Other Places 2: Road Blocks (11 page)

BOOK: Other Places 2: Road Blocks
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"You have the mother of an Alede Ambassador doing food runs? Well, that should at least engender good will. She gets a trip to Paris that way after all, and we get fresh baked goods. Unless that's a code phrase for something? Or you aren't sharing, in which case I'll have to beg." He tried to look sad for a moment, but didn't pull it off well at all. "Of course I won't be here when they come in, but save me some for later tonight?"

ask for enough so everyone could have some. We won't know the results until later."

Then Bob left, and so did Hiram, which pretty much meant all he had to do was make certain Elis got his blood to drink and eat a cup of yoghurt that Lenore brought for him.

"Spending each night with an Alede... I won't be able to compete when next we get to have some time together, will I?" She was teasing lightly, instead of seeming mad at him for the supposed transgression at least, as if it was really just expected that he'd be doing that kind of thing with Judy, if she were around.

"Not me, I haven't ever had sex with an Alede at all. Judy hasn't pushed me very hard either. She's really polite that way. Now if you have sex with
, then, that seems pretty likely. He'll be ruined for good women everywhere, no doubt. He's been having threesomes with her and other girls for the last two nights."

That got a slight stirring from the awkward little cushion beds on the floor, and Conrad sat looking at him closely.

"An Alede has been staying with you, and you've resisted her? The others here too? That's an impressive feat. Few manage that once they set their sights. It's part of their nature." He really did sound impressed too and brushed his short hair with a hand, smoothing it a bit. It was clear he needed a comb or something, which Zack should have noticed earlier. Other things too, like a shower and some clean clothing.

 It felt mean but after he mentioned it, he had to shake his head.

"It will have to wait so I can get to the store, I'm afraid."

Conrad gave a look that wasn't unkind, but had a bit of a patronizing air.

"Merry and I live behind our kitchen. We won't be dispossessed. Not just because Kenton put some chicken in our pressure cooker, and became side tracked with other matters. Leif is an ass, and I heard what he said about us, but the others wouldn't have done it. We're far too distant from home to waste. The fact is, the Elth Ambassador here is less requested than good Chinese food. That
took us in was a kindness however. It should shame him endlessly, no doubt. It would be petty of me to want to see his face when it occurs to him, and alas, that moment has most likely passed, but I won't claim it wouldn't be worth the viewing."

Elis chuckled, which was the first time that Zack had heard him do anything of the sort, and Lenore lifted her shoulders, delicately.

"Well, it might be a bit more serious than that. I hear the Trickster is aware of the event, and seems to believe that Ambassador Leif might have been a bit more concerned for his people. Hopefully this doesn't end in you needing a new leader here. I personally get along with him tolerably well."

That got Conrad to cover his mouth, which given how small he was looked a bit girlish.

"Oh, my then. I guess we'll have to see what happens. Poor Leif. He's not the best of our kind, but he's far from the worst."

Lenore turned back to him, but didn't suggest a way to save the man, so Zack figured it wasn't their business.

"I noticed that we missed each other last night? I hope it wasn't something I said?" She seemed a tiny bit miffed at him suddenly, but not so much it was scary or anything, just the kind of thing that women did when they thought they were being ignored or avoided.

 Zack nodded and fell on his sword.

"My fault. I let myself get side tracked and ended up just going home. That's hardly a good reason, but it's what happened. Should we reschedule for tonight? Do you have enough blood?" She didn't really sleep, but she had to eat, and so did Elis. If the others had been drinking the blood too...

"No. I hate to ask you to purchase more, at the prices you paid." She stopped and then shrugged. "We have some coming via rapid post. It should arrive in a few hours. Rebekah was most eager to hear from you. Did you forget her as well?"

He had, and that was a horrible thing to do, especially since he still owed her trips for the blood she'd been providing. Zack decided to give her a call, just as soon as he finished his meal. Of course, he noticed, that Conrad wasn't eating anything, just sitting and not complaining, letting himself heal from his wounds. Or whatever he needed to do.

Looking down he was about to offer half of his meal to the little man, when Lenore saved him the trouble.

"Would you like anything Conrad? We can send for it, from the food court, if dairy products aren't to your liking at the moment?"

