Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2) (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Reynolds

BOOK: Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2)
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“I sure do. Every time we’ve made love, I’ve written it down. I like reliving those memories. I put in every lick, every touch, every kiss, and every orgasm. I think the readers will love those scenes more than anything else.”

“You’ll have to label it pornographic if you do all of that.”

“Then I’ll have to label it as such. Oh, would you stop teasing me and eat me already,” she said in frustration.

I had removed her jeans and was kissing and nibbling everything but her clit, which was swollen and begging me to devour it. I didn’t do as she requested. Teasing her was much more satisfying for me. I held her legs wide open so that I could take in every inch of her, and the sight of her so wet and ready for me had my cock agreeing with her.

When I finally gave in to her, she screamed, came, and nearly bucked me off the bed. I chuckled, gripped her legs hard, and continued until she was coming again. For a second, I thought about slipping my cock into her mouth for a bit, but then I figured she might tease me the way I had her and didn’t think I could handle that at the moment, so I eased inside her and slowly rode her until I thought my balls would burst.



Chapter 25 ~ The Extraction Plan






I didn’t like being away from Ryan for hours at a time, but no one would let me help on the cabins while pregnant, not that I minded. I’m not good at construction work, and I detest cleaning. Even though I missed Ryan terribly, I spent most of my days at Abby and Dimitri’s cabin. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Abby, and her daughter was adorable. Abby was kind and sweet. She answered all of my questions, even the personal ones about being mated to a shifter. She even told me about her near rape by a werewolf hired by a witch obsessed with Dimitri. Learning that the mating prevented something like that from ever happening due to the attacker’s inability to touch a mated person in such a way, to me, was the greatest news I could have ever asked for.

She gave me parenting tips that I knew I wouldn’t ask my mother or Ryan’s mother for once the baby came. By the time the baby would get here, I might have a better relationship with my mother, but I didn’t think I’d ever have a close one with Ryan’s family.

Abby and I talked about the similarities and differences between our two matings, which was what I was more interested in most days. I was relieved to find out that I will have a long life with Ryan. He and I hadn’t talked that much about the lifespan of a shifter because I knew he worried that I would die young, and the thought upset him. I knew shifters lived for hundreds of years, and Serena had assured Abby that she would have the same lifespan as Dimitri, barring anything unnatural happening to her. Shifters could be shot or stabbed or any number of other things, those things just had to be serious—as in a shot to the head or heart—to do any real damage or kill them. Their rapid healing could stop any major blood loss and heal deep wounds.

A hunter shot one of Dimitri’s brothers in the head while he was in deer form. The shot killed him instantly. Yes, the family got to him before the hunter could. The man even went to jail because he was hunting illegally. The shot had been at the perfect angle with enough force to do the most damage, and the poor man had lost his life.

Oddly enough, I was also relieved to know that I would continue to age. I liked the idea of looking young for a long time, but by the time I’m a great-grandmother or great-great-grandmother, I would like to start looking like a grandmother at the very least. The idea I could have children when my grandchildren were having children disturbed me though. Abby said the older we got, the more unfertile we became, but she’d heard of shifter women having babies when they were two hundred years old. I’m not sure I would want that, but I think that’s because I have this vision of myself being withered and slumped at that age, but I won’t be.

When I wasn’t bombarding Abby with questions, we sat in silence in her large office, me writing, her editing while Kayla played. I was trying to convince Abby to let me tell her story after I finished mine, but she wasn’t sure she wanted the world to know about her past relationship or how self-deprecating she used to be. I find it hard to believe that at one time she hated her curvy body…had thought herself so disgusting to look at that she was all but a hermit. She’s too vibrant and confident to have ever been that woman.

I only saw Ryan during meals and at night, and I tried to be content with that. In the real world, that would be how things worked with both of us working to support our family, but we were still in the honeymoon stage of our relationship, and I wanted it to last. I feared that his feelings for me would diminish while he was away from me or he would meet a woman from the pack and fall for her. Abby tried to reassure me that that never happened with mates, but I’d thought like a human too long, and the idea that I was the only woman for him seemed impossible even knowing that he was the only man I could ever love.

On our fifth night in the cabin, Ryan told me that they’d worked everything out with Dave’s parents and were going after them the next day. I was worried, but he said the plan was simple as long as the Carmichaels didn’t get caught leaving their house. They would have to sneak out with none of their possessions—something Dave’s mom argued against, but there was no other way—and all the money they could carry. They would do it during the lunch hour while everyone was at work or otherwise occupied. The couple occasionally went home or off together during that time, since they were trying to have another child, so they hoped no one would suspect them of anything.

They would meet up with Dave, Ryan, and a number of the Sullivan pack members a mile or so out of the actual town of Pine Hollow. Daniel didn’t want his pack getting too close to the city for anyone to spot them. The Council would see it as an act of war and attack before they could call the Regent in to stop them. There’s supposed to be a law against any pack leader, clan leader, or the like from holding its people captive. If a person or family wanted to leave a specific group, the leader of said group was supposed to allow them the right.

Daniel was trying to get in touch with Serena to tell her what was going on in Pine Hollow, but she wasn’t answering his calls. Daniel could contact the Regent himself, but he wanted us to wait for her as she would have more sway over the ruling body, but Dave was anxious and afraid his father would do something stupid if we didn’t get them out soon. His father was angry that the Council, in very subtle terms, was threatening his life and the life of his company as a way of keeping them in Pine Hollow.

I tossed and turned most of the night, worrying about what might happen to Ryan and my family the next day. When Ryan had had enough of my fidgeting, he turned to face the middle of the bed, pulled me to him, and kissed the back of my neck.

