Passionate Desire (9 page)

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Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

BOOK: Passionate Desire
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“He’s a bit tenacious, isn’t he?” Toki watched as Guapo walked around the perimeter of Kuarto’s force field.

“Not normally, but maybe his new friend has forced him to do this. I’d taunt him but I fear it will make him stay out there longer.” Kuarto turned off the screen. “He’s not the smartest person I’ve met.”

Kuarto realized he was locked in his ship with a beautiful woman. As much as he would like to be with her again, he didn’t feel it was right for him to take advantage of her.

“So what should we do now?” She watched him. Once she was sure she had his attention, she worked on the closers on the dress and let it slip to the floor.

He swallowed hard. It was going to be hard to resist her when she stood in front of him naked like that. “Look, I–”

She stepped up to him and placed a finger against his lips. “I know you’re going to try to be a gentleman right now and probably blame the drugs I was fed as an excuse for what happened last night, even after I explained that the drugs don’t affect me.”

“Then why are you doing this? You don’t have to.” His fingers itched to touch her like he did last night. To feel the velvety smoothness of her skin.

“I know. I want to because I want you.” She worked on his clothes, peeling away the simple layer. “And from what I can see you want me too.”

He couldn’t deny he was erect. He wanted to blame the sexual interval his mind sharers had hours ago, but his erections never lasted this long. This was because of her and how much he enjoyed being with her last night. He wanted her, but was too stubborn to admit it.

He had kept his distance from women because he didn’t want anyone to be hurt due to knowing him. He knew a lot of the governments he had worked for were looking for him and it wouldn’t take them long to find him. Especially since this friend of Guapo’s had found him. If he had a love interest they could use her as leverage. Something he didn’t want. But here stood the most beautiful piece of flesh and blood he had ever seen and he found saying no to her difficult.

She stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him. It spurred him to action. He wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head. His mouth claimed hers in a fevered kiss. Last night showed him what he had been missing.

The ship had a single bed and it beckoned. Inching her backwards, he reached the bunk and eased her onto it. He had been thinking about their intimacy all day. She had been in control last night. He didn’t have to do anything, but this time was different. He was in control and couldn’t wait any longer. “Forgive me.”

He drove into her, her body accepting him all the way. Once he was buried deep inside he found he could think again, but only about bringing her pleasure. The heels of her feet pressed against his buttocks, urging him to set a pace. He started moving in and out of her, first slow then quicker as they found a tempo that fit them both.

Her tight sheath hugged him, increasing the spirals of desire circling in his blood. Her breath came out in sharp gasps as he drove deeper and deeper into her. Her body gripped him hard just as she spiraled out of control. She spasmed against him and he fought not to follow her. Last night he had been interrupted. That wasn’t going to happen tonight. He could feel it.

She gave him a well satisfied smile. He pulled out and pumped into her again. Her grin widened.




The small armada Storm had brought with him stayed behind, setting their orbit around an uninhabited planet near the one Storm and Heather headed to. He maneuvered the ship to a large field close to where his sister’s ship went down. Once they got off their craft, Storm sent his mate to the house while he went to what was left of Toki’s ship to see what he could learn.

Heather approached the house to find it eerily quiet. This couldn’t be good. The door was opened so she pulled her weapon out and entered cautiously.

“I wouldn’t go much further.”

She stopped the moment she heard him. Turning with her weapon in hand, Heather spotted the tall handsome man who stood in the darkened interior, holding his own blaster on her. Was this her brother? “Can I assume you’re the doctor here?”

“And you are?”

“My mate.” Storm stood behind him with his weapon trained on her brother. “And if you harm one hair on her head yours will come off.”

He turned to face the new voice, acting like he expected it. “Considering this is my house I should be the one giving the threats. Who are you two and why are you in my house?”

Toki stepped into the home drawing everyone’s attention.

“Toki!” Heather smiled when she saw her. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“You know her?” asked Kuarto.