"Oh, aye, that would be good. I could tolerate a hamburger, if Kenton can do it without burning the place down. That's a bit unfair, of course, as the boy is a good soul and skilled enough, if a bit too interested in a certain Human girl. I doubt they're delivering right now, since that would be Merry and mine own task. I should retrieve it myself." He actually started to stand and seemed well enough for it, but Zack shook his head. Rest meant something
than work. He was almost positive of it.

"Let me make a call." It sounded very important, but it wasn't really. They could get a person to do deliveries after all.

He still ate first, even if it was selfish, and complimented Lenore on it, enough that she pretended to blush and pushed his shoulder with girlish charm before she left, her phone ringing across the way, from what she said. She was wearing a nice green dress that day, that still would have looked right about a hundred and fifty years before then. It was new, and she had a cute white apron on to protect it.

Finding a good delivery person for inside the Mall was harder than it sounded at first. It wasn't a paid position or anything, so no one had any real reason to volunteer, he didn't think. That meant coming up with a bribe for them. Maybe a trip? It made sense to him at least.

Getting Bob's big blue binder of numbers, he decided to try the Trolleinkein gym first. After all, it would have been easy to get Kaitlyn to do it, but the Alede got most of the perks, didn't they? Life was a lot easier in a certain way, when you were the best looking, and loved everyone. Even if only as a source of food.

The man that answered spoke with a slightly too deep voice and an accent that was more about his jaw shape and vocal structure than about lack of good diction.

"Good day. Trolleinkein Embassy, this is Darrow."

"Hello! This is Zack Hartley? I was wondering if you might have someone willing to trade doing deliveries from the food court to everyone here at the mall?" He was about to put in the rest of it, about the free trip, but the man made a single, very simple noise and the clanking and din of the other place cut out totally. "Certainly, Line Walker. How many do you think the task will need?"

It didn't seem like that large of a job to him, but he looked at Conrad who could clearly hear the phone conversation. He mouthed the word two.

"Two should be good. None of you have used your Christmas presents yet, but please let them know that I'll trade them a round trip for it. Each. It isn't cash, but..." Again, he'd been about to say they could do that too, but there was a bit of an outburst from the room on the other end of the line. It didn't sound angry at least.

The man was silent for a moment, speaking as if debating his own words internally first.

"Would it be possible for you to retrieve our Great One and High Shaman from our homelands? This would not be an option normally, but communications are very slow without such, and we must pass messages through dream talking, which is less than reliable for a dangerous time such as this."

Conrad tensed, looking almost angry, but Zack couldn't really see it.

"That will work. We'll have to figure out how to get there of course and arrange that. Would tonight, or sometime tomorrow be all right for that? I'm working the early part of the day here by myself." It could take a while to actually find the right people after all.

"That... I must check, you are not playing games with us?"

"No. I don't do that. It's a failing of mine, but you know where you stand."

"I see. Tentatively, I would agree to this for my people, if we can accept, would a time during the day tomorrow be serviceable? Regardless, those deliveries will be made, without question."

That was nice of them, if they didn't know if they could trade with him for what they needed. Then, cash was possible as well, if they wanted.

"That's really great of you. Thanks. This kind of thing is more important than a lot of people get." It was to him at least, since getting out of the store all the time was hard to manage.

"The pleasure is ours. Service to the whole is the most important thing, after all." The line clicked, and a dial tone played, but different places had different ways of doing things.

Over on his pad, Conrad sighed.

"That is too mighty a reward for my work, I fear. It must be done now, but I'll never be able to repay you for it. I know, I'll give you Merry. That's hardly fair either, but at least I won't be burdened with her anymore." The man was a bit dour about it, and glared at the female that lay sleeping, but Zack felt something that he didn't normally, most days.


"Slavery isn't allowed here. You don't owe me anything for being a friend, and if you talk about your sister like that again, I'll find a nice little deserted island and
you on it. She saved your life, healing you with a big piece of steel in her side. I don't know if that hurts, personally, but I'm going to kind of guess the answer is
. You should treat her well." He glowered at the man and started to fail at it, since it wasn't a thing he could do really. Mirror Him could though and

Conrad sighed.

"I know, I know. She's a darling, but I was set the task of finding her husband here, by our mother and none of the others of my kind are interested. It's no fault of hers, a simple class matter, but we don't meet enough Humans for her to find one of that ilk either. At this rate I'll be searching for her husband in my dotage."

Given how tiny she was, it might be a problem to find her someone good, Zack had to agree. If it was going to work, they couldn't be overly large themselves he didn't think, not if they could have children. Otherwise they might be too big and kill her. If that was a thing for her people.

