Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2) (11 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Reynolds

BOOK: Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2)
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Recovering quickly, the man said, “When it’s one of Dave’s friends. You know how horrible my family and Dave’s family have been to you. He’s one of them.”

I started to say something to defend myself, but Leigh cut me off.

“He may be one of them, but he has never treated me badly. Yes, until this weekend he hasn’t said more than ‘hi’ to me, but he has never been mean to me, never said cruel things about me behind my back when he thought I couldn’t hear, and in the last two days, he has paid more attention to me than anyone else on this planet ever has. Being around him is easy. He accepts me—flaws and all. He has seen and touched every inch of my body and didn’t once cringe in disgust. He talked to me. Listened to me. And for someone who doesn’t know me enough to love me, he sure as hell made love to me as if I was the only person on the planet he ever wanted to make love to.”

It took every ounce of self-control I had not to pull her into my arms and tell her that I did love her. That she was everything to me. How I knew this, why I felt this way, I couldn’t tell her at that moment, but I wanted to, and she needed to know it.

I started to move around her father to go to her side when he reached out, grabbed me by the throat, and hauled me to him.

“What did you do to my daughter?” he snarled.

“I didn’t do anything more than what she told you,” I said through his fist. He wasn’t holding me hard enough to do any damage, but to Leigh it probably looked as if he was killing me despite my lack of resistance.

“Daddy, put him down,” she said, rushing to us and slapping his arm.

Mr. Alexander examined my face hard before nodding that he believed me and let me go. What he thought I could have done to her, I don’t know. I don’t have any powers of persuasion or any powers period. There are shapeshifter packs that have magical abilities, but my family doesn’t have them. As far as I know, no one in our pack does.

The expression on Mr. Alexander’s face said that something was going on here, something between Leigh and I that wasn’t normal. I thought that many times during the night, and I hadn’t known what it was, or more accurately, I hadn’t let myself believe what it was at first, but now I knew. Everything about us felt right. More than right. We belonged together, and I was sure Leigh knew it, but the logical part of her brain wouldn’t own up to it.

“Leave us,” he eventually said to me.

“I will not,” I said, positioning myself in front of Leigh.

“You will, or I will throw you out and not just out of this room.” Oh, that wasn’t subtle. What he didn’t know was that I was all for leaving our backwards pack anyway.

“Ryan,” Leigh said, putting her hand on my arm and turning me toward her.

“Yes,” I said, knowing what she was about to ask.

“Will you give my father and me a few minutes alone, please?” I searched her face for any sign that she would rather I stay, and when I saw the determination in her look, I nodded.

“I’m going to my room to change. I’ll be back in twenty,” I said before leaning over and kissing her in a way that wasn’t very appropriate with her father standing close behind me.

I didn’t stop until he cleared his throat. Leigh giggled. I grabbed my shoes and, with one last look at her, left the room.



Chapter 13 ~ Saying Goodbye






With Ryan gone, I strolled over to the bed, grabbed a pair of pants out of my suitcase, and ducked into the bathroom to put them on. Once properly dressed, I continued to pack. It looked as if I would be leaving earlier than planned now that my father knew about Ryan and I. Chances were he’d keep it to himself, but I couldn’t risk it. I needed to be out of town before the rumors started. My father stood by the door for a long moment watching me.

When my patience ran out, I turned to him and asked, “What did you want, Father?” My cold tone made him wince, but I couldn’t hold back my temper. I had hoped that seeing my parents at the wedding yesterday would be the last time I would ever see them. Since they seemed determined to make my life hell no matter what, he could deal with my attitude.

“Your mother would like you to join us in our room for dinner tonight. We know you’re heading home early in the morning, and she would like to say goodbye.” He moved further into my room, but only far enough for him to lean against the sofa.

I could do nothing but burst into laughter. I laughed so hard I cried. I couldn’t even stop when I looked up to the see the hurt expression in his eyes. I shook my head and laughed some more.

“Leigh, that’s uncalled for. I know things haven’t been easy for you…”

“Just stop. I don’t want to hear it. And none of it even matters now. Thank you but no thank you on the invitation.”

“You can’t have one meal with us?”



“Because you can’t even bring yourselves to have that meal with me in public. We have to do it in secret so that your family doesn’t know you are having dinner with the fat girl. God, do you know how stupid you all are being? I’m a little overweight, that’s all. There are worse things I could be, you know.”

