One Simple Memory (7 page)

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Authors: Jean Kelso

BOOK: One Simple Memory
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“How are you going to do that?” She questioned him. “You just told me if I run, he’ll find me.”

“I will not let you run alone. With me by your side, I will do my best to protect you. Plus, I was the one watching you the past few weeks. I am pretty sure there are none of his other men staking you out. But you need to know that once we run, both of our lives are on the line.” He shifted his jaw back and forth a couple times. “Can you handle that?”

“Up until you disappeared on me Sean, you were my absolute everything. Things are different now. You are different. I don’t know how much I can trust you, especially with my life.”

He walked over to her, reached out to her and grabbed for her hands. He was thankful she let him hold them. “Please, let me prove myself. Let me be that man again. I want to be that man again.” He begged.

“Okay, I will try.” She agreed with a little nod.

That made Sean breathe easier. Knowing that she was willing, made him get a move on. He had no idea what was going on in her head, but he was sure she would let him know when they had more time. He moved over to the dresser, picked up the knapsack from the floor and began to repack Jenn’s belongings. He grabbed the locket off the dresser top and admired it a moment before he put it in the bag. Lastly, he took the photo from the bed and put it in the bag as well. The only thing he left out was a pair of running shoes, a pair of dark blue jeans and shirt for her to put on. “Get dressed, we need to get out of here.” He told her zipping up the bag.

Everything was moving fast now that she had agreed to try. He turned away so she could dress.

Sean had the bag hung over his shoulder and headed out of the room once he noticed Jenn was ready. He went to his own room with Jenn traveling right behind. He grabbed a bag of his own and packed some clothes, a stash of cash and personal hygiene items. When she was not looking, he reached further in a dresser drawer and pulled out his gun and some extra ammo and quickly shoved it in his bag. He needed something else for protection besides his fists.  He grabbed his keys, cell phone and wallet, reached for her hand and they both jogged down the hall, and out of the house.

Once in the car, buckled in, both of them breathing heavily, Jenn spoke, “Where are we going?” She looked over at him.

“As far away from here as we can, I have some cash, and I’ll stop and take some money out before we leave town. I promise you, Jenn, I will do everything I can to keep you safe.” He looked over at her and smiled. He put the car in gear, put his foot down hard on the pedal and sped off.



They stopped at the nearest bank machine, and they both secured as much cash as they could.

“I have cash at my house.” Jenn stated. “Stop by there. The more we have, the better, right?”

Sean drove them there, and Jenn ran in. With a quick look over, she didn’t notice anything out of place, but she knew that her space had been invaded, and it still hurt her. She tried to shake the hurt feelings, she would get over it in time.

She gathered up all her change off of the counter and a large stash of cash she had in the back of her freezer. She left hoping it wasn’t going to be the last time she saw her humble home and returned to the car. She buckled her seat belt back up, and they drove off.

It was eleven at night, and they had been driving for about an hour. Jenn had no idea where they were going, but it seemed like Sean had a plan. She looked over at him. He was looking pretty tired, and so was she.

“Should we stop for the night?” She asked.

“Not yet, we aren’t far enough away, I don’t feel comfortable enough to do it.”

“But you look exhausted, Sean.” She reached her hand over and touched his shoulder.

He quickly looked over at her and smiled. Exhaustion clearly noticeable in his eyes. “Just a little further and we will stop.” He told her.

She noticed that Sean was checking the mirrors every few minutes, possibly to make sure they were not being followed. There were few other cars out at this time, but none were suspicious or followed them at any turn they made. This she knew because she was watching her mirror, too.

They drove for another hour, no signs of being followed. Sean pulled up to the next motel, and they got a room. It was on the ground floor for easy escape if they needed one. Sean grabbed the bags from the car, and they went to the room.

The room appeared old fashion in style and had a musty smell to go with it. It had muted brown walls that looked clean enough. The single queen sized bed had an old faded quilt on it, dark brown night stands on each side of the bed with yellow lamps with tassels, and a brown shag-like carpet with small stains on it. There was a small, rickety table with a small old television on it and just off to the right of that was a tiny bathroom that consisted of an off white pedestal sink, a matching style toilet covered with filth and a single stand up shower. Not a place to swoon over, but would do in a pinch.

Jenn looked around the room and took it all in. “One bed for the two of us?” She murmured.

“That was all they had left for the ground floor, sorry.” He tilted his head, set the bags down and sat on the end of the bed. “Did you want to shower before you go to sleep?”

“That would be great, thanks.” She took her bag and went to the small bathroom.

Jenn was pretty tired, so she didn’t take her time in the shower, she washed quickly, shampooing her hair, skipped the conditioner and got out. She towel dried and put on a pair of yellow flannel pajama pants she found in her bag and a white tank top. She brushed her teeth since she found her tooth brush and some paste in the bag and brushed her hair. She repacked her bag and went back out to join Sean in the room.

