Peaches 'n' Cream (12 page)

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Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Parting her legs, she welcomed him. He was right. She wanted what he could do to her.

As much as she loved her men, she knew they would never be able to give this to her. Only Logan could do so.


Though she doubted another orgasm was possible, the pleasure she felt as he claimed her yet again was unmistakable. When he finally came, a roar of pleasure shaking them both, she felt an intense sense of satisfaction as she felt his cum spurting strongly inside her. Her pussy clamped down on his pulsing shaft, clinging to him. The swollen flesh sucked every precious drop out of him.

When Logan became still upon her, his weight pressing her down into the mattress, Peaches welcomed it. They stared at one another for long moments before he bent his head to kiss her lips tenderly, wetting them with the tip of his tongue. The kiss was one of the sweetest she had ever known, and it told her just exactly what he felt for her, even if he didn’t know how to say the words for himself.

The moment he moved, Peaches felt the loss. It hit her sharply in the pit of the stomach.

As he moved to her side, Ryan kneeled between her legs. He cleaned her with a warm washcloth, being gentle with her.

“You didn’t wear a condom,” Ryan stated coldly, his voice low as he stared at Logan with accusing eyes.

“He doesn’t have to,” Damien inserted before Ryan did something stupid. “None of us do.

We’re going to be making a baby.”

All eyes went to Logan when they heard his sharp intake of breath. When they expected to see anger or disapproval in his eyes, they saw they were gleaming with something unexpected. Hope. Pleasure. Happiness. But all tempered by wariness.

“You’re not on the pill?” he asked Peaches, leaning over her, his huge hand slid around her waist. She shook her head. “You’re sure about this.” She nodded. “You may speak now, you know. You can’t tell me how perfect a lover I am, unless you do so.” Curling her fingers into a fist, she hit him in his massive shoulder. The man had them popping out all over the place. “Jerk.”

“I can be,” he agreed, smiling crookedly.

“Ya think?”

The hand stroking her skin smacked the curve of her ass. She yelped, but pressed herself close. “Are you too sore to make all your men happy tonight?”


They made love all night, her men finding new ways to bring her to orgasm even as her mind, and passion-depleted body, told her there couldn’t possibly be another to be found anywhere. Each time she fell asleep, she knew they were cuddling close, touching her, loving her.

When they would wake her, she felt herself smile anew. These were her men. Even Logan. He was her man, too. She was not going to let him push her away again. He could be as mean and as pigheaded as he wanted, but she wasn’t going to allow him to do it.

The man had just met his match. She smiled in the darkness, stroking the thickly muscled arm resting like a band of steel over her stomach. Logan kept her pulled tight to his body the rest of the night, his breath ruffling the hair on the top of her head.

They woke twice during the early hours of the morning. But only after Ryan fell out of the king-sized bed twice, hitting the floor with a thud.

Logan was not a happy animal when his sleep was interrupted. “What the fuck is your problem?” he growled. He nipped her shoulder with strong white teeth when she dared to 62

giggle. When a moan escaped her swollen lips, the powerful arm around her tightened, telling her he could feel the new rush of desire flowing between them.

“There’s not enough room in this bed. And I’m missing my cuddle time.”

“Fuck you. I’ve got her and I’m going to keep her the rest of the night. Cuddle up to Damien.”

“Fuck you,” Damien snarled, the fingers he had tangled with hers tightening perceptibly.

“You don’t need to say stuff like that.”

Peaches wiggled, trying to get out of the bed. “I have to use the bathroom, now that I’m awake. It doesn’t help that you’re squeezing me.” The arm released her, and she made good on her escape to the bathroom. Just as she was closing the door, she heard Logan say with a great deal of sensitivity. “If you guys are experimenting, curious, there’s not a damn thing wrong with that. Now, let crybaby numbnuts get in the middle so he can have his
cuddle time
.” When she returned to the bed it was to find Ryan in the center. She crawled in between him and Logan. He might have gotten to be next to her, but it was Logan who held her again.

