Paige and Chloe (14 page)

Read Paige and Chloe Online

Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Paige and Chloe
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My breath hitched as I watched him
stand nervously in the doorway.
"Is it okay to come in?" he asked looking a little anxious. I was
surprised that he had actually spoken, up until now conversation between us had
been limited or very one sided.
I simply nodded and watched as he moved further into the room making his way
over towards where I was standing beside the bed.
"So what brings you here?" I asked genuinely intrigued.
"I wanted to see you, to make sure you were okay."
"Well Frank's made sure that I'm getting the right support to tackle the
drugs and the abuse I suffered. Only time will tell whether it helps or
not." I said as a matter of fact as I continued to sift through my
Cade nodded his head and glance around the room, "This doesn't look too
I scoffed, "If I want to watch television, use a phone or a computer, I
have to do it in the communal lounge so I can be supervised."
"It could be worse."
I glanced at him, "Really?" I said rolling my eyes. "I'm so
independent Cade, I'm finding this really difficult." Letting out a loud
sigh I placed my hands into my pockets and slumped my shoulders feeling a
little vulnerable by letting my true feelings be known, "I'm just so used
to doing everything myself, I've never asked for help before."
"Well maybe you should. You're lucky to have people that want to support
you, there are plenty of people that don't have anyone."
"Yeah I guess but you sound like you're talking from experience. Is that
why you're allowing Frank to support you?"
"Do you want a hand putting some of this stuff away?" he asked
blatantly ignoring my last question.
I held up one of my thongs, "Why? Do you want to look through my
Cade laughed, "I'd rather see you use this." He lifted Mr Dick and
inspected it closely, "Ann Summers has a lot to answer for, things like this
give us men a complex."
"Don't worry babe you have nothing to worry about." I raised by
eyebrows animatedly and found myself enjoying the banter. I'd had a shitty
couple of days and the simple banter with Cade was helping to make me feel a
little less anxious. He was acting normal, like we were friends just having a
chat but it felt good as I needed normal in my life.
He smirked at my comment, which made me giggle, "That's a fucking lovely
sound." Cade moved his hand to cup my cheek.
"I thought you didn't like it when I made noises." I stated quietly in
reference to him shouting at me when I spoke as he fucked me against the wall.
My smile dropped as I looked at the intensity of his eyes.
Cade quickly removed his hand, "That's different but we'll save that story
for another day because I'm in a good mood." He realised that he was still
holding my large dildo and threw it onto the bed before he sat down.
I could see him tense and wanted to lighten the mood and change the subject
quickly, "How did you get down here?" I asked pushing my clothes to
the other side of the bed so that I could sit next to him.
"I got the train."
"Yeah, you know those long carriages that are joined together and move on
a track, they're called trains."
I smacked him playfully on the arm, "Smart arse. I just wondered why you
got a train rather than getting a lift with Frank?"
He looked at me confused, "Frank?"
"You're dad?"
"And why don't you call him dad?"
"We'll save that story for another day because I'm in a good mood." I
said throwing his words back at him.
"Touché!" Cade smiled and turned towards me, grabbing my hand and
entwining his fingers with mine. "How would I start by telling your dad
that I wanted to come and see you? Would I tell him that his incredibly fit
daughter gave me the best ever private and then very public show, that has
resulted in me thinking about her every minute of every day?"
Fucking hell, Cade had just knocked the wind out of my sails and in the process
got my blood pumping.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you or you may be sucking your own
cock." Cade sniggered at my reference to Harry but I saw that he was a
little uneasy. "What's on your mind?
Cade glanced at me, "How can you be so flippant about the whole
I sighed, "I've cried my tears, I've had my melt down but most importantly
I now know that he can't hurt me or anyone else physically ever again. Don't
get me wrong Cade, I haven't got over my demons and I'm fucking breaking inside
but that's why I'm here. I didn't think that I wanted to continue being here but
the past hour has shown me that people do care and there possibly is hope for a

The door opened and a nurse walked
in, "Miss Watson, visiting hours are over in ten minutes." She smiled
and left my room before closing the door behind her.
"That's my cue to leave." Cade stood and zipped up his jacket.
"Can I visit you again?"
I nodded, "I'd like that." I probably answered a little quicker than
I should have, I didn't want him to think I was too interested.
Cade pulled me to my feet and placed a kiss on my forehead before he turned and
walked towards the door.
"I'll see you on Sunday." He stated before leaving.

