Peaches 'n' Cream (13 page)

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Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Feeling her pussy clench and weep, she knew one of these men would have to fuck her hard and fast to give her some relief. It was quite the hottest thing she had ever seen. When Logan came, Ryan eagerly swallowed every last drop of salty cum, moaning his pleasure. After releasing the man’s cock from his mouth, he pressed his cheek against one powerful thigh.

Again there was the tender touch to Ryan’s hair by Logan, the man silently conveying his feelings to the other, before he rose and stumbled away to a chair.

“Come here,” Logan told Damien in a voice hoarse with lust. They looked at his cock. It was already hardening again. “You’ve wanted this since we met.” Damien moved, but slowly, his face pale. He was trembling more than Ryan had, but Peaches could see that his cock was hard, pressing against the zipper of his jeans. Logan pulled him into his arms and kissed him full on the mouth. There was resistance in the body being held so close. For a moment. Then he was returning the kiss with a deep groan.

Logan’s next move was so smooth she doubted Damien was aware of it until he was actually being pushed over the kitchen counter. A strong hand undid his belt and zipper. Then his jeans were being shoved down his legs. They were pushed off and kicked aside. Then lube and a condom appeared from his pocket. The man was certainly well prepared, she thought, wishing she could do something to relieve the throbbing burn between her legs.

She watched in fascinated awe as Damien surrendered completely to what was about to happen. Logan prepared the other man’s virgin asshole, sliding his finger in, working it as Damien began to moan and thrust back against it. Then it was two fingers, stretching, pushing, and finally three. When the latex-covered cock was introduced, there was relief on Damien’s handsome face. Relief, then astonishment, then a look of sheer bliss as the thick, long cock worked its way into him.

“Oh, fuck,” she whispered. Was that how she looked when the men shoved their cocks in-to her ass? She knew how much she loved the dark, decadent sensations that filled her. Was that what Damien was feeling?

Her whispered words brought Logan’s attention to her. He scowled at her, his amber eyes glittering with a thousand emotions. “Both of you, get undressed.” Ryan was up and pulling his clothes off in a heartbeat. Peaches began undressing, her nipples tightening as the air touched her exposed breasts. Her gaze never left that point where the two men’s bodies were joined. Logan fucked Damien hard and fast, plunging in, driving upward, withdrawing to a point where he was nearly out, only to plunge in and upward again.

As deep, growling moans began leaving his lips, she knew Logan was hitting Damien’s pro-state. When he came, he pounded almost viciously into the other man’s ass, a roar pulled from deep within him as he completed this moment of domination.


Peaches wondered how the three men had never discovered this about themselves. Had it all just been a matter of waiting for the right time and place? Had all the stars and planets needed to align? Whatever it was, there was no going back for any of them now.

Logan had known. She could see it in his amber eyes, in the set lines of his rugged face.

There was something in them. He had known he would dominate these men, his friends and partners, all this time. It had only been a matter of when.


Chapter Nine

Pulling away from Damien, Logan turned his head to look at her fully. The look in his eyes told her he was about to take away the burn between her legs and replace it with another.

She watched as he stalked across the room, his cock rising once again in the V of his open jeans. Grabbing hold of her, he pulled her close, bending so he could capture her mouth in a hot, searing kiss, his tongue thrusting into the depths as his free hand squeezed her breast almost painfully.

“Bend over that counter, baby. We’re going to give you something to keep you happy until snack time.” He shoved his jeans down his legs and kicked them away.

“I think you’ve already achieved that,” she murmured, glancing at the other two men.

Both were stroking their cocks, waiting. Neither seemed to have the looks of men who were traumatized by what had just taken place. If anything, there seemed to be a new confidence in them, as if they were finally certain of their place in their little pack.

When she bent over the counter, her legs were spread wide. Then a cock was shoving its way between her legs, the head probing for a moment before being shoved almost forcefully into her cream-filled pussy.

“Oh, you’re so fucking wet, baby,” Ryan groaned, pressing his cheek against her shoulder as he leaned over her. “I love riding you bareback. I get to feel all those sweet juices coating my cock.”

