One Special Night (6 page)

Read One Special Night Online

Authors: Caridad Pineiro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #erotic romance, #new adult and college, #military romance, #adult contemporary romance, #new adult romance, #new adult erotic romance, #jersey shore

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Over and over she rolled them in her hands and then found a sensitive spot, judging from the way his body shook and he said, “I can't hold back anymore.”

She brushed her lips across his and said, “Then don't.
Love me, Tommy.
Let go.”

He did, wrapping his arms around her waist as he drove his hips in and out, his motions growing faster and rougher as he pushed them toward the edge again.

She hadn't thought it possible, but this climax punched through her with even greater force, making her knees like liquid and curling her toes.
She called out his name and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Kissed his face as he drove in one last time and shouted her name.

They stood there for long moments, breathless and shaking.
Sweating despite the chill of the air conditioning in the room.

As calm returned, the noises from the party outside filtered into the room, a reminder of where they were and what they were supposed to be doing.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his concerned gaze skipping over her features.

“Better than okay, Tommy,” she said, inched up on tiptoes and tangled her hand in his hair to keep him close as she danced her lips across his.
“So much better than okay,” she repeated, sensing his continued worry.

As she eased back, he pulled out of her, and jerked his head toward one side of the room.
“The bathroom is over there, so you can . . . you know . . .”

“Get straightened up,” she finished for him, scooped up her panties from the floor, and slipped away to freshen up and get herself in order again.

As she stood before the mirror, she almost didn't recognize the woman staring back at her.
Her lips were slightly swollen from his kisses and healthy color brightened her cheeks.
His evening beard had left a slight rash of pink along one side of her face and her hair was sexily tousled.

She looked alive, but more importantly, she felt alive.

She hadn't felt like that in a very long time.

But the logical part of her warned that what she had just done was crazy and thoughtless and could only bring her a world of misery.

She was damaged goods in more ways than one and once Tommy saw her real self, he'd be gone.
It wasn't just the scars on her body, it was the nightmares that came at unexpected times, day or night, and made her almost an animal from the fear.

Driving away the thoughts robbing her of the happiness she'd been experiencing just moments earlier, she yanked her panties back on, smoothed her dress down, and did what she could to finger brush her hair and cool the heat on her face.

When she exited the bathroom, Tommy was walking back into his room.
“I borrowed
bathroom,” he explained and strolled toward her.

“You each have your own bathroom?” In her small apartment, four of them and assorted cousins who seemed to always be visiting shared one very cramped and barely functional lavatory.

“My dad has a thing about bathrooms,” Tommy said with a grin.
“Don't ever interrupt him when he's in his reading room.”

She wasn't going to spend enough time with him to have to remember that, which sucked yet a little bit more happiness out of her.

Tommy cupped her jaw and tenderly pressed for her to meet his gaze.
“What's up, Jasmine?” he
all hints of playfulness gone.

“Nothing, Tommy,” she lied.
“We just need to get back before people notice we've been gone all this time.”

She had no doubt that he understood it was about way more than that, but thankfully he didn't push.
He took hold of her hand and twined his fingers with hers, his touch comforting.

At the door, he checked to see if anyone was around before they left his room and walked back toward the wedding reception.

There were fewer guests than there had been before, but the party was still going strong.
On the flagstone terrace, long tables were covered with pastries for a Venetian hour, complete with a barista making fancy coffee drinks for the guests.

“I hear your sweet tooth calling,” Tommy said as they stepped out onto the terrace.

“Don't you want any?” she asked.

“This is going to sound totally corny, but I'm not sure anything could be as sweet as you,” he said and she shot him a playful nudge.

“That is so totally corny, de Salvo,” she said, but it still kind of made her feel special to hear it.

“I see
looking this way and he doesn't seem too happy. Do you mind getting us some goodies while I try to find out what's up and fulfill my best man duties?”

“Not at all.
I'll meet you back at the table,” she said and watched him hurry in

He was right that
didn't look all too pleased.

