Peaches 'n' Cream (25 page)

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Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Chapter Seventeen

The right people managed to track down Carmen’s son within three days. In that time, Peaches went to court. She wanted to smack the smug expression off the face of the man who had robbed the convenience store where she had worked. She held his gaze as she gave her account of what had happened that night. Her voice was firm, confident, as she gave clear details. By the time she finished, she saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes. Oh yeah, he was feeling the pressure, she thought. She allowed a satisfied little smile to curve her mouth. His world was truly beginning to crumble. Up until then, he had obviously believed he would go free.

As Peaches left the building, she did not need to look around to see what had been done to protect her. The police presence was obvious. They were positioned along the street. She was ushered quickly into a waiting SUV, followed by her three men.

Peaches smiled at them as they each reached for her. She finally ended up on Logan’s lap, his powerful arms holding her close to his massive chest. Lowering her head, she rested it against his shoulder.

“You okay, baby?” he asked huskily, stroking her hair, then the side of her face. The callused tips of his fingers felt wonderful. She yawned, her jaw stretching as she covered it quickly.

“I’m fine. A little tired. I can’t believe that creep’s asshole lawyer tried to blame me for the
robbery. What? I made them do it?” She sighed. “Well, it should be over soon.

There’s no way a jury can do anything but convict him. Then his buddies will go down with him.”

It would happen in the not-so-distant future. Peaches was sure of it. Then she would be free of this terrible business. She was very tired of people out there trying to kill her. Getting on with her life, with her men and their baby, was all she wanted to focus on, which included their upcoming wedding.

“It’ll be a long time before any of them get out of prison,” Logan said with satisfaction.

“But I’ve heard you can never be certain how a jury thinks.”

“That’s true enough. Still, I have faith that the evidence was solid and backed up by my testimony.”

“Then there’s his buddy, the one who got away that night we met. I’m sure he’ll go down like a sinking ship when it’s his turn in court.” Ryan said this with grim satisfaction.

The idea of returning to testify again wasn’t a pleasant one. They all wanted this to be over so they could put it behind them. The next phase of their lives looked very promising.

Still, it was a relief to be finished with this phase. She wouldn’t worry about future visits to the courtroom until the time came.

There was a wedding to plan and baby names to pick out. The ugliness brought into their lives, and the lives of others by these violent, conscienceless people, had no place in their future. When it was over, they would leave it in the past where it belonged.

Damien leaned over to kiss her softly on the mouth. He stroked the blonde curls away from her face as he smiled reassuringly at her. “It’s almost over, baby. They can’t hurt you now.” They had just arrived at her parents’ house when the news came that a low-ranking member of a rival gang had killed the suspect in the first robbery after he returned to the prison. The attacker had just taken a man’s life and a giant leap up his gang’s ladder.

Peaches couldn’t feel anything but relief. She couldn’t, however, find it in her to be sorry the man was dead. He had lived a life which had altered the lives of many others. None of it 124

had been good. Unfortunately he would be replaced by someone equally vicious and the violent legacy would continue.

Her men hugged her, their own relief evident in the strength of their arms around her.

She then went to her parents, accepting their hugs. Her sisters and brothers were there, as well, as were the spouses of the married siblings. Relief overwhelmed what had been a tense reunion, everyone filled with worry. Of course, she would still have to be cautious, but the greatest threat had been eliminated. With this great change in the gang, there would be a shifting in power. The new leader would have better things to worry about than her. He would have to keep his position by whatever means necessary. They would also likely focus on retali-ation against the gang responsible for their leader’s death.

* * * *


John Mallory stood beside the fireplace, a glass of beer in his hand. He was staring hard at the men flanking his daughter. Peaches knew he was still rather unsettled by the idea of one of his little girls being in such an unconventional relationship, but he had yet to say anything.

It was only a matter of time. She could see it in the set of his jaw.

