Peachtree Road (93 page)

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Authors: Anne Rivers Siddons

BOOK: Peachtree Road
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There were hundreds of larger and newer fortunes in the city that rose on the shoulders of Ben Cameron’s town, and more streaming in every day. And even these, even a coalition of these, did not buy anything like the political power our fathers had had.

These days, political power and governmental influence lay squarely in the black hands that had stretched out to receive it when the Club had passed the torches. Ben had handed over the symbolic keys to the city to Atlanta’s first Jewish mayor and black vice mayor, and since then the South’s first black mayor of any real power had been in City Hall for almost an entire term. Blacks dominated all phases of city and county government, and a younger, newer and more worldly echelon stirred restlessly in the wings behind the old street fighters, waiting their turns. Glenn Pickens was one of them. He had left his storefront law practice in 1972

to join the large, prestigious one whose great mahogany doors Ben Cameron had opened for him, and shortly after had run for, and won, a Fulton County judgeship. Now he was beginning to be spoken of as a serious candidate for mayor when the aging and ailing Horace Short stepped down. He kept his own counsel about that, at least publicly, but I could see him as clearly in that second-floor office in City Hall as I had seen him on the day, more than fifteen years ago, of the crash at Orly. Only this time he sat in the chair he had, then, stood behind.


It would not be a city of unity and purpose and wholeness of ethos that he straddled. Atlanta was too big for that now, too fragmented, too much a city of parts and factions and interests. White money and property and, consequently, much of its power had fled the city proper to suburbs stretching fifty miles to the north and west, encamping in great, gleaming, treeless subdivisions that rolled away to the Blue Ridge foothills like tents on the plain of Ilion, and leaving along the way the stigmata of their passing armies: strip shopping centers, malls, fast-food outlets, office and industrial parks turning shabby in the relentless sun even before they were up to full occupancy, wholesale outlets and Honda dealerships.

Behind, in the city proper, the blacks who were left did not move with one body, mind and voice, as Ben and the Club had done, but snarled and jostled in warring packs.

But I thought that cohesion would come for them, as it had for us before them, when they finally and fully comprehended that what was at stake was simply a matter of economics.

Atlanta was still, as it had always been, a business town first and foremost, if by now a riotous and overblown one. Glenn Pickens, groomed by Ben Cameron and raised in the very holy of holies of economic power, would know that.

All this I saw, in the dying decade of the seventies, when I raised my head and looked around me. And it seemed to me, when I did, that only I, in the summerhouse behind the house on Peachtree Road, and my father, mute and motionless in his absurd Turkish seraglio upstairs in it, were unchanged, voiceless ghosts in a city that did not know us.

But the changes did not, in the main, concern me, for the cloistered microcosm that was the house on Peachtree Road and the summerhouse behind it was by then, as old Omar put it, Paradise enow. Malory Venable


came to live with us when she was fifteen, and from that time on everyone who came into 2500 walked with a lighter step and a higher heart.

She came because, ultimately, it was impossible for her to stay at the farmhouse. Even Lucy, who drove her away while sobbing her devotion, saw that. Even Jack, whose face as he deposited her in our care on a flickering April day was that of a man watching the last ship slide away over the cold sea in which he struggled, brought her with gratitude that she had a haven.

“Take care of her for us,” he said, his voice as gray and slack as his heavy face under the scant white hair. “Her mother can’t keep from wrecking her and I can’t help her. I don’t know what the hell is going to become of us, but I have to know she’s safe.”

Malory was crying, unwilling tears streaking the beautiful, austere young face, so like and yet so unlike Lucy’s. She stood clutching a dreadful, scuffed little aqua Samsonite train case that had been her mother’s and looked from Jack Venable to me, and I have never seen another living creature so torn.

“Tell Mama I love her and I’ll call her every day,” she said in a stricken voice. “Tell her if she needs me I can be there in an hour.”

“I’ll tell her you love her,” Jack Venable said. “But I won’t tell her you’ll call, and I won’t tell her you’ll come. I won’t have either of those things, Malory. We agreed. There’s no point in your coming here if you’re going to stay poised to fly home every time she yells for you. If you do, even once, until she’s a whole lot better than she is now, I’ll put you in boarding school. And don’t think I won’t. You have absolutely got to have some kind of life for yourself, and she’s not going to get better until she stops leaning on you. You know what Faith said.”

