Paige and Chloe (12 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Paige and Chloe
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Taking out my phone I text the
only person I knew that would help me out of my predicament, Chloe.

Can you please come over to
your sister's house?

Is everything okay?

I'll tell you when you

I'll be there in 10 x

Chloe was different from Paige in so
many ways but now I realised it was probably down to the abuse that Paige had
endured over the years. Shit!
Had he also molested the other three?
needed to ask Chloe, Tyler and Jayden if Harry had ever touched them, to
understand the severity of the abuse although the outcome wouldn't change as Harry
was going to die by my hands this evening.

I left Paige's bedroom, pacing anxiously
around the living room waiting for Chloe to arrive
. How was I going to tell
her what her sister had been through? How was I going to ask Chloe if she'd ever
been molested?
I was trying to keep my temper under control but the longer
I waited the more I analysed the information, and I started to remember things
that maybe I should've picked up upon all of those years ago.
Harry didn't hesitate when I asked him to look after the children, now I
obviously thought at the time that he was being helpful but now I wondered if
he already knew what he was going to do to Paige.
I briefly wondered if I should call Maggie but this would need explaining in
person rather than a quick conversation over the phone, and I didn't have time
for a hysterical wife at the moment, I needed to keep it together myself.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a
loud knock, I briskly walked to the door and opened it with some urgency.
"What's so pressing dad?" Chloe asked as I grabbed her by the arm and
pulled her into my embrace, cupping her head and pulling her close to my chest.
She moved her arms around my waist and held me equally as tight, probably
wondering what this was all about but knew not to ask until I was ready to
I pulled away slowly looking at her furrowed brows as she silently questioned
me, "I need to ask you something and I want a straight yes or no
Chloe nodded her head but I saw the anguish on her face as she swallowed hard.
"Were you ever molested as a child?"
Chloe visibly relaxed as I asked the question which I found odd but she quickly
pulled it together and shook her head, "No, never."
I nodded my head relieved by her answer and leaned forward to kiss her on the
forehead. "I need you to sit with Paige, she's had a rough couple of days
and has over done things."
I didn't want to tell Chloe at this stage, if Paige wanted to share the
information then it was up to her.
"So why do you want me to sit with her? Paige and I are not exactly on
speaking terms."
"Because you're family and she doesn't have anyone else." I said
Chloe nodded understanding my predicament. "So where are you going?"
"I have business to attend to, there's someone I need to catch up

I left Paige's house and stood in
the car park breathing in the cold evening air trying to compose myself before
I took the 100 mile journey to Norwich. I should've called Duke and explained
the situation but I didn't want the club involved, this was something that I
needed to deal with on my own, I needed to inflict pain, I needed to end his


I walked through the house and into Paige's bedroom
preparing myself for a barrage of abuse at invading her private space, I
sniggered at the thought as I'd heard it all before. The vulgarity that sometimes
came from her mouth would make some club members blush!

Paige was asleep and I noticed the IV attached to her arm,
dad was right when he said she'd gone at it hard, if she needed a drip. I was made
aware of her illness from the pungent smell of vomit as I walked into the house
earlier and I was now assuming that the towels on the living room floor were
covering something vile. I decided to make myself useful and clear up the mess
in the living room while Paige was asleep. I stood ready to leave the bedroom
when my phone buzzed indicating that I had received a text, pulling my mobile
from my pocket, I sat on the edge of the bed to read it.

Can we meet up? We need to

If Woods was asking to talk, I
assumed his meeting with Duke didn't go too well. My only saving grace was that
Duke obviously hadn't informed my dad otherwise I would've walked into a
barrage of questions from him regarding Woods, rather than the strange question
of asking if I'd ever been molested. I quickly typed my response, I couldn't be
dealing with this at the moment, I needed to look after Paige like my dad had
asked me to.

I'm with Paige and can't
leave her. What's up?

Paige? Is everything okay?

