Only You (15 page)

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Authors: Francis Ray

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #African American, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Only You
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Although he’d told Sierra that her living on the property would let clients visit after hours, he hadn’t meant it. His sole purpose had been having her nearby. But his plan had backfired.
Last night she’d shown the units to a couple and their parents after ten. By the time they left, it was almost midnight. The security guard Blade insisted remain with Sierra after hours had called him just before she called to say good night.
He had wanted to go down to see her, but each kiss kept taking them to a point where soon he wouldn’t pull back. Her body was ready, but he wasn’t sure about her mind. He couldn’t stand the thought of them making love and her regretting it afterwards. If he couldn’t give her forever, he’d give her absolute passion. Unfortunately, he had no idea when that might be.
He only knew that it had to be right. She moved him in ways he didn’t understand. Besides Shane and Rio, few people Blade associated with knew about his childhood, and fewer still about his marriage to Mary.
Some secrets would never be told.
Yet Sierra had a way about her that made him relax his guard. Besides his staff, Jess, the security guards, and a host of his construction workers, she’d also made friends with the concierge and other staff at the W. He’d been right; she’d never met a stranger.
He was pleased with the response to the Web site, but not that it kept them apart. He could only imagine what it would be like when the special insert in
Architectural Digest
Southern Accents
magazines came out. It had taken some pull and a sizable check to get it in the next editions.
He started to reach for his phone to call Security again to see if Sierra was back, but he let his hand fall. He’d called them less than five minutes ago. The answer had been the same as the other three times he’d inquired. She’d called to say they were finished shopping and were heading back to Dominique’s house.
“The car can run on a flat, has roadside service, and is one of the safest in the world,” Shane ticked off, as he sat in his usual chair across from Blade.
“It’s also enormously powerful. Things happen.” Too restless to remain seated, Blade came to his feet and went to the terrace off the great room.
Shane followed. “If they do, Sierra can probably handle it.”
Picking up the binoculars, Blade scanned the streets below. There seemed to be a steady stream of cars going to the W and area businesses, but none was the one he wanted to see.
“You want me to put a man on her?”
Blade swung around. “Is there a reason to think I should?”
Shane met the hard stare head-on. “There was an incident while you were at Dominique’s house.”
“And you’re just now telling me?” Blade questioned, his gaze narrow and displeased.
“She didn’t pose a threat to you or Sierra,” Shane answered.
“She?” Blade repeated.
“Yes.” Shane turned away. “I’d better make my rounds.”
Blade let him go. He’d trust Shane with his life, had done so on more than one occasion. Shane was the best at security in the business. He, Blade, and Rio got along so well because of their past. There were reasons for the lack of women in their lives. And the reasons haunted all of them.
His phone rang. He quickly answered. “Blade.”
“Ms. Grayson just pulled up, sir.”
“Thank you.” He started to hang up but stopped. “She probably has a lot of packages. Please help her.”
“Yes, sir.”
Replacing the phone, Blade took the elevator to the fourth floor and paced. The second bank of elevators opened. He heard Sierra’s voice, her bright laughter. Pleasure went through him. Seeing her with two Lavender & Lace shopping bags and Shane with two plastic clothing bags from Neiman Marcus, Blade just shook his head. “I see you had fun.”
Her eyes lit up on seeing him. Happiness curled through him at her response: “That we did.”
He took the clothes from Shane, who nodded and got back on the elevator.
“Thanks, Shane,” she said.
“Anytime,” Shane said, and disappeared into the elevator.
Continuing down the hall, Sierra opened her door and closed it after Blade. “Just dump them on the sofa and I’ll put them up later.”
He laid the garments over the back of the sofa, then peeked into the bags she held. “Anything interesting?”
She blushed and moved the bag aside. “You didn’t have to wait for me.”
His face turned serious. “I did a map search. You should have been here thirty minutes ago.”
“Traffic.” Taking his hand, she went to the terrace. The night was beautiful. “Trent and Dominique talked from the time we left Fort Worth’s city limits, then she and I talked until I arrived here.”
He brushed his lips across her wrist, felt her pulse leap. His had been doing the same since he’d seen the sexy white blouse and the sand-colored flared skirt with cutout details that showed a tantalizing glimpse of her killer legs each time she moved. “It might have helped if you had told me.”
“Next time I will. Now I have something important to announce.” Releasing his hand, she went to the table, lit the candles, then picked up the chilling bottle of sparkling cider and filled two flute glasses.
“Since this is cold, was Martin or Jenkins your accomplice?” Blade asked.
“I’ll never betray a friend or reveal secrets.” She lifted her glass, “As of five thirteen this afternoon, Navarone Place had a total of twenty-one sales.”
“What?” He knew she had been working hard, but he was still amazed.
“I wanted to surprise you. People who’ve looked have purchased. If all keeps going so well, you’ll be sold out by the completion date. One of the three referrals from Mr. Harrison purchased and promised to tell her friends.” She clicked her glass to his. “To Navarone Place.”
“To Navarone Place and my extraordinary broker.” He sipped, his eyes on her, then set his glass down and kissed her. It was impossible not to. Her lips, chilled from the drink, quickly heated. So did his body as he tasted the cider and her sweetness.