She only hoped she wasn't the reason for that upset.






Chapter 6

Tommy hurried over to where
sat at the head table.
head was tucked close to
and his friend, and now brother-in-law, smiled at something his sister
said, but as soon as he looked his way, the smile faded.

He had no doubt what was bothering

He went straight up to them, hugged
tightly before swinging a chair around from a neighboring table to sit by
“What’s up, dude?”

“I should be asking you that, Tommy.
Doc’s not someone to be played with,”
warned in tones low enough for only Tommy to hear.

He clapped
on the back and whispered, “Not playing,
Jasmine is a really special lady.”

“Remember that,”
pushed back, a little louder, which drew

“Remember what?” she
a tired smile on her face.
The day was already long and she’d been up early to get ready for the wedding.
Even with a sleepy-eyed droop, she still looked beautiful, but more importantly, radiantly happy.

“The day you, me, and
went skinny dipping when we were kids and dad caught us.
Tanned my behind for egging you to do it with us,” he said.

“And grounded us for a month in the middle of the summer.
I think I must have read two dozen books that month,”
said with a laugh and a look at
that said there was something private there between them.
Something not for him.

“Rough life reading romances,
teased back and then glanced toward the table with the parents.
“My dad was major league pissed.
Took me to work with him every day and worked me until I was so tired that the only thing I could think about was falling into bed.
Told me that’s what life would be like if I screwed up and did stupid things like that.”

“But you didn’t screw up and look at you now, all married man,” Tommy kidded.

“Yeah, don’t screw up, Tommy.
Seriously man.
Don’t do it,”
said and his sister surprised him by jumping into the conversation, totally aware of what was up despite their earlier efforts to hide their discussion.

“Don’t play around with her, Tommy.
She seems like the serious type.”

“And not my type at all?
Maybe it’s time for me to pick a better kind of woman,” he shot back.

They shared a quick glance and then faced him, features serious.
“Maybe it is, Tommy.
Doc wouldn’t be such a bad choice, but you need to go slow with her.”

Heat flooded his features at the memory of how he hadn’t gone
with her all night, but he nodded and said, “I won’t screw this up.”

He pushed away from them and headed toward their table, but Jasmine wasn’t there yet.
As he searched the dwindling crowd for her, he realized she was still up on the flagstone terrace, talking to one of the other Marines.

Jealousy flooded him as the man cradled her cheek, leaned close, and kissed the side of her face.

* * *

“I’m okay,” Jasmine said and Trevor smiled sadly, bent, and brushed his lips across her cheek.

When he stepped back, he said, “I’m glad, Doc.
We were all so worried about you and wondering how you’ve been doing since you haven’t answered any of our e-mails or phone calls.”

She shrugged and looked away from him.
With a heavy sigh, she said, “I just needed a little time to think about things.
Decide what to do.”

“Did you think we'd talk you out of shore duty?
We only want what’s best for you,” Trevor said.

“I know.
But I feel guilty leaving you all,” she confessed and shook her head.
“I’m still wondering if I shouldn’t go back.”

“For a few months?
That makes no sense, Doc.
You made the right decision about that.”

She nodded and caught sight of Tommy marching toward them, his normally smiling lips set in a grim line.
Trevor tracked her gaze and as he saw the other man, he frowned and said, “I hope you’re making the right decision about him, Doc.
He’s not like us.”

No, he wasn’t
, Jasmine thought.
And maybe that’s just what she needed right for tonight.

“I’m okay with him, Trevor.
I like him.”

Trevor snared her gaze with his.
“You don’t know him, Doc.
Maybe all he wants is a one night stand.”

She shrugged.
“Maybe that’s all
Don’t worry,” she said and ran her hand down the front of his uniform in a calming gesture.

Tommy arrived at just that moment and followed that slow stroke of her hand.
“Is everything okay, here?” he asked.

“Totally, man,” Trevor said, raising his hands as if in surrender before facing her.
“Just call if you need the cavalry.”