“Don’t worry, honey,” Olivia Malloy said, grabbing her daughter’s hand to pull her toward the kitchen. “Let them have it out now. Then it’ll all be behind them.” Peaches threw one more worried glance over her shoulder to the room full of men, before the door closed and she was in the kitchen with her mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law. “I don’t know if that was such a good idea. Daddy doesn’t look very happy.”

“Can you blame him? It has been twenty-five years, and he still can’t believe his sister is married to more than one man. Now, are the four of you planning on getting married soon?” Nodding, Peaches sat down at the huge kitchen table. A glass of wine was placed in front of her. She pushed it away with her fingertips and waited for the significance to sink in.

“Sorry. I can’t drink this.”

There was a long silence. All eyes were on her. “Are you pregnant, Peachy?” Cherry asked, almost vibrating with excitement. Peaches nodded and grinned. Cherry jumped up from her chair to run around the table to grab her sister. They hugged tightly as she lost her hearing in her right ear. Her sister was squealing with excitement. “Oh, that’s just so exciting!

When are you due? When is the wedding? Have you started planning it yet? Are you excited?

Oh, I have to come to Silver to help you.”

The other women in the room were just as excited. Her mother couldn’t stop hugging her, which was a very nice thing. It reassured her that she had made the right choice. They spent the next hour discussing the wedding. They were all in awe of her plans for the wedding’s theme. She smiled with pleasure and swore them all to absolute secrecy.

As Peaches spent time with them, she had to force herself to keep her focus on what was happening in the kitchen. No way was she going to wonder about what her father would have to say to her men, though she knew Ryan would probably recount the entire conversation for her. Sighing, hoping her father could accept the men, she watched as her mother began making lists of people who would want to come to her wedding.


They left her parents’ house shortly after supper. Though the gang leader was now dead, the police gave them an escort back to their hotel. Once they were in their room, all the ten-sion of the day seemed to leave them.

Peaches threw her tired body down on the long leather couch by the fireplace. Flames danced cheerfully. She thought it would be a great place to make love to her men. Later. Right now, she wanted details. “Okay, give. What did my dad have to say?”

“Other than if we make you unhappy, he’ll make us disappear forever? Nothing,” Logan drawled, sitting down beside her.

Laughing, Peaches crawled up onto his lap. Powerful arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. Ryan moved in behind her to nibble on her neck. Damien was unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her lace-covered breasts. Lowering his head, he kissed the skin in the valley between her breasts. Logan’s hand was pulling down the zipper of her skirt.

“What are you guys doing?” Peaches asked with yet another laugh. Her men made her feel so good. Oh, they had their moments when going their separate ways in the house was the best option. They had to cool off before they met again to discuss some things. Logan was very bossy. Now that she was pregnant, she could only see that bossiness increasing. He had a protective streak as wide as his dominant streak. “Did I tell you Cherry will be coming up to stay?

She’s going to help me plan the wedding.”

“And go see those idiots,” Logan growled.

Shaking her head, she stroked a hand down his chest as she lifted her hips to wiggle out of the skirt. It slid down her thighs. Logan’s huge hand slid between them. She had a very hard time concentrating on the subject. “They’re not idiots. The Preston brothers are very nice men,” she said breathlessly.

“I don’t think I like you saying nice things about other men.” Damien spread her legs and watched as Logan pushed a finger between the swollen folds of her naked pussy. She watched him as her heart began pounding in her chest. Long fingers pushed inside her sopping pussy, causing her to moan. “But I do like the fact that you were sitting there in court with no panties on. Every time I thought about it, my cock got hard.”

“I was thinking about the butt plug in her pretty asshole. I almost came thinking about it,” Ryan confessed hoarsely, sliding his hands over her shoulders so he could peel off her jacket and blouse. He kissed a trail down her spine, causing her nipples to pucker even more.

Moaning, Peaches arched her back. A strong finger slid along the crease of her ass to play with the plug. “Do you want a hard cock in your ass now, baby?”