Malory did not answer. She turned away so we could not see her tears and I started to put my arm around her, 732 / ANNE RIVERS SIDDONS

and then stopped. I knew she would lose her battle for composure if I did, and Malory at fifteen was as fierce as a young Amazon about that.

“We’ll keep you posted, and you can call her anytime you want to, or come by,” I said. “The coffeepot’s always on. It’s going to work out just fine, Jack. We’re going to make things really special for her.”

“I hope so,” he said dully. “Nothing has been, so far.”

He got into the old Ford and drove away, and he did not look back at us. I watched him out of sight in the omni-present traffic on Peachtree Road and then turned to Malory.

“Let’s get your stuff upstairs and let your grandmother do her worst, and then you can come out and have tea with me.

Don’t be surprised if she’s draped your entire room in pink organdy. I saw that little chap from Rich’s—the one who put your great-uncle in the harem—floating up the stairs in a veritable cloud of pink the other day.”

She giggled, a weak, watery giggle.

“I know I can’t stay out in the summerhouse with you,”

she said. “But I don’t see why I have to stay just down the hall from her. That little place up in the attic that you and Mama had when you were little would be just fine. I don’t know if I can take pink ruffles.”

“Give it a try,” I said. “A few pink ruffles might do you good. And besides, your grandmother is so eager to have things perfect for you that she’ll probably let you redo it all in black and worship Satan if you want to. If you just can’t stand it, we’ll see about the attic. But I warn you, your mother and I thought it was pretty awful a good deal of the time. It’s no place to be under house arrest, I’ll tell you.”

She looked at me gravely, and my heart squeezed afresh at the clean, severe beauty of her purely carved face and long, light dancer’s body.


“Mama was always in trouble, wasn’t she?” she said. “She tells me funny stories about the Great Captivity, as she calls it, and how furious Grandmother always was with her, but some of it must have been her own fault. People don’t just…persecute little children. It must have been going on even then—the sickness, I mean.”

“I think it was, on a much smaller scale,” I said. “Of course, I didn’t think of it like that then. I was right in it with her most of the time. But yes, the seeds were there, I guess. She was a wild little thing, always. But probably the most…entrancing…I’ve ever known.”

“I know,” she said. “She still is, to me. There’s nobody like her. I wish I had her…energy, and her gift for making you feel that the world is a special, magical kind of place, and that you’re the most important person in it. And her humor…she’s just so funny, Shep. I’ll never have half her wit, or her…vivacity. Is that the right word? It’s so much more than that….”

“Thank God you won’t,” I said, wrestling her bags into the foyer of the big house. “It’s wrecked a lot of lives, or nearly. What you’ve got is a thousand times better, but I don’t think you’ll be able to see that till you’ve been away from her for a while.”

“What have I got?” She looked at me with grave, curious eyes.

“Goodness,” I said, surprising myself. “Integrity. Plus a few million other pretty nice things. You’ll be an extraordinary woman, Malory, if you’ll let yourself be a teenager first.”

She blushed, a deep, vivid rose that stained her translucent skin like summer heat, and smiled shyly.

“That’s nice. I hope I will,” she said.

“Count on it,” I said. “Look out, now. I hear your grandmother coming down in full cry.”

Malory herself seemed to realize that she could not 734 / ANNE RIVERS SIDDONS

live in the house with her mother any longer. It was not a realization that had come easily.

For the first two years after she was home from the last stay in the hospital, it had looked as though Faith Farr had been right, and that Lucy had, this time, really gotten a handle on the illness and drinking. She took her medication faithfully, and continued to see Faith at her office twice a week—much of the time for free, I know, for Faith knew as well as I, by then, what the state of Jack and Lucy’s finances was—and got herself a job three mornings a week in the office of the little country weekly published in Lithonia. At first she simply answered the telephone, and then she graduated to some light civic and business reporting, and when her first byline ran she was as exalted as if she had won a Pulitzer Prize.

