Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth About the Unknown Relationship Between the U.S. Government and the Alleged Killer of JFK (81 page)

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31. WC Vol. XVI p. 103, CE 24, entry of July 14, 1961; WC Vol. XVI p. 833, CE 301.

32. WC Vol. XVI p. 103, CE 24, entry of July 14, 1961; WC Vol. XVI p. 833, CE 301.

33. WR, p. 706.

34. WC Vol. XVIII, CE 935, p. 137; CE 985, documents IB, 213, 3B, 4B, in WC Vol. XVIII, pp. 403-479; see CE 1401 pp. 227-278, 280, in WC Vol. XXII, pp. 740-764.

35. CE 1122, pp. 2-3, in WC Vol. XXII, pp. 87-88.

36. WC Vol. XVI p. 104, CE 24, entry of August 24-September 1, 1961.

37. WC Vol. XVI p. 104, CE 24, entry of September-October 18, 1961.

38. WC Vol. XVIII, p. 405, CE 985.

39. WC Vol. XVIII pp. 405, 442, CE 985.

40. WC Vol. XXII, p. 9.

41. WC Vol. XVII, p. 720; WC Vol. XVIII, p. 266, CE 950; WC Vol. XXII, pp. 35, 87; WC Vol. XXVI, p. 122--ropy.

42. WC Vol. XVII, p. 720; WC Vol XXII, pp. 35, 87; WC Vol. XXVI, p. 122.

43. WC Vol.XVII, pp. 405, 444, CE 985.

44. WC Vol. XXVI, p. 115. Usual procedures and times required discussed in WC Vol. XXVI, p. 102.

45. November 25, 1963, internal CIA memo by "T.B.C." CIA document 435-173A. NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993. 07.17.09:57:50:000150.

46. September 28, 1961, CIA memo, see CIA document 598-252H; see also NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.07.02.13:25:25:180530.

47. WC Vol. XVII, p. 720; WC Vol. XXII, pp. 35, 88; WC Vol. XXVI, p. 123-copy.

48. Moscow Embassy dispatch 317 to the State Department, October 13, 1961, NARA, JFK files, CIA DDO 201 file on Oswald, boxes 1-2.

49. WC Vol. XXVI, p. 115.

50. WC Vol. V, p. 604, A comparison of the time it took Marina to get an exit visa with other cases. WC Vol. XXVI, p. 140, Marina requested the visa on August 21, 1961, and it was issued on December 1, 1961, or 101 days later. See Ambassador Thompson's statement above-December 1. 196 1, that CIA said that, of I1 similar cases, the time required was from 5 months to 1 year; see WC Vol. 26, p. 157. The CIA said of 26 cases, 3-the wife accompanied the husband upon departure; 15-the husband left first; 8-uncertain. Author Isaac Don Levine said it is hard for a pharmacist to get out of the USSR; see WC Vol. II, p. 8. Oswald said USSR had made it difficult for Marina to leave; see FBI Report, CD 1, p. 32.

51. WC Vol. V, p. 572.

52. "Progress Report: 1962-1963," by John Mertz, Chief, CI/Project, April 1964; NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release.

53. February 12, 1963, Hemming letter to Major General C. V. Clifton, President Kennedy's military aide, February 12, 1963. NARA, JFK files, ONIOSI boxes 1-3.

54. Memo from Jerry G. Brown, Deputy Chief OS/SAG, to Chief, SAG, June 11, 1976; NARA, JFK files, RIF 1993.06.029.15:26:50:400280.

55. NARA, JFK files, Chief CI/Operational Approval and Support Division, to Deputy Director of Security, on c.87424 [Hemming], January 3, 1961. There is a handwritten signature at the bottom: "Thomas Carroll, Jr.," underneath which are the initials "DWK."

56. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. The associated transmittal sheet shows that on March 2, 1961, the CIA requested checks for Gerald Patrick Hemming's name (using the old "Henning" instead of Hemming) through the records of the FBI, ONI, ACSI, STATE (sy), STATE (passport) and HCUA; NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. On the transmittal sheet the file number used for Hemming was "EE-29229": same location.

57. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. CIA memorandum, March 31, 1961, subject: Gerald P. Hemming, Jr., Moves to Miami to Engage in Anti-Castro Operations.

58. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. CIA memorandum, March 31, 1961, subject: Gerald P. Hemming, Jr., Moves to Miami to Engage in Anti-Castro Operations.

59. "It is always possible, on the other hand," the March 31 CIA report said, "that he is still loyal to the Cuban Government and at some future date will attempt to embarrass the US. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release; CIA memorandum,. March 31, 1961, subject: Gerald P. Hemming, Jr., Moves to Miami to Engage in Anti-Castro Operations.

60. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. CIA telegram from SAC DFO to Chief Invest. Div. May 10, 1961, subject: GPH JR EE 29229 [Gerald Patrick Hemming].

61. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. CIA telegram from SAC DFO to Chief Invest. Div. May 10, 1961, subject: GPH JR EE 29229 [Gerald Patrick Hemming].

62. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. Memorandum from M. D. Stevens, Security Research Staff, OS to File. 25 July 1961. Subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, Jr. EE-29229.

63. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. ONI status check from OP-921E2 to CMC (ABN), May 25, 1961, Subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick.

64. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Cross-reference sheet prepared by OP92I E2/PIERCE, YNI on May 26, 1961 regarding Gerald Patrick Henning, Robert Wills aka Willis and Dick Watley for an FBI report of May 19, 1961 on Anti-Communist Legionnaires Neutrality Matters. ONI Routing Slip No. GG 89169.

65. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Cross-reference sheet prepared by OP921 E2/mlb, YNI on June 16, 1961, from an FBI report of May 23, 1961, subject: Anti-Communist Legionnaires Matters; ONI Routing Slip No. XX 138316.

66. Papa Doc was president of Haiti.

67. Gerry Patrick Hemming, January 6, 1995, interview with John Newman.

68. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Cross-reference sheet prepared by OP921 E2/mlb, YNI on June 16, 1961, from an FBI report of May 23, 1961, subject: Anti-Communist Legionnaires Matters; ONI Routing Slip No. XX 138316.

69. ONI mentioned a May 25, 1961, status check on Gerald Patrick Hemming and a May 18, 1961, FBI report on Anti-Communist Legionnaires; NARA, JFK files ONI-NIS (3 boxes). 1994 release, box 1. Memorandum from Director of Naval Intelligence, Commandant of the Marine Corps to Assistant Chief of State G-2, Headquarters USMC (AO-2A) Rm. 2117-Arling ton Annex, July 5, 1961, subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, 1488247, USMCR, Serial Number 21252P92.

70. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. Memorandum from William Abbott to J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Attn: Liaison Section, July 6, 1961, subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, 1488247, USMCR, Serial Number 21251P92.

71. NARA, JFK files, 173-10011-10063. Status check from OP-921E2 to CMC (ABN), September 19, 1961, subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, Jr.

72. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Memorandum from William Abbott to J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Attn: Liaison Section, October 23, 1961, subject: SGT Gerald Patrick Hemming, Jr., USMCR, 1488247 (inactive), Serial Number 28106P92.

73. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. Memorandum from Director of Naval Intelligence to Officer in Charge, District Intelligence Office, Sixth Naval District, October 23, 1961, serial number 015807P92. The ONI letter to 6ND mentioned a Miami FBI report on Eloy Gutierrez Menoya, a Cuban exile leader with whom Hemming was associated. Men- oya's Miami FBI case number was 105-2102. See also NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release. Memorandum from Director of Naval Intelligence to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Headquarters ASMC (AO- 2A), Rm. 2117-Arlington Annex, October 23, 1961, subject: Sgt. Gerald Patrick Hemming, Jr., serial number 007630P92.

74. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 3. Memorandum from Officer in Charge. District Intelligence Office, Sixth Naval District to Director Sixth Marine Corps Reserve and Recruitment District, Atlanta, Georgia, November 3, 1961, subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, Serial Number 01895.

75. NARA, JFK files, 173-10011-10092. Memorandum from Officer in Charge, District Intelligence Office, Sixth Naval District to Officer in Charge, District Intelligence Office, Eleventh Naval District, December 5, 1961, subject: Hemming, Gerald Patrick, serial number: 02028.

76. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Cross-reference sheet prepared by "pCarter," Op-921E on August 8, 1961, for an FBI report of July 12, 1961, regarding Cuban Rebel Activities in Cuba. ONI Routing Slip No. XX 141692.

77. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box I. Cross-reference sheet prepared by 92lE/mlb on August 10, 1961, for an FBI report of July 3, 1961, regarding the Revolutionary Junta of National Liberation. Serial number 105-4050, ONI Routing Slip No. XX 140903.

78. NARA, JFK files, ONI-NIS (3 boxes) 1994 release, box 1. Cross-reference sheet prepared by OP921 E2/PIERCE YNI on August 25, 1961, regarding Gerald Patrick Hemming for an FBI report of July 31, 1961, on Intercontinental Penetration Forces (INTERPEN). ONI Routing Slip No. XX 14425.

79. NARA, JFK files, 1993.06.29.14:52:03:810280. Memorandum of October 4, 1961, marked OO-A-3198214. Subject: Intercontinental Penetration Force (INTERPEN)/CBS-NBC Interest in Cuban Expedition.

80. Origin of report: FBI; Serial number: MM 105-3514; Subject of report: James William Beck, John Clifford Nordeen, etc.; Date of report: November 14, 1961; Classification: Unclassified; ONI Routing Slip no.: XX 151346; NARA, JFK files.