"So, of course, I keep trying to send her to you. Wealthy, powerful and able to care for her well, even in dire times." He waved at her sleeping form, there on the sofa cushions from across the way. "She speaks highly of you, and how you always treat her politely and with kindness when you've met. I think worse matches might be met."

Mirror Him rolled his eyes at the little man and then crossed them while sticking his tongue out.

"Not that I think Zack should say no, but is this the time to try and pressure the guy into marrying your little sister? He's a bit of a fruit loop you know, or at least
am. I can tell you this, Merry's a peach, but Zack ain't marrying nobody for a long time, not until we get some things solved. It wouldn't be fair, and might just get her killed." He fixed the Elth with a solid look but didn't frown. "Now if you just want to help her get laid,
can see to that. Send her by whenever she wants and we can lock the doors and try to make baby Elth. Tell her to bring lube, and plenty of it, since given the relative sizes, it's going to be a tight fit."

That was crude enough, but Conrad laughed.

"Shadow, do not vex my attempts to arrange this. I will however think on your offer. If Merry falls with child, the tradition here is for the man to take the lady as his wife, is it not?"

Mirror Him seemed to be thinking for a bit and then shook his head. He didn't deny the idea though.

"For some. That's the kind of sappy thing Zack would eat up, so it's worth taking a shot on. He'll probably insist on a condom, and that would make it less likely."

They both kept plotting against him for a bit, so he got up and ordered that burger for Conrad and one for Merry, in case she woke up. Then on a whim, one for him, since he was pretty hungry himself, even if it wasn't lunch time yet.

The person that brought it, about fifteen minutes later, was Hildegard, who smiled at him and passed the food over, but didn't stay to chat. She actually seemed to be busy, rushing around carrying several deliveries at once for people.

That was good, since it beat awkward situations and being left sitting around, like he was doing. The phone wasn't even ringing yet.

Zack sighed, since that probably meant things were about to get truly wild, didn't it?

Not knowing what was about to come, he went and started to plan a new window display for the store. After all, they'd open again eventually, wouldn't they?

Chapter eight






He was wrong and the most interesting thing that happened all day was Judy coming back, complete with sixteen boxes of pastries and four large shopping bags of loot, which turned out to not even be for her. It took a bunch of trips to get it all into the back room at Candles and More, but it still wasn't enough to kill more than ten minutes or so, and most of that was him chatting with Judy about her day.

Paris. It has a sense of age and majesty about it, at least in the right places. Plus it's so easy to get a quick energy boost. I had that taken care of in the first half hour and my new friend didn't even insist on following me around like a puppy dog, which is surprisingly common here. Your friend Troy has been good that way, I have to admit. It makes it a lot easier to deal with people, in my line of work. The last thing I need is a chat board detailing all the men and women that I sleep with. Two a day adds up fast." She said it like that was totally normal, and Zack just nodded along, since, he was almost certain, for her it really was.

"That would be tough, especially if there are diminishing returns on the energy each time you fed on someone. Or harvested, I guess, you don't really feed
people, right?" He thought that was the case, but he didn't know for certain, having never been an Alede.

Judy smiled and seemed pleased that he was paying attention, if nothing else, touching his arm gently.

"Yes, and yes. We just take energy that's already being expended by the act of procreation, which would be wasted otherwise, and we do have to space feedings out that way. People can have sex several times a day, but on the second or third go it's not even worth the effort anymore for one of us. Not for that. We enjoy the act too, a lot more than most Humans, so we have a reason to do it anyway, but it pays to not exhaust people. Hence spreading things out and making sure you don't attach yourself to anyone that will demand being exclusive. That never works."

He realized that he knew more now about her kind than he'd learned in months so far and decided to pay attention. After all, who knew what the test would be on later? Oh, there
be one, and it would probably end up with him looking insane, but at least he could be informed at the same time.

Looking at the large pink and powder blue boxes, Zack realized that when he'd asked for enough to share with everyone, she'd taken that to mean the entire Mall, not just the people there. Counting things up, he thought he got it. There weren't sixteen Embassies that had people that ate things like that, he didn't think, some having particular diets and all that, but some ate a lot more than others...

"So, we should get Hildegard in to take things around with you. You're willing? You should get the credit for this after all. You did the actual work."