I sniggered at his response. I was
alone with my sister and he immediately thought something was wrong, that just
showed how volatile our relationship was.

Don't know yet? What do you
need to talk about?

I'd rather meet up and discuss
further rather than communicate via text

And there it was, those words told
me what I knew was coming but I had hoped he may have been able to talk Duke
around or maybe deep down, Woods didn't think that we had something worth
fighting for.

What's up? Don't you want to
dump me by text? I get it, you've spoken to Duke.

I was crushed but I wasn't going
to come on too heavy, I knew deep down that this couldn't grow into a
relationship as we had too many obstacles in the way.

Why are you being so
difficult? The least I owe you is an explanation for my decision.

Yours or Duke's? Honestly
Woods, I get it. Look I'm busy with Paige, I'll see you around.

I knew what he wanted, Woods was a
good bloke and he would want to sit down and discuss what had happened but if
we couldn't be together, there was no point thrashing something out, if the
outcome was still going to be the same.

Who's that you're texting? Paige
asked as she rolled over onto her back.
"No one."
"Woods?" I glanced at her with confusion, how could she possibly know
about Woods? She must have seen my puzzled expression, "I saw you two
kissing at the party on Saturday."
That didn't sound good, what had she done?
"No one has ever looked at me, the way he looked at you Chloe."
"What did you do Paige?"
"I told Duke." She said quietly and looked almost humble, "I
wanted to hurt you."
"Why Paige, why would you want to hurt me so much? All of my life I've
gone out of my way to be nice but you've been nothing but vile towards me. I
can't even believe that I'm sitting here caring for you, after the way you
behaved with Stephen and now you want to ruin another relationship of mine. You
know what will happen to him, Dad will fucking kill him. Why Paige, I need to
know why?" I had now lost control and was screaming at her, as tears
pricked her eyes. At last she showed some emotion but it was too fucking late.
"Because he didn't molest you!" She screamed back as the tears
streamed down her cheeks.

I felt like I'd been kicked in the
stomach and all of the air had been sucked from the room. I didn't say
anything, I couldn't even find the words as my mouth bobbed open and closed, as
I processed what she'd just said.
"Why didn't he molest you Chloe? We are fucking identical! Why would he do
it to me and not you?"
Paige continued to cry and let out what looked to be years of grief but I
couldn't do anything to make it all go away. I moved closer and wrapped my arms
around her fragile body pulling her close, I could only hold her and let her
cry but if she wanted to talk, I would be here for her. I lightly brushed the
hair from her face with my fingers as the tears continued to flow, I had never
seen Paige like this, she always displayed a hard exterior, she was never

Once the sobbing had eased, I let
go briefly to wipe the tears from her stained cheeks, and held her once more as
I tried to rack my brains to figure out who may have caused her harm but I couldn't
think of anyone.
I needed to know, I needed to know who had hurt her, "Who Paige? Who did
this to you?"
Silence filled the room and I didn't think she would reveal the name of her
She pulled out of my hug and looked at me with a blank expression as she
whispered, "Uncle Harry."

Oh my god! Harry had cared for us
when we were younger and had spent many nights at our house. I felt sick, how
could anyone molest a child let alone a family member, who was supposed to love
and care for them.
The penny finally dropped, I now realised why dad had asked me whether I'd been
molested and where he had now gone, he'd want revenge, he'd want blood.
I needed to make contact with the club but was a little unsure of who to call,
that would be sensitive to the cause.

Paige had settled back down and I'd
offered to make her a hot drink. Walking into the kitchen I removed my mobile
from my pocket and dialled the one person that I knew would help me, without
asking too many questions.

