Outcast (28 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

Tags: #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Outcast
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Lynx felt his penis beginning to lose its stiffness, but it didn't matter now. Even if he could never do it again, he'd done it at least once, and he'd done it with the only woman he'd ever truly loved — this one who loved him in return — this woman he adored.

Bonnie didn't want to wake up and forget this lovely dream she was having. Lynx was in her arms; her fretful baby was sleeping — what the chickens and the enocks were up to, she didn't know and didn't much care. Had she ever felt this way before? She didn't think so. It was so peaceful... even her brain was quiet for once; not thinking about anything... just drifting endlessly on a blissful cloud of serenity. At some point she would have to get up — but not yet. Work could wait for just a little longer...

Bonnie had never been one to put off until tomorrow what needed to be done today — all work and no play had been a way of life to her. But Lynx had changed that — just as she had changed him.

And everyone thought there was something wrong with him! There was nothing wrong with her darling Lynx. He was perfect. Jack didn't know everything about Zetithians...

Just as Cat probably didn't know everything about women. Bonnie smiled to herself, thinking that Lynx had used some techniques she'd be willing to bet even Cat didn't know. But the effortless orgasms? Bonnie had climaxed several times, but there was nothing effortless about what Lynx had been doing to her.

She felt blood begin to surge toward the apex of her thighs at the mere thought of Lynx in action.

What was it he had said? "I was once a skilled lover"? What a gross understatement! Running a finger delicately along the curve of his shoulder, she sighed with contentment. She loved that spot: the place where Lynx's neck flowed gracefully into his back and shoulders. It seemed odd to consider a man graceful, but the whole of his being seemed to define the word. True, he was strong and masculine, but that touch of the feline in him raised him far above ordinary males.

Remembering how much she would have given to hold him like this — all those months of longing, all those sleepless nights — and now, this; it was nothing short of heaven.

Lynx began purring as soon as he awakened to find himself in Bonnie's embrace with the sweet, glorious scent of love filling his head and spiraling down to his groin, bringing his cock to life once again.

She'd been so right — it had all been in his head — if only she'd told him before, things might have been different, though it might have been more the way she said it than the actual knowledge. He had no idea just how she'd done it, but his cock was now hard as steel, and he wanted nothing more than to use it on her again.

The feel of her sated body told him he'd done well, but he knew he could do better — would do better — in the future. There was no reason not to now, and no reason he couldn't meet with his former comrades and feel like one of them again — perhaps more so than he ever had. He'd been younger than the others and had always felt slightly inadequate in comparison — they'd been such proud warriors, whereas he had been more effective behind the scenes.

Bonnie had been right about that, too. They had worked as a unit; each with his own talents and duties, and each one every bit as important as the other. The only difference was that the others had found lovers — lovers who bore their children. The children of the last remaining Zetithians would be scattered like seeds across the galaxy, and Lynx vowed that he would add his own to the mix.

Those who would have destroyed them had not succeeded. The spirit of Zetith would prevail.

Lynx nuzzled Bonnie's breast, breathing on her soft nipples and watching with fascination as they hardened. She was his to entice and enjoy, and he would delight in exploring her body; learning its secrets and finding new ways to enthrall her. He would bind her to him. His semen, or snard, as it was referred to in his native tongue, was very effective, but his coronal fluid was best, though it seemed to be absent. Perhaps it would return in time. It was one thing of his that women had never wasted, seeing it as a precious commodity to be savored and enjoyed.

He remembered that first day in the harem when he had naively thought that his life as a slave would be one of pure pleasure. They had taken him by the hand and led him to a bed of pillows, laying him down and teasing him to make the fluid flow freely. Had that first taste been accidental, or had he encouraged them, knowing what it would do to them? He couldn't remember, but he could vividly recall the scene in which scores of beautiful, nude females had clustered around his cock like bees to honey; feeding on his fluids, and then gasping and writhing as the orgasms shook their shapely forms. Exotic beauties each one of them, with perfect breasts, slender waists, and lush, rounded hips; if only they'd been less greedy, less demanding, he would be there still. They would have adored him as much as he now adored Bonnie — Bonnie, who didn't want more than he could give, but who only wanted him.

