Out of Nowhere

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #Interracial - BW/WM, #Interracial

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Out of Nowhere


LaShawn Vasser

t of Nowhere © 2013 LaShawn Vasser

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1

Jason stood with his back to his executive team looking out of the window.  Discussions were swirling on all around him.  Barely any of it registered.  The view of CkR International, Inc. was breathtaking. They had moved into this building more than 5 years ago.  Why hadn’t he ever noticed this view before? There were several CkR locations throughout the country and overseas but Minneapolis, MN was the corporate headquarters. This was the multi-billion dollar technology company his grandfather, Charles Kincaid Rutherford had built from nothing.  A company his father John Kincaid Rutherford had successfully run for 35 years and a company Jason Kincaid Rutherford had been groomed to run since the day he turned five years old.  In recent years, Jason mainly worked out of the Atlanta office.  That’s where he’d tried to build a life with his girlfriend, Bridget Reed. Lately, that relationship was becoming harder and harder to define.  He guessed he could still call her his girlfriend.  She’d actually needed time to “think” and had left him the day before yesterday to stay at a friend’s place. “Jason, Jason is there anything you’d like to add before I conclude this portion of the presentation?” Franklin Roth was a true friend that Jason had known since they were ten.  They’d met at the prestigious Kirkland School for Boys.  There was no one he trusted more than Franklin.  He was also the chief financial officer of CkR International, Inc.  Jason needed to shake this feeling that was starting to consume him and focus on the task at hand and right now that was discussing the vision of the company for the coming fiscal year.  “No Franklin, as usual you’ve manage to paint the financial picture very well.  I’ll take it from here”. Basically, revenues were good but stagnant.  No one was going to like the budget cuts that were coming but were necessary to streamline processes and get creative juices working.  No time like now to lay out expectations.

When the meeting was over Franklin didn’t leave the conference room. “What happened in there? As long as I’ve known you you’ve never checked out in a meeting.  Is everything ok?”  Jason wasn’t quite sure how to answer that question. Lately, it seemed that there had to be more to life than just “this”.   However, he wasn’t quite sure how to even define this.  At thirty-four Jason had to ask himself was he already suffering from a mid-life crisis?  “I don’t know how to answer that question Franklin.  I just feel unfulfilled.  I can’t put my finger on the cause I just know it’s there.  On the outside everything in my life is fine.  Not great but fine.  Business is fine.  Until day before yesterday my love life was fine.” Franklin walked over to the bar and poured himself and Jason a drink “I thought you told me a few months ago that you were going to make that move and ask Bridget to marry you? What happened there?” That was a good question. Again, something that should have been easy to answer now seemed difficult.  When did all that change? “She wants to get married.  I want to get married too.  I was all set to propose.  I bought the ring and everything.  I’d planned a romantic evening at our favorite restaurant and when the time came to ask her to marry me, I just couldn’t do it.” Jason walked over to the beautiful window he’d been looking out of earlier and took a sip of his drink.  “Franklin, I just don’t know.  What the hell is wrong with me?  Bridget is perfect.  The sex is pretty damn good.  She’s beautiful, witty, funny, and a great partner.  You know how well she can work a room.  She’s good for business, gets along great with my friends, family, and can handle all the necessary social functions required of me.”  As Franklin downed his drink he walked over and clapped Jason on the back “Jason, there is no rush. You are only thirty-four.  When it’s right or IF it’s right you will know it.  There will be no hesitation.  One rule of business that I’ve learned from you is to trust your gut.  If you’re unsure don’t make any moves hold tight the answers will come”.  Jason took another sip of his drink “yeah, but will Bridget be willing to wait?” “That’s a good question and a risk you’ve got to be willing to make. At the end of the day it is your life. Not your father’s, not your grand-father’s but your life.” Franklin’s administrative assistant interrupted them to inform him that his fiancé was on the phone.  “Can I call her back?” Jason finished his drink “No need.  Take the call and tell her I said hello.  I’ve got to get a move on if I’m going to make it in time for my flight home. I’ll call you later” Franklin looked confused “You’re flying commercial?” Jason smirked “Dad and Mom have the jet on a second honeymoon or something”.  Franklin shook his head “Must be nice.  Anyway, safe travels”.  Franklin left to take the call as Jason started packing up his files. A few minutes later Jason headed for the elevators.  While on the elevators Jason went over what he and Franklin discussed.  He typically felt like he had some clarity after talking with Franklin.  Yet, today Jason still didn’t feel as though he’d made any sense out of his senseless situation.  Dilemmas it seemed he’d created all on his own. 

