Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (84 page)

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112. Brennan's report said: "On the night of November 23, 1963, Bernard Raichhardt [possibly B. Reichardt, CH/WH/3/Mexico] CIA, furnished the following information to the Liaison Agent."

113. FBI memorandum, to W. C. Sullivan, from D. J. Brennan, November 24, 1963, subject: Lee Harvey Oswald; NARA JFK files, RIF 157-1000810141.

114. Silvia Duran, interview with Anthony Summers, 11 January 1995; questions provided by John Newman. Many thanks are due to the unselfish work of Anthony and Robbyn Summers done in support of this project on this and other aspects of the Mexico City story for this book.

115. FBI memo, special agent Vincent K. Antle to SAC Miami, November 27, 1963, 105-8242, document 44; NARA, JFK files, NIS/ONI 1994 release, boxes 1-3, Hemming.

116. FBI report by special agent Dwyer, Miami 105-8342, December 2, 1963; NARA, JFK files, CD 59.

117. FBI memo, special agent Vincent K. Antle to SAC Miami, November 27, 1963, 105-8242, document 44; NARA, JFK files, NIS/ONI 1994 release, boxes 1-3, Hemming.

118. Earl Golz 1978 interview with Fred Claasen; AARC, John Martino file; see also Vanity Fair, December 1994, pp. 86-139.

119. WC, vol. XVIII, CE 986 p. 489.

120. Note: This letter was mentioned in Kelley's book (Kelley: Story of an FBI Director, p. 260), but not Oswald's May 1963 change-of-address to the Soviet Embassy.

121. WC, vol. XVIII, CE 986, p. 486.

122. WC, vol. XXII, CE 1117, p. 84, CE 1147, p. 178.

123. WC, vol. XXII, CE 1144, p. 156.

124. WC, vol. XVI, CE 29, p. 145; WC, vol. XVIII, CE 986, p. 493.

125. WC, vol. XVIII, CE 986, p. 499.

126. HT/LINGUAL soft file, CIA memorandum, May 1, 1964, see "Item 61GIOAK" [July 10, 1961, item AK]; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.; this is also CIA document number 16191122-Y.

127. HSCA Report, p. 260.

128. "Progress Report, 1962-1963," an April 1964 internal CIA report on the HT/Lingual program, also known as "Cl/Project." This document, classified, "SECRET EYES ONLY," has no author, and comes with a cover note from the chief of CI/Project, John Mertz, to a Mr. Hunt, saying, "Attached is an interesting statement which indicates the Project is oriented along operational lines. JCM." Both documents are in NARA, JFK Files, CIA, 1993 release.

129. Angleton memo to Hoover, Attn: Papich November 26, 1963, "SPECIAL HANDLING," Secret Eyes Only, Subject: Hunter report #10815; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.04.13.14:56:04:160005.

130. WC, CD 66, p. 91

131. We really need to see the intercept to verify this CIA claim. Even if Mertz was equating "Alek" to "Alex" we still need to know. This particular [presumably] classified mail intercept along with the rest of these kinds of materials should be released and even if the Agency wants to keep them classified. The Assassination Records Review Board could decide to release them anyway.

133. See HSCA final report pp. 205-206

134. See CIA HT/LINGUAL Card on Oswald, dated 7 August 1961; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1193.07.02.11;10;02;560530. Handwriting on this card states, "deleted 28 May '62.

Chapter Sixteen

1. WC Vol. XXVI, pp. 95-96, CD 12, p. 5.

2. FBI letter, April 6, 1964, WC vol. XXVI, CE 2718, pp. 92-99; for Question Number 9, see pp. 94-95.

3. FBI letter from SAC New York (NY-113) to SAC New Orleans, July 5, 1963; NARA, JFK files, FBI headquarters file 105-82555, document 54; see also New Orleans files 100-16601, document 45; RIF 124-1022810039.