“Yes,” she moaned, rubbing her hands over Damien and Logan. She squirmed. Her pussy was aching, creaming. She imagined Logan had a very wet spot on his slacks. “I want all of you inside me.”

Ryan, getting worked up, nipped her shoulder. “Can I take your pretty little asshole, baby? Can I bury my big cock in your ass?”

“Oh, yes!” Peaches exclaimed, wiggling her ass in invitation. Ryan and Damien’s moans made her pussy throb. Oh, yes, she was not above teasing her men. They loved it. She loved it.

Doing so always made for some intense fucking. “I want you to fuck my ass!” Ready for some hard loving, Peaches allowed herself to be settled over Logan’s lap. She straddled his powerful thighs as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Once he had shoved down the boxers he wore, his huge cock sprang free. Wrapping her hands around it, 126

she stroked, sliding her hands up and down it, her thumbs circling the wide head, spreading the pearly drops seeping from the slit. Her admiring gaze went from his cock to his rugged face. The pleasure she saw there made her heart skip a beat.

There was something else, too. Something they had yet to discuss. It would come in time.

When he was ready, he would tell her that he loved her. She already knew he did, though he had not spoken the words. She could wait. It was best to let him tell her when he was ready, rather than have her drag it out of him. She wanted the words to be heartfelt and sincere, not strained, perhaps tinged with resentment. No, waiting was much better.

Leaning toward him, Peaches licked and nibbled Logan’s ear. She loved the taste of each of her men. They all tasted wonderful. Sliding the tip of her tongue over his skin, she teased him down to his collarbone. She licked the spot at the base of his throat. Then she was inhaling deeply, taking in the scent off his skin, as well as the musky scent of his arousal. Logan’s breathing was harsh. His wide chest rose and fell. Pulling back, she stroked his cock with one hand and unbuttoned his shirt with the other, spreading it wide so she could attack his hot skin with her mouth. She licked and nibbled, giving special attention to the bronze discs of his nipples.

“I’m going to fuck you now, baby,” he growled, wrapping his hands around her waist to lift her. The edge of her teeth scraped his nipple before she could release him. The slight pain didn’t seem to bother him. He growled again as he fisted his cock between her wet thighs.

The moment the head of his cock touched her hot, slick channel, Peaches moaned in anticipation. Gravity worked perfectly as she glided slowly down his thick length, stretching, adjusting to accommodate him. The plug in her ass made it a tight fit. She was still getting used to the deliciously full feeling when a determined Ryan removed the plug. She smiled as Logan pulled her close to capture her lips in a searing, mind-blowing kiss. Her first orgasm struck without warning, washing over her in great waves. Logan captured her cries, stroking the globes of her ass, his fingers biting into her soft flesh as her body jerked and her pussy clenched.

A bump into her left shoulder had her turning. A naked Damien was kneeling on the couch beside her, an obvious offer of his cock in his fist. Pre-cum wept from the tiny slit in the thick head. Leaning toward him, she swiped it with her tongue, enjoying the salty taste. As she sucked his hard cock into her mouth, Ryan was behind her, pressing his cock into her ass. He worked it in as she forced herself to relax. There was a slight burn as he pushed into her body.

Even though the plug had stretched her, it was a tight fit with Logan’s cock filling her pussy.

She pushed back, opening for him. He slid in, inch by inch. When he finally bottomed out, she felt her next orgasm building.

Licking and slurping one man’s cock, she closed her eyes. Logan’s mouth was on the side of her neck, biting, as he and Ryan worked out a very pleasurable rhythm between them. They loved her body slowly at first, working in and out of her slick pussy and the tight channel of her ass. She rode them, her hips undulating. Her mouth slid up and down the length of Damien’s cock.

“Oh, baby, you’ve finally got the coordination down,” Damien teased her, his fingers fisting in her curls. “I’m not going to last much longer. Suck my cock down. Swallow every drop of my cum.”


