Passion's Tide (38 page)

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Authors: Sarah West

BOOK: Passion's Tide
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“Lets save the talking for later
Though you looked delectable in the dress tonight, I much prefer you with all of your curves,” he said, hunger in his ey
es as he reached for her again
She stood.

“How about for every vital piece of informa
tion you give me I remove one piece of clothing?”

“You aren’t wearing that much,” he noted, staring at her chemise.

“But you still are.”

His eyes widened. “You have a deal
Once Mendoza thinks you’re drunk he’ll invite you back to his room
You will say no, you shouldn’t.” She knelt before him and tugged off his boots.

“And then?”

“He will buy you another drink, and flirt some more
He will tell you that you are beaut
iful and
your husband doesn’t treat you well.” She pulled his shirt over hi
s head and dropped it onto the floor
“This will seem to sway you and when he asks you to come up again, you agree.” She removed her own shoes
“When you get there, he will
offer you yet another drink
You will only pretend to drink yours, and when he is distracted you will slip some herbs into his.”

She leaned back
“What kind of herbs?”

“A specialty of Piers
They will work with the alcohol and make him very drunk, alm
ost hallucinating
When he is in this vulnerable state you will either seduce the information out of him, or I will come in and take him down to the beach and, well, beat it out of him.”

“And that’s it?”

“That’s it
Now, I believe you owe me several arti
cles of clothing.”

“Yes Captain,” she said with a wicked smile as
she teasingly toyed with the straps of her chemise, before dragging them over her arms and letting the fabric slide down her body
A few seconds later
he was naked as well
She tumble
d on top of him, pushing him backwards onto the bed
Eager as ever to regain control he rolled his body above hers so he could look down at her flushed face, get lost in the depths of her eyes that seemed to draw him
like a moth to a candle.

“Amber,” he muttered in a raw voice, “how do you do this to me?” In r
esponse she flung her arms around his neck and drew him to her for another kiss, pressing her body against his chest,
with sweat
Unable to restrain himself further he entered her, drownin
g her gasp with a growl of his own.

Something prevented hi
m from driving into her, fast and hard, as he normally did when he lost himself in her slick warmth
Instead he found himself moving slowly, watching her face as her lips parted in surprise
out taking his eyes off of her he brought his face down for a kiss, his hand cupping her warm cheek.

It amazed her that while she felt so safe in his arms she was at the same time in danger of losing herself entirely, as though he could protect her from everything but falling in love with him
His languorous movements were heaven and hell at the same time, filling her with more need than she thought
, as it forced her to feel every inch of him sliding in and out of her
Slow, so tantalizingly slow.

She let out a helpless sigh as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him
Her body moved in time with his, her hips lifting to meet each thrust and draw him deeper within her
Each touch, every caress stroked the fire
that was building inside
and she clutched him as if she w
afraid to let go
She knew that the aftereffects of loving someone as roguish as Logan would be devastating, but in the moments when they were joined she could think of nothing else besid
es their
bodies and the emotions that
all air from the room
With each ragged breath she inhaled his masculine scent, and she soon became dizzy in the sensuous aroma that swirled around her.

Logan buried his head in the crook of her shoulder and neck and increased his pace o
nly enough to tease her, leave her squirming beneath him, always wanting more
Ignoring her silent protests against the reduced speed of his lovemaking, he tormented her by driving them both slowly to their own r
Each minute that he delayed she became more restless.

Finally, when she thought she would go mad, he grasped her shoulders and pushed deeper, holding her close as she cried out
The heat that had been growing inside her erupted and spread throughout her body like warm honey, covering her with a sense of rapturous contentment that drowned any doubts she had about loving him
She was so caught up in her own ecstasy that she hadn’t realized that he had spent inside her until he withdrew and rolled
onto his back

She curled up ag
ainst him, her hand intertwining with the one he had placed over his chest to make sure his heartbeat was returning to normal
He rubbed his thumb against her palm, his other hand sliding beneath her head to cradle her tig
She sighed.

“Tomorrow is going to be a bit hectic,” he said, brushing a light kiss across her forehead
“Are you nervous?”

“I’m excited
I finally get to do something helpful, and put my skills to good use.” She winked at him as she emphasized
“And I’m not afraid at all, if that was your next question.”

“Oh? And why is that?”

“Because I’ll have my dagger and, more important
I’ll have
you with me the whole time.”

He rolled on top of her, holding himself up on his elbows
“So, I have
a redeeming quality after all
Funny how that worked out.”

“You may have a couple,” she replied in a husky voice, her hands stroking the muscles of his back as she arched against him.

His eyes lit up
“I love the look you’re giving me right now.”

“I lo—” she stopped as she realized just what she had been about to say
She would have to watch what she said in the future, lest she accidently
how strong her feelings were.

He was watching her quizzically

“Nothing,” she mumbled, giving him a k
iss to distract him
“Now let’s go to sleep, it’s been a long day, and tomorrow is going to be even longer.” He nodded, and with a satisfied smile pulled her against him and fell asleep

Several times Amber woke up during the night and just lay
there watching
him, too overwhelmed to sleep
Each time
she did she was amazed at how innocent he looked
Without the stresses of the day wearing on his face he appeared to be
peace, and she found herself wondering how old he
It was
hard to tell
To be such an accomplished Captain it would seem that he should be in his mid to late thirties, but now, in the comfort
of sleep, he looked much younger.

