Over My Head (3 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Thriller/Men in Uniform/Crime/Action & Adventure

BOOK: Over My Head
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“Sorry,” she replied. Her voice sounded groggy, even to her own ears. Every part of her body hurt. A dull ache settled in her belly.

“No need. I kinda liked playing nurse.”

His gaze raked over her body. Had she not felt like shit, she might have enjoyed it…a lot. Something blossomed in her chest, something she hadn’t felt in a long time—affection. He didn’t have to care about her or even keep an eye on her, and yet he had.

“Will you tell me who hurt you?” The sincerity and concern in his eyes added a kick to her gut.

Astra settled on her back and stared at the cracks in his ceiling. She could tell him now or let him run into the thug with the iron fists. He’d probably stand a better chance of beating the man to pulp. “He shot up the apartment?” she asked in return.

“The knickknacks on the shelf are trashed. One looked like a doll.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his knuckles. “Were they important?”

“From my grandmother. One of the few sentimental things I still had left.” The bastard had destroyed the only things of value she had.

He wasn’t trying to kill her—just send a message.

Tears burned down her cheeks. “Forget it. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Sweetheart, I can’t help you if I don’t know anything about him.” He slipped his hand into hers. “I won’t let him hurt you again. Promise. Tell me? Please?”

Slade wanted to know? Fine. Keeping her silence hadn’t helped so far and she didn’t have much else to lose. “He had a stocking cap over his face. All I saw were black eyes.”

“Good,” Slade encouraged. “Take your time and think. Don’t leave anything out.”

“He smelled…like day old socks smell. I know the man wasn’t Tiny. He reeks of cologne.” Blood pounded through her veins and panic engulfed her body, as if the man from the attack was again standing before her, ready to use his fists once more. She shuddered. “The guy was tall—like you.”

“Was he built?” Beside her, Slade shifted.

If she wasn’t mistaken, he was writing something. The scratch of pencil or pen on paper echoed in her head. Astra opened her eyes and jerked. Slade sat beside her on the bed, pad of paper in hand, pencil scrawling furiously.

“Why are you writing it down?” She placed her hand on the page. “This guy isn’t going to stop because you have a composite. Who do you think you are…the police?”

Chapter Three

Her question played on a loop in Slade’s mind for the next two evenings. Friday and Saturday nights were the two busiest nights at the Silver Steel. Despite his protests, Astra had gone on stage. Pancake makeup hid the bruises from afar. She smiled, but not as brightly as before. She tended to look over her shoulder more and jerk away from people.

“She’s not doing private dances.” Tiny Balthazar folded his arms next to Slade. “She’s one of my best girls. Her and Andie. Want to tell me why she’s not lighting up the stage like usual?”

Slade dug his fingers into his arms as he considered his response. Tell Tiny the truth or bide his time? Might be worth the hassle to find out what the bastard knew. “She was hurt three nights ago.”

“By who?” Incredulousness shone in Tiny’s eyes. His lips twisted. “If you lay a hand on her, you won’t have hands.”

So she had definitely been in a relationship with Tiny. Hadn’t they split? “I found her passed out and took her home.”

“So I saw.” Tiny growled and cracked his knuckles. “Should I change the rules for you two?”

What exactly did you see
? The question perched on the tip of Slade’s tongue. He bit the words back, instead staying silent.

“The girls aren’t for you shits to fuck when you want a fix.” Tiny stepped toe to toe with Slade. “Should I call Sexyback over here and tell her you want to fuck her? Or are you just looking for a quick piece of ass?”

Silly question. Had Slade wanted to fuck Astra, he probably could’ve. Well, no…there had been the matter of her healing from a beat-down. The fucktard. Slade ground his teeth together. If Tiny wanted to cause shit, fine. He wasn’t going to back off either.

“Excuse me?” The small voice beside Slade drew his attention. One of the newer girls, Judy Blue Eyes, stood next to him and fidgeted.

“Get on stage and lose your clothes,” Tiny shouted. His shoulders rose and fell with hastened breaths. “I shouldn’t have hired the fat cow.”

The comment rubbed Slade the wrong way. Sure, Judy Blue Eyes wasn’t model thin or traditionally beautiful, but she had the sweet-natured, girl-next-door look that seemed to drive men wild. She sure as hell didn’t deserve to be yelled at because Tiny wanted to rake someone over the coals.

“Deal with her. Kick her ass out if she won’t cooperate. I’ve got other things to worry about.” Tiny shook his head and stormed away.

Slade took a long breath and let it out slowly. Damage control. More fucking damage control. He made his way through the crowd to the back of the stage where the girls got dressed. Another new girl, Gold Dust Woman, if he remembered correctly, fluffed her golden hair and rolled her shoulders at the side of the stage. Slade glanced at his watch. Eleven-thirty. Time for the next girl.

Gold Dust Woman winked and sashayed onto the stage. He paused, feigning interest in her dance. He knew her and hated the fact she had to be there—more cops undercover to catch the monster running the operation.

So far they’d come up with nothing but shit.