I pushed my clothes from the bed, onto
the floor not worrying about the mess for now as I'd clean it up later. I lay
on the bed positioning my hands behind my head as I stared at the ceiling.

What the fuck was all that
I was shocked when I saw Cade at my
door and did well to hide my surprise by his visit.
Cade was a complete mystery and I think that's why I was attracted to him, he
had piqued my interest because of his demeanour and I wanted to find out more
about him. He obviously had his own demons and had things that he didn't want
to talk about which I respected but that's probably another reason why we found
each other, two broken souls looking to be fixed. I sniggered to myself, more
like two big fuck ups that needed to sort their lives out quickly.

"Miss Watson, Dr Roberts is
available to see you now regarding your medication."
I glanced at the portly lady standing at my door, wearing a white uniform with
dark blue piping around the edge of her tunic, and I assumed I'd be seeing a
lot of this lady over the next three months.
"Thank you, can I please have a minute to freshen up first?"
She smiled and left the room closing the door quietly behind her, leaving me to
lie on the bed to contemplate further.
"Come on girl you can do it, this is the first step on the long journey to
happiness." I said aloud as I pushed myself from the bed.

Chapter 11


I'd had a busy day in the salon
and was grateful of my lunch break. It had been an exhausting couple of days since
Paige's revelation. I'm sure Taylor would've understood, if I needed a day or
two off but we were under staffed as she was injured from her recent accident
and I didn't want to take the piss. I needed to keep busy though, if I sat
around idle I'd probably start thinking about Woods and that's something I
didn't want to do, it just hurt too much.

"Thanks Amy, I'm
"Not a problem, how's Paige doing?"
"She's doing well, she's seen the counsellor and she's responding well to
treatment. I'm pleased that she's finally getting the support she needs but she
must complete the full ninety days in order to be successful."
"And who's giving you the support you need?"
I looked at her confused, "Why would I possibly need support?"
She raised her eyebrows before turning her head to the sound of someone
entering the cafe. "Looks like you have a visitor!" Amy strolled past
Woods with a knowing smile on her face.

He looked breathtaking as he
walked into the cafe removing his shades, and I couldn't help but stare. I
wondered if he'd want to engage in conversation or would just place his lunch
My heart rate increased as he made a beeline for me, "Hi, how you doing?"
"I'm doing okay thank you." My response came out breathy and I
mentally kicked myself.
"And Paige?"
"The counselling is going well."

I wouldn't see her again until the
weekend but I called the clinic every day to make sure she was doing okay. The
centre had informed me that she was responding well to treatment and most
importantly Paige was starting to open up about the abuse to her counsellor.

