Penitence (2010) (11 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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with a strength Id only felt from him a few times before: when hed scared the life out of Paul Bunyanthat wasnt really his name, his name was Hank, but he looked like Paul Bunyan. In reality, he was a drug dealer and owner of the log cabin where troops of druggies, including Luke, hung out. Another time Id felt Matthias powerful aura had been when Id first touched him. What do you see? I asked Luke. Its him, isnt it? That Matthias dude you were telling me about. Matthias nodded at me, signaling that it was okay to tell Luke. Yes, thats him. Lukes eyes shot wider, then rolled back in his head. His skin paled and he crumpled to the floor in a heap. I darted over. Luke? Poor fellow. Matthias stood to my right. Hed moved across the room without a sound. I grinned up at him. His teeth gleamed. Abria belched. Handfuls of yellow crumbs fluttered through the air, falling all over Lukes face and in my hair. Zoe, I have to go now. Matthias knelt down next to me. Remember what I told you about my father. Under no uncertain terms are you to speak to him. If you see him again, get home as soon as you can and make sure Abria is with you. Understand? Abria? Okay. Promise me. I promise. Matthias glanced at Abria. Abria is safely in your care now. And so is Luke. He nodded with a gentle smile at Luke, still unconscious on the floor at my knees. Please dont go. The corners of his lips lifted. Id like that very much. But I have other work to do. Something more important than being with me twenty-four-seven? His soothing chuckle eased my worries. Id see him again, that was a given. Id have to accept the times in between, no matter how long the stretches might be. His laugh died. Strong, sassy and utterly capable, Zoe Dodd. Youre going to be just fine. That sounds too final. Dont say that. A compliment, nothing more. He stood, hands thrust into his front pockets, his gaze shifting to Luke. I followed his gaze to my brothers peaceful, cherubic face. What will I tell him when he wakes up? That he imagined seeing you? Results of being high or something? Trust whats in your heart. I dont want you to go. Please. My fragile human nature thought that I could keep him there with wishes, but the focused gaze he returned told me these wishes couldnt be granted. Though our gazes locked, a bright flash of light engulfed him in one powerful burst, and then he was gone. The room fell oddly still. I stared at the spot where hed just stood. A vast emptiness traveled through me, but I didnt have time to wallow in pity. Luke stirred. On the table behind us, Abria lay on her stomach, swimming in crumbs like she was at the pool, flicking a yellowy mess through the air. Abria, stop please. She laughed, and scrambled to her feet, jumping up and down. I leapt up, retrieved her and set her down on the floor. Go clean up. As if that would happen. She continued creating Frito angels in the crumbs shed flicked to the floor. I sighed. Luke let out a groan and I stood over him. His blue eyes opened with the labor of a garage door on its last ounce of life. His hands scraped his face. Man. What happened? He eased up to his elbows, then shook out his head. Suddenly, his heavy-lidded eyes popped wide. He jerked a look around the room. That guy. Where is he? Matthias? His alert eyes met mine. He stood. I knew I wasnt hallucinating. I heard you talking to him, came down and saw him. I saw him for myself! I nodded, not sure if I was annoyed or happy that Luke had seen Matthias and no longer had reason to doubt. I guarded Matthias with my life, and was not about to have his existence traded around like a used joint. Yeah, you saw him. Hell strike you down if you tell anybody, too. Lukes eyes grew huge and I had to pinch my lips so I wouldnt laugh. Holy sh Swearings against the laws of Heaven, I quipped, enjoying momentary power. You cant be foul around heavenly beings. Luke looked around. Yeah, but hes not here right now. I gathered Abria up and surveyed the crunchy mess under our feet and across the tabletop. She let out another belch. Her breath reeked of corn chips. Man-oh-man. Youd better keep those Fritos down, young lady. I carried her to the kitchen sink so I could wash her hands. Luke trailed me. What was he doing here? The Heaven guy? Protecting Abria from your baked driving. I turned on the water faucet and held her two squirming hands under the running water. She loved water, and went still instantly. He was in the car with me? Wonder why I didnt see him. Luke peered over my shoulder, watching. How many times have you seen him? You two were, like, carrying on this intense convo. My heart pounded. I didnt look him in the eye, my cheeks were hot and I was afraid theyd give my deep feelings away. I told you, Ive known him for a while. Abrias hands were greaseless now, so I set her on the floor and reached for the broom. You two were more than connected, Z. I saw it. He stayed at my side. I