The ride was short but sweet. A finger against her clit had her flying over the edge as he jerked powerfully against her, filling her with his seed. After a quick swipe of a warm cloth between her legs, Damien took Ryan’s place, plunging into her pussy, fucking her hard and fast as he, too, worked her clit. They both lasted about as long as a snowball on hot pavement.

Within minutes they were crying out, churning against one another, before he pulled away from her. Panting, her legs trembling and weak, her third lover took his place behind her. He did not plunge into her pussy as the other two men had. Instead, he squirted lube down the crack of her ass. He worked a finger into her tight asshole, pushing past the ring of muscle.

Heat flared.

“I believe you like a cock in your ass,” Logan told her, his voice dark and velvety. He nuzzled her neck roughly as he shoved a single long finger deep into her asshole, pressing his huge body close. She shuddered with expectation as she thought of his impressive cock pressing its way into her tight backside. “Mm, your body tells me so much.” Logan was rough. There was no other way to describe the way he made love to her. Not rough in such a way as to cause her physical harm. Rough as in “I’m going to push you to the very limits.” Rough as in “I’m going to rip each and every orgasm out of you.” She was no wimp. Peaches pressed her cheek against his, stroking him as he had earlier that morning, rubbing against her like one of the cats would. He growled and bit her shoulder.

Then he was pressing her torso down against the counter, flattening her breasts, his hand between her shoulder blades. As he introduced his cock to the taut rosette of her asshole, she took a calming breath and pressed back. In the time Logan and Ryan had been away, Damien had made a point of fucking her in the same manner several times, claiming he was helping her with her techniques. She had laughed at him, but did admit that she was beginning to enjoy it very much.

As Logan pressed into her she began to feel that wondrous fullness. Deliciously nasty was what it was. Who would have guessed she would enjoy something so much? And there was so 68

much of him. While he and Damien were similar in length, Logan was much thicker. With her heart pounding in her chest, and fire creeping along her veins, she was relieved when the burning sensation began to slowly change over into a kind of pleasure that made her blood begin to boil with lust.

He seemed to know the moment as well. Pushing his cock deep into her, Logan began to fuck her asshole deeply and fiercely, the rough hair on his powerful thighs rubbing against the sensitive skin of her own. She moaned as she felt his heavy sac swinging and hitting her pussy.

Their flesh slapped together.

Braced against the counter, Peaches met his powerful thrusts, beginning to moan with every thrust as her pleasure increased. The man’s stamina was incredible. He tormented her with his body, his thick cock, the hand gripping her breast fiercely, the fingers toying expertly with her clit. The bite from strong white teeth between her shoulder blades was what sent her over the edge. The sensations that swept through her body were incredible. They ran through her like a tidal wave. A scream of pure satisfaction was torn from her throat as her body convulsed and arched back into his. Strong hands held her as Logan, too, found his release, his cock expanding and hardening within her backside as his semen was released in powerful spurts.

Once his softening cock slipped from her body, and he had tossed away the condom, the always unexpectedly gentle side of Logan showed up again. He lifted her into his strong arms to carry her back upstairs. He carried her down the hallway to her bedroom, then into the ad-joining bathroom. “A nice shower now for you, baby. We’ll clean up the kitchen for you.” He lowered her feet to the floor as he told her this. Then he was reaching into the shower to turn on the water. “Then I want you to take a nap.”

“But I just woke up,” Peaches pouted, looking up at him. “And I’m hungry.” Dark brows dipped into a frown. He didn’t like to be questioned, argued with, or anything else which might be misconstrued as a lack of obedience. It was like poking a tiger. Some people just had to do it. Peaches was one of them.

“You’ll do as you’re told. You had a long night. You can’t be tiring yourself out, now that you’ve decided to have a baby. Which, I might add, I should have been consulted about.”

