Over My Head (9 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Thriller/Men in Uniform/Crime/Action & Adventure

BOOK: Over My Head
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Hand on his arm, she turned and looked at him with moist eyes. She stayed quiet for the longest time, just stared at him. The love he’d hoped to see in her face dimmed with each passing moment. “Then who are you?” she whispered. “Who is this man I slept with, who knows the darkest parts of me?”

If he had to screw up his life, then he might as well go all the way. “Sergeant Randall Tyson McCall. Eight-year member of the Carrington Falls PD, single child to Myrna and Tyson McCall. To serve and protect has always been my motto. Married once and divorced because she hated the long hours alone. I’m head over heels in love with you and determined to keep you safe.”

“And you really care about
? You’re a hero.” Her bottom lip quivered. “I’m…I’m a wh—”

Randy silenced her words with a kiss. No matter what she’d done in the past, she’d always be his. “You’re my girl.”

Astra shook her head. “No. I can’t be your girl. He will kill us when he finds out what we did.” She had to make him understand. The danger was more than one man could deal with—cop or not.

“Astra, love, I have the whole of the force behind me. They will take him down.”

“How? When?” She put her hands in the air. “No, I don’t want to know. Just take me home.”

“In a little bit. Sweets, you said you trusted me. This is when you need to show me.”

Her heart ached. She loved Slade. Knowing he was someone else—a cop no less—made things so much more complicated. Who had she fallen in love with? Who had she made love to?

“Slade might be a figment of my commanding officer’s imagination, but the guy in front of you”—he pointed to himself—“this guy is in love with you and willing to risk his life to keep you and the baby safe.”

The baby
… Despite Slade’s—no,
—embrace, Astra rubbed her chilled arms. She didn’t have much choice. If she left Randy, Tiny would know she’d ignored his directive. If she played along, would they make it out alive?

“I know you don’t think you can love me. I understand that. I accept it.”

His voice wavered just the slightest bit, but enough for her to notice. “Have you ever had to decide which you wanted more? Like you have two options and both are scary as hell, but you can’t not pick?” She placed her fingers on his lips. “Everything tells me to just disappear. Run off to the country and change my name to Gertrude or something. I never should’ve stuck around the Steel or had an affair with Tiny…but in an odd way I don’t totally understand, I’m glad.”


“Because as scary as things seem, I know way down in my gut you really will keep me safe.”

Randy kissed her hand. “Thank you, babe.”

“So what’s the plan? Guns blazing? We ride off into the sunset like Bonnie and Clyde?”

“We go to work like normal. You put your faith in me and I’ll ensure we get out together.”

“You’re one in a million.”

“Nah, I’m yours.”

Chapter Nine

Astra stepped off the stage and towelled the sweat from her body. The heat from the lights seemed so much more intense, the attention from the crowd somehow louder. Her blood pounded in her ears. Slade—no—Randy had said to act naturally. How the hell was she supposed to act naturally when Tiny glared from his private table?

She shook off the bad vibes and flicked her hair over her shoulder. Screw it. Randy wanted her trust, then she’d give it with no qualms. Anything had to be better than the ogling eyes of the less than attractive patrons.

“Tiny wants you to make your rounds through the crowd once more.” Judy handed her a bottle of water. “And to stop at his table for a private dance.”

Astra shuddered. Giving him pleasure was the last thing she wanted to do. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to think of something less disgusting. She glanced at the doors. Instead of Corey’s hulking form, Ross stood with his arms crossed. At least that part was going according to plan.

“I don’t know how you could’ve dated him. Tiny’s…” Jude shuddered and shook her head. “Oh well. Not much longer and I’m gone.”

Astra smiled, thankful Jude provided the high point in the conversation. “Are you going to take summer classes or are you almost done with your degree?”

Judy blushed. “I’ve missed too many classes because I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I’m stuck for another semester.” A faraway look crossed her face. “One of these days…”

Astra toyed with the cap of the bottle. “Jude?”

The shorter dancer gasped. “You…you used my name. In here.”

“We have to keep an eye out for each other.” She pulled Jude close. “Don’t let down your guard. Ever.”


Astra grinned despite her twinge of displeasure. She should look at him as Slade, but her brain and heart wouldn’t cooperate with logic. He might be Slade to the rest of the club, but he’d always be the Randy she cared about…and yes, she cared about him. “What are you doing back here?” He wasn’t supposed to go beyond the curtain. “Are you already clocked out?”

“Nah. Hiya Judy.” He nodded once. “I couldn’t wait any longer.”

Wait? For what?
Astra fought to keep her breathing level. “What are you waiting for?”


A smile, one she hadn’t noticed before, crossed his lips. Every nerve ending zinged and the hairs on her neck stood on end. Randy fumbled in his pocket, his jacket rustling.

“What…what are you—?”

Randy held a box in his hand, just the right size for a…ring.

“Oh wow,” Jude said with a sigh. “This is so romantic.”

Randy dropped to one knee. “Astra, I want your sexy back, your sexy front, all of your sexy being all to myself. Marry me, babe.”

Astra stared at the box. She’d waited for this moment for her entire life. Waited for someone to love her. Was this part of the act or his true feelings?

Jude nudged Astra with her elbow. “You gotta say something.”

