Perfect Ten (24 page)

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Authors: Michelle Craig

BOOK: Perfect Ten
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Chapter 30



Mornings were my
favorite time of day now. Since I’d moved in with Faith, she was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. I loved that.

When I opened my eyes this particular morning, there was no Faith to see. Our bed was empty. Not even Heidi was with me. But I smelled something wonderful. It was Thanksgiving Day, and Faith was in the kitchen making the house smell incredible.

I stumbled from the bed and followed my nose. Faith stood at the oven, just slipping the turkey in as she pulled out a pumpkin pie.

“Now that’s a look I could get used to.” I guess I really am a caveman, because I loved seeing my woman wearing an apron, busy in the kitchen.

“The apron? You like that?” She walked past me and gave me a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back.”

I grabbed a cup of coffee and was reaching for the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch when Faith walked back in, clearing her throat.

“Holy shit. Yes, I like that better.” She was still wearing the apron, but that’s all I could see.
the apron. It made me wonder if there was anything beneath it.

“And look what else I have.” She reached into the pockets and pulled out the furry cuffs she had told me about all those weeks ago. We never had put them to use. “What do you say? In the mood to be at my mercy?”

“Fuck yes. Give me five minutes.” I ran into the shower to clean myself and jerk off. She knew I was doing it. She knew I was useless with her the first time. Just the knowledge of her knowing what I was doing got me off. It wasn’t something I was particularly proud of, but I couldn’t seem to hold back as long as I wanted to unless I jerked off first. Then I was good to go.

I walked into the bedroom to see Faith, ass up, knees on the bed, reaching over to secure one of the cuffs to the headboard. “What a fucking sight.” I leaned over, slipped her thong to the side, and ran my tongue down
the seam of her ass to her pussy. “Delicious.”

She turned toward me and pushed me back. “
Uh, uh. You do what
say today. Get on the bed and lay on your back.”

I happily did as instructed, but slapped and squeezed her ass until she had both of my hands secured. Without a word, she left the room and came back carrying a bottle of chocolate syrup. My dick did a happy dance.

“Where oh where should I start?”

“How about you start by taking off that apron?”

“Now, didn’t I tell you? This is my show.” She did, however, drop the apron.
Oh yeah.
My dick was jumping again.

“Very, very nice, Faith.” She was wearing a black strapless bra that pushed her tits up so high I could see the top half of her pink areolas. Fucking fantastic. The matching panties were about my undoing. They rode up high with a white bow at the center. I’d already seen and approved of the back. The only thing holding those panties together was the tiniest piece of lace, bisecting her heavenly ass. “You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?”

“Would you?” She popped the top open on the chocolate. “Would you beg for me?”

“Fuck yes, I’d beg.”

She put the open chocolate bottle down on the bedside table and straddled me, her gorgeous pussy just inches from my mouth. My tongue darted out, but all I got was a lick of her panties. “Come closer, Faith. Now.” She laughed at me and scooted backward. That quickly, I was beginning to hate the bonds that prevented me from pulling her back to my waiting lips.

Leaning to the side, she grabbed something out of the nightstand and slipped it over my head. In the next
second, I was blind. It was both highly frustrating and erotic. “Faith?”

“Shh.” I felt her near me and turned my head in that direction. Her lips rewarded me as she gave me a deep kiss, sucking on my bottom lip as she backed off again.

“Oh God.” She put a line of chocolate syrup down my body, starting at my neck and ending on my cock. Was she going to start at the bottom or the top? I felt her tongue on my balls. It had never felt quite like that. Being blindfolded heightened my awareness, and I felt every tingle all the way through to my toes.

“You like that? Is it good?”

“Yes. More.”

“More, what?”

“More please. Fucking please.” I’d tell her anything she wanted to hear, as long as she kept touching me.

She must have liked my answer because she sucked my entire cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. “Umm.” I could feel the hum in her voice against me, further spurring me on.

After she gave my cock some more badly wanted attention, she licked her way up my body, biting my nipples and then sucking them with her soothing tongue before using her teeth on me again. I was dying. I’d never make it out alive.

“Please, Faith. No more. Untie me.” I had to get my hands on her. I had to get my cock inside of her.

Instead of untying me, she yanked the cuffs tighter. “I’ll untie you when I’m done, and not a minute sooner.” Before I could protest, she straddled me, kissing me hard as she sat down, taking my cock all the way inside her body.