His hand moved from her waist to her breast, covering the firm softness. His fingers deftly slipped the buttons free. The feel of her soft silken skin hardened his body more. He wanted more, wanted to take the pebbled point pushing against his palm into his mouth. If he did, this time he knew he wouldn’t stop until he possessed her. His desire had never been so intense. Withdrawing his hand, he closed her blouse before he lifted his head. “You tempt me like no other woman.”
Her moist lips trembled. “When you kiss me, I can’t think. My mind shuts down and my body takes over.”
His forehead touched hers. “How can I go back to my place when you say things like that?”
“I’m not sure I want you to.”
Gathering her closer, he shut his eyes tightly. “Sierra, what are you doing to me?”
“I hope a little of what you’re doing to me.” With her arms around his waist, she pressed her cheek to his chest.
“Believe it. I have to fly to Mexico in the morning. I’m not sure when I’ll be back. I wish you could come with me,” he said.
She wanted to go so very badly. “I need to be here.”
“You belong in my arms.”
Her head lifted. “Then you’ll hurry back to me.”
His mouth found hers again in a kiss that curled her toes; then he was gone.
ierra was determined to make good use of the time Blade was away. Saturday morning she did the interviews set up by the advertising agency with
The Dallas Morning News
and the
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
. Both reporters promised the photos in the newspaper would be in color.
After her last appointment for that day she’d gone with Dominique to photograph the models, a man and a woman, in the fitness center, the spa, and reclining by the pool. She’d tried not to think of her and Blade there but wasn’t successful.
Declining Dominique’s invitation to have dinner at her house, Sierra stayed home and waited for Blade to call. She’d never waited for a man to call in her life. She’d picked at the dinner Martin had prepared. Both bad signs, but there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop caring for Blade.
A little after eight, the doorbell rang. Hoping against hope that Blade had returned early, she tossed the book she’d been trying to read on the sofa, took two steps, and then stopped. She wore silk pajamas and nothing else. The doorbell rang again. “Coming,” she yelled, then reached for the matching robe. There was no sense in asking for trouble from a man who was aching to give it to her.
As she opened the door, her eyes widened. She squealed and launched herself into the powerful arms of her brother.
Luke smiled against her hair. “I guess you’re glad to see us.”
“That’s an understatement.” She reached for her sister-in-law.
“Hello, Sierra.”
“Why didn’t you call and let me know?” Sierra asked after hugging Catherine and inviting them inside.
“He wanted to surprise you. The concierge at the W overheard us asking at the front desk for you and told us you were here. Luke asked the security guard downstairs not to alert you.” Catherine glanced at Luke with mild reproach.
Sierra understood that look. He had wanted to see if Blade were there. She tried not to blush. If he hadn’t been out of town, he might have been there and they might have been doing exactly what Luke and her family were worried about.
Trying to hide another blush, she started toward the great room just as her phone rang. “Excuse me. Hello.”
“Are you all right?”
Sierra frowned on hearing Shane’s voice. She thought he had gone with Blade.
“Sierra.” Impatience and worry rang in that one word.
“I’m at your door; please let me in.” The line went dead. A knock sounded on the door.
Luke caught Sierra’s arm when she started to answer. “What’s the matter?”
“I’m not sure. Shane Elliott, the head of Security, sounded worried.” She hurried to the door and opened it when the sound became more demanding.
Shane stepped around her, his gaze hard and alert. Two other men were with him.
“Shane, what is it?” Sierra asked.
Luke answered, “He’s checking on me.”
He gave a hand signal, and the men with him left. “Mr. Grayson, it is my duty to protect everyone associated with Navarone Properties. You will not be admitted on this floor unless you’re cleared by Security.”
“Now wait—”
“Understood,” Luke said, cutting off his sister. “It won’t happen again. I hope the man who let us come up isn’t in trouble.”
“He would have been in a lot more if he hadn’t called me immediately afterwards. Good-bye.” The door closed after Shane.
“Sierra,” Luke said patiently. “He’s right and I was wrong. I could have been anybody. He’s keeping you safe, and for that he can chew on me any time he likes.”
“He’s right, Sierra,” Catherine said.
“I guess, but first thing in the morning I’m giving him pictures of all of you, so if I’m out, you’ll still be allowed to come up.” Taking both of their arms, she led them to the great room. “Come on in and sit down.”
“This place is fabulous,” Catherine said, taking a seat next to Luke on the antique sofa.
“It is, isn’t it?” Sierra sat on the ottoman in front of them, drawing her pant-covered leg under her.
“Will you miss this when you come home?” Luke asked.
It wasn’t an idle question, and he didn’t mean only where she was staying. “A little. What brings you to Dallas?”
“I’m speaking tomorrow at Southern Methodist University at a children’s mental health symposium at eleven. Luke, as usual, loves me enough to come with me,” Catherine teased, but the love they shared was obvious.
“Where you go, I go,” Luke said with undisguised affection.
Sierra wondered for the first time if she would find a man to share such lasting happiness. A picture of Blade filled her mind and heated her body. “Have you two eaten?”
“Not since lunch,” her brother told her.
“Can’t have that.” Sierra stood. “Feel free to explore while I call my contact at the W so we can get into the restaurant. It’s not to be believed.”
Catherine shook her head. “You’re already settled in for the night. We can get something on the way back to the hotel. You’ve probably already eaten.”
“I wasn’t very hungry earlier,” she confessed, and watched Luke’s eyes sharpen.
Catherine stood and studied Sierra almost as closely as her brother. “Are you feeling all right?”
Having a hearty appetite and a perceptive family had its disadvantages. “Fine. I’ve just been busy with sales and marketing.”

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