Penitence (2010) (27 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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I ran and threw myself around him. His comfort enveloped me with safety. Where were you earlier? I whispered. Albert was here. His body tensed for an instant, then the tension vanished in the strength of his frame. And? And, I leaned back and looked at him, I tried not to talk to him, but he launched a full fledged attack on my parents. He scares the hellexcuse meout of me. He brought along a few of those disgusting black creatures. I shuddered, squeezing Matthias tighter. Why does evil have to be so... disgusting? Makes you wonder why anyone would choose evil, doesnt it? When there are other, better options, uhyeah, I quipped. He totally blanked when he saw Abria, I said. That was amazing. Innocents are protected from his kind. I looked at Abria, who stood in the window frame, giggling at us. Matthias arms fell away from me and I rubbed myself, highly aware of his absence. He scooped Abria into his arms with a smile. Youre a determined little monkey, arent you? Little monkey, Abria parroted. Thats right. Matthias tapped her chin and then kissed her cheek. A flush of warmth filled my body. Im getting better at handling Albert, I said. Matthias tilted his head. Yeah. Im not afraid to tell him how tacky his day-old suit is, either. I grinned. Matthias was not amused. Hes not the sort to be a bearcat to, Zoe. I did what I had to do. His efforts were directed at your parents. Though that does affect you indirectly, you werent in mortal danger. I had to keep reminding myself that Id agreed to this. If I was going to have Matthias in my life, Id have to deal with Alberts assaults on my family. I guess Im just not sure where the line is drawn here. Matthias expression sobered. The only thing you have to know with an absolute knowledge is that I will never let my father take your soul. Heaviness hung in the air, the gravity of his words like a mountain ready to engulf me. Of course, he gently eased Abria down to her feet, you may choose for yourself, which side you will give yourself to. Why do you say it like that? Like Im undecided. Im sorry if I sound like Im implying something. He set his hands on my shoulders and his aura whooshed through me. Im not. I only know that life can be long and arduous. But youre right to decide now. Stay firm with your choice. How different my life might have been if Id been on the level. He cupped my face. His gaze dropped to the scratches on my cheek and he grazed his fingers over them. Abria? he asked. Battle scars, I shrugged. His face neared. My blood hummed through my veins. The heat of his breath fluttered against the skin of my cheek, moist, sweet heat, as he kissed the scratches. My eyes closed. The pause in his kiss caused me to open my eyes and look into his, now lowering to my mouth. Youve got a great kisser, Zoe Dodd. His thumbs brushed my lower lip. I smiled, tingling from head to toe. You like my mouth? Show me. Sassy bearcat. His breath shot fireworks from my poised mouth to my fingers and toes. Im going to grant your wish. His lips took mine from sleep to wakefulness. I slipped my arms around his neck and locked him in place, my mind reeling with his clean scent, the love I couldnt contain pouring from my waking kiss into him. Abrias laughter poked holes in my bliss. Matthias tender caress slipped from my face to my wrists and he eased me back. My mouth refused to part from his. Not yet, please. His soft chuckle cooled the skin around my mouth. We have an audience, Im afraid. My head jerked left. Luke. His eyes shot wide. He was dressed in a pale gray shirt and black dress slacks. His skin drained of color, leaving him pasty. Matthias slowly eased back, holding my left hand in his right. Luke, I said, not sure what he saw. Lukes mouth opened. Then his eyes rolled back in his head. His knees gave out underneath him and he crumpled to the floor. I raced over. Luke! Worried Mom might discover him, lying unconscious in the hall; I pulled him by the ankles into the room. Man, he weighs a ton, I grunted. Could you help me out here? I shot a look over my shoulder at Matthias who stood, watching. Wait, you cant touch him. Hell be fine, though he might have a small egg on the back of his head. Thanks for the diagnosis, doctor. One last heave-ho and Lukes head cleared the doorjamb. I shut the door and stood, panting. Phew. Hes got some serious muscle mass. Impressive, Zoe. I wiped my hands back and forth. Thank you. Abria climbed on top of Luke and tried to stand on his gut, bringing Lukes eyes to a flutter. He grunted, followed by a cough. Matthias swept Abria into his arms. Probably best not to climb on big brother at the moment, little one. Abria settled and stared at Matthias face. Lukes eyes opened and he blinked, then found Matthias and his gaze widened. He sat up, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat. Are you okay? I asked. Luke appeared too stunned to move, let alone speak. His blue eyes remained