Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (76 page)

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32. Memorandum for chief, Security Analysis Group, from Jerry G. Brown; Subject: Hemming, April 8, 1977 (Hereafter referred to as "Brown memo"), NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.28.17:12:27:150360.

33. CIA memorandum from Jerry Brown to chief, Security Analysis Group, June 11, 1976; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.29.15:26:50:400280.

34. CIA memorandum; Subject: Hemming, October 19, 1967; NARA, JFK files, CIA 1992 release.

35. For example, an October 31, 1960, CIA Intelligence Report said this: Source is a twenty-three-year-old ex-Marine who spent the period from February 1959 through July 1960 serving in the Cuban Army and the Cuban Air Force. He obtained his discharge from the Cuban Air Force in June 1960 and returned to the U.S. via Mexico City on 30 Aug. 1960. According to source, he had been nominated by the Marine Corps to enroll in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at a U.S. university even though he had not finished his high school education. He reportedly did not accept this offer because he was much more interested in Special Forces-type activity, and this led to his decision to leave the Marine Corps and a short time later to enlist in the Cuban Army. He appears to be a keen observer. While source's plans are indefinite, he should be available for further interview during the next few weeks (mid-October-November 1960.)

NARA, JFK files; the 1960 IRs are in several locations: See NIS boxes 1-3; see CIA 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, and see also documents located with or near RIF 1993.06.28.17:20:46:150360.

36. April 8, 1977, Brown memo. The memo contained this helpful explanatory note:

1. Reference is made to the attachment which is a copy of a memorandum contained in Subject file dated 7 November 1960 from Chief/Contact Division/00 to Chief/Personnel Security Division/Office of Security, captioned "Jerry P. Hemming, Jr., Ex-Marine who served in Cuban Army and Air Force 00-A-3170536," a copy of which was sent to WH Division and Cl staff. It is apparent that the Henning referred to therein is identical with Gerald Patrick Hemming.

37. April 8, 1977, Brown memo.

38. April 8, 1977, Brown memo.

39. April 8, 1977 Brown memo.

40. April 1976 Argosy article.

41. Feb. 1959-June 1960 CIA biographical sketch of Hemming.

42. Gerald Patrick Hemming, January 6, 1995, interview with John Newman.

43. Gerald Patrick Hemming, January 6, 1995, interview with John Newman.

44. CIA memorandum for chief, WHD; Subject: Viola June Cobb, June 1, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers.

45. Attachment, "Viola June Cobb," to CIA memorandum for chief, WHD; Subject: Viola June Cobb, June 1, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers; the same attachment appears alone, i.e., without the base document, and with different redactions, in the CIA August 1994 microfilm release, reel 10, folder E, RIF 1994.03.11.13:45:14:320005.

46. CIA memorandum for chief, WHD; Subject: Viola June Cobb, June 1, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers.

47. Attachment to CIA June 1, 1960 memo on Cobb, NARA, JFK files, CIA August 1994 microfilm release, reel 10, folder E, RIF 1994.03.11.13:45:14:320005.

48. CIA memo for the record; Subject: June Cobb (216-264), February 21, 1975; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release; "Box 40A."

49. CIA memorandum for chief, SB/1, from acting deputy chief, Support Branch, June 7, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers.

50. CIA memorandum for chief, SB/1, from acting deputy chief, Support Branch, June 7, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers.

51. CIA routing and record sheet to CSCI 3/762466, November 1, 1960, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11, folder C, RIF 1994.03.08.14: 03:26:750007.

52. CIA operation log, New York Field Office, Case 216264, October 23, 1960, Boston Massachusetts. NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes release) Cobb papers, see "Box 40A."

53. Synopsis of June Cobb's telephone calls in New York City, October 1925, 1960, file 216264. NARA JFK files, two CIA locations: January 1994 (5 brown boxes release) Cobb papers.

54. Mark Lane, Plausible Denial (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1991), pp. 288-302.

55. Doug Gentzkow, 1994 interview with John Newman.

56. CIA domestic contacts report to chief, Contacts Division; Attention: Support (Mayo Stunz), and chief, New York office, from Jay B. L. Reeves, 00,3,3,289,019, January 22, 1964; NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Pawley-Gentzkow papers; see F81-0351-D0547.

