Penitence (2010) (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

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turned and walked to the window, hiding the heat flushing my cheeks. I felt Weston come up behind me. Im sorry, I dont know... I couldnt blame him for something he didnt understand and was still trying to digest. So you believe me? I faced him. A moment passed, then he nodded. Something came over you. I saw it. I even felt it in the air. What did it feel like? He hesitated. Like... I dont know, Zoe. Its okay. I just dont want you to feel in danger or afraid. Do you? A few seconds ticked by as he studied me. He shook his head, a smile forming on his lips. This is way out there, Ill say that. But I feel like youre telling me the truth. He looked around again. So, hes gone, right? I nodded. Westons smile grew. He brought himself against me, his arms sliding around my waist. Cool. Twenty-Six Mr. Brewer took me aside and asked if Id write an article about the dangers of the choking game and other hazardous party activities for the newspaper. Dont mention names, he added. Like the whole school didnt already know names? PGHS still had extra counselors available for students dealing with the repercussions of Bradys death. I figured Mr. Brewer, along with the more astute administration at the school, had probably chatted about Bradys death and the partying scene. No doubt my name came up, and Britts. Probably Westons. All of us whod frequented the party circuit. I heard their rationale in my head: Lets have Zoewho almost died a few months agowrite an article to make sure the kids get a double dose reminder to be smart. I stared at my computer screen and the empty white Word doc. My other article to the drugged driver had run and Id gotten great feedback from both students and teachers alike. But I didnt want to be the moral preacher for the school. Not that I didnt agree that the topic of partying needed to be addressed, it did. But did I have to be the one to address it? I sighed. Felt a presence to my right. Chase. His usual boy-wonder exuberance wasnt in his countenance. His brown eyes had smudges of grey underneath them, like he hadnt slept well for days. You okay? He shrugged and hiked his butt on the ledge of my desk. He wore straight-leg jeans and a pink and white striped, button-down shirt. Dealing with angry parents stinks. Aw, Im sorry. My parents believe in holding onto a good thing. They like being angry. Sucks for us kids. Yikes. Sorry. When I refused to give up my phone, they forced me to sleep with my little brotherwho snores like a B-1 bomberknowing I wouldnt be able to sleep. I squelched a laugh. Awww, mean. Yeah, well, its better than coming to school nakedmy other choice. Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh. That naked dream come to life, Chase, you decide, they said. He sighed. I couldnt tell if he was being serious or not. What did your parents say? Weston and I were long gone before that... happened, I said. Thankfully. Wish Id left when you did. Let me tell you, the dance with Britt wasnt worth it, he snorted. She was... okay, well, she was smokin hot, but she was also weird. Ive never seen her so obsessed. Possessed is more like it, I thought but didnt say. Albert had slipped her on faster than a pair of shoes. I shuddered, remembering. Obsessed about what? I asked, curious how Britt had behaved in my absence. After we danced, she was all over me. Chase leaned close, his cheeks flushing. I was, you know, flattered at first. Then she bit my ear! I giggled. What?! He nodded, his face crimson. Drew blood. I thought, man, this chicks a vampire and nobody knows it. Shes not a vampire, Chase. She was probably super drunk. Obviously. I still cant believe Bradys dead. Are you going to the funeral Wednesday? Yeah. Westons speaking. Chases brows lifted. So you and him really are... together? Were seeing each other. I dont know if that qualifies as together Man, Britt sure hates you for that. A lump lodged in my throat and I tried to swallow. Sometimes I hated Chases frankness. Of course she dissed me while she was with him. Im sure she does, but Weston doesnt feel that way about her anymore. She needs to get over it. She told me she doesnt like him. I tilted my head. And you believe her? Chases eyes widened behind his glasses. Are you being sarcastic? Or... Never mind. I faced the empty screen, now dark in sleep mode. Britt wasnt worth talking about and Chase didnt get it, I didnt need to hurt his feelings by telling him shed only used him the night of the party. In fact, I was sorry Id snapped at him. His wide eyes still looked wounded, so I smiled. Hey, sorry. Im just frustrated Mr. Brewer asked me to write this article. He let out a breath and looked at my screen. Looks like youve got some work to do. Um. Yeah. Want to meet at Starbucks tonight? We could bring our laptops and stuff, I suggested. He stood. Maybe. Britt... well, she wants to hang out tonight. What?! Chase, shes Using you. Zip it, Zoe. I lowered my voice, I thought