One Simple Memory

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Authors: Jean Kelso

BOOK: One Simple Memory
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Copyright © Jean Kelso

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.


One Simple Memory by Jean Kelso copyright 2014.


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Cover by Double J Book Graphics

Editing by Orzel Publishing

Formatting by Fancy Pants Book Formatting

ISBN-13: 978-1500887773

ISBN-10: 1500887773



I dedicate this book to my family, my mother, my sisters and my father whom is heaven watching over me, without you I would not be here. To my loving husband who supports me through thick and thin and to my kids, I love you all.


Warning: This book contains scenes of violence, sexual intimacy and foul language. Also may contain reference to guns, drugs and alcohol. This book is written in third person.

Ages 17+





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven



Thank you to my wonderful betas my Kinky Jems: Shannon, Tracey, Brittany, Amy, and Jessica. I appreciate you all more than you will ever know. We managed to do the hit and miss a lot in the group because of the time zones, but I thank you all for everything.

A special thank you goes out to Beth Michelle Luciano for taking the time out of her busy life of writing her own book to review mine. For the constant bugging you tolerated from me and for still being kind and supportive no matter what, you amaze me. For encouraging me and supporting me along the way.

To Casey at Fancy Pants Book Formatting, you rock. Thanks for everything. The support means the world to me.

To Measha at Orzel Publishing for your awesome job of editing. Thank you so much.

To Tonya at Double J Graphics I thank you so much for my amazing cover. And my FB cover. I gave you the gist of what I wanted and you delivered. Thanks so much.

To Rose Dewallvin you are da bomb girl. You accepted a fresh face into the indie world and helped spread my name. Anytime I needed something, you were there for me. To you and your blog, United Indie Book Blog, I thank you for taking the time for setting up my cover reveal, by book release and blog tour. You are an amazing woman and fellow writer. I am glad to have met you.

To Angie and Tammy for trying to keep me sane during editing. Thank you. You ladies are awesome.

To all the bloggers out there, thank you for taking the time in sharing my reveals, teasers and release. Without you, my name would not spread.

And to all indie author’s out there. I thank you for giving this girl the courage to do what she always wanted to do. The support I see each and every one of you give each other, it is just amazing. I hope one day I can be part of that special family.

Ten Years Ago…


It was a Friday afternoon when James Samos was called into Connor Green’s office. James headed to the office thinking they were going to discuss their weekly run, oblivious to the knowledge that Connor held in his hands.

James walked into the dimly lit office, which he had become fairly familiar with over the years. A big mahogany desk and chair sat in the far corner. The black leather furniture had faded, but still remained set in the opposite corner. Pictures of sailboats still hung on each wall, and the room smelled of stale smoke as it always has. James walked over taking a seat in the chair that was offered to him across from his boss.

Connor looked across the desk at James wearing a grim expression on his face. “Well James, it seems we have a situation.”

“A situation?” James swallowed deeply. His heart rate rose. By the look on Connor’s face, he knew this wasn’t going to be a simple meeting.

“It seems you have taken things that don’t belong to you, hmm?” Connor switched on the computer monitor that sat on his desk and turned it in James’s direction to show the low quality, grainy video feed of him stealing. Connor let it play over and over a few times to let it sink in.

James’s heart stopped for a moment, his breath caught, and then panic set in. Sweat began to develop on the back of his neck, his palms became clammy. He was caught. James thought immediately of his beautiful wife, Amelia and his sweet daughter, Jenn.

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