Her hands itched to explore his face, trace the angle of his jawbone, his aristocrati
c nose, and tangle themselves in his hair, but she held back for fear of waking him
Restless, she stood
Dragging a blanket from the edge of the bed to cover herself and shield her from the brisk night breeze that blew in from the open window, she bega
n pacing.

She could not deny that she loved him, that much was clear
But what was she to do about it? The way she saw it, she had two choices; she could either pretend that she did not care for him, finish the mission, leave him in England and continue
with her original plan
as though
she had never met the damn pirate
Or she could tell him how she felt

She shook her head
She could not risk the heartbreak that would come with his inability to return her affections
The loss o
f her mother was devastating enough
add to that the embarrassment and grief that would come with losing Logan and she didn’t know how she would cope
No, instead she would save herself the humiliation and keep her feelings to herself.

Frustration and a
nger flooded over her and she grabbed the nearest weapon, which happened to be her dagger
Fueled by her emotions
, she began tossing the blade up and catching it, initiating more and more complex moves as she war
med to
feeling of it in her hand.

“Amber?” She
about to see Logan propped up on an elbow, watching her through sleep
heavy eyes
“Come back to bed.”  She put down the dagger and dropped the blanket, shivering
as she climbed und
er the covers and into his arms, relishing his body heat
He kissed her shoulder
“Now don’t go anywhere,” he whispered, and then immediately fell back asleep
This time she followed him.



“So you remember the plan?”

Amber laughed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror and pinned back a curl
She met Logan’s gaze over her shoulder
“Of course I remember the plan, we’ve gone over it hundreds of times
Why are you so worried?”

“I’m not worried, I’m just…cautious,” he countered.

you can relax, everything will go off without a hitch
Now, where is that emerald necklace?” She rose from the chair and ran into Logan, who held another box in his outstretched hands
“What have you done this time?” she demanded as she took it from him.

“Open it.”

She did, and
upon the silk lining of the box was the most breathtaking necklace she had ever seen
Twenty square diamonds made up the chain; each square was mounted on
gold and surrounded by a dozen, sma
ller round diamonds, with a tear-shaped drop suspended from each grouping
The hanging pendant in the middle was similar, but the center gem was the largest diamond she had ever seen
“This cannot be real,” she muttered, her eyes glued to the thousand glittering facets of the focal diamond as
he lifted it and bade her turn around.

“I assure you it’s real,” he said as he clasped the necklace around her neck
“But you can relax, sweetheart, this I already owned
Spoils of war, so to speak.”

’ve had this all along?”

“For years,” he replied, “but I’ve never had cause to bring it out of the box
Until now.”

“This must be worth…I can’t even imagine.” She reached up to take it off but he stayed her hand.

“Wear it
Keep it
I want you to have this, for everything I’ve put you through.” She
stood on her toes and kissed him, slipping her tongue past his lips to tangle with his
With his hand at the small of her back he held her tight, returning the kiss
, and then he released h
“Now is everything in order? Your knife is set?”
She nodded
“Good, because we have to get going
You look lovely, by the way.” She glanced down at the rose damask dress that the seamstress had read
for them earlier that day
The woman had been alarmed when Logan explained that the dress was to
be made larger, but Amber now relished the extra room she had to breathe

“My dressmaker at home would never have allowed me to wear something in this color, but you have a good eye
How did you know this pink would look good on me?”

“Your dressmaker must not have seen you blush,” he said with a smile, “because this is the exact color
your cheeks turn when you
embarrassed or aroused.” She felt the heat rising in her face and turned towards the mirror, seeing that he was correct
She was as

“You’ve memorized the color of my blush?” She smiled upon seeing a slight pink tinge appear on
cheeks as he shrugged
“Now who’s the embarrassed one?”

“Get your laughing out now, because once you leave the inn you won’t be able to make fun o
f me until Mendoza is captured.”

“I wasn’t laughing and besides, I think it’s sweet.”

He groaned
“Please don’t tell my men that I’m sweet, I have an image as Captain to uphold
Now let’s go
Pax is probably getting anxious.”  Before she could leave the room he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug
“Don’t worry, you’re going to do wonderfully
I’ll be watching the whole time and if something goes wrong we’ll be there to help you
Not that anything is going to happen of course, I just mean, shoul
d you need anything
I’m not saying you will, but—”



“You’re rambling.”

“Am I?”

She kissed him
“Relax, I was trained by the best, remember?  Now, go become invisible and I’ll see you once the night is over.” He brushed his lips against h
er forehead, gave her one last look, and climbed out the window.

Squaring her shoulders she opened the door, only to see Pax with his hand raised, about to knock
“Are you read—good lord, is that real?” he asked, pointing at the diamond resting above her

“Another gift.”

“Lucky you
Let’s head out now.” They reached the pub just as the sun set behind the horizon, casting the buildings and the people in an orange glow
They stopped outside the doors
“You ready for this?” She nodded
“Then i
t’s showtime.”

