the bar to stand between Anna and Wade.  He was much smaller and much older, but Anna had to give him credit for standing up against a force as obvious as Wade Haddock.

Wade’s glaring face turned from Anna to the man in front of her.  “This is a personal matter.  I’d appreciate you minding your own business.”

“Just hold on there, fellow,” he stated and held his ground.  “This here is my establishment.  What goes on in here, is my business.”

“Fair enough.”  He reached around him and seized Anna by the arm intent on dragging her outside.

“Whoa there, where do you think you’re going with my employer?”

Wade’s jaw dropped and his gaze shot back to Anna’s face.  “This here is one of my ranch hands.”

The man raised his brows, obviously surprised, but still refused to budge.  “Well, unless he’s done something criminal against you or your property I think the boy has the right to work wherever he wishes.”

“Not this case.”  Wade growled low and stared at Anna over the saloon owner’s shoulder.

“Look, mister, the boy came to me for work.  Just because he may have worked for you, doesn’t mean you own him.”

Wade took a deep steady breath and appeared to be trying to control his temper.  Some of the ranch hands shuffled their feet behind him.  “Hey, boss, since we found the kid, it all right if we head on back to the saloon?”

There was still rage in his eyes, but he took a moment to sound controlled as he said over his shoulder.  “Yes.”

As the men piled out of the small saloon another set of footsteps pounded the floorboards as Prescott made his entrance.  “Thank God, you found him.”

“Looks that way.”

Prescott advanced.  “We were so worried.  You shouldn’t have run off like that.”

The saloon owner frowned and studied the two brothers.  “You two seem awfully concerned for a simple ranch boy.”

Prescott gave a funny shrug of his shoulder.  “He isn’t just any ordinary ranch boy.”

Wade continued to glare at her over Mr. Ashcroft’s shoulder.  Under his breath, he told Prescott.  “Apparently, he didn’t want to be found.”

“That’s nonsense.  Peter, come along now.  We have a room booked for you.”  He gave her a knowing look.

Ralph Ashcroft frowned.  “Peter?  Who’s Peter?”

No one replied at first, then Prescott gestured toward Anna.

The man raised his brows and glanced over his shoulder.  “I thought you said your name was Wade?”

It was the first time since entering the tavern that Wade’s face eased from a raging inferno.  He finally took his gaze from Anna to glance at the owner.  “The boy told you his name was Wade?”

Anna felt her face go all red and avoided looking at him.

“Yes, is it not?”

His eyes shifted to her face.  “No.  Just the latest in disguises.”

The man frowned and at last turned to look at her.  “Did you lie to me boy?”

Wade took the opportunity to grab her by the shoulders and heave her up against his broad chest.  “Look, you can have it out with him later.  Right now, it’s my turn.”

Fear leaped to her eyes and she scolded herself foolishly for using his name.  Anger wasn’t a reaction she expected.  He dragged her out of the building and into the dark night, Prescott was directly behind them.

“What on earth is going on?  Why were you in there Anna?”  Prescott walked quickly to keep up with them.

Wade was not waiting.  Anna literally had to run in order to keep up with his long strides.  Her frantic glance shot back at Prescott and silently pleaded for his help.  She had never seen Wade look so angry.

Prescott caught her plea and attempted to soothe Wade’s heated anger.  “Wade, you need to calm down.”

“Like hell, I do,” he barked.

“The man was right, you don’t own her.  She can make her own decisions in life.”

Wade ignored him and dragged her up the few steps into the dance hall.

His brother hesitated, before following them up.  “I don’t think it is a good idea to bring her in—”

“Keep quiet Prescott.”

He sighed and replied, “There’s a room booked for her in the hotel.”

“I’m well aware of that.”  He dragged her to the back of the establishment and came to an abrupt halt in front of the stage.  He spun her around to face a chorus of ladies kicking their feet high in the air and showing off their knickers underneath.  “Is that what you want?”

She felt fear running up and down her spine and refused to look at the women on stage.

“Wade, please.”  Prescott tried again, but was ignored.

“Well, is it?”  He seized her by the shoulders and gave her a shake.  “Because that is the only job available to women in an establishment like the one you just came from.”

“Wade,” Prescott raised his voice, realizing they were beginning to draw an audience.

Anna began to shake and literally recoiled from his touch.

“How long do you think you could have kept up the charade?”  His eyes were glaring down at her.  “It didn’t take us long and it won’t take others long either.”

“Please, Wade, let’s take it to your room.”

