Passionate Bid (18 page)

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Authors: Tierney O'Malley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Passionate Bid
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Julian felt a prick in his heart painful enough to bring tears in his eyes. He wondered if it was because she didn”t have a daddy. Of course, she was too young to understand why she didn”t have one. Besides, she had a papa until two weeks ago. “I want you to be my Sam forever. I love you, Sam.” He pulled Sam gently against him and embraced her tight. “You”re my little honey. Don”t you forget that.”

“I won”t. I”m good in remembering, but I am not a elephant.” Joanie half cried and half laughed. She buried her face on Julian”s arm.

“No, you”re not.”

“I”ll tell Marcus I have a Doctor Daddy Julian.”

“Daddy is fine, Sam.”

“Okay. I want a ladybug.”

After a languorous day and what seemed to be endless kissing while lying on the blanket, they decided to wrap things up and go home. Joanie didn”t want the day to end, but it was late and Sam was tired and whining about not catching any butterflies. The sun was already hiding behind the clouds when they finally emerged from the woods.

Julian carried Sam all the way to the house, promising his daughter that he”d give her a good feet washing again. Sam”s eyes lit up and she stopped whining about not catching anything today.

It didn”t take long before she had Sam tucked in her bed. “Tired, bug?”

“Yeah. Hug?”

“Of course. I love you, Sam. You”re my sunshine, my moon, my stars and…pancake. Let me have a taste of my pancake.” She blew on Sam”s neck, making gurgling sound that made her daughter giggle.

“Mama! Stop, you”re tickling me.”

“Okay, I”ll stop. Goodnight.”

“I love you, Mama.”

“Love you, too.”

“Is it my turn?”

Joanie stood up to leave, but Julian intercepted her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard. He smelled of Sam”s shampoo and bubblegum toothpaste. She could easily get use to all of this, she thought.

“Kiss, kiss, again!”

Julian released his hold on her. “It”s my turn to taste the pancake.” Sam squealed and tried to hide under her blanket. Joanie left the two with a smile on her face and went in her room. She was tired, but didn”t want to sleep.

Not yet. She stood by the window and looked at the starry night. They had a great time today. It was too bad it had to end so soon.

Within the span of two days, her upside down life turned right side up again. What about when he said his goodbye? Would she be able to handle the reality that Julian was no longer hers? Yes, she offered to end their marriage three years ago, but that was before they had this. The picnic, kissing, and walking with Sam while they held her hands.

It was hard to explain how signing the divorce papers turned into a wonderful picnic in the woods. But whatever it was that changed things between her and Julian would end soon. What came easy would disappear in a hurry. This was momentary. Julian and she were fused together by years of regret and guilt and perhaps pity. And Sam. She should put an end to all of this. Nothing good would come out by letting Julian get too close to her.

The floorboard squeaked behind her. She didn”t turn around. She knew it was Julian. Like in the past, she always knew when he was around, even when he thought she didn”t.

“The pancake is out.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and flattened his hands on her belly.

Joanie was aware of Julian”s erection pressed intimately just above the rise of her butt. Desire quickly consumed her as he pressed hard against her. Dear God, why? After all these years, the pain and tears, she still wanted him. All of him. “She had a great time.”

“Did you have a great time?”

It was the best time of her life. One that she wouldn”t forget. “Yes. Thank you for suggesting a picnic.”

“We could do it again tomorrow and the next day. We”ll do it every day while I am here.”

While you’re here.

Julian”s hand tightened around her waist as he began to nuzzle her neck. “I love your smell.”

“Julian, why are you doing this?”

“I don”t know. All I know is I want you.”

God, she wanted to hear him say those words for years. This—with Julian—

was a dream coming true. She should be happy. But what she felt right now was the opposite. “I think we need to stop this.”

“I think we should continue.”

“I”m not sure if this is wise.”

“I don”t see anything wrong with us like this. You”re my wife and I want you Joanie, badly.”

And as God as her witness, she wanted him, too. Julian”s mouth found the sensitive spot behind her ear and licked it. “Julian…please…”

“Let me love you, Joanie. Let me show you what we could have had if circumstances were totally different.”