Strained voices caught his attention and he pushed past the red velvet curtain. Judy Blue Eyes sat at her makeup table, tears sliding down her cheeks. He forced a growl. The girl looked too damn young and innocent for the Silver Steel. She’d either have to grow a set or get a thicker skin if she planned to stay on. Astra sat with her back to Slade and handed the younger woman tissues.

“He’s trying to scare you so you’ll quit.” Astra squeezed Judy’s hand. “You show him he can’t push you around. He’s a bastard who doesn’t deserve your anger.”

“Ladies.” Slade hated to break up their moment. Judy’s crying subsided and she looked away.

“Tell her she’s beautiful.” Astra slapped Slade’s hip. “Come on. She is.”

He lowered himself to a squat and placed one hand on Astra’s thigh and the other on Judy’s. “You are both gorgeous, but if you don’t get moving, all three of us will be out of a job.” He turned his attention to Judy and stood. “She’s right. Don’t let that rat bastard run your emotions.”

Judy nodded. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.” She slipped off her stool and practically ran to the bathroom at the far end of the changing room.

“That was sweet.” Astra stood and rested her head on Slade’s shoulder. “A girl could get the wrong impression.”

Without thinking, Slade wrapped an arm around Astra. He liked how she fitted against him and the symphony of her sigh as she rested. “What if I have the wrong impression?”

She curled into his side and tipped her head to look him in the eye. “Yeah? How?”

“You keep talking sweet to me, I might get the idea you like me.” He was going out on a limb, but damn if it didn’t feel good to admit the truth. “Or are you putting me on to make the boss jealous?”

The emotions that crossed her face and lit up her eyes ran the gamut—embarrassment, frustration, fear and a hint of joy. Astra opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before speaking. The flush creeping across her cheeks headed south over her chest.

Seeing her so out of sorts both excited and frustrated him. He wanted to see her smile in glee after they made love, not shiver from fear of another.

“You’re a very likeable man.”

Ah…the kiss of death. ‘Likeable’. Great
. He’d totally misread her advances. Tucking his dignity tightly between his legs, Slade nodded and backed away from Astra. The blush faded and the colour drained from her face. So much for putting his emotions on the line.

“I’ve got your back, but be careful.”

Tears burned behind Astra’s eyes. Finally, the one thing she’d wanted to hear from Slade…and her demons had kept her quiet. The moment Tiny had found out she’d moved on, he went ballistic and sent one of his goons to put her in her place. She scrubbed a hand over her forehead. The bruises didn’t hurt nearly as much as earlier.

The song coming from the sound system expressed the words in her heart. Slade was everything she wanted and everything she needed. He knew what to do and how to handle situations. He cared.

She checked the clock. Three hours to closing. Saturday night meant they all left together. Maybe her car would have to be on the fritz one more time. She shouldn’t lie, but if it meant time alone with Slade, she’d do it.

She ran her fingers through her hair and bopped to the music to get into the mood for her next dance. Some days it felt like the night never ended.


A shudder ran straight up her spine. She hated her stage name almost as much as she hated the man who spoke. Instead of giving him her attention, she continued to prep for her turn.

“Now.” Thick fingers were wrapped around her arms, yanking her into the hallway separating the stage from the private room. Light flashed behind her eyes as her back slammed into the wall. Pain ricocheted through her brain and she bit down hard on her tongue, tasting blood.

Without giving her room to breathe or look away, Tiny’s glare bored into her. “Did you do it?”

She’d rather die than answer the behemoth. She swallowed back the bile rising in her throat and took deep breaths to regain her calm.

“You have twenty-four hours to unload Slade or one of the back-up staff will make sure you do.”

Something cold rubbed up against her inner thigh. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stifle the shiver. He had a gun. Tiny pressed the gun higher, against her crotch.


She nodded. From the corner of her eye she spotted Judy Blue Eyes.
. Now someone else had seen what she was going through.
Anyone but Judy
. The girl was so innocent and sweet.

Astra was anything but.

* * * *

At quarter till three, Astra shoved her feet into her snow boots and grabbed her purse. Still shaken from the earlier scene, she elbowed Judy. “The boys haven’t left yet, have they?”

Judy shook her head. “Tiny’s grilling them. Can’t you hear him screaming?”

“I blocked him out.” Astra pulled the zipper up on her jacket. “Ready?”

Nodding, Judy stood. Together, Astra and Judy went out into the slushy parking lot. There they could use their real names, not the stage names. The melting ice crunched under their feet. Judy, otherwise known as Jude, stopped a few feet from Astra’s Mazda.


“Since when does your car blink?”


“The little red light by the licence plate.” Jude nodded.

Astra stared at her beater car. Sure enough, a red light winked at her from the bumper. A camera? Something more sinister? Tiny meant business when he sent threats. Would he really kill her because they’d broken up? Or did he know something she didn’t?

She glanced at Jude’s car. No blinking. She placed her hand on Jude’s arm.

“You think something’s wrong with my car?”

Astra tugged Jude close. “Something’s up. I can feel it.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I trust Slade. Let him look at it.”

Jude nodded. “Hey, Slade. Can you come over here a moment? We need your help.”

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