81. FBI Dallas, report of Wallace Heitman and Hayden Griffin, September 8, 1964, Dallas 100-10461, WC, CD 1546.

82. One guess that comes to mind is the name Thomas W. Cornier, offered as a possibility by a former CIA employee.

Chapter Fourteen

1. FPCC, document 1.

2. Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, hereafter referred to as Alleged Assassination Plots (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975) p. 13.

3. Alleged Assassination Plots. pp. 13-190.

4. NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, RIF 1994.03.08.13:30: 54:000007; reel 11, folders E-F.

5. CIA document, dated October 28, 1960, "LA File on Viola June Cobb as Reviewed by Ed Lopez," NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.03.08.13:30: 54:000007; CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11.

6. CIA document, dated October 28, 1960, "LA File on Viola June Cobb as Reviewed by Ed Lopez," NARA, JFK files, RIF 1994.03.08.13:30: 54:000007; CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11.

7. CIA memo from chief, WH/4/CI [name redacted[ to Jane Roman, Cl Staff Liaison Group, March I, 1961; NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11, folder F; RIF 1994.03.09.09:05:37:810007.

8. C/CUSIG (Birch O'Neal) memorandum, November 22, 1960; NARA, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11, folder F.

9. CIA routing slip to CSCI 3/762466, from Jean T. Pierson, WH/4/CI, November 1, 1960; Nara, JFK files, CIA 1994 microfilm release, reel 11, folder F.

10. CIA memo for the record, February 1, 1961, by Kammer, subject: [redacted] #188-74. NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (five brown boxes) release.

11. To: C/EAB/OS; Attn: Mr. Belt; VIA: WH/4/Security; Attn: Mr. Kennedy; February 1, 1961; Subj. Fair Play for Cuba Committee. NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (five brown boxes) release.

12. To: Mr. Jack Kennedy, WH/4/Security; March 8, 1961 "Please include this statement in my permanent record. Thank you [redacted] WH/4/Regis- try, phone ext. 2929. NARA, JFK files, CIA, January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Court Wood papers.

13. CIA memo to Mr. Jack Kennedy, WH/4/Security, March 18, 1961, NARA, JFK files, CIA January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release.

14. Memo for the director FBI; Attn: Mr. Sam J. Papich; from R. F. Bannerman, acting director of Security, CIA, October 7, 1961; subject: Court Foster Wood; Internal Security-Cuba; NARA, JFK files, CIA, January 1994 (5 brown boxes) release, Court Wood papers.

15. The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies; Book V, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, hereafter referred to as Church Committee, vol. V, (Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976) book V, p. 66.

16. Church Committee, Book V, p. 66.

17. WR, p. 709; the Warren Report continues: "He told her that he would need about $800 and that she should insist on a gift rather than a loan; he told her not to send any of her own money [for the letter, see WC, vol. XVI, CE 189, pp. 554-556]. Despite his instructions, she requested a loan from the Red Cross [see WC, vol. XXVI, CE 2731, p. 110 and CE 2660, p. 131. Oswald wrote to the IRC himself on January 13, asking for $800 to cover the cost of travel for two from Moscow to Texas. On January 26, 1961, Oswald wrote to the IRC again, this time asking for $1000; see W R, p. 709.

18. WC, vol. XVI, CE 246, pp. 688-690.

19. WC, vol. XXII, CE 1078, p. 26.

20. WC, vol. XVI, CE 256, pp. 717-718.

21. WR, p. 709; see also WC, vol. XXII, CE 1079, p. 27. A point of interest: Before receiving this letter, Oswald wrote out such a document himself [see WC, vol. XXVI, CE 2692, p. 57] and mailed it to the embassy [see WC, vol. XVI, CE 247, pp. 691-692]. On January 31, the embassy responded that this affidavit might not satisfy the requirement; WC, vol. XXII, CE 1080, p. 28. Later, by March 16, 1962, the embassy changed this position, and decided that Oswald's own affidavit of support for Marina would be sufficient under the circumstances; see WC, vol. XXII, CE 1095, p. 46.

22. WC, vol. XVI, CE 256, pp. 717-718; see also WC, vol. XVIII, p. 270; and WC, vol. XXVI, p. 117.

23. The idea of Marina as some sort of protection for Oswald was first mentioned to the author by David Lifton in 1992.

24. WC vol. XVI, pp. 691-692.

25. WR, pp. 709-710; see also WC, vol. XVI, CE 190, pp. 558-559. On January 24, the embassy acknowledged receipt of this affidavit, but again suggested that Oswald obtain one from someone else; see WC, vol. XXII, CE 1080, p. 28, and CE 1101, p. 51.

26. WC, vol. XXII, CE 1058, p. 10; Dallas Morning News, 11/23/63, p. 1-5; Vol. XXII, CE 1082, p. 29.

27. WC, vol. XVI, CE 192, p. 562.

28. WC, vol. XVI, CE 222, p. 612.

29. WC, vol. XVI, CE 192, p. 562.

30. WC, vol. XVI, CE 193, p. 564-566.

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