Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2) (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Reynolds

BOOK: Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2)
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My body stilled, and I relaxed into the euphoria of the lazy ecstasy of the act. I played with his hair while he suckled my nipples, and again, I tried to reach for his cock, but my arms weren’t long enough. I could feel the thick thing pulsing against my upper thigh and wondered why he hadn’t entered me already. I loved the teasing, don’t get me wrong, but after two orgasms, I was starting to feel empty and restless. I’m never truly sated until I’ve been filled. Orgasming around something that is pulsing back sends me into another realm of pleasure.

Too soon, Ryan stopped kissing me and turned awkwardly in the bed to reach something on the floor beside us. His fingers never stopped moving between my legs, and I admired his determination.

“What’re you doing?” I asked, giggling at the strained expression on his face.

“I left the damned condoms in my back pocket, and I can’t reach my pants.”

“Oh,” I said soberly. I had forgotten about condoms. I’ve never forgotten condoms. My ex used to forget all of the time in the early part of our relationship, but I always had one stowed away. He hadn’t wanted kids, so how he could forget, I don’t know. He tried to claim it was because I was on the pill, but then I would remind him that those weren’t always effective, and it was better to be safe than sorry. So why, if I never forgot with Saul, had I forgotten with Ryan? I didn’t need to end up pregnant after this night…not by someone I didn’t intend to see again after that weekend…and not by someone who lived with those people.

Since he seemed reluctant to leave my body, I rolled toward him, so that he could lean further off the bed. I thought about bringing up the point that all he had to do was pull his fingers from me, but I didn’t want him to leave me either. I think it was then that I realized that something wasn’t normal about what was going on between us, but I didn’t have much time to think about it. My shift in position allowed him to reach his pants, and in one quick movement, he had the handful of foil packets he had brought with him.

“Someone was confident,” I said, eyeing the five or six condoms he dropped on the bed on the other side of me.

“Hopeful, not confident. I’m not sure that’s enough,” he said, as he scooted back down the bed and between my legs.

“If it isn’t, I think I might have some,” I said.

He didn’t reply. Honestly, I’m not even sure he heard me. He had gone back to licking my clit before the words were even out of my mouth. I’m not sure why. I was still wet. He didn’t stay down there long enough for me to come again. The second he felt my body nearing that edge, one of his hands slipped up the bed to the pile of condoms, snatched one, and disappeared between his legs. My heartbeat went into overdrive with the anticipation, and he slowed his movements to keep me from exploding too soon.

Presumably, with the condom secure, he again kissed his way up my body, leaving one finger inside me. I opened my legs wide when he reached my mouth, and I could feel the tip of his cock brush my clit. I kissed him hard, loving the taste of myself mixed with him in my mouth. It was an aphrodisiac that I didn’t even know existed, and I think I was coming before he even slid inside of me.

I pulled my mouth away from his to scream out my pleasure. My hips bucked up to pull him in deeper, and he buried his face in my neck and released the sexiest groan/growl I’ve ever heard. 

We moved together for a few hard strokes, but he had also started coming the second my body began convulsing around his. That didn’t stop him though. He didn’t go soft. He just came, moving fast as he did so, then, when both of our orgasms eased, he slowed.

After a minute or so, he lifted himself off me, not looking ashamed at all by how quickly he had come, which I was sure was due to the fact that he was still rock hard. He sat back on his heels, pulling me toward him so that he could stay inside me.

“Open another condom,” he said, as he ran his fingertips along my upper thighs and over my clit. I did as he requested and took the old one and tied it off when he slid from me and removed it so that he could put the other one on quickly and slide back into me. Neither one of us wanted him out of me longer than he had to be.

I dropped the used one onto our pile of clothes then reached up to grab the headboard because Ryan had grabbed my hips and was pounding into me so hard I thought I might break right through it.

After a while of this, though, I maneuvered a pillow behind my head and grabbed my breasts. I loved the way he felt moving in and out of me. Loved that his hands roamed my lower body, but my breasts were too large—and I hate to say this but floppy because they are real and, now that I’m pushing thirty, not as firm as they used to be—and bounced around so much, so I grabbed them to steady them but to also play with them.