When she entered the room, Sean was sitting on the bed. He was watching the tiny television. Country music videos were playing. He was counting the money and singing along to the music with a low voice.

She set her bag down in a chair, alerting Sean she was in the room, and he stopped singing.

“Don’t let me interrupt you.” She giggled. “You were sounding pretty good.” She flirted. She was flirting, at a time like this. She supposed being around him stirred up old feelings without even trying.

“Feel better?” He looked up at her and asked.

“Very much, thank you.”

“I am going to go have a quick one, do you mind?” He got up from the bed and grabbed his bag.

“Have at it.” Waving him out of the room. She smiled as she walked over to the bed and sat down. Pulling her legs up, she laid down on her side and shut her eyes. Allowing sleep to take her, even if it was only for a few short hours.

She was just dozing off, when she felt a dip in the bed. She pretended to sleep. Her adrenaline rush was gone, fatigue was setting in. She didn’t really want to talk right then. She needed to process everything. She was mad at him for the situation they were in, but in a way understood too.

“Good night, my sweet Jenn.” He whispered into her ear. “Nothing I do or say can ever say how sorry I am for what is happening right now, but I will make it right. I promise you that.” He rolled back over.

Laying in such close proximity to Sean, Jenn’s old feelings for him really began to resurface. She started to get a little tingle inside, and memories arose when she closed her eyes. She had loved this man since she was eight years old. They had been through so much together. He was her rock, her heart, her world. But now at a time like this, after the years she had not seen or heard from him, here he was, the same man, but different. She tried to push the feelings aside, now was not the time to have the feelings of desire or want. It didn’t matter that he was spread out beside her, in the same bed with her, she had to shake these thoughts. Trying hard she had to fight herself from reaching out and touching him; stopping herself from rolling over and kissing him on the cheek. It didn’t matter that she was mad at him; she still felt what she felt and needed to rein it in. She closed her eyes tighter, thought of puppy dogs and butterflies. She really needed to get some sleep if she planned on getting through the next day.

She was warm, a little too warm. She opened her eyes to a bright room, it was morning. The air she breathed was not warm, but her body was. She glanced down at her body to see an arm wrapped around her torso. She followed that arm up to the owners face and noticed how peaceful Sean looked, asleep, curled up next to her, holding her. She had always longed for this, to be held by him. Being wrapped in his arms felt amazing, but now wasn’t the time. “Psst, Sean.” She tried to get his attention. She used her free arm, and reached over and poked his shoulder. “Sean, wake up.” Still nothing, so she tried to wiggle away from him, but she didn’t get far, every time she moved, he just pulled her back in close. That made her giggle.

“It’s been a long time since I have heard that.” Sean yawned, moved his arm, and stretched.

She giggled again because she couldn’t help herself. “It has been a long time since I have done it.” She smiled at him, and sat up in the bed now that she was free of him. “You had a hold of me and would not let me go. I poked you and still you wouldn’t let me go, and you just looked so damn cute when you were sleeping, I couldn’t contain myself.”

“I looked cute, did I?” He winked. “Since when does a grown man look cute?” He reached over for her, grabbed her by her arm and tugged. He pulled her down and started to tickle her.

She was laughing so hard, her side hurt. He remembered every spot to touch that got to her. He used to tickle her when they were younger, she used to love that. The laughter tears had started, her bladder was beginning to warn her. “Stop.” She shouted. “I have to pee.” And she tried to break free from his hold, but was having no luck. She was kicking, slapping, nothing was working. “Sean Michael Green, if you don’t stop right this minute I will piss my pants, damn it.” That made him stop. She got up and ran to the bathroom to relieve herself. She could hear him laughing behind her.

“Using full names is illegal Jennifer Amelia Samos.” He continued to laugh.

She yelled from the bathroom. “Well, did you want me to pee in my pants? I so would have, you know.” She was laughing in the bathroom. “I do remember the time you made me do it once. You were a big jerk that day.”

“Holy shit, you remember that.” He stopped laughing.

“How can I forget the day I pissed my pants in front of a boy? I was horrified. But you made it seem like nothing. Like it was ok. You were always there for me then.” She spoke as she walked from the bathroom. “I remember everything about us, you were my world, Sean. I was so mad when you left me.”

“I’m sorry, Jenn. I thought it was for the best. Can you ever forgive me?”

She stopped at the end of the bed and looked at him. “You have a few years to make up for, but I think with time, I might be able to forgive you. That is, if we survive your father.”


Sean was thankful that Jenn didn’t hate him for everything that was happening. He just hoped he could do as he promised. He would do everything he could to keep her safe, even if his own life was lost in the process, but he wouldn’t tell her that.

Sean knew they couldn’t stay at the motel. They had to get further away from Santa Monica, further away from his father. If they had any chance of surviving, they key goal was distance.

He walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around her, and he didn’t want to let go. “We need to get ready to hit the road.” He stepped back but didn’t release her. He kept his hands on her shoulders and looked down at her and grinned.

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