57. The Declassified Eisenhower, p. 722.

58. The New York Times, January 8, 1977.

59. See CIA memorandum for director of Central Intelligence, July 13, 1954, NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Pawley papers; see pages numbered 18491 and 18493.

60. See CIA memorandum from acting chief, Support Branch, to chief of SB/ 1; Subject: William Pawley, October 6, 1959; NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Pawley papers; see document F81- 0351-D0371.

61. CIA memo from [3-4 letters redacted] to chief, WH Division, April 6, 1960; NARA JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 10, folder E, RIF 1994.03.11.13:45:14:320005.

62. June Cobb, April 3, 1995 interview with John Newman.

63. CIA memorandum to chief, WH/4; Subject [redacted) June Cobb, aide to Juan Orta, June 3-5, 1960, from: [redacted]; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb papers. Filed under Cobb's 201 file (278891).

64. June Cobb, March 27, 1995, interview with John Newman.

65. CIA operation log, New York field office, Case 216264, November 3, 1960, Boston, Massachusetts. NARA JFK files: January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release Cobb papers.

Chapter Eight

1. The author is indebted to Richard C. Thornton, who made available unpublished material to the author.

2. A speech Khrushchev delivered to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on [date] 1956.

3. See Foreign Relations of the United States-Cuba (hereafter referred to as FRUSC), Vol. VI, document #456, Memorandum of Discussion of the 435th Meeting of the National Security Council, February 18, 1960, p. 792.

4. Secretary of State Christian Herter, telephonic remarks to President Eisenhower on August 25 1960, in FRUSC-V1, p. 1062. Herter was referring to Mikoyan's February 1960 visit to Cuba.

5. Memorandum from Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Rubot(om) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Policy Planning (Smith), Document #519, FRUSC-VI, p. 917. The document Rubottom described, which is apparently no longer extant, was dated May 11, 1960, and was written by a "Mr. Morgan," probably George A. Morgan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Policy Planning.

6. Mario Lazo, Dagger in the Heart, (New York, Twin Circle Publishing Co., 1968), p. 333.

7. A. Newman, The Assassination, p. 196. Newman states Castro attended 9/18/60.

8. E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day, p. 39.

9. Letter from President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Macmillan, July 11, 1960, FRUSC-VI, document #551, pp. 1000-1005; see p. 1003 for quoted material.

10. Secretary of State Herter, Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics, July 11, 1960, Document #552, FRUSC-VI, pp. 1006-1007. Cable

11. FRUSC-VI, document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, pp. 703-706; see especially pp. 705-706.

12. FRUSC-V1, Document #408, Memorandum of Discussion at the 428th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 10, 1959, pp. 698-700; see especially p. 698.

13. FRUSC-VI, Document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 16, 1959, pp. 703-706; see especially p. 704.

14. Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, Interim Report of U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, 1975, pg. 92.

15. CIA 1329-484 C. referring to March 2, 1967 broadcast.

16. Report of Inspector General, CIA, May 1967.

17. This sentence in the I.G. Report could be summarized in this interesting way: Bissell recalled his part of the seminal Castro assassination discussion as having occurred during the Nixon White House, while King recalled it as having occurred during the Kennedy White House.

18. May 23, 1967 memorandum for the record from Inspector General CIA (Cover to I.G. Report)

19. Alleged Assassination Plots, p. 74; see also p. 92.

20. Alleged Assassination Plots, p. 74; see also p. 92.

21. Footnote 3 page 92, Alleged Assassination Plots, which points out that this document was not made available early on in their investigation. The report adds this note:

The Committee received this document on November 15, 1975, after printing of this Report had begun. As a consequence, there was no opportunity to question either King or Bissell concerning the meaning of "elimination," what consideration was in fact given to Castro's "elimination," and whether any planning resulting from this document in fact led to the actual plots. In this regard it should be noted that Bissell had a "dim recollection" of a conversation prior to early autumn or late summer 1960 with King (the author of the above memorandum) concerning a "capability to eliminate Castro if such action should be decided upon" (Bissell, 6/9/75, p. 19).

22. Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy,: the life of Allen Dulles, Houghlin Mifflin, 1994. p. 494.

23. Richard Nixon RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 202-203.

24. FRUSC-VI, Document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 16, 1959, pp. 703-706; see especially pp. 704-705.

25. FRUSC-VI, Document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 16, 1959, pp. 703-706; see especially p. 705.

26. On August 28, 1960, Thomas C. Mann replaced Roy R. Rubottom as Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. On the same day, Frank J. Devine was promoted from Staff Assistant, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, to Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. See FRUSC-VI, List of Persons, pp. xxi-xxvii.

27. FRUSC-VI, Document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 16, 1959, pp. 703-706; see especially p. 705.

28. FRUSC-Vl, Document #410, Memorandum of Discussion at the 429th Meeting of the National Security Council, December 16, 1959, pp. 703-706; see especially p. 705.

29. Richard Nixon, RN, p. 203. New York: Grossett, & Dunlap, 1978.

30. Alleged Assassination Plots, p. 93.

31. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, January 13, 1960."

32. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, January 13, 1960."

33. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, January 13, 1960."

34. Card index: Special Group Meeting January 13, 1960. Also Interim Report of the SSCIA, Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders, Report 94-465, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975, p. 93.

35. Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy, p. 494.

36. FRUSC, Vol. V1, Document #423, Memorandum of Discussion at the 423d Meeting of the National Security Council, January 14, 1960, pp. 740-746. For this remark by Merchant, see p. 742. Nixon said he "believed we should look at Latin America as a single area from an investment point of view, so that anything which hurts investment in one part of Latin America hurts investment throughout the area."

37. Church Committee files, Memo for the Record, March 9, 1960.

38. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, March 10, 1960." Alleged Assassination Plots, pg 93.

39. For a more complete account of the minutes of the March 10, 1960, NSC meeting, see FRUSC-V1, Document #474, pp. 832-837.

40. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, March 15, 1960."

41. "A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime," paper prepared by the 5412 (Special Group) Committee, March 16, 1960, FRUSC-VI, Document #481, pp. 850-854.

42. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, March 15, 1960.

43. Church Committee files, "Minutes of Special Group Meeting, March 15, 1960.

44. Memorandum of a Conference with the President, White House, March 17, 1960, FRUSC-VI, Document #486, pp. 861-863.

45. Dulles biographer Peter Grose, in his book Gentleman Spy, p. 495, has a different perspective of Eisenhower and the Covert Program. Grose writes, "Eisenhower had made clear his scorn for the gimmicks that delighted the little-boy mentality of the clandestine services, so Bissell rephrased the various subversive ploys into a formidable `Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime' for approval by the 5412 [Special Group] committee."

46. Memorandum of a Conference with the President, White House, March 17, 1960, FRUSC-VI, Document #486, pp. 861-863.

47. Memorandum of a Conference with the President, White House, March 17, 1960, FRUSC-VI, Document #486, pp.861--863.

48. For other interesting references to President Eisenhower's March 17, 1960, authorization to begin the training of Cuban refugees, see Farewell America (Hepburn), p. 316, and Bay of Pigs (Johnson), p. 30. In his memoirs, RN, p. 203, Nixon recalls: "I was present at the meeting in which Eisenhower authorized the CIA to organize and train Cuban exiles for the eventual purpose of freeing their homeland from the Communists." The training of these exiles began in Guatemala. On June 22, 1960, the first 28 anti-Castro Cubans were taken to Guatemala from Florida (see Johnson, Bay of Pigs, p. 38). In August 1960, President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes of Guatemala opened a CIA airstrip at CIA training base at Retal- huleu (see Ross and Wise, Invisible Government, p. 28). On October 30, 1960, a Guatemala City newspaper, La Hora printed a report on CIA Cuban exile training, describing a training camp and invasion preparations under way (see Johnson, Bay of Pigs, p. 49).

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