“Leigh, we’ve never said anything about your weight…ever.”

“You didn’t have to. I’m not blind or stupid. You’re family, so I could almost put up with you guys having issues with my weight, but all of those people are nothing to me, and you let them treat me like shit. You know what…I don’t care anymore. Just go. I’m out of your lives. You won’t have to worry about me ever again.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that I’m not coming back here…ever. Danielle and I have already said our goodbyes.”

“What about saying goodbye to your mother and me or your other siblings.”

“Why would I want to say goodbye to you, any of you? Every one of you has all but ignored me these last few years. My two youngest siblings do nothing but insult me, to my face, and neither of my parents have ever scolded them or apologized for them. You’ve only glared at me as if I were at fault. I’ve done nothing…and I mean nothing to any of you to deserve the hell I’ve had to endure from you. So I’m done. Don’t try to pretend as if you care now. I don’t buy it.”

“Ryan won’t be going with you, you know,” my dad said in an attempt to change the subject, and I thought I almost heard pity in his voice.

“I don’t expect him to.”

“You can’t tell anyone about what happened here, okay,” he said, stepping closer to me and pointing around the room.

“I didn’t plan on telling anyone. My sex life is no one’s business.”

“I’m serious, Leigh. No one can know.”

“Why? Because people will give him shit about sleeping with the fat chick. Trust me, I don’t care about that. Besides, he’ll deny it ever happened, if I did. Like I said, I’m not stupid.” I surprised myself by saying all of that without crying. I could imagine Ryan’s reaction if someone confronted him about sleeping with me. I could see the disgust on his face, the rude comments about my appearance, and lord only knew what else. Yeah, he had said he wanted to be with me, had even been seen with me in public yesterday, but we spent all of last night and this morning in bed with the only people who knew where he was were hotel employees and my father.

“If it’s any conciliation, I think you’re wrong. I think he likes you. The two of you just can’t be together. You wouldn’t be accepted by the…his family. His father would fire him. He would be run out of town.”

“Why? What’s so wrong with me that makes all of you hate me so much?” I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks and clogging my words.

“Nothing’s wrong with you,” my father said, coming to put an arm around me. I didn’t resist. I talked a good game, but when it came down to it, I missed my family—assholes and all—and missed those rare times when my father showed me affection.

“Pine Hollow is set in its ways. They’re elitists who think most people on this planet are beneath them. His family isn’t any different. If Ryan has any hopes of inheriting his family’s business and lands, he has to marry someone his parents approve of, and we know they don’t approve of you.”

“What are you talking about? Who said anything about marrying him? Daddy, I know this isn’t something you want to hear, but we just had sex. Yes, I’m attracted to him. Yes, we get along well. I feel a connection to him, and if I were staying, he might be someone I would consider dating, but one night of great sex doesn’t mean we’re engaged.”

“Please stop. I don’t want to hear any more about your sex life.”

“Well, sex was all it was.”

“You want more. I can tell you want more, and I’m sure he wants the same thing. Leigh, you have to end this now. No long distance relationship. No hook ups when you’re in town, nothing.”

“I’ve already told you that none of that’s happening. I’m going home to Washington, and I won’t be coming back here. I don’t know why you keep going on about it.”

“I keep going on about it because you don’t…can’t understand the hell that would come down on the two of you if you continue having a relationship. Not only that, but as much as he thinks he cares about you now, the second he’s sleeping on the streets and his bank account is empty, he will leave you.”

“I don’t know what kind of people his family are to bring hell down on us, but if they are that bad, then maybe he and all of you should get away from them. And as to his sleeping on the streets, I don’t see that happening because his parents cut him off. Ryan seems capable of taking care of himself, and if he isn’t, then he isn’t the man for me. Now if you will excuse me, I’m getting on the next plane out of here.”

“I can’t change your mind?” my father asked.

“Nope,” I said, double checking myself to be sure I was decently clothed and all needed information to check out and change my flight were readily available.

“Can I at least help you carry your stuff out?”

He looked so sad and defeated that I couldn’t say no. With one last look around the room to be sure I had all of my belongings, I pulled the door closed behind me and followed my father, who was carrying some of my luggage, to the elevator.

