Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (80 page)

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65. Memorandum from Special Agent W. Dana Carson to Special Agent in Charge at Washington field office (105-37111), September 12, 1960. Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, Internal Security-Russia.

66. Memorandum from Special Agent W. Dana Carson to special agent in Charge at Washington field office (105-37111), September 12, 1960. Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, Internal Security-Russia. Carson made an error when, talking of the State Department copy of Fain's "Funds Transmitted to Residents of Russia" report, he mentioned one of its file numbers as "Dallas File 100-976." This inadvertent slip again draws our attention to Oswald field file: 105-976.

67. ONI routing slip GG 71228/jhl; Subject: Oswald, Lee Harvey; Funds Transmitted to Residents of Russia, originator: FBI, originator file number: BU 100-353496, date of letter: May 12, 1960, addressed to: DNI, date rec'd on: May 26, 1960, enclosures: W/O, ONI copy distribution: 921E2- cleared for FF 11/10/60 WB. NARA, JFK files, NIS 1994 release, boxes 1-3.

68. April 12, 1960, ONI letter to DIO 9ND, OP-921E2/jws, Ser 0236P92; ONI-119, Paul Hoch FOIA files.

69. Raymond M. Reardon, Security Analysis Group/OS, memo to CIA dep uty inspector general, February 1, 1977; Subject: Agency Activities in New Orleans; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.29.15:18:40:030280.

70. Director of Naval Intelligence to officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Eighth Naval District; Subject: Oswald, date: November 15, 1960; Paul Hoch FOIA documents, ONI-96. The copy for DIO-9ND is indicated on the bottom of this letter.

71. Letter from officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Ninth Naval District, to officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Eighth Naval District; Subject: Oswald, date: November 30, 1960; Paul Hoch FOIA documents, ONI-92.

72. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-1006-10246; letter from F.O.C. Fletcher, Jr., captain, U.S. Navy, officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Eighth Naval District, 92/922E, Serial: 053; January 11, 1961, to special agent in charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas field office, Re: Oswald, Lee Harvey [handwritten:] 105-976-1, p. 17. For DNI (Director of Naval Intelligence) copy, see PLH item 19. According to Paul Hoch's note, this document was not in Oswald's FBI HQ file. On the other hand, it may have been filed at FBI HQ under 100-353496.

73. Letter from F.O.C. Fletcher, Jr., captain, U.S. Navy, officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Eighth Naval District, 92/922E, Serial: 053, January 11, 1961, to special agent in charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas field office, Re: Oswald, Lee Harvey [handwritten:] 105-9761, p. 17. FBI Dallas field office file, PLH item 968.

74. Letter from F.O.C. Fletcher, Jr., captain, U.S. Navy, officer in charge, District Intelligence Office, Eighth Naval District, 92/922E, Serial: 053, January 11, 1961, to special agent in charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dallas field office, Re: Oswald, Lee Harvey [handwritten:] 105-9761, p. 17. For DNI (Director of Naval Intelligence) copy, see PLH item 19. According to Paul Hoch's note, this document was not in Oswald's FBI HQ file. On the other hand, it may have been filed at FBI HQ under 100-353496.

75. As a point of interest, in the files of the FBI field office in Dallas, this document became the second of the new file on Oswald, 100-10461. The first document in 100-10461 was Captain Fletcher's DIO 8ND letter.

76. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10247. Memorandum from John Edgar Hoover, director, to Office of Security, Department of State, February 27, 1961. Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald; Internal Security-Russia. File No. 105-82555.

77. NARA JFK files, RIF 124-10228-10036; SAC Dallas to SAC New Orleans, Dallas FBI office to SAC New Orleans FBI office, with the slightly different subject line: "Lee Harvey Oswald, SM-C," probably "security matter, Communist" or close to it.

78. WC Vol. XXVI, p. 94.

79. Here Fain's memo said "Refer to 92/922E, Serial 051, DIO file #," which was two before Fletcher's 053. Thus far, 051 has not come to light.

80. PPT, March 2, 1961, from SY/E-Emery J. Adams; Subject: Oswald, Lee Harvey, REF: SY memorandum, June 10, 1960. NARA, JFK files, DOS passport file on Oswald.

81. HSCA Vol. III, p. 575.

82. Lee Oswald letter to Robert Oswald, August 21, 1961, WC Vol. XVI, CE 303, 836.

83. State Department to American Embassy in Moscow, A-273, April 13, 1961. NARA, JFK files, CIA August 1992 release.

84. The cable advised the embassy:

If and when Mr. Oswald appears at the Embassy, he should be thoroughly questioned regarding the circumstances of his residence in the Soviet Union and his possible commitment of an act or sets of expatriation and, as contemplated by the Embassy, his statements should be taken under oath. If the Embassy is fully satisfied that he has not expatriated himself in any manner and if he presents evidence that he has (appeared) to depart from the Soviet Union to travel to the United States, his passport may be delivered to him on a personal basis only, after being rendered valid for direct return to the United States. For security reasons, the Department does not consider that it would be prudent for the Embassy to forward Oswald's passport to him by mail.