And she would get him, too, because just as soon as she woke up, he was fully intending to mate with her again. Suddenly, it seemed that waiting was no longer an option.

"Are you awake?" he whispered.

"I am now," Bonnie murmured. "What's up?"

"It's odd that you would put it that way," he said as he brought her hand to his lips for a kiss. "But if you will just put your hand here," he said, moving it lower, "you will see what is 'up.'"

Bonnie giggled. "I think I've created a monster."

Lynx chuckled softly. "I believe you have... released the monster."

"No kidding," Bonnie said. " — and it's quite a monster! Persistent little devil, too. You sure you don't need more... recovery time?"

"I have slept," Lynx replied. " — and as you can see, I have already recovered."

"Well, you may have," Bonnie said roundly, " — but I'm not so sure about me. You fuck like a world champion, you know that?"

"I was very good," Lynx said modestly, "at one time."

"You still are very good," she corrected him. "I don't believe I've ever been with anyone else who could literally do it upside down and backwards."

Lynx grinned. "That backwards move was very popular."

"I'm sure it was," she agreed. "Watching your balls bounce was incredibly erotic! I'll bet even Cat doesn't know that one."

"Possibly not," Lynx admitted. "I did that for a woman who liked watching me mate with other women." Favoring Bonnie with a sly smile, he added, "She liked watching my balls bounce, too."

"Well, you've got some really nice balls there," Bonnie said. "And this cock is freakin' awesome, too."

"Awesome?" he repeated. "I do not understand that word."

"Sorry, my Stantongue isn't as good as my English," she said. "It means inspiring awe, wonder, something that's really cool, absolutely fantastic, wonderful, marvelous, fabulous — " Bonnie paused as she gave his penis a yank. "Are you getting this?"

"You like my cock," he said with a knowing smile.

"That's an understatement if I've ever heard one!" declared Bonnie. "It's absolutely beautiful."

"It does not seem to produce the fluid from the corona anymore," he said regretfully. "That is what would give you the most joy."

"Well, maybe I just need to suck it harder," Bonnie suggested.

Lynx felt his nuts tighten, and his cock pulsed without conscious effort. The mental image of Bonnie with his dick in her mouth was almost enough to send him into orgasm.

"Or maybe I just need to jack you off a few times," she went on conversationally. "You know, to flush out the pipes?"

"Jack me off?"

"You know, with my hands?"

"You would do that for me?"

"Sure, why not? I've done it lots of times before — and you surely have done it to yourself!" "No, I have not."

"Lynx," she said darkly. "Most guys do it all the time! Do you mean to say you never have? Where the devil have you been?"

"Paemay," he replied with a chuckle. "And Zetith before that. I did not know it was possible."

"Guess you aren't as good as you thought you were — or maybe the slave girls didn't like watching a guy come, whereas I, on the other hand, absolutely adore the sight of a spewing cock."

Lynx gave an involuntary gulp. "You do?" He didn't think he could take much more of this kind of talk without having to do something... physical.

"I do" she said with a heartfelt sigh. "Especially yours! I love watching it drool and fuck and — "

Lynx had heard enough and suddenly, couldn't wait another moment and pushed her head down to his groin. "Suck me, then, and watch me come."

Bonnie hadn't had the opportunity to suck him when he was hard, and it was something she'd been looking forward to for a long time. And it was beautiful, too: thick, hard, red-hot, and — "Lynx!" she exclaimed excitedly. "What's that?" Pointing to the clear fluid oozing from the serrated points of his corona, she asked, "Is that it?"

He nodded. "I believe so."

"Hmm, guess a little, um, discussion was all it took then." On closer inspection, she noted that, while it seemed to be coming from a slightly different source, it didn't appear to be different from the normal lubricating emissions of human males. "So, does it work if I just taste it?"

"It used to," he said as his face took on an expression of roguish delight. "Lick me and discover for yourself."

Bonnie laughed out loud. "You really like telling me what to do, don't you?"

"Women have never let me do that before," he said. "But you do, and I like being able to tell you what I want you to do."

