Read Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949 Online

Authors: Antony Beevor,Artemis Cooper

Tags: #Europe, #General, #Modern, #20th Century, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #History

Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949 (67 page)

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Photographic Acknowledgements
Illustrations 4,5,6 and 13 are reproduced by permission of Roger-Viollet; numbers 1 and 2 by Robert Doisneau, permission of Rapho; and numbers 12 and 16 by Willy Ronis, permission of Rapho. Number 3 is reproduced by permission of the Brassaï estate; 8 by permission of the Horst estate; 9 by permission of Keystone; 10 by permission of the Christian Dior Archive © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 1994; 11 by permission of
Paris Match
; 17 by permission of the André Ostier estate; and 19 by permission of the Service des Musées©DACS 1994.
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