Over My Head (2 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Thriller/Men in Uniform/Crime/Action & Adventure

BOOK: Over My Head
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Unless Slade proved to be another bad card in the deck.

She guessed not. Slade McMann didn’t strike her as being like the other thugs at the club. He didn’t hang out with Tiny and never seemed to buy the merchandise. He barely seemed to pay attention to the crap going on at the club—like it was all beneath him.

She’d put her faith in others only to have them screw her over. Unlike the men in her past, though, something deep in her belly screamed that she could trust Slade. Odd, too, since her gut instincts never panned out. The men she tended to trust only ever proved to be untrustworthy. Abe had used his fists, Tiny used drugs. Dennison…well, that was a wound she’d gladly give away.


She gulped. He’d used her given name. Most of the bouncers didn’t even know the girls had names other than their stage names or descriptions like ‘the one with huge knockers’. She turned towards him. Slade wasn’t traditionally handsome. His face was a little too long and his black hair a tad too unruly. His grey eyes flashed whenever he looked at her and the simple act always sent shivers up her spine. It was as though her physical attributes weren’t important because he saw the woman inside. But to have him really see her as a human, not a set of breasts, seemed to be too much to ask.

“We’re here.” Slade pulled into what was evidently his assigned parking spot at the Sanborn Building. “It’s three in the morning and damned icy. Give me a moment and I’ll come around to get you.”

“I’m not going to break,” she chuffed, although she appreciated his gesture. Astra waited a heartbeat for him to round the hood of the car.

Slade opened the door and offered his gloves. “Put these on.”

She considered arguing with him and capitulated. Gloves were so much better than frozen fingers. She shivered again. “Thanks.”

He looped one arm around her back and placed his hand on her elbow.

“Are you for real?” She looked away, embarrassed by her own question.

“I hope so,” he murmured in her ear. “I had a mother who insisted I have manners as well as learn how to put a man in his place.”

She paused and stared at him.

“What, little girl?”

“Your girlfriend is a lucky woman.” Her heart beat loud in her ears. Had she just blurted out something about his girlfriend?

Slade urged her forward again and laughed. “I am as single as single can be.” Arm tight around her, he whispered, “Are you applying?”

Astra bit her tongue, waiting until they stood in the lobby to respond. “You don’t want to date me. I mean, come on…a stripper girlfriend? That’s out of some sappy romance novel or something.” She turned away from Slade to hide her emotions. Okay, so she had a soft spot for romance novels and happy endings. “Walk me to my door?”

“I am what I am.” He shrugged and followed her up the steps. “I’m in two-twelve if you get lonely, by the way.”

“Then we’re just about neighbours. I’m in two-twenty-six.” She came to a stop in front of her door. As much as she wanted to stretch out in bed, the enticing idea of stretching out next to him in bed sounded so much more fun…more sinful. She shook the thought from her head. He hadn’t asked her over for sex, just issued a simple invitation for whenever she was bored.

“I guess this is goodnight.” Slade smoothed a lock of hair off her cheek. Something akin to a dreamy look filled his eyes for a moment. He inched closer to her. Flecks of gold and green shimmered in his irises.

Was he going to kiss her? Her body screamed
hello, yes!
But her heart remained guarded. Too much faith in the wrong person could be deadly. Still, she wanted that kiss…his kiss. The heat in the hallway kicked up to somewhere in the
oh baby
range and sent prickles along her skin. Yes, she needed his kiss.

Slade smiled then strolled down the hallway, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
She had thought for sure he was going to kiss her. Astra fitted her key into her lock and nudged the door open.

A rush of cold air swirled around her. Odd. The apartment shouldn’t be cold. It should be hotter than the hallway. Astra rubbed her arms. Snow lay glistening on the windowsills and window seat. She tipped her head. Who had opened the window? She shivered and glanced at her things. The couch remained in its place, but the cushions were askew, some on the floor. Her plants—a collection of spider plants and ferns—weren’t in their pots. Dirt splattered around where they had once sat.

Occasionally sloppy, she never left the apartment a total shambles. Who else had a key? Her stomach clenched and she couldn’t breathe.

She needed to get out. Needed to run. She turned on her heel and ran smack into a wall of solid flesh. The person grabbed her by the arms—a man based on his size and the tangy scent of his thick cologne and body odour. She couldn’t see his face because of the stocking cap over his eyes.

“Remember the rules,” the man growled. “Quiet girls are safe girls.”

She nodded, afraid to do anything else. The man raised a gun and aimed the weapon at her. The blood drained from her face and pounded through her veins. Now she needed to run and hide, but hell…her feet wouldn’t move. A strangled cry ripped from her throat and the thunder of gunfire ricocheted through the apartment.

Astra dropped to her knees.

“Don’t fuck with Tiny or I’ll do more than destroy your shit.” The man slapped the butt of the gun against her cheek.

She closed her eyes as the room faded to black.

All I wanted to do was be home…

Chapter Two

Slade had just turned the key to unlock his apartment door when the shots rang out. He glanced down the hallway, not seeing anyone. Where the fuck had the gunfire come from? His heart hammered…Astra?
Oh fuck.