“You need to get some sleep. All this worrying isn’t good for either one of you,” he said, rubbing my lower stomach. It was a little more pooched out than normal, which Ryan loved. He said he couldn’t wait for me to start showing, so that all the world would know that I was carrying his child. I only felt fat, and I was trying to not be self-conscious about it. 

“I know, but I can’t help it. I know we have to do this, but I feel like we are inviting unneeded danger by doing so. The Council is already pissed at us. If we take away one of their richest families, they are going to come after us.”

“Nah. I think now that we are here the Council will leave us be. They’ll be pissed, don’t get me wrong, but they won’t do anything stupid, not while we are with another pack.”

“I wish I had your confidence.”

“Everything will be all right, I promise,” he said, slipping his hand into my panties. His other moved under me to cup one of my breasts.

I sighed with contentment when he dipped a finger between my folds and found my clit.

“You play dirty,” I said, then moaned when he circled the swollen bud.

“You like it. Besides, after a couple of orgasms, you’ll fall right to sleep and think nothing else about any of this.”

“I don’t think that’s possible, but I’ll let you try,” I said, turning my head to kiss him.

The lazy orgasm that came a few minutes later was relaxing, but the one that came after that once Ryan had slipped into me and started rocking languidly in and out of me was better. And the third that came even later when he pulled from me after finding his own release and decided he needed to do some amazing things to my clit with his tongue after cleaning me was explosive. The fourth and final one that came while he was pounding so hard into me that I thought the bed would go through the thin wall exhausted me, and within minutes of his withdrawal, I was sleeping soundlessly.

Ryan always looked pleased with himself after a night of sex like that. I came so easily for him; it amazed even me and made him smug. For the first few moments after I woke the next morning, I was so sated that I nearly forgot what he was going to be doing in a few hours.

“Don’t look at me like that. You play dirty,” I said at his smirk. He was standing in the bathroom doorway, looking at me in satisfaction.

“You’ve already said that, and no, I don’t. You needed to sleep and sleep deeply. I helped you accomplish that. If you don’t like it and are going to complain, I can stop. I won’t touch you again for a month.”

“Don’t you dare threaten me,” I said, indignantly. “What am I saying? You can’t go a day without being inside me.”

“You don’t think I have the will power to withhold sex from you?”


“Try me. We won’t have sex again until this time tomorrow.”

“Fine by me,” I said and stretched. I was naked under the blanket, and when I moved, it slid off my breasts. I peeked through half-closed lids to see Ryan trying not to look at my naked breasts. I lowered one hand and lightly ran a thumb over the hardened nipple. I shifted further to angle myself toward him a bit so that he could see what I was doing, and the blanket shifted again. This time it puddled around my waist.

I trailed my other hand over my other nipple, made it hard, then moved my hand over my stomach. I made it look as if I were going to pull the blanket back over my breasts, but at the last second, I jerked it off me. I spread my legs a bit and pulled on my nipples. I glanced to see that Ryan was still rooted to the spot by the table, watching me. His cock made a nice tent in his boxers, and I licked my lips.

When the ache in my clit got too demanding, I slipped my hand back down my stomach and between my legs. I opened my legs further and slipped a finger between my folds and into my body. I moved the finger in and out of myself a few times then dragged the moisture I gathered up to my clit and began to circle it.

For a long moment, I basked in the pleasure I was giving myself, but when my body started to scream that it needed Ryan to fill it, I opened my eyes and turned to him. He had slipped his hands into his boxers and was slowly pumping himself. The sight made me ache even more, and I couldn’t stop the pleading, “Ryan,” that slipped from my lips.

He was naked and inside me in an instant. I was coming and screaming his name before he was fully seated.

A knock at our door interrupted us, a half an hour later. We had made it to the shower this time. Ryan had tried again to claim that he could go a whole day without sex, but I slipped into the bathroom while he was showering, got down on my knees on the hard ass porcelain tub, and started sucking him while he tried to clean himself.

“You know, I could fulfill my promise if you’d stop seducing me,” he had told me when we actually started showering.

“What fun would that be?” I asked, laughing.

“After all of this, you can’t accuse me of playing dirty anymore,” he said.

“Come home safely, and I’ll play real dirty,” I said with a wink. I felt him grow hard behind me, and I grew excited over the possibility of another round, but that had been when someone had knocked on our door.

“Ryan, man, quit doing my sister-in-law and come on. We should leave soon to be where we need to be to help my parents.

“Fuck,” Ryan said and stepped out of the shower. “I’ll be right out,” he called to the front door.


Abby and Danielle stood next to me as we watched the group go. Danielle had wanted to go with Dave, but when she had seen the fear in my eyes, she had changed her mind. I felt bad but was grateful she had stayed behind. Abby bounced Kayla on her hip and prayed silently for God to bring them home safely.


When they returned home an hour later in one piece, I chided myself for worrying so much. Ryan had assured me that things would go smoothly, that the plan was simple, and that there wouldn’t be a confrontation of any kind, but I hadn’t believed him.

The Carmichaels had done what they said they would do. The couple had pretended to sneak off for a little one on one time and slipped into the forest behind their house. They’d moved quickly through the trees with no one following them. They had met up with our people right where we told them to be. Once they were all out of Pine Hollow territory, the Sullivan pack members brought everyone back here via their teleportation abilities. Ryan griped again about how he needed that ability. The entire thing was so simple that I felt stupid for getting so worked up over it.

The next day, Daniel received a letter, by way of a vampire, from the Council warning us that if they find any member of his pack on their land, they would take it as an act of war and attack. The threat didn’t faze anyone, not even me, as we hadn’t stepped a single toe on their property.

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