Joanie didn”t get a chance to answer. Julian pulled the sash tying her robe and slid his hand inside to cup her breasts. The heat of his palm quickly spread around her body. Gently he massaged her breast until her nipple hardened and pushed against his palm. His mouth was hot against her skin.

Julian was breathing hard. She could feel the quick rise and fall of his chest against her back. With her good sense screaming no, she tilted her neck to the side, giving him more access to the column of her neck.

Julian removed his robe and let it drop on the floor. From behind, Julian slowly moved his hands around her to cover both of her heavy breasts. Then he started kneading them with pressure, sending delicious feelings cascading down to her warm pussy and all the way to the very tips of her toes.

“I want to touch you.” She tried to turn around but Julian stopped her.

“In time. Close your eyes, Joanie.”

“This is wicked.”

“Yes. I know.”

With her eyes closed, her sense of feeling heightened. The anticipation doubled her heart rate and intensified her sexual desire. “Julian…” One strong hand moved down her belly and stopped at the top of her mound. She arched to press her breast against his hand, her butt against his hard cock.

When his finger dipped low to touch her clitoris, she opened her legs.


“Oh yeah, open for me. Joanie, tell me you want this. Tell me you want me.”

“I want you, Julian.” Finally, he let her turn around.

“Show me how much you want me. You”re in charge, Joanie. Unlike our first time, you can set your pace. Show me what you want, how you want it, and I”ll give it to you.”

Feeling bold and wanton, she smiled. “I”ll take you up on that.” She pushed him. He didn”t budge, but acquiesce when she prodded him again. He kept walking backwards until they reached the bed. “Sit.”

“My, my. I didn”t know you”re capable of being a wicked wench.” With his eyes focused on her eyes, he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Even an abandoned wife can use her imagination, Julian. I didn”t stay innocent. You”ll be surprised.” She would thank Dana later for forcing her to watch those porn tapes. Both hands on his shoulders, she brazenly lifted one knee, then the other, on each side of him leaving her wide open. She didn”t dare lower herself though. Not yet.

She pressed her lips against his. Julian”s tongue was inside her mouth in a heartbeat dueling with hers. His taste was so good she couldn”t get enough of him.

She sucked his tongue gently, savoring his taste.

Between them, Julian caressed her breasts with one hand while the other snaked down to touch her hot pussy. She moaned against his mouth.

“You feel so good, hon. So good.” He lowered his head and sucked on her nipple the same time he plunged his fingers inside her.


Julian gave each breast equal attention before he lowered himself on the bed.

“Take me.”

Closing her hand on his hard cock, she guided him to her open pussy and sank herself slowly until he was buried deep inside her. Julian groaned and grabbed her hips. Beneath her, he ground his hips.

Joanie tried to move, but Julian”s hold on her hips prevented her from doing it. He was staring at her with an intense expression. Suddenly, he pulled her down then rolled. Joanie found herself on her back with Julian on top.

“What happened to I”m in control?”

“Later. Honey, you”re so tight.”

“Lack of use, I guess.”

“Not since…”


“God. Wrap your legs around me. Yes. That”s it.” Slowly, he thrust inside.

His strokes were measured and careful.

“I”m not going to break, Julian. I didn”t the first time.” Julian smiled and kissed her nose. His hand drifted between their bodies to touch her clitoris. “Wet for me, huh?”

“Oh God.”

While he pounded on her, he rotated her clitoris. “Come for me, hon. Oh yeah, fuck. So good.”

Her pussy throbbed. She was nearing her peak. “Don”t stop.” Julian did. He pulled out and started slithering down. Kissing her neck, belly, and…

“Julian, what are you doing?”

“Shh…” He lifted her leg and anchored it on his shoulder. Without any warning, he kissed her pussy.


“I want to taste you, hon. Stay like that. Yes.”

She felt him spread her pussy wider. Embarrassment flooded her, but it vanished the moment Julian”s tongue moved up and down her seams. “Jesus. This must be illegal.”

“It”s not. This is perfectly natural.”

Julian dipped his tongue in her entry repeatedly before he sucked her clitoris. She felt the sign of her oncoming orgasm. “Julian… I think… don”t stop.”

