Past Unbound (House of Doms Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Past Unbound (House of Doms Series)
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What was he talking about?  Her father had worked hard for the business he built.  Her mind reeled as Dare continued to talk.

“Did he tell you about the new contracts he got right before I left?”  When she just nodded, he continued.  “My father gave him those on the condition that I marry Tracy.”

Her eyes flew to his face
couldn’t believe what he was saying.  She shook her head.  “No!  I don’t believe you!”  She needed to get away from him
needed space.  “Move, Darius!”  She shoved his chest, and the heat coming through his shirt singed her hands.  He grabbed her wrists and held them against him.  Her breathing grew rapid, her heart pounded.

“Precious, look at me!”  The rumbling, commanding tone of his voice had her doing just that.  He trapped both her hands in one of his and ran the thumb of the other across her cheek.  He was weaving a spell and she was falling.

“Lia?  What’s going on?  Are you alright?”

The sound of Jamie’s voice from behind Dare broke the spell.  Dare groaned and loosened his hold enough for her to pull away.  It took her a moment to gather herself before she was moving to the ovens on shaky legs, taking the pies out.  She was glad they weren’t ruined as she had forgotten all about them.

So lost in each other, they hadn’t heard Jamie walk into the kitchen.  That was the second time today someone had done that to her.  “I’m fine, J.  Darius was just leaving.”  She spoke while looking at Jamie over Darius’ shoulder.  Avoiding the eyes she could feel glaring at her, she side-stepped him and moved to stand at the center island.  She needed the sturdiness of it to help keep her balance.

“We’re not finished here, Lia.”  His deep, dark voice vibrated through her.  She shivered.

She knew Jamie could see the wild look in her eyes and spoke before she could say anything.  “You are for now, Darius.  You’ve done enough.  It’s time for you to leave.”

Lia felt him move behind her.  His body heat warmed her from the inside when he pressed against her.  His erection a live branding iron pressed against her ass.  She stiffened as he bent and whispered in her ear.  “We aren’t done, Lia.  I’ll leave, but I will be back.  I
claim what’s mine once again.”

When he moved away, she felt the loss of his heat as if all the blood had drained from her body.  Lia didn’t move or lift her head
she heard him speak to Jamie and walk out of her bakery.  Swiping at the tears that ran down her face, she looked up to face her friend.  She didn’t know why she was crying, just that she couldn’t stop.

“J, what’s wrong with me?  Why does he still affect me so much after all these years?”  Before Jamie could answer her, Lia looked past Jamie to see her father standing in the doorway.  He looked as though he’d aged years since she’d seen him last and that was just a few days ago.  His handsome usually smiling chocolate face looked so sad
not to mention he looked as if he hadn’t slept in a week.  She had only seen that look on him twice before.  He had to have seen Darius walk out.

Charles Ward held out his hand to his daughter.  She went to him as if she were a child of five instead of a woman full grown.


Dare drove straight to the club, his anger at its boiling point, his cock hard as steel.  He wanted to turn around and go back.  By the time he got to the House, his hard-on had abated, but his anger was still full-blown.  He’d bought the old mansion; got all the permits they would need and started massive renovations turning it into the House.  The club with its thick walls, rich colors, and leather abound had been his solace since he came back to his hometown six months ago
though he hadn’t made his presence known until a couple weeks ago.

He walked through the heavy oak doors of the House into the front room.  The room used to settle his nerves whenever he walked in the door, but not today.  Tiffany, the receptionist with platinum blonde hair, big tits, and tiny waist, was getting everything ready for tonight.  He walked straight past her, not even speaking.  She was a bratty sub that always tried to top from the bottom.  He didn’t have time for her come-ons or her trying to top him.  She called his name, but he didn’t bother to answer.  Walking into his office, Dare slammed the door so hard the pictures on the wall rattled.

His old wood desk was covered with papers that needed his attention, but he paid them no mind.  His ass had barely hit the soft leather of his chair before his friend and partner, Slade, walked in.  Slade had overseen the construction and opening of the House while he had finished closing their business on the West Coast.  He and Slade had become fast friends over a beer one night a few weeks after he had left this town.  Over the years, he’d become more of a brother than a friend.  He had been there when Dare found out his life had been turned upside down over a lie.  “Not now, man.”

Slade ignored his grumble and dropped his six
inch frame on the black leather couch against the wall.  He didn’t say a word, just sat there with that knowing smirk on his face.  “I guess she didn’t take the news so well?”

