Peaches 'n' Cream (23 page)

Read Peaches 'n' Cream Online

Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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“Master, please.”

Another harsh light came on, and Logan stepped into it. A moment later, he was shoving his cock into her ass, burying it to the hilt. His heavy ball sac slapped against her soaked pussy as he began fucking her asshole hard and fast. His balls struck the clamp on her clit. It was like being hit by a Taser. She stared at the beauty of his sculptured body as he both punished 113

and praised her for her complete submission, by her acknowledgement that he was her master.

The fullness in her ass was a dark, dark pleasure. The feeling of his huge cock filling her tight passage was incredible. What he had done with the dildos could not be compared to the sensations she was experiencing now. Her lashes swept down against her cheeks for a moment as he slammed into her ass repeatedly. Then she was opening her eyes, watching, as the length of him appeared and disappeared. The heat was building again, curling out from her womb, spreading along her limbs. Her nipples ached. Her breasts felt impossibly swollen, trapped beneath her body.

But she didn’t come. Peaches controlled it, tamped it down, for he had forbidden it until he gave his permission. That control trembled precariously on the edge of the abyss of pleasure when he pulled his cock from her ass. He stripped off the condom then grasped her hips again as he thrust his cock almost violently into her tight pussy. The expression on his face was beautifully frightening when she finally was able to lift her gaze to it. Fascinated, she watched the play of emotions cross it.

This was the moment where they were completely vulnerable to one another. Why he needed this was a mystery to her. What she did know, however, was that he was achieving with her something he had never gained from another woman. That knowledge filled her completely, satisfying her as nothing else could. That and realizing that his complete domination over her was helping her cope in other ways, helping her to find control again. All the confu-sion and uncertainty in her life was taken away. When she was here, when she gave everything over to him, she felt truly free, loved, and protected.

When Logan reached down to pull the clamp off her clitoris, Peaches nearly came undone. It took every ounce of willpower to hold back the wave of pleasure that was crashing violently against the weakening wall of her control.

Then Logan was tormenting her clit, rubbing it, pulling it, sliding his fingers through the slippery, cream-covered folds of her sex. “Come for me, baby. Come for me now,” he commanded roughly, darkly, his face beautiful as the muscles tautened as his own climax neared.

“Yes, Master!” Peaches screamed, her body tortured by the orgasm that followed. It tore through her, unlike any she had experienced before. His cock slammed into her, stretching her, pulsing powerfully as his seed spurted up the length from his tightening balls.


Chapter Sixteen

Logan removed the ropes with quick, efficient movements, without the near reverent manner in which he had tied them. His heart thumped in his chest as he straightened slender limbs, rubbing them, getting the circulation going fully again. He had made certain he had not bound her too tightly. He wanted the experience to be exhilarating, challenging, but not frightening or damaging.

Peaches’s reaction to being bound had gone beyond his expectations. He had not expected her to accept it so readily. As seconds had turned into minutes, he had expected to hear her safe word. She had never spoken it.

Then she had allowed him to test her further, having her watch as he so starkly displayed her body. She would not know it, but his own control had been lost once as he had tormented and pleasured her willing body with the selection of toys. Strong spurts of cum had jetted from his body, leaving him weak, his legs shaking beneath him.

Lifting Peaches into his arms, Logan carried her across the room to the bed. Placing her upon the sheets, he left her there while he went to get warm water and a cloth. He bathed her gently, lovingly, wiping away the sweat that had beaded on her lovely skin, the drying evidence of her arousal and his, until her skin glowed. Then he was turning her onto her stomach so he could rub soothing cream onto the red welts on her shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs. He smiled as he heard her appreciative moans.

“Like that, do you?”

“Yes, Master.”

With his cock jumping up to hit his belly, Logan grinned. Leaning forward, he kissed her soft skin. “You are so beautiful. The most beautiful sub I have ever had. You have pleased your Master greatly.” He turned her back over. “Look at me, sub.” Warm brown eyes rose to meet his. “Will you wear my collar?”