Chapter 2

Vicky Martin had been working for CkR Industries for a little more than a year in customer service and still had not gotten used to all the in-bound calls that came through.  She certainly hadn’t gotten used to her calls being “monitored for quality assurance”.  Vicky hated this job with a passion but it paid the bills and there was just no shortage of bills.  Vicky had been out of work too long not to appreciate having a steady paycheck.  Without a college degree and a three year old daughter at home that made the choice of being in customer service very easy.  CkR Industries was like most fortune 100 companies they paid you just enough so you didn’t quit.  There was no white knight coming for people like Vicky and she’d learned a long time ago that sometimes you have to take those lemons and pretend their peaches. 

As Vicky ended her most recent call she noticed Joshua Jones, the Director of Sales coming down her aisle.  He was at least six feet two inches with an amazing athletic build.  He kept his hair cut tapered and low.  He had a smile that would melt stone and make you want to do all kinds of kinky things.  All the girls in the office just loved to stare at him as he would walk by our cubicles on his way to his weekly staff meetings.  He was a smooth talker too.  Vicky had heard he was single but left a trail of broken hearts everywhere.  She had met him one afternoon in the cafeteria and knew instantly that he was nothing but trouble and with all of her responsibilities she didn’t need any trouble in her life.  Since they’d met whenever she did run into him whether it was the café, hallway, or the elevators it always seemed as if he was flirting with her.  However, Vicky couldn’t be exactly sure. She couldn’t be sure because it always seemed like an innocent compliment here or an accidental touch there.  And, it looked as if Mr. Jones did this with just about all the girls in the department so maybe it was nothing.  However, today
, Mr. Jones made a pit-stop at Vicky’s cubicle on his way into his meeting “How are you today Ms. Martin?” She was surprised that he would remember her name.  Before Vicky could answer his question out of nowhere came “Ms. Martin please come into my office” from Vicky’s headset.  That voice was Sandra Catchings, Vicky’s supervisor.  She sat in a glass office where she could see the entire floor.  At the moment she was staring directly at Vicky.  The tone in Sandra’s voice always made her very nervous and would make Vicky start retracing her earlier conversations with customers.  Vicky gathered her pen and paper as she spoke to Mr. Jones “I’m fine.  Thanks for asking Mr. Jones.  I apologize but Ms. Catchings has requested to see me”.  Mr. Jones smiled, tipped his head to her, and walked into his meeting.  