“I—yes.” She’d never get out of there if she didn’t play along. “I will marry you.”

“Married? Who the fuck is getting married?” Tiny stomped into the room and pounded his fist on the closest makeup table. “What the fuck?”

Astra froze. The shit had officially hit the fan.

“Judy, please tend to the customers while I have a chat with Sexyback and Slade,” Tiny said through clenched teeth.

Jude scooted out of the dressing room.

Tiny narrowed his eyes and his lips curled. “Well.” He yanked the sides of his jacket open, accentuating the Glock on his hip. “Now, what in the name of fuck is going down?”

Call her stupid, call her foolish, Astra stepped in front of Randy. “He asked me to marry him. I haven’t decided if I will or not.”

Tiny snorted. “Marry
?” He slipped the gun from the holster and waved it in her general direction. “I have heard some shit in my time. Slade, do not tell me you’re wasting your time on this…” Tiny’s gaze raked up and down her body, giving Astra the shivers. “I’d say woman, but she’s hardly that.”

“Actually, she’s quite a woman.” Randy placed his hands on her shoulders, edging her to the side. “You seem to have no issue sending customers her way. I’m…taken with her.”

“You’re a fucking moron.” Tiny paused, the muscle in his jaw working overtime. He crooked one brow. “Has she told you about her little secret?”

Randy tipped his head. “Secret?”

“I didn’t think so.” Tiny sat down on the nearest makeup table. “Let’s see. She might look sexy, but she’s on her third…or is it fourth owner? I lost count.”

“Doesn’t bother me.” Randy’s voice remained level. “I knew she wasn’t a saint.”

“She just had an abortion. She can fuck but God help you if you want a family.” The self-serving grin on his face widened. “You’re gonna marry a bitch who can’t have kids, whose been used and shows her body off to any asshole who walks into this club? She’s mine and fuck off.”

Astra fought to drag air into her lungs. Her skin stung all over. She knew this was part of the plan, but God… Her mettle evaporated.

“Astra, what do you want from your life? Marry a dickhead because he’s got a ring?” Tiny snorted and rubbed his thick fingers under his nose. The gun shook slightly in his other hand. “He talks big, but it’s shit. Three months, tops, he’ll all the sudden lose interest and where will your ass be?”

Astra glanced at Randy. She needed all the fortification she could get. Her lunch reversed its course. The more Tiny trembled, the more she wondered if he’d partaken of his personal drug stash. If he had, there was no guessing what he’d do.

“Are you going to let the dick here rescue you just to have him drop you like hot lead or are you going to stay where you’re appreciated?” Tiny wriggled his fingers on the grip of the handgun. His index finger hovered over the trigger as he waved it towards the exit. “Now go on stage so you don’t get hurt.”

Drugs or not, faith or not, she wasn’t about to play the game any longer. “No.” She shook her head. “I’m done.”

“You’ll never walk out of here alive,” Tiny snarled.

“No?” She grabbed a T-shirt from her table and yanked the garment over her head. Randy wanted her to be strong? Fine. She could be strong. Even if it got her ass killed. “I’m done. I’m not marrying you or anyone. I don’t want to be tied down, so the both of you can shove it.”

Head hanging, Randy put the ring box back into his coat pocket.

“Good girl.” Tiny slapped her ass, propelling her towards the stage. “Now get ready for your next turn. I don’t want to have to send in my heavy guns again.”

“My next turn?” Her voice cracked and she clenched her fists. “You think you own me? You are nothing to me—guns or not. Corey is an asshole who hurts people. You’re no better.” She kicked off her high heels and plopped down on to the nearest chair. She pulled her jeans on as she spoke. “No more having my ass slapped so you make extra money. No more drugs and no more fucking whoever you want so you look like a God damned pimp. Fuck you.” She stood, shoved her feet back into the heels and tossed the wad of condoms at her former boss. “Find another girl to sell and worship you. A nice, naïve young one who will believe your shit because I’m done. I quit.”

“Over my dead body.” Tiny lunged from his chair and aimed at her head. “You. Are. Mine.”

“Astra. Go.” Randy withdrew his gun and aimed at Tiny. “Get out of here.”

“You’re going to risk your life for a piece of ass?”

Astra held her breath, awaiting Randy’s answer. If he felt any concern or worry, it didn’t show on his face. Hell, she couldn’t read his expression and not knowing scared her more than the gun.
God, what have I done?

Randy clenched his teeth.
Show no fear.
He fought to keep his breathing even, despite his guts twisting in triple knots. If he fucked up, he’d lose her as well as jeopardise the whole operation. What did he want? The desperation and total trust in her eyes made the decision for him.

“Not at all.” Randy nodded to Astra. Screw the cover. Being Slade wasn’t going to help him now. All he had was his faith in Astra. “Go.” He turned his attention back to Tiny. “I’m willing to risk my life for a girl I care about.” He disengaged the safety on his handgun. “Now let her go or I blow your hand off.”

“Bullshit.” Tiny aimed the gun at Randy. “The boys won’t let you shoot me.”

“Bet me.” Randy fired. The shot exploded, knocking the weapon from Tiny’s hand. Red streaked across the room from the wound. Tiny slumped to the ground.

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