Ryan’s movements slowed when he caught sight of my pink nipples hardening between my fingers. His thrusts stayed hard, but his withdrawals were slower. Whereas he had been watching my face, now all he saw were my hands. His breathing grew harsher as he watched me, and it made me wonder how he would react if I played with something else.

I let go of my right nipple and slid my hand down my body. His movements stopped altogether, as he watched the hand. He leaned back slightly when I reached my curls. I saw his jaw tighten when I parted my lips, slipped a finger between them, and circled my clit. I felt his eyes flick up to my face to see my expression, but the feel of him inside me rubbing against too many pleasure points to count and the sensations of him watching me as I played with my nipples and clit were too much. My eyes were closing, and I was bracing myself for a fourth orgasm, something I’d never experienced with anyone else.

Understanding how close I was, he tilted my hips up to get a better angle and started moving faster. When I started coming, I reached up to pull him down to me. I wanted to be kissing him, wanted to feel his body touching mine. He complied. In seconds, he was coming with me.

We lay there for a long time, still connected, both breathing heavily. Neither willing to separate. Eventually he did pull from me. My body mourned the loss of him as he moved off the bed and headed to the bathroom after stopping to pick up the first condom. He wasn’t gone long, but I swear I nearly cried from the loss of him. Judging by the look on his face when he exited the bathroom a moment later and the way he hurried to the bed and curled me into him, he felt the same.

The last thought that ran through my head before I fell asleep was,
Something isn’t right here



Chapter 12 ~ Meet the Father






I woke a few hours later to the feel of Leigh’s hot mouth wrapped around my cock. My brain had registered the fact that she had left the bed a few minutes earlier and gone into the bathroom, but it hadn’t fully woken until it had understood that she had slipped back under the sheets from the foot of the bed, up my body, and had taken my cock into her mouth. She was sucking the thing like it was her favorite Popsicle.

Rolling onto my back to allow her easier access to me, I pushed the blankets onto the floor so that I could look down my body and watch her. God love her, she had her hair pulled back into a ponytail so that I could see her entire face, eyes, and mouth as she moved on me. I could watch her do that all day, but the sight of her down there pushed me too close to the edge. Reluctantly, I pulled her up my body seconds before I exploded.

“Why did you stop me?” she asked as she kissed me and rubbed herself on my cock.

“Because as much as I would like to come in that pretty mouth of yours, I prefer to be inside you,” I said and pulled her down for another kiss, causing her to rub herself against me even harder. Before we got carried away and did the irresponsible thing, she pulled back, reached for one of the condoms on the bedside table, and put it on me.

That round was quick and satisfying, and within no time, we were both sound asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

We finally woke around ten the next morning, starving. I wanted to take her again but didn’t want her to think that all I wanted her for was sex. That didn’t mean I didn’t run my hands over her naked body when she stretched next to me or didn’t smack her ass when she rolled away from me to pick up the room’s phone to place our brunch order.

“I so don’t want to leave this bed,” she said after she hung up the phone and rolled over to face me.

“We don’t have to,” I said, rolling on top of her and kissing her neck. She moaned, pulled me up for a long kiss, and then shoved me off her.

“We do. Our food will be here any minute, and I need to pick up this place and get ready for my flight out of here in the morning.”

Her words broke the spell we’d been under since our first kiss the night before. I dropped my forehead to her chest and sighed, then rolled onto my back.

“I forgot you don’t live with your parents anymore, do you?”

“Not for a long time, no.”

“Washington is home now, isn’t it?”


We lay there for a long time, staring up at the ceiling.

“When’s your next visit home?” I asked.

After a long pause, she said, “I don’t know,” which I knew was a lie. She didn’t plan to ever come back here.

“Before I presume too much, can I ask if you would like to continue this? I think we have something. I don’t know what that something is yet, but it’s strong. Not only is the sex beyond amazing, but I feel a connection to you. I want to pursue it. Do you?” I asked, knowing that I did have an idea of what was going on between us, but that something would scare the shit out of her if I told her right now or it would have her calling the psych ward on me.