She didn’t argue. Peaches knew she had to strengthen the bond with Logan as often as she could. When he nuzzled her neck, she rubbed her cheek against his. He mimicked the caress with his rough cheek. The sound coming from deep in his chest reminded her of a big cat purring. A very big, and very powerful cat.

This is how it would be for them, if he would just let himself go. He would have those moments when he would demand full control of her, when he would do all those nasty things he told her he was planning for her. Then there would be this, when he treated her like the most delicate treasure. And the other times, well, she suspected they would fight just because they were too alike.

First, however, she was going to have to show him that he was an integral part of this relationship. He was one of them. He would complete what she, Damien, and Ryan had begun.

Peaches fell asleep thinking about the future, their future together as lovers and partners.

When she woke a few hours later, she reached back for Logan. As she stroked him, he kissed along her throat. The man’s mouth was truly talented. Moaning, she wiggled her ass back against him, into the cradle of his hips. The thick length of his cock rubbed between the globes of her ass. Powerful thighs pushed against hers. She particularly liked the feel of the coarse hair rubbing against her skin.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he growled, nipping her earlobe. “You have to be sore.”

“A little.”

“You need to recover, so you and I can have a whole night of fun. By ourselves,” he added meaningfully.

“It’d be more fun if I could tie
up.” Logan chuckled. “Not going to happen, baby.” A huge hand caressed her breast, tweaking her nipple in a manner which made promises of wicked delights to come. He kissed her neck one last time before releasing her and rolling out of bed. “I’m going to go check what that damn storm has been doing all night.”

One moment she had three gorgeous, hot-blooded men in her bed, a real dream come true, the next she was alone and watching the vague shadows of their bodies leaving the room.


Stretching a deliciously aching body, Peaches decided she should get up to make breakfast.

A quick hot shower did a lot of relieve her of the strange aches and pains in her body.

There was a smile on her mouth as she pulled on her long underwear, then covered it with jeans and a flannel shirt. With thick socks on her feet, she stuffed them into fuzzy slippers with rattling eyeballs. Then she hurried downstairs even while she fluffed her damp hair with her fingers.

Damien was in the process of making a pot of coffee. Ryan was on the other side of the kitchen, searching through cupboards. They were strangely silent for men who were always joking with one another. It was one thing she really liked about them. She had an idea what was happening, but didn’t know how to broach the subject.
. Damn Logan and his teasing.

“Do you mind if I go out to help shovel snow? Most of the work’s done in here.”

“We don’t do much shoveling. We’ve spent a fortune on machines to help get rid of it,” Damien told her, going to stand near the window.

“We’ll get out and feed the cattle. We’ve gotten most of them closer in. We’ll try to get the rest today. We’ll dump hay off a truck and make sure the water troughs aren’t frozen over.

Then we’ll go work a few of the horses. Nothing stops around here because of a little snow.” As he described their plans for the day, Peaches got out the ingredients for breakfast. She put bacon in the pan. It was soon sizzling away as she cut thick slices of the bread she had made the day before. She slathered them with butter and honey, and then stacked them on a plate. Picking up the bottle, she thought of the one left upstairs. “We never did get to use this,” she joked, grinning impishly.

Strong arms wrapped around her. Good, things were getting back to normal. A warm mouth nuzzled her neck as hands groped her breasts through the layers. Ryan. She snuggled back against him.

“There’s always the after-lunch snack time,” he told her, kissing and licking her skin. “I’ll pour it on your nipples and your pussy. While I’m sucking it off your nipples, Damien can lick your slit until he’s gotten every sweet drop off you.” The erotic scenario to be played out caused her pussy to ache. Her panties were drenched. How was she going to last until the afternoon snack time?

Damien finally joined in. He laughed huskily. “I would never know when to stop. Her cream is so sweet on the tongue.”

When he moved to stand in front of her, she stroked his chest. “Mmm, you do know the right things to say to a girl. So, I’m going to be your afternoon snack?”

