One Simple Memory (3 page)

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Authors: Jean Kelso

BOOK: One Simple Memory
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Sean leaned against the wall just outside the room, head in his hands frustrated about the whole situation. The questions she kept asking, the memories all just sitting right there. His job sucked.

Just thinking about it, he couldn’t believe he was following his father’s orders again. He didn’t know how much more he could take. Would he ever get out of his father’s grasp and live his own life? But, the right question was - would his father
him live?

His father had killed for lesser things. He should know. He had killed a man for him. That blood was on his hands. He’s hated every minute of his tasks, but he’d taken the abuse for so long. He tried to get away a few times, but his father sent his brothers after him every time. They would belittle him, abuse him and give him all of the grunt work, making him know his place.

While training to be an assassin, a drug smuggler and more, he lost all aspects of control in his life. He needed to get his life back, not just for him, but for his sanity. He wasn’t a little kid anymore. He was a man, and a man lived his own life, right?

As soon as he was old enough, control was removed from his life, and the beatings were constant reminders of who was. He had become so weak when it came to his father, and now taking this job, he felt trapped. He had hoped that his father’s anger would never reach her. Anyone but her. But, it was too late.

He was kicking himself for taking the job, for opening that file folder and agreeing to kidnap Jenn, his Jenn. He wasn’t sure how long he would be able to play his part in his father’s twisted game. He was thankful for the mask he wore, even though deep down he thought she would still recognize him. Jenn and he went way back, they had a history. To him, she was precious, always had been, and always would be.

Hurting her was the last thing he ever wanted to do. His father’s game was all for revenge.

It was always a live or die situation when it came to his father. Didn’t matter if you were his wife, son, or even his own mother, when shit hit the fan, the bodies piled up.

It had been three years since he last saw her face to face, and oh how he had missed her. He missed her smile, her laugh, and everything else about her. A full three years since he felt the life he was living was too dangerous for her to be around. He didn’t want to put her in arms way any more than he had already had. His father’s business was getting riskier by the day.

He’d watched her from a distance, hoping the past would never catch up to her. Even over the span of time, he couldn’t get her out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried. She had always been
little secret. The one he hid from his father. His decision to let her go was the safe one, or so he thought.

Jenn hadn’t changed much over the years, but she had matured beautifully. Full perky breast lay under her tiny tank top. Her hips begged to be held, and that gorgeous hair of hers had lengthened. The tight curls she wore as a child had softened into large winding locks down her back. Her eyes were brighter than he remembered. Bluer than any ocean, and they carried a secret.

It was that secret that brought her into the sick game his father had laid out for her. He only hoped he could keep his older brothers away from her. This was his mark. He took this job because he didn’t want to see any harm come to her. He hoped he could carry through with his plan. Dying wasn’t a welcomed option, but he wasn’t going to watch Jenn die either. The whole situation was a cluster fuck.

Sean’s family had power and money. They never had that when he was younger, but his father made sure to exploit it as he grew older. Drugs and guns were his father’s business. He didn’t want a part in it, but his father never gave him the option. Since his older brothers were already taking part in the trade, dear old dad felt that he should make it a family business. The day he agreed to join, not by choice, was the day Sean regretted it. And since that day, Sean’s father has controlled his life in every possible aspect.

Every woman Sean brought home, whether it was for a simple fuck or even just a basic friend, his father chased off at some point. He said they were never good enough. Accused them of being snitches, saying he couldn’t trust them around the business. Sean had become so frustrated with his life that he took to the gym and worked out his frustrations.

He was not a scrawny kid any more. He was a tall, well chiselled man now. He had even gone as far as getting tattoos and a nipple ring. He now had pecs women swooned over. His arms were so well formed that his shirts were tight around them. His thigh muscles were well defined. He was proud of what he had transformed his body into. It may have taken some time, but it wasn’t like he didn’t have it. He even got laser eye surgery to get rid of his glasses. This was one thing his father didn’t control, his body, his looks, with the exception of a bruise every now and then.

Sean pulled the mask off his face. Pushing himself away from the wall, he walked down the hall to the living room desperate for a drink. He had his orders, now to figure out what was next. Everything was laid out, plain and simple. He read the file, knew the job, and fucking hated it. Once he took in Jenn’s weeping form, and knowing what was in store for her, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to follow through with that plan. He needed to figure something out, and fast.

He told his father he could do the job, that he wouldn’t betray him. He got a beating as a warning. His father knew that he and Jenn had a past from attending the same schools, but he never how close they truly were.

When his father said that it was either he did this job right, or he was sending one of his brothers, he knew he had to do it. If one of his brothers were to complete the job, who knew what would happen to her. His brothers were complete narcissistic bastards. But for now, he had a part to play. Until the time came that he had a choice in the matter, he’d play the part to the best of his ability in front of her, and especially his father and brothers.



Punishment, she thought. What kind of god damn punishment was he talking about, what kind of trouble was she in? Shivers ran up her spine. After the man left the room, Jenn had nothing but time, she had nowhere she could go, no place to hide. So she lay on the bed, curled up with the pillow and prayed for answers.