We rode down to the lobby in silence. I ignored the questioning looks I received from the wedding guests who were milling around in the open space or who were preparing to leave. My father smiled and nodded at a few of them, but no one returned the gesture. I turned in my key and left the hotel.

Just as my father was hailing a cab for me, Ryan burst through the doors of the hotel, calling my name. My heart jumped in my chest and a smile lighted my mood for an instant, then I schooled my features and turned to face him.

“You’re leaving right now?” he asked when he reached me. His actions had caught the attention of everyone who knew us.

“I am,” I said, pulling back from him enough so that he couldn’t easily touch me. I wouldn’t be able to leave if he did. The pull between us was strong even at this distance.

“I thought you weren’t going until morning.”

“I decided to leave early.”

He looked from me to my father, then nodded in understanding. “When will we see each other again?” he asked, looking hurt by my standoffishness.

“We won’t.” I couldn’t look him in the eye as I said that.

“But…” The need in his voice. The sorrow, the hint of tears almost broke me.

“Ryan Matthew Hart, what are you doing?” his mother demanded, storming through the doors of the hotel.

“This doesn’t concern you, Mother. Go back inside,” Ryan said, not even looking at the woman.

“I will not…”

Cutting her off, he said to me, “We can’t let things end this way. We have something. I know that sounds corny. I know it’s too soon to make that kind of a declaration, but I know you felt, feel it…”

“Ryan, please tell me you didn’t sleep with that girl,” his mother interjected.

“All night and most of the day. It was amazing,” he answered, making me blush.

“It was,” I said, “but it won’t happen again.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“Listen to your mother and answer that question for yourself. Those people,” I said, pointing toward the hotel, “even my own family, despise me for reasons I can’t understand. I’m not staying somewhere I’m not wanted…”

“But I want you,” Ryan said.

“And I want you too, but we can’t have each other. I refuse to let those people make my life hell because of their prejudices, and I’m not going to let you lose everything over a one-night stand, and a one-night stand was all it was.”

“You don’t believe that,” he said, looking in my eyes and seeing the truth behind my words. No, I didn’t believe that, but that didn’t matter.

“I have to.”

“But I think I love you,” he said, stepping up to me and pulling me into his arms.

“Don’t,” I said, pulling away before he could kiss me.

“Ryan, there you are,” a female voice said behind him, and he froze. I looked from Ryan to the woman, a willowy, dirty blonde-haired woman with long legs, small breasts, and a sweet face that I knew hid a demon inside. This was a woman I didn’t know but had seen on occasion. Danielle had told me her name once a long time ago, but I didn’t remember it. I did remember how mean the girl had been to my little sister.

“Not now, Sophia,” Ryan snapped, reaching out for me as I retreated toward the waiting cab. I didn’t want to stick around for whatever was about to happen. If I discovered that he was married or dating some other woman, I would be sick.

“But I came to tell you the good news,” Sophia said, stepping between Ryan and me. Ryan sidestepped the woman and followed me to the cab.

“Give me your number so that I can call you. I’ll come out to see you.”

“No,” I said.

“Ryan,” Sophia whined.

“Not now, Sophia.”

“When we are married, you will not talk to me like that, Ryan Hart,” Sophia screamed, causing all conversation to stop.

My breath caught. I knew it. He was engaged. I lowered myself into the backseat of the cab as Ryan turned to face the other woman. I ducked my head so that no one but my father saw the tears that were streaming down my face.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” my father said, then kissed me on the forehead. The gesture would have floored me at any other time. It had been years since he had kissed me like that.

Before he closed the door, I heard Ryan say, “What?”

My father must have told the driver where to take me because the door closed, the vehicle pulled away from the hotel, and headed in the direction of the airport. I cried the entire way there.

As I was making my way through the airport, I received a text from my father with information about the plane ticket he had purchased for me. His kindness made me feel bad for all the bad thoughts I had had about him and the mean words I had said.

My flight home was long, and I spent the entire time thinking of Ryan. There was no way he was seeing Sophia. The woman had seen us at the wedding. Seen him with me at the reception. She would have caused a scene if the two had been together. That made me feel a little better about the time Ryan and I had spent together, but that didn’t change the fact that somehow the two were engaged. Pine Hollow was definitely the type of community to arrange marriages. The question was—would Ryan go through with it? He probably would now that I was gone.

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