“Why?” she asked, it being her turn to frown. “At the time we made the decision, we had no intention of staying here. Who knew you were going to become a part of this? You showed every sign of believing it was a disagreeable situation for you.” Logan looked down at her, shadows in his eyes. “I’m still not convinced it’s going to work. I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a father.” Personally, Peaches thought he would probably make an excellent father. He was solid, was not quick to temper, and did have a sense of humor. It was a good start. She also suspected he had a great deal of patience. After all, he hadn’t killed Ryan yet.

“What are you smiling about?” he demanded as her mouth curled upward.

“I was thinking about your patience and that you hadn’t killed Ryan yet. I think you’ll make a great father.”

“I’m getting old. I’m set in my ways.”

“The three of you were looking for a wife only a year or so ago. How old are you? Thirty-six? Thirty-seven?”

“Thirty-six,” Logan confirmed.



“I can’t see much has changed, except for the candidates for wives. Now, as for that nap, I think you should take one with me. You’ve only been out of the hospital a few days. You should take it easy.”

They stared hard at one another. It was a challenge of wills. Peaches was unwilling to be the one who bent each and every time. He had to learn how to compromise. As he did so this time she could swear she could almost hear the creaking in his will, as it bent. Slightly.

Peaches forced herself to keep from smiling in triumph.

There was an almost-pained expression on his rugged face as he agreed. “Okay. Shower first, then a nap.”

It was a beginning. When they finished the shower, they dried each other off then headed into the bedroom. She straightened the blankets and sheets before they climbed in. Shivering against the chill, she laughed and pressed herself against his big body.

“Mm, it’s like having a furnace under the blanket with me.”

“Quit your wiggling, or it’s going to get a lot hotter. It’s all I could do not to fuck you in the shower.”

Peaches ignored him. She was chilled against the sheets. She sought out his heat. Pressing herself close, she put her head on his shoulder and wound her leg through his. “I wouldn’t have argued with you.”

Strong fingers slid through her silky blonde curls. “I wouldn’t recommend doing so. Not unless you want that beautiful ass of yours turned pink. Now, about this baby you want.”

“We want,” she corrected.

There was a long pause. “Okay.
want.” More creaking as he bent a little more. “As soon as this snow stops, we are going to go into town and you are going to visit a doctor. You’ll get checked out. We’ll make sure everything’s okay. You’ll get vitamins and everything else you’ll need.”

“I’m no spring chicken. I might not get pregnant right away.”

“Even more reason to be sure that you’re healthy enough to do this.”

“Bossy,” Peaches complained, but smiled. Winding her arm around his lean middle, she pulled herself closer. Pulling him closer would have been impossible. The man was huge. “But I like it.”

“You do?” There was surprise in his deep voice.

She closed her eyes and kissed his chest. “In this instance, I do. It shows you really do care. You’re tough on the outside, but you have a gooey marshmallow center.” She rubbed his impossibly hard, rippling abs.

There was a stunned silence in the room following that ridiculous statement. Then he was roaring with laughter, his thickly muscled arm pulling her tight against him. As she smiled against him she felt her eyelids drooping. The heat of the man beside her, as well as being cocooned beneath the blanket with him, was making her sleepy. She drifted into sleep, quite at peace with the moment.

Hearing the unmistakable sound of a round being chambered into a semiautomatic pistol was something she had heard thousands of times. It was an unpleasant way to wake up. She blinked awake, awareness shooting through her, firing every nerve ending. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. She knew she was alone in the bed. Her gaze went to the door as 70

she reached under the pillow. Relief went through her as she felt her 9mm. Her fingers curled around the grip as she slid it from beneath the pillow.

The hallway door squeaked. The toilet flushed in the bathroom. That door opened just as the other burst back on its hinges and a man in a loose-fitting winter coat burst into the room.

Peaches squeezed the trigger on the 9mm as Logan stepped out of the bathroom, putting four rounds into the center of the man’s chest. He dropped in midstride, a look of disbelief on his face.


Leaping from the bed, Peaches ran to the man lying dead on the floor. She kicked away his weapon, preparing herself for a second attacker. Cautiously making her way to the door, she looked out, and then pulled back in, before going out into the hallway. She heard nothing from below, so she began a systematic search of the rest of the rooms.

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