4. It is item 54R in the Oswald FBI headquarters file 105-82555. It is stamped "Received 7.8 63 FROM CSNY 48S; Paul Hoch item #463. On January 1, 1978, Dr. Hoch added this note: "I got this from the Archives long ago. According to Jim Kostman, FBI item 105-82555-54R includes this card, with part of the FBI's notation of the source deleted." Note also that this card eventually became FBI exhibit D-21.

5. Someone has written the number "54" on an entire string of documents in Oswald's headquarters file (105-82555), including this card, and thus its relative position-and thus its probably date-is obscure.

6. WC Vol. XVIII, CE 986, pp. 516-517.

7. FBI memorandum from SAC New Orleans to SAC Dallas; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, July 17, 1963; NARA JFK files, Dallas 100-10461 file, document 36; New Orleans 100-16601 file, document 6 (it had earlier been listed as document 5); see also Paul Hoch, item 985.

8. FBI memorandum from SAC New Orleans to SAC Dallas; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, July 17, 1963; NARA JFK files, Dallas 100-10461 file, document 36; New Orleans 100-16601 file, document 6 (it had earlier been listed as document 5); see also Paul Hoch, item 985.

9. FBI office memorandum from SAC New York to SAC New Orleans; Subject Lee Harvey Oswald, July 17, 1963, NARA, JFK files, FBI New Orleans file 100-16601, document 8.

10. NARA, JFK files, FBI New Orleans file 100-16601, document 9; see also Paul Hoch, item 505.

11. Included in this material was a copy of Oswald's June 10 letter to the Worker in which he used his New Orleans P.O. Box (30061) as his mailing address; see July 5 FBI New York office memorandum to SAC New Orleans: TO: SAC New Orleans FROM: SAC New York SUBJECT: Lee H. Oswald, P.O. Box 30061, New Orleans, La.; Handwritten: "Lee Harvey Oswald 100-16601*" (copies l-New Orleans (Info); (Encl. 1); (RM); JVW:rmv; (1); Handwritten: "105-82555-54" and "100-16601-45.") This letter must be different from Oswald's change-of-address card which he mailed soon thereafter to the Worker. Although the postmark for the change-of-address card is indistinct, a large stamp is over the front of the card, apparently from the FBI, which reads "RECEIVED 7 8 63 FROM CSNY 48 IS 6." Paul Hoch procured this item from the archives and he says: "I got this item from the archives long ago. According to Jim Kostman, FBI item 105-82555-54R includes this card, with part of the FBI's notation on the source deleted. Paul L. Hoch 1/1/78."

12. FBI memorandum from SAC New Orleans (16601) to SAC Dallas (10010461) to SAC New Orleans (100-16601), July 17, 1963, Paul Hoch, item #985.

13. FBI memorandum from SAC Dallas to SAC New Orleans; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Nikolaevna Oswald, July 29, 1963; NARA JFK files, New Orleans file 100-16601, document 9; Dallas file 100-10461, document 38; see also Paul Hoch, item 987.

14. FBI memorandum from SAC Dallas to SAC New Orleans; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, July 29, 1963, NARA JFK files, FBI New Orleans 10016601 file, document 9; and Dallas 100-10461 file, document 38; see also Paul Hoch, item 987.

15. FBI memorandum from FBI SA James P. Hosty to SAC Dallas, May 28, 1963; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald. See NARA, JFK files, Dallas FBI file, 100-10461.

16. FBI memorandum from SAC Dallas to director, FBI (105-82555), March 25, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10035-10255.

17. FBI memorandum from FBI SA James P. Hosty to SAC DAllas, May 28, 1963; Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina Oswald. See NARA, JFK files, Dallas FBI file, 100-10461.

18. Clarence Kelly, Kelley: The Story of an FBI Director (Kansas City: Andrews, McMeel & Parker, 1987), p. 265.

19. WC vol. XVII, CE 793, p. 680.

20. WC vol. VII, pp. 418-427.

21. WC vol. XIX, Cardigan exhibit 14, p. 287.

22. Urgent FBI cable from SAC Dallas to director and SAC New Orleans, 10:37 p.m. CST, November 22, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 12410248-10078.