fastened on Matthias. Greetings, Luke. Matthias creamy voice smoothed the air into invisible calm. I was positive Luke felt it. Youre that angel guy, Luke croaked. Matthias nodded. My name is Matthias. Are you okay? I asked again. Luke climbed to his feet, still focused tightly on Matthias. I... I see you. Youre talking to me. Right-o. Matthias took Abrias hand in his and waved it. Abria, can you tell Luke Im here and Im real? Real. Abrias monotone voice spoke clear as the song of a bird. How is thishow can I see you? I mean, I saw you that once, but I was baked. I wasnt sure I really saw you. This is insane, Luke muttered. He shoved both hands into his mop of blonde hair and held his head as if it might roll off his shoulders from shock. Youve a believing heart. Matthias soothing tone delivered his words with indisputable truth and the air around us clarified with understanding. Luke nodded, and his hands slowly slipped down his face, disbelief vanishing with the gesture. Wow. Yeah, I do. He looked at me for the first time, like Id seen him look at me when we were little kids and Id told him something exciting. His face came alive with childlike enthusiasm. This is.... I nodded. He stepped forward, reached out. No! I jerked between them, causing Luke to jump. He cant touch anybody hes not guarding. Oh. What looked like a glint of disappointment flashed over Lukes face. Heavenly law, my friend. Matthiass kind tone was obviously meant to ease any disappointment Luke felt. Lukes gaze stayed fixed on Matthias as if Matthias was a celebrity. MoreDeity. Lukes countenance glowed with awe. I was relieved he got Matthiaswho he was and what he was really about. Abria, content in Matthias arms, reached up and touched her fingers to his lips, eyeing them as if seeing a mouth for the first time. Matthias grinned at her, took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips. Careful, I like to nibble. Wow. Im seriously... I dont know what to say. Zoe, told me about you and I... I thought you might be real, but this is beyond me. Would I lie to you? I jested. His round eyes met mine, returning the joke. I added, Recently? No. Man. Lukes cell phone vibrated, the soft burring sound the only noise in the room. He pulled it out, flipped it open. Hey, can I take your picture? Matthias threw back his head in a hearty laugh. Ab-so-lute-ly. Really? I gaped. He can? Matthias drew closer to Luke, eyeing his cell phone. Goodness, cameras have shrunk since my day. Lukes cheeks reddened. His twinkling blue eyes met mine, like we were sharing our first trip to Disneyland. Hes real, Z. Hes standing right here. I nodded, a little annoyed I hadnt thought of taking Matthias picture first. All this time Id suffered when he was out of my presence, and I could have been salivating over a photoor fiftyof him stored in my phone. You can have as many as youd like, Zoe. My eyes flashed to Matthias and my cheeks heated. Matthias stood erect, held still and even Abria seemed to sense something special was about to happen, for she remained posed in his arms. Luke snorted out a chuckle of amazement, held his phone at eye level and I moved behind him, checking out Matthias image in the screen. He radiated in all of his Heavenly glory. Abria stared at the lens. Click. Matthias relaxed and joined us, peering over Lukes shoulder at the camera phone. My eyes widened. Abria appeared to be sittingmid air in the middle of a bright beam of blinding light. Luke gasped. Check it out! Hmm, Matthias said. Its been a while since I had my portrait taken. I shot him a smirk. Then I realized how close he was. His blue eyes blinked slow and heavily into mine, sending my heart twirling helplessly to my feet. I wish I could have seen your portrait, I murmured. So, Luke, engrossed in the dazzling image on his camera, had missed the tightness drawing Matthias and I together. You cant be photographed, like a vampire? Matthias laughed, the hearty sound tickling my ears. Nothing like a vampire. Should I try again, or are you going to like blaze my screen just because youre... you know... an angel. Obviously, I said, taking Lukes camera out of his hand and staring at the bright beam, searching for even a ghost of Matthias image. But it wasnt there. Hes a refined heavenly being. You could use all your memory space taking pics of him and it isnt going to change the fact that God probably doesnt want his angels in pictures. As if the idea just dawned on him, Luke slowly nodded. Yeah, of course. Imagine what the tabloids would do if they found out. I tilted my head at him, shot him a dont-even-THINK-about-it glare. He shrugged. Hey, Im not that stupid. Youd have to be a total bake-head to mess with God like that. He snatched back his phone, staring again at the image, his lips lifting in a big grin. This is cool. His amazed and grateful eyes lifted to Matthias. Thanks, man. Matthias nodded. Youre welcome. Are you going to the funeral? Lukes gaze wandered up and down my pajamas and no-doubt disheveled appearance. I hadnt looked at myself