Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (78 page)

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32. FBI New York field office (105-6103) AIRTEL to Bureau headquarters (100-353496), May 23, 1960. Note that this telegram was also placed in the 105 counterintelligence headquarters file on Oswald but was ` `unrecorded."

33. ONI routing slip GG7122B, dated May 26, 1960, and referencing headquarters Bureau file 100-353496.

34. Hoover letter to Security Office, Department of State, June 3, 1960, FBI, Bureau file 105-82555, CD 1114.

35. Marguerite Oswald letter to Haselton, June 8, 1960, CE 208, Vol. XVI, p. 597; CD 1122.

36. Blocker letter to Marguerite Oswald, June 22, 1960, CE 209, Vol. XVI, p. 598.

37. White letter to Marguerite Oswald, July 7, 1960, CE 210, Vol. XVI, p. 599; Cd 1122.

38. Memorandum from FBI SA Kenneth J. Haser to SAC, WFO. 9 Aug 1960; Paul Hoch item 468; See also NARA JFK files FBI Records WFO 10537111.

39. Memorandum from FBI SA W. Dana Carson to SAC, WFO, 12 Sept. 1960; Paul Hoch item 469; See also NARA JFK files FBI Records WFO 105-37111

Chapter Eleven

1. See Chapter Four, "I Am Amazed."

2. See CIA response to Church Committee re questions by Paul Hoch, April 9, 1975, by E. H. Knoche, p. 11. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10004-10140.

3. CIA Memorandum for the Executive Assistant to the DDO, from Chief, CI Staff, George T. Kalans, Cl 315-75, EX 10931, 18 September 1975; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993. 07.02-13:52:25:56030.

4. Letter from Hugh Cumming to Richard Bissell, October 25, 1960, NARA, JFK files, CIA 201 file on Oswald, box 1.

5. Robert L. Bannerman, interview with John Newman, August 8, 1994.

6. Robert L. Bannerman, interview with John Newman, August 8, 1994. "Jim Angleton was in on this and we were calling in all the people in all the areas who might have something," Bannerman recalled in this interview.

7. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to Chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960, NARA, JFK files, 1993 release. This document was released in the first wave of 51 CIA boxes that were sent to the National Archives in the spring of 1993, before the RIF numbering system became effective. Unfortunately, the author's handwritten reference to the box number became detached.

8. Marguerite Stevens's memo responded to Bannerman's request for information on American defectors to the Soviet Union, China, and Sovietsatellite countries. Bannerman had specifically asked Stevens for information covering the previous eighteen months.

9. The CIA stated that Martin and Mitchell, both NSA employees, were KGB agents (see CIA response to Church Committee re questions by Paul Hoch, April 9, 1975, by E. H. Knoche, p. 11. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10004-10140). A month after Oswald defected to the Soviet Union, Martin and Mitchell-against NSA regulations-flew to Cuba, where, NSA Chronicler James Bamford reasons, "most likely, they got in touch with Soviet officials. It would be interesting to know if the CIA had learned about the trip and also what, if anything, either of them might have known about the U-2 program. For more on these two men, see James Bamford, Puzzle Palace (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1982), pp. 133-150.

10. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to Chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960.

11. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz.

12. Bissell letter to Cumming, November 3, 1960, NARA, JFK files, CIA Oswald 201, box 1.

13. Horton memo to Bissell, November 18, 1960, NARA, JFK files, CIA Oswald, 201, box 1.

14. Bissell letter to Cumming, November 21, 1960, NARA, JFK files, CIA Oswald 201, box 1.

15. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-], Joseph Dutkanicz.

16. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz, and reel 17 folder J, Vladimir Sloboda.

17. Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations, U.S. House of Representatives, 1979 (hereafter referred to as HSCA Report), p. 200.

18. HSCA Report, p. 200.

19. HSCA Report, p. 201.

20. George T. Kalaris memo, subject: "Lee Harvey Oswald," dated September 18, 1975. See NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.07.02.13:52:25:56030. A more redacted version of this document was released earlier as CIA document # 1187-436.

21. The HSCA Report, p. 201, added this:

This statement was corroborated by review of a State Department letter which indicated that such a request, in fact, had been made of the CIA on October 25, 1960. Attached to the State Department letter was a list of known defectors; Oswald's name was on that list. The CIA responded to this request on November 21, 1960, by providing the requested information and adding two names to the State Department's original list.