Dare wanted to punch him in the mouth.  Instead, he shook his head, but didn’t speak.

“Man you have got to give her time.  I’m guessing you told her the whole story?”

No, he hadn’t.  There was much more to tell.  He hadn’t gotten the chance.  “No, not all of it.  She knows Tracy wasn’t pregnant.  She also knows about the contracts.  But, she doesn’t believe me, and I can’t say I blame her.”  Dare ran his hands through his hair in frustration and sighed deeply.  His irritation at the situation sat heav
on his chest.  “Slade, she’s more beautiful than she was six years ago.  That fire in her is blazing.  She still responds to my touch like no other.”

He watched Slade rise from the couch and approach his desk.  “Dare, I know what you feel for this woman.  I see it in your face, your body language.  You haven’t taken a sub in years.  All you’ve talked about was getting Alia back.  I’ve never known you not to get something you set your mind to.  Just look around you.  Tell her everything and give her time.  If she’s half the woman you have told me about, she’ll come back to you.  It will take her time; you’ll have to earn every bit of her trust again.” 

Dare ran his hands through his hair again as he listened to Slade.  Through the years his friend had always given him good advice.  Slade turned to leave and stopped with his hand on the knob when Dare called out.  “I hope you’re right, man.  Thanks.” 

Slade nodded, but otherwise didn’t say anything else before walking out.

Dare rose and went into the bathroom connected to his office to change into his leathers.  He had a whip class to teach and needed to get his head in the game.



Charles Ward took his daughter to her childhood home that he had never moved from, even after his daughters were grown and on their own.  He’d done nothing but worry since he had gotten the phone call from Darius McKade.  He’d called to let him know he was back and would be telling Alia everything.  He knew Darius hadn’t even noticed him standing there when he’d stormed out of Alia’s bakery.  Charles knew this day would come.  He knew from the moment those contracts were handed to him that he’d have to look his baby in the eyes and tell her he chose his business over her happiness.

Alia had turned into a beautiful, strong woman just like her mother, with her long, dark hair, heart of gold, and spine of steel.  At this moment though, she looked lost and upset.  He sat on the couch and pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms.  He wanted to treat her as his little girl.  Kiss her ache and make all the pain go away, but he knew that wouldn’t work as it hadn’t worked in the past.

When they’d first walked in the door, she could still see her mother standing at the stove in the kitchen or calling her and Pam to dinner.  The love and warmth of this home had always comforted her.  But it wasn’t comforting her today.  Her mind was still
she just knew it wasn’t going to get any better.

Alia raised her head and looked up into her father’s chocolate brown eyes, eyes that mirrored her own.  Instantly, she knew that everything Darius had said was true.  She pulled back and shook her head.  “Daddy?  How long have you known?”

Her father sighed deeply before he spoke.  “Almost from the beginning.” 

She reared back, her mouth opened to argue, but he put his finger to her lips to stop her. 

“No, baby girl, let me finish.  When Darius delivered the contracts, told me he was leaving, I had no idea what was going on.  I cursed him for all he was worth, and told him what he could do with the contracts.  He made it a point that whether I took them or not
he was leaving and you’d be hurt.”  Charles ran his hand over his crop of short hair.  He’d always been a solid rock; even when her mother died, he was the strong one.  She’d never seen him so…distraught.

But she still didn’t quite understand, so she waited for him to continue.  “Darius had only been gone a few days when you were released from the hospital, and Davis McKade paid me a visit.  In not so many words, he let me know that Darius signed an agreement that would save my business.  He would be marrying Tracy Stevens and would not be returning.  That Darius had done what was best for all involved.”  Alia could imagine the smirk on Davis’ face as he delivered that news to her father.  He would have been all too happy to crush her father anyway he could. 

Understanding began to dawn.  Pulling away from her father and rising to her feet, she remembered that her father had always told her she was just like her mother; in this instant, she guessed he was right.  Once she began to understand, putting all the pieces together, her anger went from zero to boiling in seconds.

“In other words, you all decided my life for me.  Darius thought it would be better to live a
you thought it best to keep me in the dark?”  She looked at her father with a mixture of hurt and anger, drawing back further when he stood to reach for her.  Not allowing her to move
away any further
, he grabbed her, holding onto her just as tightly as he did the day she’d lost the child she’d been carrying.  The walls of the home that had always been a comfort felt as if they were closing in on her.

Her father spoke into her ear as he held her firmly.  “Lia, you were already in pain!  What good would it have done to only cause you more?”

