Peaches 'n' Cream (19 page)

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Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Kneeling on the bed beside her, he carefully removed the blindfold and tossed it aside.

He pushed the damp tendrils of hair away from her flushed face. Long lashes fluttered a moment. Then her beautiful, chocolate brown eyes looked up at him in wonder.

Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her gently before pulling back and looking at her closely. “You okay, baby?”

There was a soft laugh. “Oh, yes, Sir.”

Stretching out beside Peaches, Logan pulled the blankets over them. He wondered what she was thinking, feeling, but was almost afraid to ask, now that the heat of his raw passion had been sated.

Had he gone too far? Peaches was new to the BDSM lifestyle, even though she had worked at a club and knew what took place there. His entire focus had been on Peaches and giving her as much pleasure as he could. Had he succeeded or had he only given himself unbe-lievable pleasure?

“Are you sleeping?” She was so quiet, her breath soft on his chest. It cooled the sweat on his skin, puckering his nipples. Her hand had found its way to his stomach. He enjoyed her lazy, loving touch.


“Any regrets?” Logan held his breath as he waited for her answer. What would he do if she didn’t want to share in this part of him?

Relief swept over him like a tidal wave when Peaches said softly, “Not a one. I was just thinking.”


Peaches rose up so she could see his face. Her brown eyes were soft, holding no hint of regret. So she hadn’t lied about that. “Will that happen very often?”

“It will only happen if you want it to. This isn’t just about what I want or need.”

“I know they said they wanted you to be with me like this, but will they mind when we come out here by ourselves?”

“No, baby, they won’t mind. It’s all good. They know I have particular quirks I need to satisfy.”

“They don’t like spankings and things?”

Logan shook his head. “Not the way I like them. If Ryan saw what I did to you, he’d get his gun and shoot me.”

“He’s a very gentle man,” Peaches agreed, resting her head on his chest again. He could feel his heart thump beneath her head. “No, I could see where what we did would upset him, maybe Damien, too. They’d think you were hurting me.”

“Did I hurt you?”



“Not in a bad way. And not in a way I couldn’t have stopped at any time. I felt quite safe with you, knowing I could stop it.”

Hope cautiously flared inside Logan. “So,” he said carefully, his hand sliding down over her back and the curve of her ass, “you liked it?” Peaches smiled at him, stroking the side of his face. “Yes, I liked it. More than I expected to. Maybe we could put one of those swings in the bedroom?” Hugging her tightly to him, Logan roared with laughter at her naughty suggestion. He imagined her in the swing and letting each of them take her. The very idea of it hardened his cock beneath the thigh she had slid over his groin.

Feeling the bond begin to solidify between them, Logan pulled Peaches over the top of his body. He loved his lady in a very vanilla sort of way until she fell into an exhausted sleep after one last orgasm.



Chapter Thirteen

Peaches walked into the kitchen, Logan at her back, only to stop dead at the sight of the two men in the kitchen. They were both preparing the evening meal, using the new red cook-ware and the new dishes she had chosen. Ryan looked up at her, giving her a broad grin. Relief flooded her, and she began to relax. Logan had said they would be aware of what was happening in his playroom, but she had worried that two of her future husbands would reject her.

“Hi, baby,” Damien said, smiling, his green eyes sparkling with mischief as he looked from Logan to her. “Did you have fun playing with Logan?”

“Yes, actually, I did.” She sniffed the air. “What are you cooking? It smells great.”

“It’s my world famous, oven-baked, barbecued chicken.”

“Sounds yummy.” As she walked up beside Ryan, she saw he was making a nicely loaded green salad. Reaching out, she plucked out a tiny tomato. “So, what did you guys go into town for?” she asked casually, watching Ryan’s face. No point in looking at Damien. He wouldn’t give anything away, or spill the beans. The color rose into Ryan’s face, but he remained stoic.

“Ah, come on, baby. You can tell me.” Her hand molded over his hard ass, stroking it lovingly.

“No, I can’t. It’s a surprise. And you have to wait for it.”

“Why’s that? Won’t it still be a surprise?”

Damien moved away from where he had been checking the chicken in the oven. Stalking toward her, he pulled her hand off Ryan’s ass. “No cheating, sweetheart. We have a surprise for you. That’s all you’re going to find out. And if you’re bad, then you’ll have to wait even longer for it.”