There was no verbal response, but she didn't seem adverse to a little more walking and once she understood who Hildegard was, she made the call herself, taking the things around with the muscular and heavy boned girl as if it had always been the plan. Zack sat and realized, after about five minutes, that he was literally just twiddling his thumbs. It wasn't even twelve-thirty yet. He ate some very nice pastries, but had nothing else left to do overly.

So he tried to call Rebekah, not knowing if she was old enough to be up that time of day. More to the point, he called Keeley, since he didn't have the Vampire girl's number on hand.

"Hello Zack." She sounded bright and chipper. Happy to hear from him and didn't wait for him to speak at all. "I have those numbers for you. I'd also like you to get in touch with Richard Swerlin. I think he might have some work for you. I told him that we'd get a good rate for travel for him and his people, if you're amenable to that? It's to stop a war after all, and since our side in this is in stopping such things for the moment, it seems reasonable." She sounded like that was the case at least. Perfectly so. It was almost a little too persuasive. It got Zack to think about what she'd said in the past about making sure to charge people enough. "We" aside, she counted for that, didn't she?

 "Um, what are you planning to trade for this? For that matter, why not just do it yourself?" He actually managed to sound suspicious, which was good, since he was trying to at the moment. It normally didn't work.

"Well, believe it or not, you have rather more pull with the Vampires and several other groups than the Mistress of Souls. I could go in and perhaps gain compliance through fear, or with a show of force. You can do it because people respect you, even if they
think you might be one of my people. The Line Walker is not overly harsh in his dealings with anyone, and gives aid without massive payment being expected. Half of those you've helped are still waiting for you to demand their souls you know. Each time you request something less than that, they sigh with relief and think more highly of you." There was a bit of speech on the other side, which he couldn't quite make out. "As for what I'll trade... Nothing for the travel itself, but if you aid Richard in negotiating a peace agreement, I'll trade you four million dollars, one favor to be named later, as long as it isn't beyond the value of the work I'm having done, by my own estimation, and I won't hunt you down for trying to sleep with my mother."

Zack thought it sounded fair enough, but knew that MH wouldn't like the last bit.

"How about... Four million, one favor, as you said, and you don't hunt me down or kill me
Mirror Him bangs your mom? She really seems to want the attention and
don't get a lot of choice in that kind of thing you know. It's probably fair not to want that to happen, but I can't promise it to you. She's kind of hot."

That got a dark laugh that nearly sounded mean, which wasn't what he was used to at all.

. Let your other half know that if he touches her with more than a goodnight kiss, I'm taking your testes. I'll leave you alive, but she's off limits." Then her voice lightened a good bit. "The rest is good though? I can count on you?"

Zack sighed, since he was really just starting to get to use those and would miss them.

"I'll try. I don't expect you to pay for anything if it doesn't work. It's a bit unfair to hold me hostage to a madman's whims, if you want my opinion."

"Sure it is, but he won't do anything, because he knows that I'll
it, and his job is to protect you. Wonderful. I'll set everything up, let me get those numbers for you. Do you have a pen?"

She was off the phone two minutes later and Mirror Him was actually silent even as he started to dial the number to reach Rebekah, who had her own cell phone. They were practically friends, so it would be easier to talk to her, he figured.

She was very easy about it all, and relaxed, indicating that she would love a trip to visit with Jonas soon, if he had the time.

"Well, after work today then? Which will be... Probably a few hours, call it around six, so I can eat first? That will be later your time. Is that too late?"

There was a low and happy sound from the other end of the phone.

"Um, no, sir. Vampires. We'll be up all night. I'll need a trip back, in the morning? I know that might not be possible..."

"Why not? Hopefully it doesn't take too much walking."

They set a time, for it so he knew what to do, and she was going to be at Keeley's, instead of her own place, since he had no clue where that was. On the good part she had a picture of her honey, and he was going to be at the office, which was literally the outer portion of Representative Swerlin's.

That was the next call, and he got a bit of a surprise when it picked up.

 "Representative Richard Swerlin's office. How may I direct your call?"

"Oh... Well, first, could I speak with Jonas Carver, please? I guess that should be the place to start."

"Oh? Speaking. What can I do for you?"

"Um... this is an interesting thing to explain. Rebekah, the Vampire? She's hired me to take her to see you later tonight, at about six, call it six-thirty or a little later just to be safe, Pacific time. Oh, this is Zack Hartley. The Line Walker? Anyway, that's a thing, so try not to skip out, and you know, have some plans ready if she hasn't told you about it. If that's the case, then I probably ruined the surprise." He didn't apologize, it not having been a thing mentioned either. "For the rest of it, I think I need to chat with Mr. Swerlin? Just to arrange some things."