“Baby, we’ll be lucky to get anything done today. All we’re going to do is think about coming in the house for a snack.”

Her fingers walked down Damien’s chest, over his flat abs, to his buckle. She tugged playfully before smoothing her hand down over his hard cock.

“You do know I want to have a snack of my own. A little honey in the right places…” She allowed her words to trail off suggestively, a smile on her lips.

“The right places, huh?”


The door opened, interrupting their play. Her heart skipped a beat as Logan came in. He stomped the snow off his boots before removing them, setting them on the tray to catch the melting snow. He looked at them with unfathomable eyes.

“I came in for breakfast, not to watch a fuckfest.” Poking her tongue out at him, she squeezed out from between the men and then went to get the eggs. She looked at the bacon. It was nearly done. She quickly beat the eggs up, then poured them into the pan with green peppers, onion, and bits of ham she had prepared the day before. It didn’t take long for the scrambled eggs to get going. She took the bacon from the pan, placing it on paper towels to take off the hot grease.

Logan spoke little during the meal. Peaches watched him surreptitiously. He was a ruggedly handsome man. He was not as handsome as Damien, a man who could easily make his living as a model. He was definitely not as pretty as Ryan. His dark hair was growing back in.

It didn’t look much different than the military style cut he usually wore. The man was so fucking hot her pussy just dripped looking at him.

With her body aching, her nipples as hard as stones, Peaches forced herself to eat the food on her plate. She looked from one man to the other. Damien and Ryan were still unnaturally quiet. Their appetites, too, seemed to have started to suffer.

“If you two don’t get the fuck over it, I’ll do something about it.”

“What are you talking about?” Damien growled.

“This. Ryan,” he snarled in a dark, commanding tone, “Get the fuck over here.” Ryan dropped his fork, startled. He looked at the older man, his cheeks flushing.


Ryan moved. Peaches held her breath, confused. She didn’t know what was going on. It seemed Damien had a clue, however. “Don’t you fucking go there,” he growled menacingly, half out of his chair, palms flat on the table as he glared at the other man.

“I’m already there.” He stood and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Ryan was visibly trembling. “Kneel and get your mouth around my cock.”

“Logan, I’m fucking warning you.” The chair was kicked back. It toppled over onto the floor. Tension flooded the air. Damien looked as though he was about to attack the other man.

Indecision crossed his features. “Don’t do it.”

“Shut the fuck up. You’re next.”

Knowing this was a male power struggle, Peaches decided to stay the fuck out of it. There was a lot more going on than she could have ever guessed at. One look at Ryan told her that he was not appalled by the command, but was very excited about it. He hit his knees as Logan began fisting his cock. When that cock was offered to him, the head swollen and dripping pre-cum, Ryan took it eagerly into his mouth. He sucked it hard as Damien swore and moved away, turning his back to the pair. Her worried gaze followed him.

“Damien,” Logan growled. “Get the fuck over here.”

“No. You’re not doing that to me.”

“You’re right. I’m going to fuck you in the ass.”

“The hell you are.”

But he wasn’t leaving. He could so easily have left the room. Peaches knew instinctively that Logan wouldn’t have stopped him. He would never take something from these men they weren’t willing to give. She was surprised, though, because she never would have guessed 65

Logan was bi. Or Damien and Ryan either. She had only thought they were curious, wanted to satisfy some need to know, and then move on from there. Bi. Curious. It didn’t matter. Something was about to happen. Something

This was far, far more than mere curiosity. Ryan was sucking hungrily, moaning his pleasure, as he slid his mouth up and down Logan’s turgid flesh. His hands were gripping the backs of the other man’s powerful thighs, holding as if he were afraid Logan would make him stop. Logan wasn’t forcing him. The fingers he stroked through Ryan’s soft hair seemed to be reassuring. It was a tender gesture. Peaches doubted that the next time, if there was a next time, would be quite so gentle.

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