“She is my sister,” said Storm. He studied his sister. “You okay, Tiko?” He used his own pet name for her.

She looked at Heather then Storm, confusion etched on her face. “Do I know you?”

Heather looked at Kuarto. “What happened?”

“Her ship crashed and she lost her memory. She’s remembering bits and pieces but that is it.”

“Toki, I’m your brother’s mate, Heather.” Heather took her by the hand and led her away from the men.

“What is my name?”

“You never told me,” Heather laughed. “You said I would never be able to pronounce it. I started calling you Toki, which means pain in Vespian.”


“You liked to interrupt us whenever you could. Hence a pain to both of us.” Heather looked at her mate. “We’re going to need the doctor.”

Storm nodded. He pressed a small device near his collar and contacted the doctor, letting him know the situation so he would know what to bring. He did warn him to come alone and to make sure no one could track him.

Heather continued to talk to Toki, hoping she would trigger something that would free up her memory, but it didn’t work. It remained locked deep inside.




“So what happened to her ship?” The man gave Kuarto such a glare. “They don’t blow up on their own.”

“Don’t know. I pulled her out and before I could go back inside to get any information to find out who she was the damn thing went kaboom.” He glared back. “Does that make you feel any better?”

“What?” His brow creased in a frown. Looked like Toki’s brother didn’t like it when someone stood up to him.

“Acting like I’m some sort of devil when I’m the one who pulled her out before the ship exploded. You should be thanking me for saving her life.” He growled. “Vespians are not the most mannered group of people.”

“You might want to watch what you say,” said Storm.

“Why? You take offense?”

“No. But you’re talking about yourself.” He pointed to Heather who still sat with his sister, talking. “You’re her twin, born from Vespian parents.”

“Her? My sister?” He shook his head. “I was an orphan.”

“So was she.”

Storm spotted the doctor approaching the simple home with his portable medical kit. He bowed to him then moved into the house to help his sister.

“How are you people able to get through my security?” They acted like there was nothing protecting his abode.

Storm pointed to the device he spoke into earlier. “It has many functions, including the ability to override most security systems.”

He didn’t like that. If the Vespians had a way to override a security grid like his then it wouldn’t be long before other planets would too. What he needed to do was get his hands on one of those devices. Big and brooding wouldn’t allow it but his mate might. He watched her with Toki. She was the opposite of her mate. Where he growled and postured she smiled and laughed.

How could she be his sister? He had no family. Didn’t want any family. It just complicated things. “Are you sure we’re related?”

“You think I’m lying to you?” Storm crossed his arms over his chest. “My mate is the one who swears it’s you. Although, I don’t know why. She’s the one who you’re going to have to question. Understand I will be watching you. One wrong move and I will be the one you’ll have to deal with and no one likes being around me when I’m not happy.”

“A bit protective aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.”

The ship’s doctor stepped up to Storm. “She should get everything back in a few moments.”

“Good. I want to know what happened to cause her crash.” Storm walked over to where his sister and mate stood.

The doctor stood next to Kuarto. “I’m surprised to see you, doctor. I thought you had died.”

“I did and I want to keep it that way.” He kept his voice down, surprised the man recognized him. Was he going to have to reinvent himself again? Too many knew who he was.

“Too bad.” He looked at his hand sized pad and entered a few notes. “These people could really use your help to unlock the mystery that surrounds them.”

“What are you talking about?” He watched Heather with his fake bride. When he glanced at the overprotective male he found the man staring at him.

“You’ll figure it out as they explain their story.” The doctor tapped him on the arm before heading back to the single person ship he had arrived in. “Your secret is safe, but I hope you will reconsider. We need you.”

He watched the three of them together. Just by the way Mr. Overprotective dealt with Heather Kuarto could see she was his world. He was always close, touching when he could. Toki was treated like family, still familiar but with a difference.

“Storm!” She looked at her brother and smiled. Her memory was back. “Heather! I remember!” She gave Heather a hug.

“Good. What happened to your ship?” The man had a way with words.