All he could hope was that his words didn't sound sinister in any way. The last thing he wanted to do was tick off either a Vampire or a politician by seeming like he was doing something... Really, he had no clue what that would be.

"I can see if he's available. One moment?"

"Sure. I'll hold." Hopefully it wouldn't become one of those three hour ordeals, with music playing and hope slowly fading as you realized that no matter how long you waited, they probably weren't really going to help you at all.

"Richard Swerlin here. Mr. Hartley?"

"Hi. Um, I was kind of hired by Keeley Thomson to help stop this war thing that people seem to want? Or, to tell the truth, I haven't met anyone that's really calling for it yet. But I think the point is that I'm supposed to be useful or something. I'm not sure how, but I can take you around to visit or whatever, run errands, or even talk to people myself, if that might help?"

The man actually sucked in air fast enough that Zack heard it, all the way across the country.

"I... see. I think. That's... How much does that run?"

"For the travel? She's not paying me for that part. To actually be useful in stopping the war, if I am at all? I'll get four million dollars. Plus a favor and she promised to not hunt me down for trying to sleep with her mother, though I lose my balls if I do it. I think that last bit is actually separate from the rest."

"Ah. Well, I won't turn down the help. This situation is dicey and trying to juggle this and my day job is harder than it sounds like. When would you be available for a meeting?"

That one at least was easy, and made him seem good, since he already planned to be there later. The man sounded impressed, but then, he was a politician. He probably seemed like that on demand.

Then things went back to being very boring after that for about forty minutes, until people started to get in touch with him. First it was Lisa, who said she'd be in about five, if that was all right, followed by Jennifer, saying about the same thing.

Then he got an honest to goodness call about candles from a woman that did decorative holiday wreaths and was planning a spring time version, as well as one themed for the Fourth of July. It was early in the year for it, but it made Zack happy to hear from the older woman anyway.

"Let's make an appointment and we'll go over the catalogs. We're closed right now. The whole Mall is. There was a fire in the food court. As soon as we open though, we should get on that. Wholesale again." It wasn't like they were a real store and if she could supplement her income with handicrafts, didn't he need to help her out?

"Oh, thank you so much! It's a great help to me. The people at church are being so kind about buying them too. Let me get you my number."

That one left him feeling better, even if it was work, after a fashion.

Then the phones stopped ringing and nothing happened at all for hours. He chatted with Conrad, but Merry was still sleeping her ordeal off, and Elis didn't add a lot to things. His blood came however, but Lenore had to scurry right back to her Embassy, smiling the whole time, as if she were being naughty even bringing the stuff over at all. As if it were really about seeing Zack. She
make a point of hugging him, before hurrying back. It was nice, but had a feeling of obligation to it that seemed out of place. She had to know that she could do whatever she wanted, or not, especially at work.

That seemed the real point too. She was acting shy, because Conrad and Elis were there, even given that neither of them so much as glanced over at her while she did it. The back room just wasn't much on privacy.

She whispered to him though, her lips near his left ear.

"Remember, after work?"

"Right." He hadn't forgotten. Hopefully it wouldn't be rude for him to have dinner sitting in the Vampire Embassy.

She smiled sweetly as she left and then he only had to wait a little while longer for Lisa to come in, actually showing up early for once. She was already talking on the phone, even as she pounded on the back door to be let in. She had a key, but that would have required getting it out, which would be a pain, in the rain that was pouring down outside.

"Hey all." She covered the phone to speak, but then looked baffled, clearly listening to someone. "I don't know. He's right here, let me check? It... right. Still, we have to be there."

She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders a bit, the nice jacket she wore, which looked like real leather, but wasn't, had droplets of rain on the slick tan outer coating.

"OK..." She blew air out, her cheeks puffing, like she was getting ready to play a trumpet. "There's a big meeting, being held in the Ettarian lands. We need to send Maggie, but it's... Well, let's just say that if the Mages are going to be represented, we need you. They have a Node, but it isn't a fast trip going overland. It would take about six months otherwise. We think it was picked so that the organizers could control who would be there. It's in a few days, so we don't even have time for a power raising ceremony." She looked at him and didn't ask if he'd do it, which he would have anyway, since it was important.

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