85. State Department to American Embassy in Moscow, A-273, April 13, 1961. NARA, JFK files, CIA August 1992 release.

86. SA Kenneth J. Haser, memo to SAC, WFO (105-37111), April 20, 1961. A "V. Dunn" of WFO filed this document as the 3rd in Oswald's FBI WFO file, 105-37111. NARA, JFK files, FBI WFO (105-37111) box 1.

87. WC Vol. IV, p. 438.

88. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10249; from SAC New Orleans FBI office (100-16601) to SAC Dallas FBI office (100-10461), April 27, 1961; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald; SM-C; (00: Dallas); Re Dallas let 2/28/61.

89. The memo contained the following data:

File on Oswald reflected an ONI report by SA John T. Cox dated January 27, 1960, File 33-476, captioned John Edward Pic (DOB 17 Jan '32 S Sgt. AF 11313239 USAF Hospital Tachikowa, APO 323 Communist Matters). In brief this report reflected information concerning Pic's reporting to ONI that Lee Harvey Oswald was his half brother. Basis for Pic inquiry was that he heard that Oswald had turned in his United States passport to the American Embassy at Moscow with intentions of removing his American citizenship. This report contains some background information with respect to Oswald and his family. There was only one copy of this report available in the file; however, it was noted that a copy had been furnished to Carswell Air Force base, Fort Worth, Texas.

Also in this file was a photostatic copy of a telegram from the Department of State, Moscow, Russia, dated October 31, 1959 at 7:59 am carrying Control Number 20261 and another number 1304, which stated in part "Lee Harvey Oswald unmarried, age 20 PP 1733242 issued 9/10/59 appeared at Embassy to renounce his Amer ican citizenship following entry USSR from Helsinki 10:15. Mother's address and his latest address in United States 4936 Callinwood Street, Fort Worth, Texas; Says, I have contemplated last two years. Main reason "American Marxist,"; attitude-arrogant, aggressive; recently discharged Marine Corps. Says, has offered Soviets any information he has acquired as Enlisted Radio Operator." This dispatch was signed Freers and apparently directed to the State department, Washington, D.C.

The file also disclosed a photostatic copy of a memorandum report dated November 2, 1959, which was signed Edward F. Freers Charge d'Affaires, ad interim, American Embassy. This report reflected an interview with Oswald at the American Embassy at Moscow, October 31, 1959; however, the quality of the photostatic copy was so poor that it was impossible to review.

Also in ONI's files was a memorandum dated October 26, 1959, bearing a control Number 1178 concerning Robert Edward Webster. This memorandum which was a photostat furnished information concerning Webster, who appears to have defected to the Russians at about the same time as Oswald. This individual was identified as having been discharged from the United States Navy 1951, USN Serial Number 7917938. Here again the photostatic copy was impossible to review because of poor quality.

There appeared a photostatic copy of a November 3, 1959, article which appeared in a Fort Worth, Texas, newspaper, which showed it was a UPI dispatch. It related to an interview with Robert L. Oswald, brother of Lee Harvey Oswald. Also was an autostatic copy of a newspaper story from the "Washington Post," Washington, D.C., newspaper dated November 16, 1959, which indicated that subject had been informed by the Russians that he would not be granted Russian citizenship but would he allowed to live in Russia as a nonresident alien. A picture of Oswald accompanied this brief article. There was another photostatic copy of a story from the "Washington Post" dated November I, 1959, which had been dispatched by UPI and which related to the defection of subject.

A photostatic copy of a Washington Evening Star article dated November 26, 1959, appeared in this file entitled "U.S. Defects to Reds Determined Marxist at I5." This story related to subject and had been written by Priscilla Johnson for the North American Newspaper Alliance. This article mainly reflected an interview with the subject.

There was also found in ONI's files a photostatic copy of a "Speed" letter dated March 8, 1960, to the Commander Marine Air Reserve Training Command, Naval Air Station, Glenview, Illinois, from Commandant of the Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., and signed A. Larson. It stated as follows:

"Arrangements being made with a Federal Investigation Agency to furnish you report which relates to PFC Lee Harvey Oswald, Number 1653230 USMCR inactive, CMN, a member of your Command X, upon receipt CMM. You are directed to process PFC for discharge IAWPARA.I0277.2.f MACROMANX."

90. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10249; from SAC New Orleans FBI office (100-16601) to SAC Dallas FBI office (100-10461), April 27, 1961; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald; SM-C; (00: Dallas); Re Dallas let 2/28/61.

91. NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10249; from SAC New Orleans FBI office (100-16601) to SAC Dallas FBI office (100-10461), April 27, 1961; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald; SM-C; (00: Dallas); Re Dallas let 2/28/61.

92. FBI Memo from SAC Dallas to SAC New Orleans; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, SM-C, April 28, 1961; NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10006-10248.

93. WC Vol. XXII, CE 1127, p. 98.

94. Record number 157-10006010348. Memorandum from special agent in charge at FBI Dallas (100-10461-4) to special agent in charge at FBI New Orleans (16601-3 and 105-82555-54), April 28, 1961. Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, SM-C, 00-Dallas.

95. NARA, JFK files, FBI, New Orleans (100-10461), April 28, 1961.

96. Memorandum from Special Agent in Charge at the FBI Washington field office (105-37111-4) to the director of the FBI (100-10,461-6), May 23, 1961. Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald.

97. NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10010-10014.

98. Memorandum from Emery J. Adams, for the director, Office of Security to the Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington 25, D.C. (105-82555-15). May 25, 1961. Subject: Oswald, Lee Harvey.

99. Memorandum from Emery J. Adams, for the director, Office of Security to the Honorable J. Edgar Hoover, director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington 25, D.C. (105-82555-15). May 25, 1961. Subject: Oswald, Lee Harvey.

Chapter Thirteen

1. Exhibit 22, FBI memorandum from D. E. Moore to A. H. Belmont, March 10, 1961, SSCIA hearing, Volume IV, mail opening.

2. CIA letter to Robert Olsen, SSCIA, April 29, 1975, re: answers to questions put to the CIA by Paul Hoch; CIA document 1634-1088.

3. HSCA Report, p. 205.

4. June 22 memo from Deputy Chief, CI/Project to Deputy Chief, CI, HT/ LINGUAL-6101OAK, NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.

5. CIA HT/LINGUAL notecard on Oswald, November 9, 1959, NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.04.13.14:53:55:500005.

6. CIA HT/LINGUAL notecard on Oswald, August 7, 1961, NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.04.13.14:53:55:500005.

7. Embassy dispatch to State #806, date May 26, 1961; NARA JFK files, CIA DDO 201 file on Oswald, boxes I and 2.

8. Cable from American Embassy in Moscow (4495881) to the Department of State, Washington (201-298248), May 26, 1961. Subject: Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald.

9. Cable from American Embassy in Moscow (4495881) to the Department of State, Washington (201-298248), May 26, 1961. Subject: Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald.

10. "Progress Report: 1962-1963," by John Mertz, Chief, CUProject; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release. See p. 3 of "Progress Report."

1 I . WC Vol. XXII, p. 754 (Marina said trip was late summer 1961), p. 744 (Marina said trip was July 8,9,10, 1961).

12. W R, p. 705.

13. WC Vol. XVI p. 103, CE 24, entry of July 8, 1961.

14. WC Vol. XXII CE 1401 ( p. 278), p. 754.

15. WC Vol. XVIII, p. 137, CE 935; WR, p. 706.

16. WC Vol. XVI pp. 94-98; CE 24, entries of October 16, 1959, through January 4, 1960; CE 908.

17. WC Vol. XXII, p. 702, CE 1385, p. 4; P. Johnson DE 1, pp. 3, 6, 14; P. Johnson DE 2, pp. 1-2; I I H 456 (P. Johnson); Vol. XI, p. 456 CE 985, document IC-2, p. 6.

18. WC Vol. XXII, CE 1109, pp. 67-68; CE 1110, pp. 69-72; and CE 1128, pp. 104-109.

19. W R, p. 706.

20. WC Vol. XVIII p. 138, CE 935 p. 2.

21. WC Vol. XVIII p. 144, CE 938.

22. W R, p. 705.

23. WC Vol. XVIII, 139, CE 935, p. 3.

24. WC Vol. V, p. 284 (Snyder); WC Vol. XVIII p. 161, CE 946, pp. 2-3.

25. WC Vol. V, p. 284 (Snyder); CE 946, p. 6.

26. WC Vol. XVIII, CE 944, p. 158; Vol. V, pp. 304-306 and pp. 318-319, (McVickar); Vol. XVIII, CE 959 (p. 6), pp. 335-338.

27. WC Vol. XVIII, pp. 264-266, CE 950; WC Vol. XXII, p. 88; WC Vol. XXV1, p. 123.

28. WC Vol. XXII, p. 121.

29. Cable from Department of State, Washington (No. W-7) to American Embassy, Moscow, July II, 1961. Subject: Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald.

30. Cable from American Embassy in Moscow to Department of State in Washington, July 11, 1961. Subject: Citizenship and Passports: Lee Harvey Oswald.

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