He broke into a sprint, scared for what he might find. Her door, now partially open, swung on its hinges. Slade palmed the gun in his coat pocket and cocked the hammer, ready to fire.

“Astra? Hon?” Slade inched inside. He took in every detail of the apartment. No other doors stood ajar, but that didn’t mean she was alone. He hadn’t noticed anyone leave.

“Astra?” His foot caught on something and he looked down. Astra lay crumpled in a heap on the floor. His cop training kicked into high gear as he crept through the tiny apartment, sweeping the space. No one. He kicked the door closed then knelt beside her, feeling for a pulse. No blood, just a blossoming bruise on her arm and a matching one on her cheek.
He should’ve invited her to his apartment. Lascivious maybe, but it would’ve saved her from the attack.

Slade scooped her into his arms. God, she barely weighed anything. Her head lolled on her shoulders as he broke into a run back down the hallway. Could he call the EMTs? “Let me take you to the hospital. They can look you over and make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

“No.” She struggled in his grasp. “I’ll be okay. I don’t want to draw any more attention.”

More attention?
He doubted she knew anything about his cover, but still. “Fine, but if you start feeling more than a dull ache, tell me and we’re going. I don’t give a fuck whose attention we draw.”

Back at his place, he placed her on the couch then returned to the door and slid the locks into place. A quick sweep of his apartment yielded no intruders. Good. He grabbed a blanket from the bed and swathed her in it.

He sat at her feet and scrubbed both hands over his face. Talk about the case taking a turn for the crazy and unexpected. Wallace would never believe what Slade would have for the next debriefing.

“My head.” Astra shifted. “God, am I dead?”

Slade fell to his knees at the head of the couch and smoothed her hair from her face. The bruise wasn’t going to get any smaller or lighter any time soon.

She stared up at him through glazed eyes. “He hit me, didn’t he?”

“Who, babe?” They weren’t really on lovey, cuddly terms, but fuck it. Slade didn’t care. “Who hurt you?”

“Doesn’t matter.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “Really.”

“Matters to me.” The broken look in her eyes, combined with the bruises and the situation he’d found her in, clenched tight around his heart. Women deserved to be treated like goddesses, not beaten. “Let me get you some aspirin. I’ll get my coat and take you to the emergency room. You were knocked out cold.”

He stood and strode into the bathroom. When he returned, aspirins and glass of water in hand, she’d sat up.

“Don’t fight me on this Astra. You could have a concussion.”

“I’m a fighter. Give me the meds and forget what you saw.” She waved her hand in the air. “It’s no big deal and not something to go to the ER for.”


“Don’t hon me. I know what I want and it’s to lay here.”

Why was it that that idea didn’t sound so terrible? Because more than he’d care to admit, she’d wrapped herself around his heart. She’d got past the one place he swore he’d never let anyone go beyond.

Slade forked his fingers through his hair. She’d be the death of him.

He sighed. If she was going to be stubborn…fine. He’d be stubborn, too.

“Then you’re coming to bed with me.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

“I’m not sleeping with you.”

Gingerly, Slade placed her on the bed. “No, you’re going to sleep with me.”

“Isn’t that what I said I wasn’t going to do?” She clutched her head. “Why are you being so bull-headed?”

Slade grabbed the hem of her shirt and slid the soft cotton over her head. “Lay down.” Frowning, she did as he asked. He then slid her jeans from her body and tossed the discarded denim with the T-shirt. “I’m trying to take care of you.”

He grabbed a fresh T-shirt from the worn bureau and shook the rumpled fabric out. “Arms.”

Astra sat up and offered her arms, unwilling to argue. He wasn’t trying to hurt her and was the one man in her life wanting to help. She had to force a smile to her lips. Not because she wasn’t grateful, but because the simple action hurt like a motherfucker.

“There. Was that so awful?” He nabbed a pair of sleep pants and another T-shirt from the bureau. “I’m going to change and get you some ice.”

Astra settled onto his sheets. The scent of detergent and flowers wafted around him. Slade didn’t strike her as a floral-scented laundry soap kind of guy, but then again, she wasn’t really sure
to think of him other than hot as hell and sweet beyond belief.

She pulled the blankets up to her chin. Once she got the headache to subside, she’d make things up to him. She’d explain everything and let go of her past. Yes, that’s what she’d do. After sleep…

* * * *

Astra awoke with a jolt and stared through sleep-laden eyes at her surroundings. The sickening, dingy blue walls looked the same as her apartment’s, but the scent—the flowery, comforting scent—wasn’t familiar. A thick arm was wrapped around her midsection and held her against something equally hard.


She grabbed a handful of the blankets and peeked down. Still clothed. She turned enough to take in his profile. Despite the nakedness of his arm, he was indeed wearing a shirt. She snuggled back into place in the curve of his body and smiled. He’d had the chance to do naughty things to her and hadn’t. He’d done as he’d said he would—slept with her. A girl could only get so lucky.

“Good morning, beautiful.” She turned towards the sound of his voice. Slade grinned and ran his index finger down her cheek. “You’re still here, that’s a plus.”

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