Pouting, Peaches moved closer to him, rubbing her body against his. Even though they had made love for hours, she still wanted more. A shower with Logan had done wonders in reviving her. Sliding her arms around Damien’s lean middle, she pulled their bodies tightly together.

“Come on, baby. Can’t you give me a little hint?”

“No. And rubbing yourself against me is only going to get that pretty pussy of yours stuffed with cock. We’re not telling you anything.” Getting her pussy stuffed sounded like a good idea to her. She was definitely ready for it.

With her brown eyes full of mischief, she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. She rubbed her sensitive mound against his leg. Damn but that felt good! She did it again.

Then a large hand was connecting smartly with her tender, jean-covered ass. Yelping in surprise more than pain, she spun around to see a grinning Logan pressing close. “Didn’t you get enough cock earlier, baby?”

Was there ever enough? Peaches wondered as she grinned up at him. These three men had made her greedy for their bodies. The thought of dragging them upstairs for a little before-supper sex was tempting. Or they could just do it on the table. It wouldn’t be any trouble to push the dishes out of the way. She wasn’t very picky about locations right then, just horny. Again. With her pussy quivering in anticipation, she had to bite back a moan.

“What put that look on your face?” Ryan wanted to know as he returned from putting the salad on the table. “What did you two do out there?”

“Lots of bad things,” she told him, grinning up at Logan. “Logan is very good at bad.”

“And you liked it?” Ryan asked, sounding completely mystified. His blue eyes were filled with curiosity.

“Yes. I liked it a lot.”



He shook his head. “I couldn’t do the things to you that Logan likes to do, even if you do enjoy them.”

“That’s why you’re not allowed in Colt’s club without a collar,” Logan told him, pinning him with his golden gaze. “And me. You don’t have a dominant bone in your body. You’d be like fresh meat in a lion’s den.”

Broad shoulders shrugged. “It still might be fun to watch Peaches get spanked in front of everyone. I wouldn’t mind fucking her in front of a room full of people.” Logan moved boldly past her, going toe to toe with the younger man and towering over him. “Or, I could spank
, and then fuck
in front of a room full of people while Peaches watches.”

Just the thought of that scenario playing out made her pussy gush. With her womb quivering and her cunt throbbing, Peaches wondered if she could, or should, encourage such a thing happening. After all, Ryan and Damien were only just beginning to explore the feelings they had for one another, and for Logan. She didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize their relationship. She kept quiet.

Logan didn’t seem to have such qualms. Sliding his hand behind Ryan’s neck, he pulled him close, lowering his head so he could claim the other man’s mouth with hot, lusty male passion. Her pussy sizzled at the sight. Biting back a moan, she squeezed her thighs together as Ryan surrendered to the bold passion, wrapping his strong arms around Logan’s trim waist.

Her inner heat flared when Damien moved toward the embracing men. He pressed himself against Ryan’s back, finally making a bold move of his own. So far, he had been rather passive.

Now he was letting the other two men know he was willing to be a very enthusiastic participant.

Ryan was very happy being between Logan and Damien. When the kiss ended, he pressed his cheek to Logan’s neck, his arms wound tightly around the muscular torso of the man in front of him. Logan stroked him tenderly, as he had before. His other hand went to Damien’s face. They leaned toward one another, managing to kiss while Ryan squirmed like a happy puppy between them.

When they parted, they went back to preparing supper as if nothing had taken place.

Logan sat down at the table, a smug grin on his rugged face. Peaches groaned. What the hell?

She had been hoping for some hot presupper sex. Obviously, they were hungry for more than sex. Disgusted, she all but stomped out of the kitchen, Logan’s laughter following her.

Once she got to their room, she stopped dead in her tracks. The room had been trans-formed. There were a couple dozen fat white candles burning around the room. Not safe, but beautiful, she thought as she moved in to look at all the changes Damien and Ryan had made while she had been otherwise occupied. There were several low glass bowls overflowing with red and white roses. Their scent filled the room.