She didn’t answer. She only rolled over and placed her head on my chest. A few seconds later, I felt warm tears dampen my skin.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Did I say something inappropriate?” I asked, trying to tilt her head up to look at me.

“No. You didn’t say anything wrong. Everything you’ve said and done all weekend has been right…perfect even. And I do feel something for you. Something I probably shouldn’t feel for you since I don’t know you, but I can’t stay here. My family hates me. Their extended family and friends hate me even more, and considering your parents are their friends, they hate me. Why you don’t hate me is beyond me. Because of that hatred, we can’t be together. No one will ever accept it or me. I’ve caused enough people grief by being in this family. I couldn’t bear causing you any pain, which is so absurd because we aren’t in love. We aren’t dating. We had one dinner and a few amazing rounds of sex, nothing more. I’m sorry. I know I’m freaking you out.”

She tried to pull from me, but I tightened my grip on her and said, “No, you aren’t freaking me out. I understand what you’re saying completely.”

“So what do we do? You can’t drop everything here and come to Washington after one night. That isn’t reasonable or responsible.” She looked up at me as if she hoped I would say the opposite, and I wanted to, but I had too much work that needed wrapping up before I could make a move like that.

“No, I couldn’t. Not right away. I’m not an integral part of the company, but I have at least two months of work to finish before I can put in any kind of notice, then I would have to find a job and a place to live.”

I couldn’t believe I was talking like that. I was making plans as if we had been dating for years and that it was only natural that I follow her across the country. Her heart beat frantically against my ribs, as if she was hanging on my every word, but she never turned to look at me.

“You can’t do that,” she said.

“Why not?”

“Because it isn’t sensible. We don’t know each other that well. What if you do all of that, and we end up hating each other? Or you decided that I’m too fat to be with? Or what if I gain more weight? I’ve been bigger than this. I’m trying to do better, but if I even look at a cookie, I gain five pounds. What if a year from now or two, I gain ten, twenty, thirty, hell even fifty pounds? You might think my stomach is cute now, but with fifty extra pounds, it will be disgusting.”

“Stop that right now. You could gain a hundred pounds and I would want you. That much weight wouldn’t be good for your health or anyone’s health, for that matter, and I would try to help you be healthier just as I would hope you would do the same for me if our roles were reversed, but I would still think you’re sexy.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. The same part of me that knows that I will follow you around the world, if only you let me, tells me that I would love you no matter what you looked like or how you changed.”

“That’s ridiculous.”


“It just is.”

“How do you feel about me?”

“I… I don’t know. I mean, I’m obviously attracted to you…too attracted to you. I can’t seem to go a minute without touching you, which is odd. I’m not big on touching people. All of my exes have said I was a bit cold and unresponsive. I didn’t hug on them or want to be near them the way I do you. Even before we kissed—in the elevator the other day, standing next to you on that stage, and while we ate—I felt drawn to you, but all of that is hormonal. I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and even then, toward the end with my ex, Saul wasn’t affectionate toward me. His attitude around me turned me off. Am I curious about us and do I want to know if we could become something more, yes, but do I think you should move to Washington to find out, no.”

“I see.”

“I’m not saying we shouldn’t talk. I’ll give you my cell number, my email. I’m on plenty of social networking sites that you can look me up on. Maybe after a while, once we’ve gotten to know each other, we might take things a step further.”

She was right, of course. I was sounding like a sixteen-year-old with their first crush, wanting to jump head first into something with a virtual stranger, but my animal instincts told me she was the one for me, my mate, but there was no way I was telling her that until I was ready to tell her what I was. If I thought she would have believed me, I would have told her right then, but in order to convince her, I would have to show her, and I didn’t feel comfortable shifting outside of pack territory.

“You’re right. It’s just that I think I’ve grown addicted to the taste of you,” I said, flipping her on her back and sliding down her body.

She was coming when room service knocked on the door with our breakfast. I slipped a finger inside her to draw out the feelings and poked my head out from under the blanket to tell the woman to hold on a second.

With my fingers still inside her, I rolled half way off the bed, dug out the dildo I had seen inside her suitcase, and slid it inside her, switching the vibration to the lowest setting.