"That's great." Woods
stood staring as he leaned on the chair directly in front of me.
"Is there something else I can help you with?" This was all very
polite but I was still wondering if he wanted anything in particular.
I saw the glint in his eyes and his devilish grin, "I miss you!"
His statement made my breath hitch as I took in his words. I missed him too and
I was yearning for his touch but I knew this would be too much for my dad, what
with everything else going on in his life at the moment. I gestured with my
hand for him to take a seat.
Woods shook his head, "I can't, I'm already late. I just popped in to talk
to you quickly."
"And how did you know I was here?" I furrowed my brows clearly confused.
"Amy contacted me."
I glanced at Amy as she busied herself around the cafe trying not to listen to
our conversation but this was made difficult from the lack of customers.
"I'd like us...I want to..."
"For God's sake, spit it out."
He let out a low growl and ran his hands through his groomed hair, "I
can't defy Duke, lord knows I want to Chloe but...I'm not explaining myself
very well...I'm erm not asking you to wait for me..."
"Yes what?"
"Let's wait until the dust settles with Paige and then if you still want
to, we'll try this again at a later date."
Woods let out a deep breath, "That's exactly what I was trying to say."
I rolled my eyes as his phone vibrated, he
briefly glanced at the message before putting the phone back into his pocket
looking frustrated.
"I've gotta go, I'm running really late."
He moved around the table and leant down holding my face with both hands, and
looked deeply into my eyes until I couldn't resist any longer, I eagerly closed
the distance to take his mouth.
I deepened the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair until it was a
dishevelled mess savouring this moment knowing that it would end all too soon.
Woods pulled back slightly his eyes searching mine as he gasped for air, and moved
his thumb from my cheek so that it swept across my lips making my breath hitch
and my body yearn.
"Until next time." He winked playfully and pressed a light kiss on my
forehead before turning to jog through the cafe and out into the street.
I smiled as he left, touching my lips as I could still feel the sensation of our
earlier embrace. Letting out a sigh, I leaned back into the chair trying to
steady my breathing.
"Are you okay?"
I smiled and nodded my head, "What he doesn't realise Amy is that I'd wait



It was dad's birthday and we had a
small gathering at the house but most importantly, Paige was coming home today.
Dad had paid for Paige to have private treatment to help with her addiction and
counselling to support her in rebuilding her life since she told of her abuse.
She had been away for ninety days and in that time she had started to slowly
rebuild her relationships with mum, dad and myself. It would take a lot longer
than ninety days to make everything okay between us all, but it meant that it
was moving in the right direction and each day Paige was getting stronger.
During her stint in rehab, she had also developed a close relationship with
Cade. He visited her every weekend and I was surprised when dad informed me
that Cade was what she needed in order to help with her recovery, and that he was
happy with them spending time together.
Was he going soft in his old age?

"Here she is, my baby
girl." Dad walked towards Paige and I noticed that he didn't try to hug
her but what surprised me more, was the fact that Cade was holding Paige's
hand. It didn't go unnoticed by the other members of the group either and the
low hum of conversation buzzed around the living room as different groups of
people discussed it quietly.

I caught Paige's eye as she
glanced around the room seeking me out, and smiled as she nodded her head in my
direction. Things were never going to be perfect between us but I was prepared
to try and there was hope for a better future especially now that she'd found happiness
with Cade. He was a good bloke, I knew that he had his own issues that he was
dealing with but I hoped that they would guide and support each other to be

"Hello beautiful."
I smelt his aroma and knew instantly that it was Woods directly behind me,
brushing his hand along my lower back as he passed to stand by my side.
"How have you been?" I asked not looking at him as I took a sip from
my drink. I hadn't seen him for over a month because there'd been a lot going
on at the club and if the whispers were correct, there'd be a lot more going on
over the next couple of weeks as the club seeked revenge.

"I miss you," I smiled at
his words, and kept my glass held up in front of my mouth so that my happiness didn't
look too obvious. "I think about you every night before I go to sleep and
every morning when I wake up, hoping that one day I will be able to share this
time with you."
My breath hitched from his close proximity and his words were like a green
light to my libido
, making me moist as he continued to
send shivers down my spine.
"Do you still think of me Chloe? Do you think of me when you use your
vibrator or finger to get yourself off?"
I glanced at him to see that he looked like we were having the most normal of
conversations whilst I grinded my thighs together at the intensity.
"I don't know how long I can go on like this." I whispered as I
glanced around the room noticing that Duke was stomping in our direction.
"By the look on Duke's face I'd say that he's not happy that we're talking
to each other but by the acceptance of Cade into Paige's life, I'd say that we
may not have to wait as long as we originally thought." He smiled and
winked cheekily before walking to greet Duke.

I hoped he was correct, as I don't
think my body could cope without his touch for much longer.

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