she bit your ear? Yeah, she did. I admit, shes kind of kinky, but... shes Brittany, you know? I rolled my eyes and Chase stiffened. He didnt say anything more, he turned and crossed back to his desk proving that guys will do just about anything for a pretty face. Especially guys whod spent plenty of time in a social holocaust. The blank screen and newspaper article could wait. I dug for my phone, yanked it out and texted Britt. we need 2 talk why? lunch busy whatev! leave your claws off chase hahaha im serious wht r u his mamma? leave him alone!! hes fresh meat I wanted to scream at Britt. I wanted to drag Chase over and shove my phone in his face so there was no doubt that Brittany was a loser, using him. Why I felt so passionately protective of him, I wasnt sure, except that I felt like his sister. He sat at his desk, obliviously typing away on his computer. He used to look over, see what I was doing, smile. I missed that. Was I jealous Britt had stolen his puppy affection for me? Even though I hadnt returned the feelings, I was his friend and glad to be. I had to admit it was flattering when someone liked me. Like a drug. No wonder Britt acted like she was always high. Most guys at school had crushes on her at one time or another. Imaginea full-fledged diet of nothing but adoration. Funny that shed glommed onto Weston, the one guy who hadnt taken her crap for very long. My cell phone vibrated again. Britt. im gonna eat him alive go for it Silence. I grinned and snapped my phone shut. Chase was smarter than Britt; hed see the light eventually. If not, hed get more than a bite in his ear. Life experiences, as Matthias called them. Unavoidable. Teachable. Life-altering experiences. I put my fingers on the keyboard and started typing out the article. Weston met me at Starbucks later that night. I was almost finished with my article, When Partying Bubbles Over the Top. Maybe it was my sassy bearcat mood, maybe I really was jealous Britt had stolen Chases innocent crush from meI wasnt sureand admitting the truth was a little painful at that moment, but the article was peppered with sarcasm. Too much, and as I read through it again, I cringed. Oh well, first draft. Let me read it. Weston sat across from me. He set aside his drink and reached for my laptop. Its too rough. I didnt want him reading my angry frustration at stupid decisions teenagers make when theyre under the influence. Id had my share of stupid decisions. He had too. Zoe, he shot me a playful glare, let me read it. Weston reading my work? He and I were definitely stepping into the: you, me and us territory of a relationship. Thrill fluttered in my veins. Id never edited myself in any friendship or relationship. Was I afraid he might reject me if he saw my mean streak? But my mean streak had softened over the last few months, I couldnt deny that. Id dropped a gigantically hard to believe bomb on him when Id told him about Matthias and my abilities to see spirits. If he wanted out of our blossoming relationship, he could have gone already. I turned the laptop around to him and he grinned. He set the pink device directly in front of him, rubbed his hands together and wagged his brows. I let out a laugh. Dont be so excited, its nothing. He picked up his drink and sipped. Im a lame writer, so I wont be the judge of that, but I will tell you what I think if you want. Sure, why not. His dark eyes shifted to the screen and the icy blue light reflected onto his skin. He was so cute. I took the moment to study him, and as my gaze slowly moved over the smooth skin of his face, down his neck to the tight black tee shirt he woresleeves pushed up to the elbowsa low buzz hummed inside of me, like one lone bee searching for a flower. His lips, lightly creased in the center looked even more kissable at that moment. Maybe it was just his age or the fact that he was mortal, but Westons masculinity seeped into the air around him wherever he went, a force as prominent as a bull readying for a matador. He challenged me. Intrigued me. I definitely had feelings for Weston, but not like the deep love I had for Matthias. I tried not to linger on the differences, and it wasnt too hard with Westons testosterone soaking the air like the heady cologne he wore. My skin flushed like Id swallowed cayenne pepper, the burn spreading throughout my whole body. Over the years, Id thought Britts guys were hot, but we kept our tastes separated to avoid what had now happened: in-dating. Knowing Weston better, I could see why he and Britt werent well matched, and that, coupled with Britts spiral into weirdness and Westons ascent into change, diffused any guilt lingering. It was fair to deduce that Weston was mine now, and that was that. His brows drew together in a tight line, creating emotion on his face. He finished reading and looked up, his torn emotions like scratches across his features. Thats great, Zoe. Really. He blinked. Were those tears in his eyes? He averted his gaze, gingerly picked up the laptop and handed it back to me. I didnt stare at him, conscious