As Vicky made her way
into her supervisor’s office she took a deep breath. She never knew exactly what mood she’d find Sandy.  Today it seemed as though she wasn’t Dr. Jekyll but Mr. Hyde. “Good evening Sandy you wanted to see me?”  Sandy was a beautiful woman.  You couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her beauty.  At thirty-something she had an amazing figure.  She had curves in all the right places.  She wasn’t too tall but not too short either.  Never was anything ever out of place on Sandy from her hair to her makeup to her nails to her clothes which seemed to always be of some designer sort.  But her most amazing feature was her eyes.  They were an incredible shade of blue.  Looking into Sandy’s eyes was like looking into a deep blue lagoon.  However, today those eyes were piercing blue and iced-cold.  She’d been with CkR for more than a decade in customer service.  That might be enough to make anyone have a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality.  For some reason, it just seemed as though Sandra didn’t like Vicky.  Vicky could never quite put her finger on it but there was always coolness towards her.  “Yes, Vicky.  I wanted to talk to you about your time off request for next week.  I’m not sure how we can work that into our schedule.  We are going to be short staffed and I’ll need you here.” Vicky was baffled.  When she made the request her name was the only name on the vacation request board.  Vicky really needed this time to take her daughter Angel to get her immunization shots.  The appointment had been scheduled for weeks in advance. “Sandra, I made the request well within the two week’s notice period and I’m not sure if I can re-schedule Angel’s appointment in time so as not to miss her daycare’s deadline.  It took a couple of months to get this appointment.  I really need this time off”.  It seemed people without children just didn’t understand the challenges of people who did have them.  If your child wasn’t up to date on their immunizations then they couldn’t go to daycare.  If they couldn’t go to daycare then the parents couldn’t go to work.  This had the potential to be a big problem.  Sandra looked at Vicky with an ice-cold stare “Re-schedule it.  I can’t grant you the time off.  Your problem is not my emergency.  Oh and by the way, we don’t need you to stay tonight. You’ve exhausted your overtime for this month.” Vicky stood there stunned “I’m on my way to a meeting so, I’ll see you on Monday morning.” Just like that Sandra had dismissed Vicky.  As she left Sandra’s office she was angry at her callousness and thoughtlessness. She never knew there was an overtime quota and had serious doubts that there was one.  There didn’t seem to be one last month when Vicky had logged more overtime hours than she currently had for the month.  Vicky couldn’t figure out why Sandra had it out for her.  As she made her way back to her cubicle Vicky just had no idea what she was going to do.  She didn’t have any family or friends she trusted that could help her.  As Vicky gathered her things for home her co-worker Janice put her phone on mute “What did Sandy want and why are you leaving I thought you were working overtime tonight?” with a sigh Vicky signed off her phone “yeah, so did I.  Apparently, I met my overtime quota for this month so I’m off for home”.  “That’s odd I didn’t know we had a quota. Or, is Sandra being a dragon lady?  Wait…I have a call coming in I’ll call you later on tonight” Janice whispered. Vicky turned around, picked up her bag and walked over to the elevators. By the time Vicky arrived at the elevators she had gotten so worked up that she was beginning to feel overwhelmed.  As she waited she just didn’t know what she would do about getting Angel’s immunizations. On top of that she had all these past-due notices.  Vicky had been counting on this overtime to help her with her bills.  She was also planning to get a car so she wouldn’t have to take the bus this winter. She hoped this “policy” wasn’t going to become the norm.  Right now, it took more than two and a half hours to get from work to the daycare and back home.  When Vicky stepped onto the elevator she didn’t realize that there were tears in her eyes.  After she’d gotten on and the doors closed behind her all she heard was a strong and soothing voice asking her “what floor”?  When she looked up she saw the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.  He had sandy blonde hair and amazing green eyes.  You could tell he worked out because his Jacket was thrown casually over his shoulder and you could see his muscles through his shirt. He looked strong and very well built.  He was probably a little taller than Joshua Jones.  Joshua was a beautiful man but had a cocky demeanor.  This man was even more beautiful but he didn’t give off a cocky presence.  Those eyes were looking at her like they could see clear down to her soul.  Instead of coming off as cocky this man exuded nothing but confidence.  He’d looked at her with concern after realizing she’d been crying.  “Is everything ok Ms?” Vicky tried to get herself together.  She wasn’t sure if it was pride or an automatic reaction to always having to be strong and always having to take care of everything.  However, Vicky quickly wiped away her tears as if she hadn’t been crying, squared her shoulders, and smiled “Everything is fine”.  When Vicky started to tell him lower level their eyes met and held.  Vicky felt more than a spark between them it was more like a lightning bolt.  Her breath was caught in her throat.  For a couple of moments the tension crackled in the air.  He looked like he wanted to say more but just nodded and pushed the lower level button. Jason wanted to ask her name.  He was sure it was out of concern.  By the time Jason made up his mind to ask her name they’d reached the lower level.  Once the doors opened Vicky bolted out towards the exit doors.  Jason didn’t know why but he felt like he’d just missed an opportunity. 

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