23. WC vol. VIII, p. 139; Vol. XIX, Cadigan exhibit 3, p. 266.

24. WC vol. IV, p. 378; WC vol. VII, p. 295; WC vol. XVII, CE 794 p. 680; WC vol. XIX, Cadigan exhibit 14, p. 287; WC vol. XXII, CE 1390, p. 717; Dallas Times Herald, 12/1/63, p. A-30; Fort Worth Star Telegram, 1 1 /30/63.

25. WC vol. VII, p. 295; WC vol. XVII, CE's 791-794, pp. 679-680, WC vol. XIX, Cadigan exhibits 13 & 14, pp. 286-287.

26. WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 4, p. 521; WC vol. XXI, Turner exhibit 1, p. 678.

27. WC vol. IX, p. 420; Vol. XX, Lee exhibit 3-A, p. 517; WC vol. XXI, Potts exhibit A-l, p. 141; WC vol. XXIV, CE 2003, p. 274.

28. The card was found on Oswald on November 22, 1963. WC vol. IV, p. 440; WC vol. XI, p. 208; WC vol. XXIV, CE 1986, p. IT, WC vol. XXV, CE 2483, p. 681; Life magazine, 2/21/64, p. 76.

29. The FPCC sent this letter to Oswald's 4907 Magazine address, which he probably received on May 30 or later. WC vol. XVI, CE 93, p. 341; WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 3, p. 514; WC vol. XXI, Potts exhibit A-1, p. 141, Turner exhibit 1, p. 678; WC vol. XXIV, CE 2003, pp. 275, 341, 350.

30. WC vol. XVIII, CE 986, pp. 516-517.

31. WC vol. XVIII, CE 986, p. 518. On June 4, the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C., wrote to Marina Oswald at the 4907 Magazine apartment, New Orleans, asking her reason for wanting to return to the USSR. Soviet Embassy letter to Marina Oswald, June 4, 1963; WC vol. XVI, CE 11, p. 24; WC vol. XVIII, CE 986, p. 518; and WC vol. XXIV, CE 2003, p. 335. Oswald had furnished their address on May 17. We have already dealt with the issue of Marina's desire to return to the Soviet Union. She did not want to go back to Russia. That she felt this way then is suggested by what she wrote to Mrs. Paine on May 25. Marina said that she wanted to stay in the U.S.A. even without Oswald.

32. See Conrad memorandum, FBI, "Re: Assassination of the President," November 23, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10035-10148.

33. Telephone conversation between the president and J. Edgar Hoover, November 23, 1963, LBJ Library.

34. See vol. XX, pp. 257-259 Johnson (Arnold), exhibit No. I; CE 826, vol. XVII, p. 753, October 31, 1963, FBI report by SA Milton R. Kaack; and WC vol. XXII, CE 1145, p. 186. For the New Orleans copy, see NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10228-10039.

35. WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 3-A, p. 517, 8-A, p. 531; WC vol. XXI, Turner exhibit 1, p. 678.

36. FBI report by special agent Hosty, September 10, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10171-10133.

37. FBI report by special agent Hosty, September 10, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10171-10133.

38. WC vol. IX, p. 420; WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 3-A, p. 517; WC vol. XXII, CE 1141, p. 141; WC vol. XXIV, CE 2003, pp. 274, 341, 350.

39. FBI report by special agent Hosty, September 10, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 124-10171-10133.

40. June Cobb notes, October 22, 1960, on visit of Richard Gibson. CIA Cobb 201 file, 201-278841; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.03.08.13:30:54:000007. See also at NARA, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11, folders A-F.

41. See Alleged Assassination Plots, pp. 13-70.

42. An article in the magazine Confidential in 1960 inaccurately described June Cobb's relationship with Marita Lorenz at the time she had an abortion. This was previously discussed in Chapter Seven.