"I hoped that you'd call me,
I understand that you don't want to meet up but I think it's best that we
discuss this Chloe."
"Mark, I haven't got time for this shit now, I need help and I don't know
who else to call." I used his real name to emphasize the seriousness of
the situation.
"What do you need babe?"
"I can't tell you what's happened but Dad is on his way to his brother's
"Ahh-haa! It's not going to be pretty, I need you to stop him or support
him, I don't know, I just need you to be there for him. I know I'm not in any
position to ask for a favour from you but..."
"Chloe, it's fine I'm pleased you called me. How long ago did he leave?"
"Twenty minutes."
"Are you okay? Do you need anything before I go?"
"No I'm fine...Mark..."
"Please make sure that my dad is okay."
"He'll be fine, don't worry babe."


"Have you done it yet?"
"You're such an insensitive prick. Hound's in trouble, he's on his way to
Norwich to do his brother harm. I don't know any more details but I can just
surmise that whatever's gone down, involves Harry and Paige. I'll leave you to
fill in the blanks." Duke didn't interrupt me as I explained what I knew.
"I'll meet you at the services in ten minutes. Are you tooled up?"
"Yeah but hurry Duke, he has twenty to thirty minutes on us."
I was already on my motorcycle ready to leave and fastened my helmet quickly
before heading into the evening traffic towards the petrol station in

Diesel and Bear pulled up beside
me at the services, I glanced around the garage forecourt, "Where's
Duke?" I asked confused as to why he hadn't shown.
Diesel raised his eyebrows and looked towards the van that had just pulled up,
"He's drunk too much, he's in the van with Ramsey and Buster."
I shook my head with a smirk, rather them than me, I wouldn't want to be with
him in a confined space for the next couple of hours.

The most direct route was the M11,
A11, which was our only option as we needed to get to our destination quickly.
Diesel had explained that Duke was trying to get someone from the Norfolk
charter to visit the property, to make sure Hound was okay but if Harry had
been fucking around with Paige, which I suspected, Hound had every right to do
whatever he wanted to him. We just needed to make sure that he was okay and if
he needed any assistance, I was only too happy to help.

We turned into an affluent street
with huge detached houses on either side of the road but pulled into an alley
that led to the rear of the properties because the road was busy and we didn't
want to raise suspicion. Parking alongside Hound's motorcycle, I noticed
another bike parked further down the alley under a tree.
The back gate opened abruptly and we turned pulling out various weaponry.
"Whoa! Easy tigers," Lenox said strolling out of the garden with a
fag on the go. "This is some welcoming party boys." He sniggered
looking at the six of us ready to attack.
Duke briskly walked towards Lennox and gave him a manly hug, he'd been an Essex
boy originally but had moved up here a few years ago.
"Is Hound in there?"
"He sure is." He looked a little uneasy but held open the gate so
that we could enter the garden. Lennox chuckled, "I hope you're not
Duke nodded in the direction of the house, "Woods, Bear, go and check it

I took the lead and Bear followed
closely as we stealthily made our way up the lawn of the large back garden with
our pieces drawn just in case we needed them.
Bear glanced through the patio window, shielding his hands around his face to
prevent a reflection on the glass obstructing his vision.
"What do you see?" I asked impatiently.
"Hound's sitting down chatting to someone in the chair opposite him, he
seems to be in control and looks calm."
Had I got this wrong? Had he just come to visit his brother?
"Who's he talking to? Is it Harry?"
"From this view point I can only see the top of the blokes head but I'm
assuming its Harry, let's go in."

We made our way through the back
door that led into the kitchen and instantly noticed that the cutlery drawer
was open and the contents were spilt over the floor, like it had been ransacked
by someone urgently looking for something.
"Hound, how you doing man?" I asked as we walked cautiously into the
living room.
Hound looked confused as he glanced in our direction, "What are you two
doing here?"
"We were worried about you, we wanted to make sure that you were okay."
I was concerned by how calm he was considering the close proximity of his
brother, I didn't know what Harry had done but I had my suspicions.
I heard a muffled sound coming from the man that I assumed was Harry, and made
my way around the armchair to see him fully.

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