She rose on tiptoes and skimmed a brotherly kiss across his cheek.
“I will.
Now go enjoy yourself.”

With a spirited salute, Trevor pivoted on one heel and sauntered away.

Tommy watched his retreating back and asked, “What was that all about?”

She tucked herself against him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
She eased her hand beneath his tuxedo jacket and rubbed it back and forth across his chest.
“Probably the same thing you’re little talk with
was about, namely, what you and I are doing together.”

He dipped his head to meet her gaze.
“What are we doing together?”

“Having fun,” she said, grabbed hold of his hand, and pulled him toward the dance floor.






Chapter 7

During their absence from the reception, the live band had been replaced with a DJ who was spinning one fast dance song after another.
Many of the older guests had left, leaving only the younger crowd for an after-party that was becoming increasingly raucous.

The excitement and joy was infectious.
Jasmine danced like there was
tomorrow and for them, there probably wasn't.
She let herself enjoy moving to the heavy bass beats with Tommy, who luckily wasn't doing an imitation of Drunk Dad Dancing.
He moved with grace, sexiness, and the ever present humor, smiling and laughing with her as they danced and even sang the choruses of some of the more popular tunes.

When the DJ finally offered the crowd a break with a sensual slow tune, Tommy didn't hesitate to reach out and wrap his arms around her waist to urge her close.

She went willingly, caught up in the magic of what had been an amazing night so far.
Enjoying the feel of his strong body moving in time to the beats and the brush of his legs against hers.

She pressed herself closer, needing to feel all that male strength and against her belly, his cock slowly hardened and became an insistent press.

She met his gaze and was surprised by the mixed emotions there.
Certainly desire, but also possibly embarrassment.
As she narrowed her gaze as if to ask “Why?” he quickly explained.

“You must think I'm a tool and all I want from you is sex,” he whispered so only she could hear.

“And that would be bad because?” she shot back because she didn't want to feel guilt about what they'd done.
She'd wanted it and he'd wanted it.
Maybe his sister's wedding might not be the best place to scratch that itch . . . Okay, definitely not a maybe, but she still didn't want to regret what they'd experienced together.
ad r

When he didn't answer right away, she pressed him. “Tell me why it's bad.”

He locked his gaze with hers and only determination filled his features.
“Because we both deserve more than a one night stand.”

She couldn't argue with that.
They did, but what they'd had so far felt like so much more than a simple hook up.
Reaching up, she combed her fingers through his hair and smiled.
“You've made me feel more alive than I have in a long time, Tommy.
That's a very special thing to me.”

“Special enough for you to consider staying the night?”

Staying the night.
She hadn't thought about the night ending, but as she snuck a quick peek at her watch, she realized that it was almost time for her to go if she was going to catch the last train back to New York City.

Tommy tracked her gaze and as he saw the time on her watch, he said, “Last one is in half an hour.
I can drive you to the station if you'd like or . .
. ”

“I didn't bring any clothes for an overnight.”

shorter, but otherwise you're about the same size,” he said and then quickly added, “And we haven't tried out the Venetian bar yet to satisfy your sweet tooth.”

She shot a glance toward the terrace where what seemed like mountains of desserts and pastries sat waiting to be devoured.
But what called to her more was the very sweet and sexy man beside her, looking hopeful and anxious and all too seductive.

“I can stay,” she said, kind of surprising herself since she wasn't normally the kind to
do the morning
walk of shame.

A broad smile erupted across his face and his dark eyes glittered with contentment.
“Why don't we get some of those pastries and head to the pool
You can stay there tonight.
Plus it's not as noisy there so we can talk.”

Not as noisy meaning more alone time for them.

She knew how they'd spend that alone time and as much as she wanted it, there was also fear there at revealing all of herself to him.
No one beside the Navy medical personnel treating her had seen her body and the wounds caused by the mortar blast. Even she avoided looking at herself in the mirror, hating the sight of them.

“It'll be okay, Jasmine.
I just want to spend more time with you.
If you don't want to do anything else, I'm cool with that,” he whispered against the shell of her ear and drew her close, obviously sensing her unease.