"Yeah, well, anything you like is bound to be good for me, too," Bonnie admitted. "I want you so bad right now, I can hardly stand it. Cocksucking is a favorite pastime of mine, by the way — drives me absolutely wild."

"And Sylor left you?" Lynx remarked with an amused smile. "I still do not understand why."

"I guess he just wasn't the type to settle down," Bonnie said with a shrug. "That's the way he was — I can't really hold anything against him, because he always said he didn't want to get married — which was probably for the best."

Lynx drew in a deep, ragged breath. Things were not progressing anywhere near quickly enough to suit him, and his cock pulsed again in anticipation, causing more fluid to exude from the corona.

He'd taken just about all he could stand. "Are you going to talk or suck me?" Lynx said, stroking Bonnie's cheek with his slick cockhead. His voice deepened as he added, "I think you will like it."

"I already know that, Lynx!" she said waspishly. "The damn thing even tastes good."

"Lick me then," Lynx purred, "and you will know joy."

"Just dying to know if it works, aren't you?"

Lynx nodded. "I am understandably... anxious — and curious."

Bonnie smiled. "There's an old saying about curiosity and cats — perhaps you've heard it? 'Curiosity killed the cat.


"Cats sometimes get into some very dangerous places by being so curious."

"I am only curious about getting into one place," he said suggestively. "I want you to taste my snard."

"Snard?" she echoed. "That's what you call that fluid?"

"No, snard is what we Zetithians call our semen," he replied. "The other fluid has no name."

"No name?" she said thoughtfully. "I'll have to come up with one."

"Do that," he said. "But taste it first."

"Okay, here goes..." Bonnie teased the coronal edge with the tip of her tongue. His fluid was clear and slightly salty and definitely had the desired effect; within moments, Bonnie felt like a bomb had gone off inside her. She rolled away from him as her body went into spasms. "Yeah," she gasped. "It works — very well! So tell me, Lynx, am I still all in one piece?"

"You are," Lynx replied, purring contentedly.

"I think you should call that stuff Orgasmic Explosion, or Cock Thunder, or Joy Juice. No, wait! I've got it! The Zetithian love potion."

"I like that one," he said appreciatively. "The love potion of Zetith."

"Says it all," Bonnie agreed. "Sounds a lot better than 'pre-cum,' too. Of course, now that I think about it, semen isn't that great a word either. It's no wonder people keep coming up with new things to call it." Dipping her finger in his magic potion, she began painting his cock with it. "You know, come to think of it, I'm not sure the fluid humans produce has an official name, either. I've heard lots of euphemisms, but nothing that sounds very... scientific." She continued spreading the slippery stuff all up and down his now-quivering shaft. "I'm surprised Jack hasn't bottled this stuff and made a fortune off of it by now."

"That has been tried," Lynx said, doing his best to keep talking when all he really wanted to do was mount her, "but it does not last. Some of the slave women were curious and collected it, but found that it lost its effect after a few hours."

"Mmm. Just as well." Bonnie started giggling uncontrollably as another use occurred to her. "It'd be a lot of fun at a party, though," she gasped. "You could spike the punch with it."

Lynx grinned. "Now, that does work," he said. "But the effect is not as strong."

"Did the slave girls actually do that, or was it a popular party drink on Zetith?"

"It was not so highly prized on Zetith," Lynx said dryly. "We had plenty of it there."

"But the slave girls must've thought it was incredible." Noting his nod, she continued. "I'm sure it had to get boring living in a harem all the time. I'll bet they were tickled to death to have you — you must have kept them well entertained."

"For a time," he agreed. "And in that place, with women always wanting to mate, my cock was erect almost all the time."

"Didn't that hurt?"

"Sometimes," he admitted. "But I could always find release."

The thought of Lynx randomly plunging his stiff dick into any available woman bothered Bonnie just a bit. She hoped he would be more... selective... in the future. "So, what's your favorite position?" she asked, fully intending to make a list of his preferences and then give him whatever he wanted — if for no other reason than to assure that he didn't go looking for love anywhere else.

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