43. See Cobb files in NARA JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm, reel 11, folder E.

44. See dispatch to chief, WH division, May 21, 1963; NARA JFK files, CIA microfilm 1994 release, reel 11, folders E-F. The routing sheet shows the TFW coordination.

45. CIA memo from Victor White to chief, CI/OA, October 17, 1962; NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb files.

46. CIA memo from Victor White to chief, CI/OA, June 17, 1963; NARA JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Cobb files.

47. FBI special agent Hosty, April 30, 1964, testimony to the Warren Commission, see vol. IV, p. 444.

48. Clarence Kelly, Kelley: The Story of an FBI Director, p. 265.

49. FBI special agent Hosty, April 30, 1964, testimony to the Warren Commission, see vol. IV, p. 444.

50. Oswald letter to the FPCC, sent April 19, 1963; WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit I, p. 511.

51. FBI memorandum from SAC New York (97-2229) to SAC Dallas; Subject: Fair Play for Cuba Committee, June 27, 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 12410171-10128. More than the late date of this New York memorandum is curious. Handwriting on this document has the missing Dallas FBI serial 105-976. The writing also notes a "page 17." The Fain report of May 1960 is nowhere near this length, so the conclusion that more documentsincluding one 17 or more pages long-existed in the 105-976 file at some point.

52. Anthan G. Theoaris and John Stuart Cox, The Boss (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988) pp. 14-15, and note 49.

53. Oswald letter to the FPCC, dated May 26, 1963; WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 2, pp. 512-513.

54. Letter to Oswald from FPCC national director V. T. Lee, May 29, 1963; WC vol. XX Lee exhibit 3, CE 2483, p. 515; WC vol. IV, p. 440; WC vol. XI, p. 208; WC vol. XXIV, CE 1986, p. 17; WC vol. XXV, CE 2483, p. 681; and Life magazine, February 21, 1964, p. 76.

55. Letter to Oswald from FPCC national director V. T. Lee, May 29, 1963; WC vol. XX, Lee exhibit 3, p. 515; WC vol. IV, p. 440; WC vol. XI, p. 208; WC vol. XXIV, CE 1986, p. 17; WC vol. XXV, CE 2483, p. 681; and Life magazine, February 21, 1964, p. 76.

56. WC vol. XXV, CE 2548, p. 773. This printing company is opposite the Reily Coffee Company, where Oswald worked; see WC vol. XXII, CE 1410, p. 796; and WC vol. XXV, CE 2543, p. 770. There is some question as to whether the person ordering these handbills was actually Oswald; the secretary, Myra Silver, at the printing company believed that the person ordering them used the name "Osborne" and not Oswald; see WC vol. XXV, CE 2195, p. 58. Jones recalled that a "husky laborer-type" ordered the handbills, not Oswald; see WC vol. XXV, CE 2541, p. 769. There is no doubt, however, that these are the handbills that Oswald later distributed. The invoice from Jones Printing Company found in Oswald's effects after the assassination was billed to a "Mr. Osborne"; see WC vol. XXIV, CE 2003, p. 341. On balance, it seems probable that it was Oswald who ordered these handbills, using the name "Osborne." This is the conclusion reached by the Dallas office of the FBI after the assassination; see WC vol. XXV, CE 2548, p. 773.

57. WC vol. XXV, CE 2195, p. 58.

58. WC vol. XXII, CE 1411, p. 800.

59. United States Secret Service report of special agent Anthony E. Gerret, CO-2-34, 030, December 1963; NARA, JFK files, RIF 157-10011-10133. "Confidential Informant NO T-1 advised on July 23, 1963, that Post Office Box 30061 was rented by L. H. Oswald on June 3, 1963. He furnished as his address 657 French Street, New Orleans, Louisiana." This informant was Mr. L. H. Robertson, postal inspector, 2002 Post Office Building, New Orleans; see October 31, 1963 FBI report by Kaack.

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