She appreciated his honesty and understanding, but more importantly, she knew she could trust him to keep his word.
She stepped away from him, but twined her fingers with his.
“Let's go find that quiet spot.”

“And those pastries,” he said with a tender brush of his knuckles along her cheek.

“And those pastries,” she echoed.
Anything to keep their hands and mouths busy until she could work up the courage to consider being with him again.

Hand-in-hand they walked to the terrace, swinging hands mischievously.
At the table for the Venetian hour, Tommy grabbed a plate and she loaded up an assortment of Italian pastries, working as a team while still holding hands.
When they had a small mountain of
, cream puffs, éclairs and other goodies, Tommy guided her across the terrace and around one corner of his home where a locked gate barred entry to another terrace.

Tommy punched in a few numbers into the keypad and the gate popped open.
“Dad was worried about the guests and the pool,” he explained as they strolled into the area and he shut the gate behind them.

Just a few yards away, the silhouettes of patio furniture dotted the area.
The strong reflection of the full moon played across the waters of the unlit pool.
To the right of the pool was a structure that was small compared to the immense home beside it, but larger than the apartment she shared with her family.

With a gentle tug, Tommy led her to the pool house and then inside, where he snapped on some lights to reveal the space inside.

It was an open layout with a vaulted ceiling that made the interior appear even more spacious.
To one side of a central living room was a bedroom with a queen-sized bed.
To the other, an eat-in kitchen was equipped with the latest in stainless steel appliances and gadgets.

“This is a pool house?” she asked, a little awed by the luxury, but then again, the glimpses she had gotten of the main house should have warned her that this would be just as over-the-top.

With a sheepish shrug, Tommy said, “It started off that way, but we have a big extended family.
We would run out of room at the house, so my dad decided to build this.”

“Very nice,” she said, still intimidated until Tommy said, “It's a little much, but that's my dad.
He'd do anything for family.”

“Just like you would,” she said and followed him to the living room.
Tommy placed the plate with the pastries on the coffee table and plopped onto the couch, tugging her down with him and tucking her against him.

“I would,” he said with conviction.

She had no doubt he would.
Combined with everything she'd known from the stories
had told her and what she'd discovered about him over the course of the night, it made her wonder why he was still seemingly unattached.

“So no family plans for
No girlfriend?
Significant other?” she asked.

Clearly uncomfortable, he reached out for a cannoli and offered it up to her.
She bit off half and sweetness exploded in her mouth from the creamy ricotta filling.
But she still pressed on.

“You are not going to distract me that way, Tommy de Salvo.”

* * *

No, I can't avoid the discussion
, he thought, but tried to anyway.

“Shit, I thought I could.”
He popped the remainder of the cannoli into his mouth and after a long pause, said “No girlfriend or anything else, otherwise we wouldn't be here.”

“I find it hard to believe that your sexy charm hasn't worked on anyone else,” she teased.

He realized she wasn't going to let up, so he finally confessed.
“It did for a few years.
Then she decided I was all work and no play Tommy and found herself someone else.”

Jasmine cradled his cheek and tenderly urged him to face her.
“You deserve better, Tommy.”

Her words dragged a half smile out of him.
“You think so?”

She ran her thumb across his lips, the caress both comforting and sexy.
“I totally think so.”

“Are you the kind of better I deserve?” he asked and immediately checked himself.
“I'm sorry.
I know this isn't supposed to be more than just this night.”

She sighed heavily and threaded her fingers through his hair again, bringing that mix of emotions once more.
“No, it isn't, but I like you, Tommy.
I know you shared your hurt with me, but I'm not ready to share mine.
I don't know if I'll ever be ready.”

He nodded, but couldn't quite leave her answer where it was.
“You said you wanted to get on with your life.
To do that
– ”

“I need to deal with this.
I know.
The counselors in the hospital all said the same thing.”

“One small step at a time,” he said.
He nuzzled her nose with his and added, “So who's going to take the first step?”

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