His angry glance shot at his brother, but he sighed heavily noticing the people watching them.  Grabbing her arm, he turned to drag her to the staircase that led to the second floor.

“I’ll just go back to the saloon where we found her and try to settle things over that way.  She might have put in a few hours’ worth of work, but they also fed her, clothed her and allowed her to clean up.”

Anna shot a terrified look at him, not wanting to be left alone with Wade when he was this angry.  But Prescott had already left and Wade was dragging her up the stairs.  Instinctively, she reached for the banister and clung to it.  Feeling her resistance, he turned and snatched her hand away from her security clutch.  Then in one swoop lifted her into his arms and took two steps at a time until he reached his room where he kicked open the door and tossed her carelessly onto the bed.

“What the hell is the matter with you?”

Anna’s eyes grew wide with fear.  She scrambled quickly off the bed and tried to run for the door.

“Oh no you don’t.”  He reached around and captured her about the waist.  Anna strained against him, trying unsuccessfully to free herself from the iron-like band around her midsection.  A terrifying memory came flooding back.  She wanted to scream, but no sound came forthwith so she used the only weapon she had left.  Using her fists, she struck him over and over until he seized her wrists and pulled them tight behind her back.  She stood panting heavily as fear and terror shadowed her face.

Wade looked down and the anger instantly vanished.  “Calm down, Anna, I’m not going to hurt you.”

But she continued to struggle forcing him to pull her tight against his body.  With one hand he held her wrists tightly bound, with the other he reached up and drew her head against his chest.  “It’s all right.”

Her breathing came in deep, shallow spurts, but she felt his warmth embrace her as he closed his arms around her and held her close.  Against her ear she could hear the faint beat of his heart and Anna was struck with an urge to break into tears.  None came.  He stroked her hair and cooed soft words until, finally, she felt her breathing return to a normal course.

When Wade felt it as well, he cautiously released her wrists and gently held her away from him in order to look down into her face.  “What just happened?”

She shook her head, not wanting to remember that horrible recollection.

He reached up and stroked the side of her head, giving a loud sigh as he did.  “Hell, I must be a fool.”

Her eyes came up to meet his with a puzzled look, but he only shook his head as if to say never mind, then led her back to the bed to sit her down.  “Did you have a memory flash?”

She nodded and dropped her chin.

He was silent then asked, his voice sounding slightly harsh.  “Did my anger trigger it?”

Anna nodded, then heard him curse and shove off the bed.  “What an ass I am.”

She looked up and stared at his back.  So broad and full of strength.

“You must hate me,” he muttered and ran two angry hands through his hair.

Never, Anna thought.  She loved him with all her heart.

Turning around, she was to see his face looking both troubled and hurt.  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.  It was not my intention to scare you.  Hell, not that way.”

She thought of the women down on the stage and understood this last comment.  He came toward her and dropped down on his haunches, taking her hands into his.  “Why are you still frightened of me?”

Anna felt uneasy and turned her head away.  However, Wade captured her face between his two large hands forcing her to look at him.  “Why did you want to leave?”

His touch on her skin felt so warm and welcoming, and without thought Anna’s eyelids fluttered shut to savor the feel.  When she opened them again, he was staring into her face with the most peculiar look, but it was the first time Anna ever saw him appear so vulnerable.  Instinctively, she reached up and covered his hands with her own.  His brows quivered in confusion.  Her gaze dropped to those wonderfully shaped lips of his and noted how soft they seemed.  And close.  Unconsciously, she gravitated ever so slowly toward them.

“Anna,” he whispered in warning, but she leaned closer yet.

He was so near and his body only inches away, all Anna wanted was to melt back into his arms and feel his lips upon her.

However, he visibly arched away from her as she drew closer.  “Anna.  Stop.”

She froze, then blinked, confused.  Wade released her and got to his feet.  She heard him sigh, but was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.  “Let’s deal with one thing at a time.”

She kept her gaze downcast.

“There’s no sense my asking you any questions as you won’t be able to answer.”  He walked toward the window and looked out and down the street.  “Prescott is on his way back.”

He dropped his head and rubbed his forehead with the tips of his fingers.  “Look, Anna, I believe the best place for you is at the Circle H.  If you feel otherwise, I would sincerely be surprised.  If I’m not mistaken, you love that mountain as much as I do even with all the attached nightmares.”

Raising her arms she wrapped them around herself protectively, suddenly feeling very cold.

“If you got the message that either I or Prescott wanted you gone, then you got the wrong one,” he told her and drew her attention to his face.  He noticed her look and nodded his head in understanding.  “So that’s it?”

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