Outcast (27 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

Tags: #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Outcast
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Lynx might have been happy doing what he could for Bonnie if only he hadn't known what he had been capable of before, but he did, and his dissatisfaction grew. The woman who should have been the recipient of the best he had to offer was getting far less than she deserved and far less than he wanted to give. Insecurities redeveloped, sending him back behind the walls he had shielded himself behind for so long. Not completely, of course — he didn't retreat to the shed, but his attitude changed.

To make matters worse, Ulla was teething and grew increasingly irritable and fussy and wanted to chew on anything and everything she could find to relieve the pressure in her gums. Bonnie was having a hard time recognizing her normally happy baby in the miserable wretch Ulla had become.

It seemed to Bonnie that the only time Ulla wasn 't crying was when Lynx held her and let her gnaw on his finger while he purred.

Lynx was outside doing something, she didn't know what, but Bonnie hoped he would come back soon. "Sorry I can't purr like your father," Bonnie told a bawling Ulla as she sat rocking her. "Wish I could, but I've never been able to get the hang of it."

Bonnie jumped about a foot as Lynx put a hand on her shoulder. "I will take her now," he said.

"Please do!" Bonnie exclaimed. "I can't do a thing with her! Vladen gave me some stuff to put on her gums, but I think it makes it even worse!"

Lynx took Ulla without comment, holding her close and patting her back while he purred, still not quite able to comprehend what he'd just heard, but he knew it was wrong.

"Even though we are lovers, I am not her father," Lynx said quietly. "You should not confuse her by referring to me in that manner."

"You're the only father she has ever known, Lynx. I don't see how it's confusing — especially now."

"But how will it be when she grows older and realizes that I could not possibly be her father?"

"She'll think she's adopted, I guess," Bonnie said with a shrug. "I mean, she doesn't look like me, either. She's too much like Sylor for that."

"But she does look like you," Lynx said gently. "She has your hair and eyes."

"Maybe," Bonnie conceded, "but that's about all."

Lynx's expression grew wary. "There is nothing in her of me."

"She's got your name."

"My mother's name," Lynx corrected her.

Bonnie hesitated, wondering if this was the time to tell him everything... but perhaps not. "Yes, but I gave her your mother's name, not Sylor's. You are more a father to her than Sylor will ever be — not that I'd give him the chance now; not after what he did."

"But he is her father," Lynx insisted.

"Biologically, yes," Bonnie grumbled. "But that's about all the credit I'll give him."

Lynx stared at her, the light beginning to dawn. "You do not still love him?"

Bonnie gaped at him for a long moment in total disbelief. "Well, if I ever did, I certainly don't love him now! For heaven's sake, Lynx! Don't you get it? I've chosen you. You, just you, and only you. I love you, you big dummy! Can't you get that through your thick skull?"

Lynx just stared at her, and then at the now sleeping Ulla in his arms. "I don't understand."

"And here I've been thinking you were so smart all this time! I want you to stay here, Lynx; I want you to be a father to Ulla and a husband to me. I said I wanted to have your children too. Weren't you listening?"

"Yes, but I still don't believe it would be possible."

"Oh, it's possible, all right," Bonnie said roundly. "I brought you to climax once, and I'm sure I can do it again. Not meaning to sound too unromantic and technical about it, but now that you've pulled out that implant, you'll start to produce sperm again, and we can collect your semen and then inseminate me with it. I will have your children, Lynx. It's just a matter of time." "But Shaulla — "

"So what if she doesn't look like you!" Bonnie protested. "You brought her into this world; you've cared for her and loved her. No father could do more than that!" Bonnie was rapidly losing patience with him. "I thought you understood all of this. Where were you when I said it? Another planet?"

"Perhaps I was," Lynx said uncertainly.

"Well, are you back now? How many times do I have to tell you before you'll believe me?"

"Put that baby to bed," Bonnie said darkly. "I don't know what else it'll take, but I'm going to prove it to you, once and for all. What's gotten into you anyway? I thought you were doing so much better.

Having a relapse?"

Lynx was so confused the only thing he heard was that he should put the baby down, so that's what he did. He looked down at her lying in her bed. She really was his — sort of. How fascinating...