Significantly, the committee reviewed the original State Department list and determined that files were opened in December 1960 for each of the five (including Oswald) who did not have 201 files prior to receipt of the State Department inquiry. In each case, the slot for "source document" referred to an Agency component rather than to a dated document.

22. CE 245, Vol. XVI, p. 685. For more on the missing Oswald letter of December 1960, see WC Vol. XVIII pp. 133, 135.

23. WR, p. 701.

24. For a complete version of Oswald's February 1961 letter to the American Embassy, see CE 245, Vol. XVI, p. 685, and CE 932, Vol. XVI, p. 133.

25. Snyder testimony, WC, Vol. V, p. 277.

26. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10002-10432, report by William T. Coleman, Jr., and W. David Slawson to J. Lee Rankin, subject: Oswald's trip to the Soviet Union and his contacts with the U.S. Department of State, March 6, 1964. Part A is a single 46-page document entitled "Oswald's Trip to, and Stay in, the Soviet Union (September 4, 1959 to June 1, 1962). Attached are three documents: a September 4, 1959, notice of Oswald's release from the Marine Corps signed by A. G. Ayers, Jr., 1st Lt., USMR; Oswald's September 4, 1959, passport application Form DSP 11 filled out and signed by Oswald; and the note Oswald wrote requesting revocation of his U.S. citizenship and which he handed to American Consul Richard Snyder on October 31, 1959.

27. This paragraph first gives the date that Snyder received Oswald's 5 February 1961 letter as "13 February 1960." This is clearly a typographical error, since, in the very next sentence the correct date of 13 February 1961 is used.

28. Draft "Chronology of Oswald in the USSR: October 1959-June 1962, 24 January 1964, Amended 16 April 1964." See NARA, JFK files, CIA DDO 201 file on Oswald, boxes I and 2, CIA document XAAZ-22409, January 25, 1964.

29. See "Report of the Department of State: Lee Harvey Oswald," CE 950, Vol. XVIII, p. 262.

30. WR, p. 701.

31. This report of December 10, 1963, is based on a six-page interview of Marina by FBI Special Agents Anatole A. Boguslav and Wallace R. Heitman, of the Dallas office, and they filed their report under Oswald's file 199-10461; see WC, Vol. XXII, pp. 772-775.

32. See WC, Vol. XVIII, pp. 133, 135.

33. See Journal Graphics, transcription of ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE #2740 air date: November 22, 1991, entitled "An ABC News Nightline Investigation: The KGB Oswald Files."

34. Interviews with former CIA employees Ed Jeunovitch (July 14, 1993), and Don Deneselya (August 13, 1993), who both worked in the Soviet Russia Division at the time, and Ray Rocca (August II and 20, 1993-Rocca died in October) and Scotty Miler (September 16, 1993), who both worked in Counterintelligence. Jeunovitch later rose to the position of CIA acting deputy director of Plans during the Reagan administration. From interviews by William Scott Malone and John Newman during work on the WGBH FRONTLINE documentary "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?"

35. This person probably worked in Counterintelligence-perhaps in CI/R&A.

36. Memo for the record December 5, 1966, from CI/MRO, subj: American defectors to the USSR. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz.

37. Dutkanicz had tried to return to the U.S. on March 22, 1962. The Russians told his wife he had been found in a drunken state and placed in a hospital in Lvov, where he died in November 1963. HSCA Vol. XII, p. 444; also CIA 976-927AV. (It is interesting that Dutkanicz died in Lvov and the other defector from Army Military Intelligence, Sloboda, was born in Lvov.)

38. Memo for the record December 5, 1966, from CI/MRO, subj: American defectors to the USSR. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz.

39. Memo for the record December 5, 1966, from CIIMRO, subj: American defectors to the USSR. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz.

40. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960.

41. Noonan (State Department) to Hoover, May 17, 1962, subject: American Defectors: Status of in the USSR, NARA, JFK files, Oswald's CIA DDO 201 file, boxes I and 2.

42. Memo for Chief, Security Research Staff, from M. D. Stevens, subject: American defectors, October 31, 1960.

43. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to Chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960.

44. The possibility that "MS" could have been "Military Service" was first suggested to the author by Peter Dale Scott in November 1994.

45. Webster (this time she gave his number as EE-18852, whereas two paragraphs earlier she gave the number as EE-18854) had been the subject of a "OO/C" ("OO/C" is a partial [and thus somewhat confusing] acronym for the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division, the Agency element used to contact and/or debrief individuals who possessed information of intelligence value) request for contact on May 29, 1959, but had not been interviewed "before or after" his visit to the Soviet Union.

46. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to Chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960.

47. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 17, folder J. Vladimir Sloboda. See Sloboda's notecard, with these numbers on top: 380312* and 01395. There appears to be a number redacted between these two. The text on the card appears to say this:

POB: subj's statement: Orekhovchnik, Brodak District, TernopolLvov, Uk[raine) SSR, then Poland, DOB: 1927. Nat. US citizen in US Army '58, served as Spec. 5/c, translator, interrogator, doc. clerk 513 MI Grp., Frankfrt., defected from Camp King, Germany 3 Aug 60 to USSR. Claims to have known "Lypsky, Komaryk, Krul and others," at Ft. Bragg. Wife and I child Halifax, UK, other 2 in Sov Union with subj. Identified (redacted) YT-1192, 16 Jan 62. 380291 289148 077283 US CIT.

Note also that the number 289148 contains five digits identical to Oswald's 201 number: 289248. There is also a barely legible stamp at the bottom right which may read "RIS [Russian Intelligence Service] IMPLANTED."

48. Memorandum from Marguerite D. Stevens to Chief, Security Research Staff, October 31, 1960.

49. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz, and reel 17 folder J, Vladimir Sloboda. October 2, 1964, memorandum from SR/CI/R to Chief, Cl Liaison, subject: Questions Concerning Defectors Joseph Dutkanicz (201-289236) and Vladimir O. Sloboda (201-287527).

50. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz, and reel 17 folder J, Vladimir Sloboda. October 2, 1964, memorandum from SR/CI/R to Chief, CI Liaison, subject: Questions Concerning Defectors Joseph J. Dutkanicz (201-289236) and Vladimir O. Sloboda (201-287527).

51. Internal CIA memo to Scott Miler, CI/OG [illegible], October 12, 1960, NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel folder J. Vladimir Sloboda.

52. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 16, folders 1, Libero Ricciardelli. See August 9, 1963, CIA memo to Attn: Chief, Personnel Security Division, OS, Mr. Steven Kuhn, Chief, Contact Division, 00; Subject: Ricciardelli, Libero-Permission to Reveal the Identity of a Former US Citizen (now a Soviet citizen) as a source of this Agency to the FBI; Ref: a) Our request for security checks on Subject dated July 11, 1963; b) Mr. Kuhn's oral request on July 15, 1963, regarding FBI interest in information resulting from interviews with the subject.

53. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders l-J, Joseph Dutkanicz. Note on Dutkanicz "Prepared by Cl Staff for State [Depart- ment]-Nov. 60." The note explained: "Dutkanicz, who was born in Poland around 1927, was taken to Germany during World War II. After being liberated by the American Army he immigrated to the United States and was then drafted into the Army. His address in the United States was given as Tujanes, California."

54. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders 1-J, Joseph Dutkanicz. October 2, 1964, memorandum from SR/CI/R/ to Chief, Cl Liaison Subject: Questions Concerning Defectors Joseph J. Dutkanicz (201-289236) and Vladimir O. Sloboda (201-287527). On this memorandum are two penciled numbers besides Dutkanicz's 201: "SX-4617," and "200-5-41" under which it was filed. The "200" meant "miscellaneous international file"; see NARA, JFK Files, SSCI box 265-15, November 14, 1975, memo from Dan Dwyer and Ed Greissing to Paul Wallach. Attached to the Wigren memo is a buck slip with "HH-6683" and a note saying the memo "will not receive further dissemination." Elsewhere in this CIA file on Dutkanicz there is a note from Jim Harrison to Ruth Elliff, saying, "The following OCG records are attached: HH 6683. They contain information on: Joseph Dutkanicz."

55. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz. October 2, 1964, memorandum from SR/CI/R/ to Chief, Cl Liaison, Subject: Questions Concerning Defectors Joseph J. Dutkanicz (201-289236) and Vladimir O. Sloboda (201-287527).

56. Field Personality (201) File Request for Lee Henry [sic] Oswald, opened by Ann Egerter, December 9, 1960. See NARA, JFK files, CIA DDP 201 file on Oswald, boxes 1 and 2.

57. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders I-J, Joseph Dutkanicz. October 2, 1964. Memorandum from SR/CI/R/ to Chief, Cl Liaison, Subject: Questions Concerning Defectors Joseph J. Dutkanicz (201-289236) and Vladimir O. Sloboda (201-287527).

58. Note on Dutkanicz "Prepared by CI Staff for State [Department]-Nov. 60," NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 7, folders 1-J, Joseph Dutkanicz.

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