Peaches was only too happy to comply as her cheeks hollowed out. She took his length until the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. Swallowing on the head of his cock, she triggered his orgasm. Hot cum splashed against the back of her throat. Moaning, she swallowed every drop until he pulled away weakly, a sappy grin on his handsome face.

“Her ass is so fucking tight,” Ryan gasped as he thrust in and out of her. “This is going to be a short ride.” A moment later he was coming, filling her dark channel with his hot semen.

“Fuck! Yes!” he shouted, his body jerking, driving into her ass repeatedly. His breathing was harsh. She heard him gasping for breath as his fingers tightened almost painfully on her hips.

Then he was falling away. She gave no notice when he stumbled toward the bathroom. It was just her and Logan now. Smiling, Peaches began to ride his huge cock hard and fast, her nipples rubbing against the coarse hair covering his wide chest. She wound her arms around his neck as her mouth sought out his. His tongue thrust between her teeth, stroking hers, exploring hidden places until they were both pounding away at each other. Logan came with a roar, his cock pulsing inside her body. Her scream of pleasure followed as a hot flashing pleasure swept through her limbs. Her toes curled, her legs jerked, her arms tightened around his neck. She collapsed weakly a moment later, her head on his shoulder. Strong hands caressed her back from shoulder to ass.

“I love you, baby,” Logan told her, his deep voice thick with emotion as he uttered the words she had longed to hear.

With her heart singing in her chest, Peaches turned her head to his ear. “I know. I love you too, my sweet vanilla cupcake.”

Growling over the new pet name, Logan gave her a loving smack on the ass, and then gave it a tender rub to counteract the slight sting. Peaches giggled and pressed close to his powerful chest, content just to remain in his powerful arms forever. He had finally confessed his love for her. As far as she was concerned, there was only one more thing to make her happiness complete. Their baby.

Staying in his arms was not to be, however. Her men had other plans. Damien lifted her off Logan and carried her into the luxurious bathroom. Ryan had the shower going. She stepped in with him, grinning as he held up a bottle of body wash and a thick washcloth.

Logan and Damien joined them.

It was a long night. One filled with pleasure, shared happiness, and a hefty dose of passion. Staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room, centered between her men, she said softly,

“You know, I felt your love from the very first. And I know I loved each of you the moment we met.”

“Even me, baby?” Logan asked with a chuckle, obviously recalling their first meeting. The sparks had been flying.

“Yeah, even you, though I don’t know if I would have put a label on it then. But when I look back, and search what I was feeling, I know it was love. The moment I met each of you, I fell in love.”

“You’re one lucky woman,” Ryan told her smugly. “Not every woman gets a chance at this.”

Reaching between his legs, she cupped his balls firmly in her hand. “And you better remember that,” she growled, laughing when he yelped and pushed her hand away.


“I don’t have to. You’re the only woman for me, baby.” He threw himself on her, pressing her legs open. He thrust his cock into her pussy without a pause. “You’re perfect.” His playful attitude set the tone for the next few hours. Just before midnight, Logan chased them all out of bed for another shower and told them all to dress. When given a box, she opened it to find a black bustier and miniscule thong. Her eyebrows rose, but she put them on, then covered them with a sexy black dress. She didn’t hesitate when he put her collar around her neck, leaving her with a stinging kiss on her swollen lips.

The men collected leather duffel bags on their way out of the suite. Twenty minutes later, they were entering a nondescript brick building. They were ushered to a private room where the men changed and she shimmied out of the sexy dress.

Peaches thought Logan and Damien were really hot and sexy in black leather pants and heavy black boots. Broad shoulders, ripped torsos, all but left her panting, as did the way the leather molded itself lovingly to their cocks. Cream flowed from her aching pussy. Hell, she hadn’t thought she could be worked up again after so many hours of very thorough loving by her men. But here she was, drooling and panting. Peaches looked at Ryan, who wore only a collar. Even though they were away from curious eyes for the moment, he was already adopt-ing a submissive attitude, on his knees, his head bowed.

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