“Hmm…sweet.” Julian didn”t stop sucking her clitoris until she screamed his name the second time. It was only then that he lowered her foot down. “Joanie, is this the first time someone kissed you here?” he touched her pussy.


“Do you like it?”


“Good,” he spread her legs wide, poised his glistening cock on her entry, and fucked her hard and good. “Because I like your taste and I want to do it again.” Two more hard thrusts and Julian pulled out his engorged dick. He growled on her neck. It was low, guttural and then he spilled his semen on her belly.

In the dimness of the room, Joanie smiled.

Chapter Twelve

Julian”s breath was hot on her neck and his thigh heavy on hers. She couldn”t sleep. The minutes, seconds, were too precious to spend sleeping. It had been a week since Julian came back to her life. One more week and he would be gone again—for good.

Lying on her side, Joanie stared at her fingers entwined with Julian”s. The difference between their hands was so obvious. Hers were much shorter than his, rough from busing tables at the bar and years of exposure to paint. Rough from scrubbing to get rid of paints and stains and from mundane tasks around the house. Julian”s was obviously pampered—no calluses, smooth, and the nails were neatly trimmed. She”d never had a professional manicurist work on her nails. She was, as she recalled, different compared to Julian”s ex-girlfriend, the beauty queen.

She wondered if the reason for Julian”s adamancy for divorce was another woman. What else would drive him to leave his work and come here if not for a woman? She wondered if his new girlfriend was as beautiful.

She had stopped thinking about Julian being with another woman a long time ago because the thought only brought her endless pain akin to what she was feeling right now. She mustn”t start again.

“But who could she be?” She closed her eyes. Minutes past before Julian squeezed her fingers.

“Who?” Julian asked.

His breath fanned the fine hairs on the back of her neck, sending goose bumps all over her body. He shifted a bit, pressing his nude body more intimately—if that was even possible—against hers. Spooning with a man, more so with her husband, was a position she never thought she”d be able to experience.

“Joanie? You awake?”

Joanie sighed. She really must stop thinking out loud. And it was too late to take it back. “I asked who she is. Your reason for coming here in person, for demanding that I signed the papers.”

Julian squeezed her hand. “Georgina Myers.”

“I bet she is as beautiful as her name. Like your high school sweetheart, Emily.” Thinking about Julian in the arms of another was painful, but to hear the woman”s name come out from his own lips—a deep stab in her heart.

“She is. Georgina”s a model, prim and proper. Always immaculately dressed and she hates reading. Although she always tells me that she loves it.” Of course, if Julian would find another she would be altogether different in nature or quality. The exact opposite of her. Joanie fisted her hand, suddenly embarrassed. “Do you plan to marry her?”

“Joanie, do you really want to discuss Georgina?”

“I do.”

Julian sighed. “We”ve been living together for months. Now I—”

“You love her. That”s good. At least this time when you marry, it”s because you love your bride. You wouldn”t want a repeat of the past, would you?”

“No. Joanie, listen.”

“I wished this for you, you know. To find happiness, to find a woman you truly want to be with. And you should be faithful to her, Julian.”

“Georgina and I… I”m not even sure what we are anymore. When she found out about my marital status, she left. Just like the others.”

“What do you mean like the others?”

“Georgina wasn”t the first to run out the door. They, the women I”ve dated in the past, all thought I”m not a good catch because I”m married.”

“Sorry. That”s my fault.”

“Stop it. They also thought that you were trouble, you”d cut their hair, and throw rotten tomatoes at them. They didn”t want that.”

“I would never do that.”

“They didn”t know that about you. I am glad Georgina and the others left, because they made me come home to you. I met my daughter and my wife who burns hotdogs and who”d throw herself in a fight to protect me.”

“For the record, I pulled Bogart”s hair to stop you from fighting so I wouldn”t lose my job.”

“Liar. You didn”t want me to get hurt.”

“What changed, Julian? Last time you barely looked at me. Now…you”re in my bed.”

“Is wanting you not enough answer?”

Joanie sighed. Wanting me was definitely enough. “It”s enough.” Julian pressed gently on her shoulder, urging her to face him. “You are a remarkable woman.” He kissed her forehead. “A precious gem.”

“But unpolished.”

“You shine enough to brighten up any gloomy day, hon. You don”t need any more polishing.”

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