felt it. I stopped, looked at him. Silence. I couldnt deny what was between Matthias and me. That would be like going outside and denying the existence of the sun. Why did I feel defensive? Were friends. I crossed to the mess on the floor and started sweeping. Friends?! Luke let out a snort. Friends hang out. Friends share their bowls. Your friends maybe. Whatever. You and this Matthias guy were practically hooking up right here in the Dont talk about him like that! Never, never talk about him like that again. Hes not like you and me. Hes immortal. Perfect. Hes the most perfect person Ive ever met. And Im Luke stood statue still, staring at me. When I didnt say the words: in love with him, I had the sharp realization that Luke easily filled in the blanks. He shifted. Okay, his voice was quiet. I get it. Truth. Truth. Truth. Trust in the truth, Zoe. Still, truth could remain private. Good. Then were straight. Luke nodded. Dont go blabbing about him to your reefer buddies, okay? What kind of an idiot do you take me for? he bit out. Jeez, Zoe. Like Id do something so stupid. He glared at me, then stormed out of the kitchen. I continued sweeping, but seconds later, I heard the front door slam and the far off rumble of his engine starting up. I sighed, glancing for Abria. She was squatting down, licking Frito crumbs off the tile floor. Eleven Chases Old Spice swamped me the moment I opened the front door. He looked adorably nerdy in his khakis and hunter green crew neck sweater, a hint of plaid button down shirt at his throat, his hair so neat I wanted to scruff it up a bit with my fingers. He stood on the porch, peering at me through the open door like I was Venus, come to seduce him. You look... great, his voice cracked. All I had on was nice jeans and a white sweater. Blush. Mascara. No perfume. Thanks. I shot over my shoulder, Mom, Im leaving! I heard Abrias high-pitched laugh, looked down the hall and saw her run past wearing one of Moms cinnamon red, lacy nightgowns. Okay honey, have fun. Abria, come back here right this minute youre going to Trip. Sure enough, Abrias tiny legs became entangled in the long, silky red fabric and down she went onto the hard wood. I gasped. It usually took a few seconds for any pain to register in Abrias head. She looked up, blinked, then stood. Mom appeared at a full run, and swooped her into her arms, then Abria let out a cry. Is she okay? I asked. Mom checked my sisters head and nodded, coming to the door with wailing, inconsolable Abria in her arms. Abria hated being held when she was in paina reaction none of us ever got used tolike human touch merely added to her agony. We hated that she suffered alone. Mom eyed Chase curiously, in spite of Abrias brief fall. Chase, right? Mom yelled over Abrias screams. Yes. Hi, Mrs. Dodd. Chase extended his hand. Abria slithered free, ran out of sight, her wailing rising like a fierce wind tearing through the house. Mom backed away. Sorry, have to go. Nice to see you again. Mom darted off. Will your sister be okay? Chases dark brows stitched together. Yeah. I shut the door and we headed to his taupe non-descript, four-door sedan. If anything serious was going to happen to Abria, Matthias would have been there. I let out a silent sigh. Chase opened the passenger door for me and I got in, the scent of his woodsy cologne filling my nostrils with the impact of a thick fog bank. Youre dressed up for bowling, I said, once he was in and had shut the door. Oh. Yeah. The edges of his ears turned crimson. He started the engine. Hey, I hope its okay if Britt comes along. The car jerked to a stop in the middle of our street. His fingers tightened around the wheel and he looked over, eyes huge behind his glasses. Brittany? Is coming with us? Tonight? He gulped. I rolled my lips under to avoid smiling. Is that okay? Uh. Yeah. I guess so. She wanted to hang out tonight, but I told her I was going with you, and, she kinda invited herself. Sweat popped like tiny clear pimples all over his skin. I started to worry he would pee his pants. I can tell her to bail if youd rather. No. No. The car started moving, so I guessed he was relaxing a bit. His Adams apple kept rolling up his throat. Wow. I guess Im just a little surprised. Shes never said a word to me. Ever. Areare you sure she knows Im coming along? Chase, shes the one coming along, not you. You and I are hanging. Remember that. I patted his arm. His bicep was rock hard. He glanced at where we made contact, then returned his surprised gaze to the road. Are we picking her up? he asked. I nodded, took out my cell phone and texted her that we were on our way. Then I gave Chase directions to her house. The vibe in the car jumped and skipped like a train ready to swerve off track. Wow. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. This is one house I never thought Id find myself at. He stared with awe at Britts red brick house. He parked on the street, centering the car where the bricked pathway began that led to the door. Early American Colonial design. I bet the house is about three thousand, twenty-five square feet with custom moldings and hardwood throughout. I covered a snort. You can tell all that from just looking at the outside? He nodded. Ive studied architecture. Why am I not surprised? I raised a brow at him. He smiled. I reached for the door handle, but Chases hand wrapped around my left arm. I was surprised at the steel in his grip, and it was my turn to stare at where he came into contact with me. Can I? he asked. Why not. He was out of the car and straightening his clothes before giving me a response. With my gaze, I followed his perky stride up the brick pathway to the door. He knocked, looked back at me, then faced the door again. The porch lanterns shed a soft golden glow over him. The door burst open in splashy Britt fashion. Shed been ready to leap out and hug me, I could tell from the effervescent smile on her face. Her smile stuttered when she saw Chase instead, but not an obvious wilt. I rolled down the window so I could hear them. She wore black from spiked heels to black jeans and soft sweater. Hey. Chase, right? She shut the door and pressed her back against it, like Marilyn Monroe coming out of her dressing room, greeting a fan. Chase didnt move. He didnt even respond to her question. Poor guy. Britt slowly leaned so she could see me, and she gave me a look, then focused on Chase again. Thanks for letting me crash the party. She gingerly stepped around him. He followed her moves like a panting pup after a biscuit. Sure, he said. But were not going to a party. Were going bowling. Britt waved at me. Hey baby. Hey. Chase outran her to the back door of the car, and eagerly swung it wide open for her. Thanks, she said before dipping into the backseat. He shut the door. Eager, isnt he? she whispered, then giggled. Be nice, I told her. She cocked her head. Arent I always? Chase got into the car, bringing a fresh waft of his cologne along with him. He shut the door, grinned first at me, then at Britt, then back at me. His expression was priceless. Like hed just scored. Now this is what I call a date. You like these odds, do ya? I teased. Britts brows tweaked in an obvious display of, as if I hoped Chase didnt catch. He started the engine and drove with the carefully meted caution of a senior citizen. I waited for Britt to make some snide comment. Her tolerance level for anyone less than socially savvy was minus zero. I reached over to the CD player. Can I? Chases brown eyes widened. This is my Moms car, he said. I dont know whats in there. Im just warning you. And you, Brittany. He peered at her through the rear view mirror. Oh, no problem, she lied. Irritation shriveled the upturned corners of her fake smile. Barry Manilow? Chase flicked the song off. Mom loves the guy. He shrugged. Most Moms do, Britt muttered. Dont you have your iPod Zoe? Sorry. I dont. I was just wondering. Britts eyes bulged at me. Hey, Chase, would you mind taking a detour on the way to the movie? Were going bowling. Chase swallowed. As if he had to clear his plans with Britt. My blood started to boil. Were not going by Westons house, Britt, I said. Chase doesnt mind, do you, Chase? Her tone was sweet, like saccharin. Uh. Chase looked at me. I shook my head. Then he looked in the mirror at Britt. Sure. Were not scheduled for our lane for another fifteen minutes. Britt flashed her teeth at me. I rolled my eyes. Britt gave him directions to Westons house and we wound around the streets of Pleasant Grove in silence. I couldnt believe Britt was using him. But then what had I expected? Britts obsession with Weston was without precedence. I whipped out my cell phone and texted her. i cant believe u r making him drive by westons he doesnt care Chase glanced over but didnt say anything. I put my cell phone away, because I didnt want to be rude. Its nice of you to go by Westons, Britt piped from the back, her voice oozy and sweet like marshmallow crmethe voice she used to seduce unsuspecting, innocent guys like Chase. I bristled, regretting Id allowed her to come along. No problem. Chase sat up straighter. You two still together? Sort of. Britt shot me a glare of warning. She said sort of for two reasons: she wanted it to be true and wanted to insulate herself from Chase thinking she was available. Shes checking up on him, I said. Girls do that. Hes mine, Britts tone had a defensive edge. Ill kill any other girl that comes near him. The air in the car popped. Chase looked ready to jump out of his skin. A shudder rammed my spine for some reason I couldnt explain. I didnt care what Britt said. But the flash of intensity Id seen in Westons eyes when hed come to my house was branded into my brain. You... wow. Chases voice trembled. You feel passionately about this. You dont have to do drive by his house, I told him. No, its okay. I dont mind. He kept glancing back at Britt for her approval. Chase turned onto Westons street. Britt looked like she was ready to jump from the car and land

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