“Stay here,” I said, pulling the blanket around her. “I won’t be gone but a moment. She didn’t argue, so placated was she.”

I opened the door, thanked the woman, and pulled the tray inside in one fluid motion. In another, I was back under the blankets and feasting on something that tasted much better than anything the hotel kitchen could provide.


A half an hour later we were dressed and sitting at the table eating, not talking about the future. I had let everything drop and was pretending that this was simply going to be a weekend thing that might lead to the occasional phone call, text, and online conversation. Leigh didn’t seem pleased with my change in attitude despite the fact that she was the one who said that this is where she saw our relationship going.

I was talking shit, of course. I was following her. Not right away, unfortunately, but soon. I would settle things at work and find a new job and place not too close as to crowd her, but close.

As we were clearing away our food and trying to decide if we were going to go for another round or clean up the room—who was I kidding, I was practically inside her when someone else knocked on the door. Leigh froze, and the look of fear that encompassed her had me withdrawing my hand from between her legs and wrapping my arms tight around her.

“Are you expecting anyone?” I asked.


“Okay, you go into the bathroom, and I’ll answer the door,” I said, pushing her toward the restroom door.

“No. Whoever it is, I can handle. Remember I’m out of here soon anyway.”


She hastily threw on a shirt and began picking up and repacking her suitcases in an attempt to look busy while I went to the door. I didn’t open the door wide enough for whomever it was to see inside the room, only me.

“Yes,” I said and looked right into her father’s eyes. “Hello, Mr. Alexander.”

The man on the other side of the door looked taken aback by the sight of me, then he eyed my bare chest and feet, and his face went cold. If he had been any other father, I might have been ashamed or, at the very least, rushed to cover myself to not rub in his face all the delicious things that I had been doing to his daughter, but this man had been pretending his daughter didn’t exist for the better part of a year, not that he had been overly affectionate beforehand.

“Hello, Ryan. I’m sorry. I thought this was my daughter’s room,” the man said, looking down at a piece of paper in his hand and up to the room number.

Pretending to misunderstand him, I said, “No, sir. This isn’t Danielle’s room.”

“Not Danielle. I know what room she and her husband are in.”

“This isn’t Maddie’s room either.”

“I know that,” he said through gritted teeth. “Maddie’s room is right next to her mother and I’s room.”

“I thought so. As a matter of fact, I thought that all of the wedding guests were on the same floor.”

“They are.”

“Then why are you down here looking for your daughter’s room if neither of your daughters has a room on this floor?”

“You know good and damn well that I have three daughters.”

“I thought you had three, but then I thought I was mistaken about that since I only see you talking to or spending time with two of them. If you have three, why didn’t all three of them have rooms on the same floor?”

“Ryan, I’m not having this conversation with you. My family’s none of your business.”

“Oh really. See, that’s where you’re wrong. Anything that has to do with Leigh is my business,” I said, and pushed the door wide open, so that he could see his daughter standing at the foot of the bed facing him wearing only panties and my shirt.

Leigh’s entire body flushed with embarrassment and anger. Mr. Alexander did nothing for a solid moment but stare at her and give me the occasional glance. If the sight of the two of us wasn’t an indication of what had gone on between us, the smell of sex that filled the room was. And I felt proud of myself.

“What’s going on here?” he finally asked. The words were almost inaudible through his gritted teeth.

“That’s none of your business,” Leigh said sharply, taking us both by surprise.

“You’re my daughter. Everything you do is my business.”

“Oh, now I’m your daughter. Now you care what I do or, to be more exact, who I do.”

“You’ve always been my daughter, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t speak that way in front of me.”

“I’ve never really been your daughter. Now that Danielle is married and I’m pushing thirty is not the time to decide that you want to be my father. And one other thing, who I sleep with is none of your business.”

“It is when it’s him. When it’s…”

“When it’s what?” she asked, eying him suspiciously. I only stood there and waited to see if he would reveal our secret. As much as I disliked the way the man treated Leigh, he should be the one to tell her about shapeshifters and the supernatural world. I would eventually, if he didn’t, but I think she would be closer to accepting it if she knew the entire truth about herself and her parents.

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