since Id gotten up. Panicked, I grabbed my face. Oh, no! I cant believe I havent showered or Zoe, youre delightfully girlish in the morning. I glanced at Matthias, who eased Abria to her feet. His smile brought a warbling sigh of contentment from my chest that almost shamed me, if it hadnt felt so good. Thank you. Yeah, Im going. Its late, Luke said. Zoe! Moms voice was drawing near somewhere behind the closed bedroom door. Lukes eyes popped. Do we need to hide him? Matthias rocked back on his heels in a laugh. She cant see him, I said. The door swung open. Mom stood in her suit, dressed for work. We froze. Abria, next to Matthias, seemed so taken by him; she didnt even notice Mom had opened the door. She stared up at him through her big blue eyes. Suspicion lit Moms face. Something going on? she asked. I thought you were going to get her ready for me? Luke and I were just talking. I picked up Abria whose gaze stayed yearningly with Matthias. Arent you two going to be late? Mom asked, eyeing my scruffy appearance. Yeah, I gotta book, I said. Luke. Me? Luke cocked his head. Yeah, you, I said. Throw her into something. I passed Luke and handed Abria off like we were in a relay race. He grumbled, but didnt refuse, not with Mom standing there. In the hall now, I glanced over my shoulder for Matthias but the hall remained empty. I hadnt even had a chance to say goodbye. Pinched with disappointment, I entered my bedroom and shut the door with a sigh. Just as well, I needed to get dressed for the funeral. Twenty-Seven Gone. The scratches down my cheek from Abrias fingernails were gone. I stared at my rumpled, morning reflection in the large mirror in my bathroom. On my cheek the skin was smooth. How? Matthias had kissed me there. My fingers felt the flesh skin of my cheek. I shouldnt be surprised he was endowed with healing abilities. But once again I was humbled and thrilled at how much I still had to learn about him. I went to my closet and stared at my wardrobe. What to wear to a funeral? I chose a charcoal sweater and black skirt. To dress it up I wore a distressed silver belt, the round shield-like circles that hung around my waist strung together by a black chain. I slipped on black tights and knee-high leather boots. I didnt bother with more jewelry, not wanting to appear too ostentatious for the occasion. My cropped black coat with a fur-lined hood went over my gray sweater. Luke waited for me by the front door. Youre gonna freeze, bud. Its supposed to snow. He still had on his nice slacks and shirt, but needed a coat. He shrugged. Im not cold. What was it about high school guys that made them think they could brave sub zero temps without protection? Probably the same delusion that made them think they didnt need other forms of protection, either. Mom met us in the entry. Abria, dressed in green sweat pants and a purple turtle neck, sat on her hip. Nice, I said, eyeing her outfit, then smirking at Luke. She looks like the Joker. Luke snorted out a laugh. I told you Im no good at that kind of stuff. You guys off? Mom asked. I nodded, leaned and kissed her cheek. See ya. Not sure how long this will be. What happened to your scratches? Mom asked, her gaze on my cheek. I touched the spot. Great concealer, right? Ill say. Her gaze volleyed to Luke. Should I call and excuse you two from school? Um, sure. Luke opened the front door and he and I stepped out. He shoved his hands into his pockets and shuddered. Were going to be outside, I said in an effort to convince him of his stupidity in not wearing a coat. Im good, he said between chattering teeth. Give my condolences to the family, Mom called from the porch as Luke and I walked through falling snow to his car. After I slipped the fur-lined hood of my coat up over my head, I turned and waved to her. Luke opened the door on the drivers side, got in and I got in on the passengers side. He shut the door. Man, I totally spaced. I had a friend call and excuse me today. I chuckled. Britt had done the same for me more times than I wanted to count. Youre going to have some explaining to do then. Luke started the engine and the tiny car rumbled to a start. Memorial Hills Cemetery spread out on the foothills of one of the valleys surrounding mountains. Cocooned by towering evergreens and aspens, the quiet resting place looked more like a park than a graveyard. Any grass was covered in old layers of snow, now receiving a fresh dusting of white flakes. Hundreds of tombstones rose from the white covering in the shapes of stumps to angels sitting forlornly staring into space. Cars lined the narrow paths criss-crossing the cemetery. In the distance, a green awning was erected over an open grave, a dozen chairs in neat rows beneath it. Already a large crowd was gathered on both sides of the grave. Man, I hate cemeteries, Luke muttered. Yeah. He found a spot between the limousine and the hearse and pulled the compact blue Samurai in without any effort. Westons silver truck was parked a few cars

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