“Yes, Master.”

“You would wear it willingly?”

“Yes, Master. I would wear it with great pleasure, knowing I am yours.” In this room, he would be her Master. Outside of it, Logan knew they would argue, they would fight, she would ignore what he wanted her to do. But that’s what he loved about her, about what they had. She would challenge him. And he liked few things more than a challenge. But even in this room, he didn’t want or expect a mindless slave. Their relationship was far more than that.

Logan left the bed and walked out into the living room. Walking to the kitchen area, he opened a cabinet. He took out the square black box. He didn’t bother to look inside again. He had told Colt what he had wanted, and his friend had brought it to him. It was perfect.

Returning to the bedroom, he saw that Peaches had not moved. She waited, all soft and beautiful, her eyes glowing. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he helped her sit up. Then he was opening the box and removing the collar.

“Oh, it’s beautiful!” Peaches exclaimed, staring in awe at the diamond choker. It was suitable for any megastar walking down a red carpet. It sparkled and burned in the light. He felt her shiver as he put it around her neck and clasped it firmly at her nape. He kissed the hollow of her throat, just below where the strands rode her slender neck. It was a perfect fit. Slender fingers explored it. “It’s so beautiful,” she said again, her voice a whisper.



“Like you.” Logan ran his fingers through her soft blonde curls. His thumbs caressed the soft skin of her face, sliding them over her cheekbones, then down along her jaw to her chin.

“My beautiful, precious sub, who is so perfect for me.” The long lashes swept down as she pressed her cheek into his rough palm. “My beautiful love.” When she looked at him the next time, her beautiful brown eyes glowed with something new. Knowledge. She knew that he loved her, even if he didn’t know how to get the exact words out just yet. It was enough for now. Her gaze told him so.



“May I give you pleasure now?”

If she hadn’t offered so generously, Logan was sure he would have begged her. Feeling his weakness for this woman, he moved to lie back on the bed. The length of his cock told of his obvious torment. Peaches wrapped the fingers of both hands around it, holding it firmly as she knelt between his legs.

There was no possible way for her to take the whole of his cock to the back of her throat, but the woman loved as much of him as she could with her mouth. Kissing and licking, Peaches stroked the remaining exposed shaft with her hands. Gentle fingers worshiped his balls. She weighed them, stroked them through the hair-roughened skin. When she stroked beyond, he caught his breath.

The woman was a witch, casting her spell upon him as she sucked, licked, and probed his body. Her slender finger slid into his asshole as the head of his cock touched the back of her throat. She swallowed around him as she tantalized that most mysterious spot inside his dark channel. Catching her head in his hands, his hips bucked as he came, spilling his seed into her eager mouth.

The following morning Logan cursed as soon as he closed the door to his playroom behind him. He had asked Peaches to wait for him. While the distance to the house wasn’t that great, it was still more winter nightmare than winter wonderland outside. The morning sun-shine was trying to push through the clouds, but the wind was whipping the snow around, pushing it into higher drifts. Just as he reached for the line to the house, the house he couldn’t currently see as a gust of wind blew the snow across the distance between, a snowball hit him in the side of the head.

Cursing again as it slid down his neck, he spun around to see Peaches on the path to the house, about fifteen feet away. She was laughing openly, already packing a second snowball into shape. It flew with terrifying accuracy and hit him square in the face. It exploded. Wiping it away, he began to advance on her, nearly grinning at her horrified expression. Obviously, she hadn’t meant to hit him in the face. Then she laughed again, backing away as a third snowball came to life between her gloved hands.

A scream erupted from her throat as he launched himself at her, tackling her, taking her down onto the snow-covered ground. The drift slid in on them as he pushed her body into the snow with his.