of not making him feel uncomfortable. Any suggestions? I asked, avoiding his eyes so he had time to blink. He set his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his hands. Seconds ticked by without him replying.No, he murmured. Youre amazing. I am? Heat skimmed my cheeks. He nodded and leaned over the table, bringing his face to mine. The kiss was soft with admiration. He broke the moist seal of our lips and sat back, but his heavy-lidded gaze stayed on me, and I melted. Im not going to be able to get anymore work done if you keep kissing me. A grin spread on his face. Good, he jerked his head toward the door. Lets go. I laughed. You have got to be kidding me, Britts voice shredded the nice buzz in the air. Weston and I looked up. Britt stood in her white fur-lined coat and tight red jeans, her blond hair like a Maltese caught in a windstorm. Clinging to her neck, a black spirit writhed, mouth gnashing in a silent, frightening display of fury. Icy discomfort launched through my blood. Behind her, Chase kept his head lowered. You really are a slut, Britt spit out, loud enough so her voice carried. I couldnt take my eyes off the slithering black form now moving around her head, throat, down her back, between her legs, and up her chest, over and over, onyx fangs bared, spindly hands caressing and curling. My spine bristled. And you have the nerve to get on me for being with Chase? At least Im not rebounding, I bit out. No, youre stealing, she hissed in my face. I jerked back, afraid the evil creature she harbored would jump on me. Weston shot to his feet and inched Brittany back with his body. Weston! I reached out for him, afraid he, too, would get too close and the black spirit would leap on him. But the creature stayed with its host, completely engrossed in arousing rage. Britts expression faltered, as if the mere sight of Weston weakened her knees. She didnt steal anything you didnt lose first, Weston said. Britts mouth gaped. I caught Chases attention and sent him an I-cant-believe-youre-withher look. I wanted to warn him about the black spirit, but he averted his eyes. You cant forgive me, but you can be with her? Britt whined. Weston rolled his head, like he was tiring of this back and forth exercise of Britts begging. This isnt the place to talk about it. Youll never talk about it. Youre glad this happened. So you can hook up with her! Britt sneered. Have you hooked up? Have you? Britt grabbed for him. Tell me! Westons hands snapped on Britts shoulders and held her back. You need to leave now. Ill leave when Im ready. Britt scowled at me. Then she leaned close to my face. The creatures black-lucent limbs locked around her neck, piggy- backing, its sinewy legs, long feet and talon-like claws digging into her flesh as it threw back its head in soundless laughter. Watch your back, she hissed. Watch your own, I snorted. You too, Chase. Shes a man-eater, I added, though his mere glance told me my warning fell on deaf ears. I couldnt wait for her to leave. She straightened, hooked her arm in Chases and they found a table and sat. Britt faced us. Westons jaw was rock hard. His hands hung in tight fists at his side, the tendons of his forearms bulging. I leaned and tapped his stony flesh, tearing his attention from Britt, to me. His angled expression softened. Want to go? I asked. To his credit, he didnt waste another second watching at Britt. Only if you want to. Shes not going to get to me. But I dont want her getting to you, either. Shes got enough problems, I said, glancing over. She sat with Chase, neither of them talking, Britts fiery gaze on Weston from across the room. The black spirit swarmed her body, its tail whipping her. Sweaty palmed, I closed my laptop. Maybe itd be better if we left. Weston looked surprised. You want to? She cant bully you, Ill pound her first. You cant pound a girl, I teased. He grinned. He stood and took my hand. I tucked my laptop under my free arm and Weston led me out of the shop. I stared at Britt, holding her angry gaze as we passed her and Chase. The creepy black creature jumped up and down on her back, like a furious monkey. Man, those things were ugly. * * * Youre shaking. At his silver truck, Weston stopped and drew me against him, his arms wrapped warm and safe around me. I snuggled into his firm strength. She... had a black spirit on her back. Westons eyes widened and he craned his neck, his curious gaze over my shoulder searching the place for a look. Really? I shuddered in his arms. Theyre so disgusting. His attention returned to me. You see them? Randomly like that? I nodded. Kind of a grotesque curse. Dont worry about her. His arms tightened around me. I wont let her anywhere near you. Im not worried about Britt for my sake, I whispered against his chest. And Ive got Matthias, remember? Im going to be fine. Westons silky hold stiffened a little. I eased back and looked into his face. What? Nothing. Yes, something. What? He averted his eyes for a minute, but still kept

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