Someone wanted her dead? Laying on a concrete slab in the morgue? She shuddered with the thought. Who the heck would want her dead? She was a lonely receptionist at an insurance office with no special skills. She knew how to file, answer phones and do data entry. Nothing exceptional there.

She grew up in the town she worked in, and she had never been in trouble with anyone. No speeding tickets, no parking tickets, she had never done wrong to any man she dated that she could remember. Not that she actually dated much. She had never back stabbed any of her friends, not that she really had many of them either. She kept to herself most days, she was a shy, quiet woman, always had been. She was not a recluse or a hermit, but wasn’t one to overly socialize with anyone.

She had gotten picked on when she was younger and all through her teens. She had never been able to break through that puny picket fence of shelter and grow a backbone strong enough to stand up for herself. Little by little, she was trying. Now would be the time that she could do it. Well, she hoped.

Nothing in her past helped to explain her kidnapping. She’d been a good girl her whole life. She didn’t have sex until she was twenty. She never felt comfortable enough with her body to do something so intimate.  And when she finally did feel good enough to do such a thing, that relationship didn’t last. The guy turned out to be a jackass. But she did get a gorgeous necklace from him, so that was a plus. There was only one other guy that had been in her life and that was Sean, her best friend. He had always been there for her. Until one day, he just wasn’t. Things changed so fast in that time. It had been just over three years ago. She thought they were going to be more than friends, well she really hoped. Things were leading up to it. She felt the chemistry between them, but then he just disappeared. Out to dinner and gone, no word since. Did this have anything to do with that? Her mind was running a mile a minute.

Wringing her fingers tight, she glanced around the room, wishing something would jump out to her to give her answers. Nothing did. She squeezed her eyes shut, and all she could see were those eyes. Mysterious, gray eyes, peering at her, through her, like they knew her, but they didn’t, did they? She could get lost in the depth of those eyes. They were dreamy eyes, but also vaguely familiar. She just couldn’t pick it out.

He told her she had to try and remember, but remember what? She tried to reach as far back in her memory as she could. Everything that might jump out at her to be a cause for this situation, was a dead end. She was a good kid, never got in trouble, no record, no problem with the police. The same thoughts tumbled through her mind over and over until she drew a blank.

She winced as the aura of a migraine hit. Her peripheral vision became blurred with twinkled stars, and nausea struck just like when she ate something wrong. The pain began in her forehead with a nagging stab, as if a screwdriver was slowly being driven through her skull. She took a deep breath and hoped it would not go full blown. At the moment, it was tolerable.

She had been getting migraines for years. With being abducted without her medication, she was going to have to suffer through it. And on top of it all, she had to pee. If only she was at home, she would be taking an Axert, a fast acting migraine medication, and some Gravol. She could ease the pain with a cup of peppermint tea and nap on her soft bed with an icepack on her neck.

Jenn eased up from the bed and slowly moved to the door. She knocked on it. If she pounded, she knew she’d regret it with her throbbing head as bad as it was already.

“I need to go the bathroom. Please….” She spoke as loud as she could tolerate. She leaned against the door. After a minute or two she heard footsteps. She stepped back and waited.

The door opened and there he stood, mask and all. “You need something?” He asked her with curiosity.

“I need the bathroom, please.” She whispered.

“I’ll take you, but only if you promise not to run.” He eyed her, opening the door further. “If you run, I will catch you.”

She looked him right in the eye and promised, “I will not run, I swear it.” But she was not sure if she was going to keep her word. Even though she was in too much pain to do anything except curl up and cry, she felt she needed to at least try to get away. She just needed to plan it for the right time. If the opportunity arose, she was taking it.

He escorted her by her arm and lower back, two doors down to a quaint little bathroom. It was small, but clean, with creamy beige walls, a small, round mirror hanging on the wall above the oval sink that sat in a beautiful mahogany vanity with white marble countertop. Next to the designer tub was a basic toilet. Between the toilet and tub, was a small window with a simple white curtain, but there was no way a body could fit through that window, bars and all.

She stepped into the room. He followed right behind her, so she stopped. “Can a girl get some privacy, please?” She breathed, afraid of what he may say. She looked back at him and hoped he would at least give her that little bit of dignity.

Glancing up and down her body, he smirked. “Don’t do anything that you will regret, hmm.” He turned and quietly shut the door behind him.

She knew he wouldn’t go far. She knew he didn’t trust her. He was probably just outside the door, so she had to be quick and quiet. While she emptied her bladder in the porcelain toilet, she darted her eyes around the room for objects she could use for her defense. She saw a hair brush, tooth brush, and toothpaste on the vanity. She quietly moved the shower curtain aside and noticed a bar soap and shampoo, but nothing that could help her. She finished and washed her hands. Once she was sorted, she opened the door to him standing right in front of her. He was casually leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom, legs crossed at the ankles, his hands sitting at the side of his body, just waiting. He was sporting an amused expression through the mask which she could only notice by the tiny crinkles he had at the corners of his eyes. He wasn’t even trying to hide his smirk. Even his eyes were full of amusement, and she had no idea why. She stepped forward, and he stepped away from the wall, moved toward her and proceeded to guide her back to the room.

He placed his hand on the small of her back while walking.

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