“How do you know it would have caused more, Dad?  Neither of you thought to talk to me.  You both let Davis McKade run all our lives
as he’s been running people’s lives for years.  He made me loose something I’ll never get back.  I hope he burns in hell for it.”  All the hurt, anger, and frustration of the past six years came roaring back to life in an instant.  A horrid thought crossed her mind as she pulled out of his hold and stared up at her father.  “Does he know?  Did you tell Davis?  Darius?”

She didn’t need to explain, her father knew what she was talking about.  Lia could see the hurt that still lingered in his eyes.  She would have never thought he’d betray her like that, but after his revelations now, she couldn’t be sure. 

“Davis already knew,” he confessed.  “I don’t know how he knew, but he did.”

All the color drained from her face, and she thought she would be sick as she started to walk away.  Walking to the front door as fast as she could, needing to get away, she turned as he called her name.  The sound of his voice was strained and full of pain. “I love you daddy, but it’ll be a long time before I forgive you.  You chose your business over a lie.  You chose to live with that lie.”  Lia spun back around and left the house with a soft click of the door, a stabbing pain cramping her chest.


“My name is Alia Ward, and I’m here to see Darius McKade.”

Alia didn’t remember driving to the House or even walking through the ornate wooden doors.  All she knew was her anger had driven her here.  She didn’t even know if Darius was here.  The guy she had seen the other night may not have been him at all.  The girl at the desk took one look at her, trying to sum her up.  The female was super-model thin with large plastic boobs and way too much makeup.  She scowled at Lia before telling her to have a seat.

Not to be intimidated, Lia stared right back at the blonde until she turned back to her computer.  The House was an impressive sight.  The power of the place seemed to hit you as soon as you walked in the door.  It was once an old mansion with loads of rooms.  It seemed the new owner had made lots of renovations.  She hadn’t seen much of it the night she came just as she wasn’t seeing much right now.  Her anger was clouding her eyes and her judgment.

“Alia Ward?”

She turned to see a man right out of a fantasy novel.  He had to stand at least six foot three and weighed two
fifty or two
sixty.  All muscle.  Dark blonde hair that hung to brawny shoulders framed piercing blue eyes.  He was dressed in fitted leather pants, with a matching vest and boots.  God he was gorgeous, oozed power.  Her eyes finally made their way back up to his face and the hand he held out.

“I’m Slade Jamison.  Darius is in a meeting at the moment, but I came out to see the woman that has his leathers in a twist.”  His voice was as deep as Darius’ and just as sexy.  The sound of his voice alone could make a woman give him anything he wanted.

Steeling her spine, Lia took his hand in a firm shake, huffing at his words.  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Jamison.  Do you know how long Darius will be?”  She tried to take her hand out of his only to have him tighten his hold.  She looked into eyes that were as blue as the ocean, knew immediately this guy was trouble.  He wore his dominance like a second skin.  Lia had to force herself to keep her eyes on him.

He gave out a short bark of laughter before releasing her hand.  “Aww, pet.  Now I see what it is that Darius loves about you.  The thought of your fire has kept him going for years.  I can’t wait to see you dance for him.”

Her body trembled at his words before she could stop it.  She opened her mouth to speak, but the deep rumble of Dare’s voice stopped her.


She’d been so lost in Slade’s words, she hadn’t seen him approach.  Her eyes grew wider at the sight of him.  He stood next to Slade in nothing but leather pants and boots.  Lia could feel the heat rolling off his body even with the distance between them.  It went right through her.  Two incredibly alpha men standing side-by-side, it was many women’s fondest fantasy.  And yet, she only had eyes for Dare.

The blonde woman came around the desk, stepp
right in between them, breaking the spell his appearance had put on her.  She watched as the blonde ran her hand up Dare’s bare chest and purred.  She took a step forward ready to rip the woman’s arms out of their sockets, but Dare grabbed her wrist and pushed the nervy hussy towards Slade.  His eyes never left hers as he did.  In an instant, the bitch had helped her remember why she was there, though now it didn’t seem so important.


Her anger, that had abated a bit, returned with a vengeance when she heard him call her that.  “I told you not to call me that.”  She’d let her anger drive her here; now all she wanted to do was leave.  She turned to leave.  Dare’s sudden tight grip on her arm said differently.

“Not so fast.”  The sound of his voice stopped her dead in her tracks.  The look in his eyes had her lowering hers before she could catch herself.

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