She took a deep breath and followed Pax into to the pub
“I just don’t see why you have to leave tonight,” she whined as he w
his way
towards the bar.

“Darling, I told you I have an important meeting.” He nodded at the bartender and ordered a pint of ale, ignoring her again, and giving no indication that his closest friend was serving him drinks.

She put on a pretty pout
“It’s not a meeting, it’s another card game
That you will lose
If my father could see me now…”

“Yeah? Well he can’t, because he begged me to take you.” He downed his drink and shrugged off the hand she placed on his arm.

“Please, just stay with me.”

“I can’t.”

Her eyes narrowed
“You’ve already lost my dowry
hat else are you going to gamble away? We are going to lose everything.”

Pax stood and headed towards the door
“I’ll see you at the room later tonight.” The door swung shut behind him and she was alone
Keeping her head high she ignored the looks she received from the other people in the room a
nd made her way towards an empty table
Just as she was about to sit down the chair was swept out from under her
She turned to see Mendoza standing behind her with a smile

“Madam?” She sat down and he pushed her chair in, then circled around the table
“You seem to be alone for dinner this evening
ight I join you?”

“Of course,

He swept off his hat in a flourish, and gave her a small bow
“Antonio Castaños Mendoza, my dear.” He sat and raised a hand to get the attention of the serving
“Two drinks for me and my new friend, and I’ll have the stew.” He turned to Amber
“Order whatever you would like.”

She pretended to look surprised

“I am not your husband, querida, you may eat what you choose with me.” She ordered the stew and smiled at Mendoza
“Now tell me your name.”

“Amber Grant,” she answered, using Pax’s last name as her own.

he commented, looking her up and down with a leer, “a fiery name for such a fiery beauty as yourself
What brings you to Caión?

She accepted the drink he handed to her and shot a quick glance at Deacon behind the bar to ensure she was drinking the rig
ht glass
He nodded and she took a sip, tasting mostly water
“My husband is in trade,
so we are stopping here before returning to Ireland.”

“How long have you been married?”

“Six months, but we’ve been traveling for most of it
I can’t wait to call one place home, settle down, and raise a family.” She dropped her gaze
“If only I could convince Paxton.” Just then their fo
od was delivered and Amber untied the shawl from around her neck, at which point Mendoza saw the diamond necklace
She watched him as she picked up her spoon and began eating, saw the way his eyes widened as he calculated the size and clarity, could pract
ically see his brain working to estimate the cost

“That’s a pretty piece you’re wearing,” he commented, appear
ing nonchalant.

“Thank you, Señor
It is a family heirloom and though I’m sure Paxton would love to get his hands on it, it belongs to me.” S
he laughed, her fingers tracing the cold stones
“He hates when I wear it but I feel much safer with it around my neck than leaving it anywhere where he can get it.”

“It’s a shame that such a beautiful woman should have an insensitive cad for a husband.”

She twisted her face into one of disgust, using a mental image of her uncle as inspiration
“He has quite a few gambling debts and my necklace would go far in clearing them
, but I simply won’t let him have it
It belonged to my mother, and her mother,
and her mother before her.”

“You are smart to keep it from him
It would be a waste to let that precious keepsake fall into the wrong hands,” he said, and then finished his ale
“Another drink?”

“Do they have any Spanish wine?” She turned in her chair to follow his finger to the bar, where she saw dozens of bottles stacked behind Deacon

“We are known for our sweet wine
Shall I pick one for you?”

“Oh yes, thank you.” He called over the serving girl and in rapid Spanish asked for another mug of ale for himself, and for a glass of the strongest wine they served.

“She’s going to bring you the h
ouse specialty,” he lied
gave no indication that she understood Spanish
Upon drinking the wine she found the taste appealing, were it not so
watered down
But she drank it
quickly, and the next glass he called over
By then the sun had set and the dinner patrons had begun to filter out,
replaced by a rowdier drinking crowd.

“Querida, I wonder if you would like to continue our conversation in the privacy of my room
I can have some more wine brought up and you can tell me all about this town of Boston.”

“Señor Mendoza,” she said, slurring her words, “I don’t think that is such a good idea
After all, I am a married woman”

“Ah, forgive me.” He waited until he thought she wasn’t looking and ordered two more drinks

She supposed some women might find him handsome, though she did not. He was tall, but still several inches shorter than Logan, and his frame was smaller
His skin was
dark from the sun, his hands callused
His dark hair was long and untamed, and he had a black moustache that he had
propensity to twirl when he was saying something he
Though she found him repulsive, she pretended
he was the most interesting person she had ever met, laughing at all his jokes and
begging for more stories about Spain

Looking up now she realized that he was watching her, awaiting a reply.

“I’m sorry, I must have drifted off
What did you say?”

He waved a hand as he stood
“It is not important
What is important is for you to lie down and rest
Come,” he said, taking the empty glass from her hand, “I will take you to my room, and you can shut your eyes for a few minutes
As a friend, I don’t advise
you walk back to your inn alone at this hour, in your current state
Rest, and then I will escort you back to your husband untouched.”

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