“It’s a start, Gibby,” she lilted on one of her evening telephone calls, which had resumed when she came home from the hospital. Her voice was full of hope.

“It’s a dinky little story, and the money won’t even pay for gas and lunches, but it’s a start. And it’s a damned good story, if I do say so myself.”

“It is that,” I said. And it was. Lucy writing county business briefs was like a Lippizaner pulling a plow, but the little job engaged her and kept her mounting restlessness and energy from reaching out to Malory, and there was nothing in the minimal little office, or in that end of the county, for that matter, to either threaten or overstimulate her. For what seemed a very long time, Jack continued to work and sleep, work and sleep, and Lucy spent her afternoons holed up writing something she would neither show nor discuss with anyone, and Malory, poised on the brink of puberty and high school, continued to come home from school and see to the housework and prepare dinner and minister to Jack and Lucy—for black Estelle was simply too old and tired by then to work anymore. I thought that the order and bal PEACHTREE ROAD / 735

ance of those days were weighted heavily against Malory, but it was a routine she throve upon, and they all three seemed to find a measure of stability and respite in that quiet time.

But then, almost overnight, Malory turned from child into woman, and the stability and respite flew end over end. After her daughter got her first period Lucy bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate and drank the whole thing by herself, and ended up piling the Ford into a stop sign on the way to Wendy’s at three o’clock in the morning “to see who might want to come out and play.” She was so stricken and remorseful when she sobered up, weeping and apologizing to her white-faced daughter and gray-faced husband when they came to get her in the little county hospital emergency room, that they did not call Faith Farr. For an entire weekend, Lucy was violently ill from the liquor—something that had never happened before—so ill that she swore she never wanted even to smell alcohol again, and Malory, trembling with fatigue from two straight days of holding her heaving, retching mother’s bandaged head, believed her. Surely no one would willingly court that awful, gut-tearing nausea again.

But when Malory bought her first brassiere, red-faced with embarrassment and pride, out of the money she had saved from the grocery fund, and came home with her narrow chest thrown elaborately out, Lucy brought home scotch and drank it in her bedroom, while Malory was making dinner and before Jack got home from work. Unlike the champagne, the scotch did not make her sick. They did not even realize that she was drunk until they heard the Ford scratch off into the night, well after she had supposedly gone to bed. This time she did not come home until the next morning, and when she did, she had the look they both knew well by now, the hollowness and flaccidity, the spent and 736 / ANNE RIVERS SIDDONS

sated look that Jack called her overfucked and underfed look.

And so it started again. The third time she did it she lost the job at the little weekly, and the fourth time Faith Farr terminated the therapy.

“It’s the booze by now that’s the main problem,” she said, when I finally got wind of Lucy’s relapse and called her. Jack and Malory had said nothing to me about the freshening of the illness. It was Lucy herself, in one of the late-night telephone calls from a motel outside Athens, who alerted me.

“She won’t go to AA,” Faith went on, “and she won’t take her Antabuse, and I can’t do a goddamned thing for her until she does. Alcohol always gets to be the main problem, sooner or later. I helped her before and maybe I could again, Shep, but I don’t do alcoholics. There’s no percentage in it.

And I’m not going to let her play games with me.”

“Then who’ll help her?” I said in angry despair, thinking of Malory’s strained young face and haunted eyes. “Jack can’t handle her. Malory sure as hell can’t, though she tries her best. They don’t have a red cent between them—they owe everybody in east DeKalb County. She’ll have to go to Central State or somewhere if you don’t help her. They can’t afford anything else, and Jack won’t let me pay for her hospitalization.”

“Good for Jack,” she said. “I guess Central State it is, if they can get her there. They’ll have to commit her, though.

You know she’s not going to let them take her. And I wish you all joy of that. Sorry, Shep. I know you don’t believe me, but I love Lucy. I really do. Let’s say I love her enough to send her to Central State or wherever it takes. Can you say the same?”

I knew I couldn’t. And I knew that Jack, for all his exhausted disengagement, probably could not, either. As for Malory, the mere mention of the name sent her wild.

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