Bonnie took his hand. "Come on, 'Dad.' You and 'Mom' need to spend a little time alone."

Pulling him along behind her, Bonnie took him to her bed. Turning, she looked fiercely into his eyes and said, "Okay, Lynx. This time, I want it all."

He gaped at her in surprise. "I've done all I can, there's nothing more I can do," he protested.

"I'm not talking about sex," she said. "And even if I was, it wouldn't matter. Besides, there's nothing wrong with you. You can do anything you want, Lynx. Vladen as good as told me that nothing physical showed up on that scan he did of you when you first got here — and those scans are damn near foolproof!"

Lynx just stood there, not having the slightest idea what to say to her.

"I've done all I can," she went on. "Now it's time for you to do something."

"But I have!" he said, his anger rising at last. "I have worked for you, I have helped with the child, and I have lain with you and given you what pleasure I can!"

"Yes, but the one thing I really want, you've never given me. You've never given me yourself."


"No, you haven't. There's a part of you that you've never given to anyone — not to me, not to anyone you've ever been with — and I want it." She raised a hand to caress his cheek. "I love you more than you will ever know," she whispered. "Please believe that. I want to give you everything — myself, my daughter, and children of our own. But I can't do that if you won't let me."

Bonnie was gazing straight into those big yellow eyes when she saw the fire ignite behind them. The dam broke at last, and Lynx lunged at her, pulling her into his arms, crushing her in his embrace.

His mouth found hers, and as he devoured her soft, full lips, Bonnie became aware of a growing thunder in her ears, and the fire between her thighs erupted. She didn't care what he did to her — not even if she died as a result.

Lynx felt a tightness in his balls and something happened, something long forgotten, as a rush of blood and fire raced through his groin. He didn't remove her clothes gently, but ripped them to shreds while the crashing sound of his own pulse raged in his head. He felt a throb and pain, tearing through long-dormant places, and his cock began to ache with lust and need and love and desire.

Freeing himself of his clothing, he threw her down on the bed and then pounced on her like a wildcat on its prey.

There was no time to waste; the need to mate was so strong, he had to succumb to it or die. Bonnie's eyes were clouded with desire, and he could smell her scent; surrounding him, enveloping him, and driving him to new pinnacles of passion. Her nipples were hard, her legs spread wide, the golden hair between them wet and waiting for him. Pinning her with his own body, he licked her, savoring the flavor and aroma of hot, passionate woman. The scent of her was stronger than ever and drove him mad. She smelled different, too; the pleasing aroma of love was still there, but was now spiced with the sharp scent of lust. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her soft body and get lost inside her forever.

Muscles that hadn't been used in years still remembered the drill, aiming him without conscious thought or effort. He plunged into her in one hot, hard stroke and let loose a cry of triumph. There had been a time when he could fuck a woman in his sleep, but he wanted to be awake for this one; wanted to look into her eyes to see what he was doing to her. Her lips were parted in awe, and her soft moans escaped them with every move he made. Rising up, he looked down at his thick, hard cock, watching as it rammed into her again and again and again. Her heavy breasts rocked back and forth on her chest as he moved against her. He stopped thrusting and then smiled as she cried out in protest.

"Does it feel good to you, Bonnie?"

Nodding, she whispered helplessly, "Please don't stop."

His reply was a loud, satisfied purr, and as his cock began its swirling dance inside her, her eyes seem to lose their focus. Lynx found her sweet spot and raked it with the serrated edge of his cockhead; pulsing it so fast, it was more of a vibration than a stroke. He heard her gasp, and then heard her scream as he drove her to a frenzy. His cock must not have been producing the orgasmic fluids that women had always craved because she wasn't having the continuous, effortless orgasms he remembered; he had to work for every single crescendo she reached. But that didn't matter to him, in fact, he was glad of it. He wanted her to feel what his body alone could do to her; things she never even dreamed of...

Backing out and rolling her over, he dove into her from behind. He liked looking at her round, firm ass while he fucked her. It was beautiful. He'd have to be sure and tell her that — but not now; he would save that for later. Reveling in the sound of their bodies slapping against each other, he picked up the pace, fucking hard and fast and deep. He brought her to one climax, then another, and another before slowing down to undulate his spine, feeling her, teasing her, bringing her up to the peak and sending her crashing down again. And it felt good — fabulously so — to be inside a woman again. Especially this woman. This woman he loved.