“That was the strange thing. I don’t know. I didn’t feel anything happen but the ship suddenly went into a tailspin, like it had been hit by something. I got banged up, but was able to lock my uniform before I lost consciousness. The self protection aspect of the ship must have kicked in then and made sure my suit would protect me.”

“And him?” Storm hooked a thumb at Kuarto.

“Kuarto took me in and protected me when I really needed it.” She looked at Heather. “That’s him, isn’t it?”

“Supposedly,” Heather looked at him. “Although, I’m not so sure now.”

“What are you talking about?” He had stepped up to them when Toki started talking.

“You are supposed to be my twin, but you look more like these two than me.” She gestured to Storm and his sister. “There’s no question you’re Vespian, you have the height, skin tone, hair color, although a little lighter, and that outer color ring in your eye. Then there is me, much paler than any of you. Short for a Vespian, violet eyes verses those golden ones. I don’t fit and sure would like to know why.”

“I might be able to answer that question if you let me take samples from everyone. It will give me a base to figure out why you don’t look like the rest of us. You’d be amazed what you can learn from DNA.”

“I’d appreciate it.” She touched Storm’s chest then turned her attention back to him. There was a way about her that had him liking her instantly. Her simple touch had Storm relaxing his stance. “What’s next?”

“I’ll need a DNA sample.”

“Take it.” She offered her arm. By the gesture he knew she had been through a lot of tests in her lifetime.

He took what he needed from each of them then started his work. He was amazed by what he saw. Storm and Toki were definitely twins. The DNA proved it. He put his in next which proved what he suspected. He was Vespian. His readings were very close to Storm and his sister. Heather’s was where things changed. Although she did have Vespian blood nothing else about her really matched.

“So what have you learned?”

“That I have seen this before.” He pointed to Heather’s readings.

“Really? Where?” she asked, her voice hopeful.

“Here.” He brought up the file with the egg given to him by Guapo’s boss. Her face lost all color.

“My egg.”

“Your egg.” He turned back to the screen. She couldn’t be lying, the data showed it was hers.

“That means he’s here on your planet.” Instinctively she stepped close to Storm, wanting his protection.

“I was told by the person who gave me this file that he was the proper owner of it.”

“He can say whatever he wants, that egg is mine.” Anger filled her. “He tried to steal my fertilized one but was unsuccessful. That was what he got away with because I couldn’t stop him completely.”

“If there is a chance he’s here then we need to leave.” Storm grabbed her hand and started for their ship.

“That well dressed man was the one who kidnapped you, Heather?” Toki’s question stopped Storm. He turned to face her.

“You saw him?”

“Yes.” Toki nodded. “Kuarto thinks my presence was why he had someone attack us earlier.”

“It is far too dangerous here for you, Heather.” Storm wrapped his arms around her, ready to pick her up and carry her if she tried to fight him.

“But this could be our chance to get it back.”

“I will not run the risk of him being able to get his hands on you again.”

“Do you have a perimeter alarm? Kuarto? Right?” She pulled against Storm’s grip.

“Yes. We’ll know the moment someone is approaching. Why?”

“Storm, please. I need answers.”

He glared at her and wanted to say no. Yet he didn’t. Storm looked at Kuarto. “What did he want from you?”

“I think he wants to fertilize the real egg and I believe he’s having trouble getting that done.”

“Wait, real one?” Heather rubbed her forehead in confusion.

“This is a clone. I knew the moment I saw it. I think he wants to make sure he gets it right before he touches the real one.” He turned from the screen. “You’re pregnant?”

She looked at Storm before nodding.

“How pregnant?”

“Several months, why?”

“Would you both be willing to let me do some more testing?”

Storm’s brow dropped and his eyes narrowed. Heather knew he would explode at any moment, but she wanted to know why he asked the question. She didn’t say anything, just looked at Kuarto, hoping he’d get the hint and answer her unasked question.

“Why?” asked Toki. She had asked for Heather.

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