Chocolate-colored drapes hung from the windows. The bed was now a lush oasis of expensive, cream-colored sheets, a thick duvet to match the drapes, and a pile of beautiful tapestry and red silk pillows. She easily imagined herself on her back among the pillows, naked and awaiting her men to join her. The silky duvet would be soft and cool against her skin.

A grin crossed her face as Peaches quickly began undressing. Going into the large bathroom, she tossed her clothes into the hamper. Even though she had just taken a shower with Logan, she decided to soak in the bathtub. A few drops of bath oil they had purchased just that 97

morning made the water feel silky against her skin as she sank into it. A sigh escaped her lips as she began soaking out the beginning of the aches in her body.

Closing her eyes, Peaches let herself drift away. Not asleep, she heard the door open and close. When no one got in the tub with her, she opened her eyes and turned her head to look around the steamy room. A grin pulled at her lips as she saw the negligee with a matching peignoir hanging on the back of the door. A pair of leopard print stiletto pumps was near the door. Ryan’s hand was definitely in the choices.

Finishing her bath, she got out and rubbed herself dry with a fluffy towel. She ran the brush through her hair, fluffing the damp blonde curls. They would dry quickly enough.

Reaching for the sexy set, she peeled the gown from beneath and pulled it over her head. The straps were little more than strings. The neckline plunged to her navel, allowing the curves of her breasts to show. The rest of it clung to her body. The leopard print clung to her skin. It didn’t take good vision to realize that the fabric was so sheer, little was left to the imagination.

Perfect. Taking the peignoir from the hanger, she pulled it over, laughing as the soft faux fur along the edges tickled her skin. Yes, it was definitely a choice made by Ryan. Adjusting the loose sleeves back over her hands, she looked at her hair in the mirror one last time before leaving the bathroom. She looked like a glamorous sex kitten.

Pulling open the door, Peaches had expected to see her men waiting expectantly on the bed, preferably naked. Instead, she found them waiting for her looking much like sexy strip-pers in snug-fitting black leather pants with their beautiful chests bare. They were so fucking hot. She even thought their bare feet were sexy. They were standing beside a table they had brought in while she had soaked in the tub. The table was covered with a white linen table-cloth and set with china and crystal. Tapered candles, surrounded by creamy white roses, rose from the center. The flames flickered. Covered dishes waited on a side table.

Romance. She had wanted it and they were giving it. Smiling lovingly, Peaches moved in-to the room. Logan swept her up first for a hot, deep kiss that went straight to her pussy. He had to be the best kisser on the planet, she thought dazedly when he released her. He grinned at her dopey, dazed expression. Damien kissed her next, his hands stroking down the length of her back as his cock strained at the tight leather to press against her stomach. Then it was the irrepressible Ryan’s turn. Just as the clothing she wore was from another era, so was the dramatic kiss as he bent her back over his powerful arm, kissing her as if she were a glamorous heroine in a movie.

Once released, Peaches was placed in a chair. Logan served her slices of tender chicken.

Damien poured a red liquid into a fluted glass. Ryan put a spoonful of lettuce on her plate, topping it with cherry tomatoes. Then they were sitting down at the table, smiling at her, watching as she ate the barbecued chicken breast. It was succulent, tangy, and sweet, like her men.

When they had finished the chicken, a sliver of cherry cheesecake was placed in front of her. “I’m going to get fat,” she warned.

Broad shoulders lifted in unison. “There’ll just be more of you to love,” Logan told her.

She had been teasing, but she looked at their serious expressions. She saw that it wouldn’t matter to them if she were larger. They would still love and desire her. Shivering with pleasure, she ate the cheesecake.


When the meal was finished, they cleared the plates away. Peaches enjoyed another glass of cranberry juice. Obviously, consuming alcohol was not going to happen. She wouldn’t have anyway, considering she was trying to get pregnant. When she had taken the last sip, he took the glass from her hand. Then she was led to the bed. With her heart beginning to pound a little harder, her pussy dripping with need, she sat on the end. All three men kneeled in front of her. The candlelight in the room flickered over their handsome faces, the expanses of wide chests, rippling abs, and muscular arms. Her heart stopped when Logan, in the center, produced a small box. He opened it. Inside was a heart-shaped diamond that had to be at least three carats, surrounded by smaller champagne-colored diamonds.

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