She wants my children! He savored the memory of those words. What wouldn't he give her now; now that she said the one thing he'd never heard from a woman — any woman. She really meant it, too; he was certain of it. She wanted babies — his babies, and he vowed to plant lots of them in her belly and then watch them grow and would love them, too. He slowed and rolled her over again; he wanted to see her face when he finished. Bonnie moaned in ecstasy, and as Lynx felt his testicles tighten, he reached down to pull her in tighter. At long last, he was going to fill her with his seed, and she would know joy.

Bonnie had seen the inferno blazing in Lynx's eyes and knew she'd unleashed a fury. When his hard cock penetrated her, she felt sure she could match him stroke for stroke and stay with him — but it was impossible. She soon lost all control and had to simply lie back and let him take her. She'd never known anyone who could do what Lynx was doing; had never felt anything like it and had never even dreamed that such a thing was possible. What he had been capable of with his hands and mouth was nothing compared with this! It was like riding a rogue comet through space, one with moves she couldn't even begin to anticipate.

Lynx had rolled her this way and that, giving it to her from every direction to the point where she half expected him to stand her on her head. Where did he learn all this? She was so blown away, she couldn't even remember that she already knew the answer to that question. What she did know was that he could aim the damn thing in any direction and stay inside her at angles no other man would have even dreamed of trying. She looked down once, seeing him on his hands and knees with his ass aimed toward her, his balls bouncing up and down as he fucked, his cock aimed backward to catch her pussy and drive into it with perfect precision. She stared at him in disbelief, thinking that while he might not have been able to use it for several years, he certainly hadn't forgotten how. In response, Bonnie raised her legs high, and then grasping her feet, rotated her pelvis up to meet him.

Lynx let out another explosive purr and pulled out suddenly; his gleaming cock poised above her for a moment, then dove in as deeply as possible, swirling his thick rod inside her. Then he did it again, and again, and again. Bonnie had never felt quite so thoroughly nailed before in her life, and watching him from behind was the most erotic thing she'd ever witnessed — and, best of all, he was doing it to her.

When Lynx turned around and took her in his arms, his dick penetrated her once again, and she marveled at his lack of fumbling; his aim was perfect, and he slid right up inside her. "Hold onto me, my lovely Bonnie," he whispered. "And I will give you joy unlike any you have ever known."

Not knowing what to do — and not capable of much else — Bonnie grasped his shoulders, and Lynx then sat back on his heels, lifting her upright and taking her hips in his hands as he bounced her against him. Setting her down hard, he stopped all movement — even his breathing ceased for a moment. Bonnie watched his bright pupils dilate and, with a deep-throated growl, he filled her with his essence.

Within moments, every muscle in her body contracted and a thousand points of orgasmic thunder exploded in a climax which seemed to involve every cell. Her entire being then seemed to expand, as though each molecule suddenly needed more space before condensing into a euphoric sensation that raced through her bloodstream, spreading warmth and contentment throughout her body. It really is joy, she marveled... unlike any she had ever known...

Lynx watched as his lover's eyes grew round with astonishment and then wonder and then joy. He knew that peaceful laetralence would soon follow as his snard worked its magic. It had been many years since he'd witnessed the effects; but to his triumph, Bonnie's reactions seemed to be pronounced and prolonged. He didn't know the reason for the difference, but perhaps it took love to reach the highest level — a love for which he was profoundly grateful.

Lynx could feel the wavelike undulations of his coronal ruffle begin and heard Bonnie's gasp of renewed pleasure. He'd seldom had the opportunity to let it all unfold as it was meant to; before, there had always been someone else clamoring for his attention. But this was even more wonderful than he imagined it would be; he was with her, inside her, giving everything to her. He'd felt his own satisfying release before, but had never reveled in the woman's pleasure. As his gaze roamed over her face, taking in her heavy-lidded eyes with lashes that sparkled with tears of joy, her full lips parted with unspoken awe, and the softly glowing blush of her cheek with its light sheen of moisture, Lynx knew he had never looked upon anything more intoxicatingly beautiful in his entire life.

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