“I should take your smart little ass back in there,” Logan growled, trying to look severe as he stared down into her laughing brown eyes. Her pretty mouth was grinning. “I’ll tie you up and rub snow all over your nipples and pussy until you’re begging for mercy.” 116

She wrinkled her nose and laughed. “Sounds like fun to me.” She took his face between her hands and then raised her head until their mouths touched. “I haven’t seen this place without snow all over it. Is there a place big enough to hold our wedding and reception?” Logan laughed. “Baby, this is a very large ranch in Montana. You’ve got thousands of acres to pick from.” Lifting himself off her, he pulled her to her feet and tried to brush the snow off her backside. “So, you’re starting to plan.” Peaches nodded. “I’ve got some plans. But they’ll all be secret until the very end.”

“Shouldn’t your grooms know what you intend?”

She shook her head vigorously. “You have to trust me, the same way I trust you.” He stopped her near the house. His expression was solemn as he stared down at her. “I trust you with my life.”

Reaching for his hand, she squeezed it. “As I trust you with mine, sweetheart. We’re going to have a great life together.”

The moment those words, the firm declaration sank in, he felt it all the way to his soul.

have a great life together. He could see it as clearly as if it were there in front of him.

As they walked into the house, she stopped him in his tracks with another question. “Will it embarrass you if I waddle down the aisle with a big belly?”

“Hell, no!” he growled. “The bigger your belly is the better. The whole town will know what studs you have for husbands.”

Giggling, Peaches wrapped her arms around his waist, cold, wet coat and all. “You’re so funny.”

Logan had been called many things in his life, but funny was never one of them. Smiling, he kissed the top of her head, cold, wet curls and all. Then she was turning in his arms, stopping when she saw the condition of the kitchen. Logan looked from her to the table, the counters, and the floor. There were jars of jelly, peanut butter, pickles, ketchup, and chocolate sauce scattered around. Two cans of whipped topping, which he suspected were empty, were on the floor. “I don’t think I want to know.”

Peaches shuddered. “Me either.”

Another laugh escaped him as she went around the kitchen, tossing the collection of spreads and condiments into the trash. “I don’t think they ate supper.”

“Ya think? I just hope they took it to Ryan’s room.” While they expected Ryan and Damien to make an appearance as soon as she started making breakfast in the freshly cleaned kitchen, neither man appeared until he had finished off two stacks of the fluffy apple pancakes. Peaches laughed as he hunched protectively over his third stack. Logan growled as his friends shook off the snow as they peeled their outer gear off and headed for their woman.

“Morning, baby. Did you have fun last night?” Damien asked, leaning in for a brief but heated kiss.

“Yes, I did. Did you?”

“Uh, yes.”

Logan watched as neither man could meet either of their amused gazes. Chuckling, he smeared more butter and maple syrup on his pancakes before he sliced the side of the fork through the stack and then stabbed it. He shoved the dripping wedge into his mouth, chewing 117

thoughtfully, as color swept into their faces. Color, he suspected, that had nothing to do with the cold.

“We watched movies all night,” Ryan said, heading for the table where Peaches lured him with a plate of pancakes. “We didn’t get around to making something for supper. We just snacked. Sorry we didn’t clean up the mess.”

Damien followed him. “Yeah, they were good movies.”

“Which ones did you watch? Maybe Peaches and I’ll be lazy for the day.”


“I’d like to know how they watched them,” Peaches said curiously, sitting down and picking up her fork. “Did you play them in your room?” She watched both men closely.

“No, we only have the one DVD player.”

“Then how did they watch them?” she asked Logan curiously.

“Why’s that?” Logan asked, watching the two men and trying not to laugh aloud. They were in panic mode. Peaches obviously knew something none of the rest of them did.

“Juno ran off with the cord the other day. I had everything disconnected when I moved things around to clean. He got ahold of it and I haven’t seen it since. Unless they found it, of course.” One look at them said they had been caught in a lie. She looked at him, seeming to know how he felt about the cats. “Sorry. I’ll spend the day looking for it. It’s probably under or on top of something.”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll work on the cat playroom today. Then they won’t get in so much trouble. These two can do my chores and help the men.” Peaches nodded, and then cut into her stack of pancakes. “Remind me to add chocolate syrup, peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, and whipped cream to the grocery list. Maybe we should buy double next time.”

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