Slowly, she began to move, her hands roaming over my chest as our tongues tangled and lips came together
again and again. When she began panting, she sat up on me. I wanted to see her. I wanted to see her big tits bouncing with the motion of her thrusts.

“Faith.” My voice was rough. Hard. Unyielding. “Take this fucking blindfold off.” I added, “Please.”

She did and the sight that greeted me was something out of a dream. She still had those sexy thong panties on—she had simply pulled them aside— but the rest of her was gloriously naked. Her one hand reached back and cupped my balls as her other squeezed her nipples as her tits bounced higher and higher the harder she rode me.

“Fuck. I’m gonna come, Faith.”

“Do it.”

It took just two more bounces from her, and my head was thrown back as I roared my release. Every fucking time, I thought it was the best, but I truly don’t think I’d ever come so hard.

“Yes, yes. Oh, God, yes!” Faith flew apart, her own head thrown back, her tits pushed out proudly as her back arched. It was a sight to behold.

What a way to start out a holiday. What was I thankful
for? Too easy. Next question.





“So, Faith, have you two discussed Christmas plans? We’d love to have you, but I know we probably have to share you with your family.”

Joe’s mother and her husband, Lauren and Phil, were both in the kitchen chopping up vegetables for a salad. Essie sat at the breakfast bar, sipping a cup of tea, while Tracey and Joe were in the yard playing with Heidi. All I could think about was how perfect it was. Well, almost perfect. I loved his family, but I sure did miss having my father there.

As if he could tell
that I was thinking about him, my phone rang. “Excuse me one second, please.”

“Sure, honey. Take your time.”

I took the call in the living room. “Hello?”

“Hi, Pumpkin. How’s your day going?”

“Great! I wish you were here, though. I’m sorry everything’s so messed up with mom and the girls.”

“Don’t you worry about that
today. So listen. We have so many people in the house, I was thinking that maybe I’d slip away and come have dessert with you all. Get to meet Joe’s family. What do you think?”

I loved the idea! I’d have to give Joe’s family a little bit of background to explain why only my father was going to show up, but I could do that. “I’d love it. Esther Covington is here
, too. You remember her?”

“Of course. You know your mother is still in shock that Joe has an in with her.” He chuckled and Faith missed him even more.

“How about seven? Is that okay?”

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”

I went back into the kitchen to find it fuller than when I’d left. Joe walked over to stand behind me, wrapping me in his arms. “It’s raining.”

“Does that mean no touch football after dinner?” I was secretly pleased. Football was a form of exercise and I hated it.

Joe kissed my neck and lightly spanked my bottom. “You wish. It looks like it’s just a passing shower. You’re still playing football. It’s a family tradition. Even Essie’s playing.” Essie winked at me, but shook her head no.

“Fine.” I tried pouting to get my way, but all that did was make Joe suck on my lip until Phil cleared his throat. “Okay. On to happier news. My father’s coming for dessert.” I was quick to assure him that it was just my father.

I looked over to where Joe’s parents were finishing with the vegetables, Tracey beside them. “He’s looking forward to meeting all of you.” Then I took a breath and started to tell them about why the rest of my family wouldn’t be there, but there was no need.

“Joe gave us some details. Don’t worry about it
, Faith. Things will work out with your family. Maybe they’ll never be how you want them to be, but it’ll be okay.”

Tracey placed a comforting hand on mine. “Mom’s right. And we’re looking forward to meeting your Daddy. Joe said he’s great.”

I gave Joe a grateful smile. “He’s right.”


We were just finishing (thank God) our game of flag football before going back in for dessert when Heidi gave a quick yip alerting us to the presence of another. I looked over, and to my delight, I saw Chloe standing on the other side of the fence with a sad smile on her face.

“Hey, Chloe. Come on in!” I waved her in as Joe unlatched the gate.

She gave me a hug, and I introduced her to everyone. When the others turned to go inside, leaving just Joe and us, she pulled me in for a longer hug and I could feel the sadness in her. A subdued Chloe was a sad thing to witness.

“I hope you don’t mind me stopping by. I know
it’s Thanksgiving and everything, but Bill picked the kids up after dinner, and it’s too quiet over there.” This was Chloe’s first year without her husband, and they were trying to share the kids on holidays.

“Are you kidding? You know you’re always welcome here.”

“Good, because I brought an overnight bag.” She leaned over the fence and threw her bag to Joe. “Put that in the guest room, would you, big guy?”

There was the spunk that Chloe was so known
to bring. I was glad to see it, but I knew deep down, she was missing that rat bastard of a husband.

“You okay, kid?” My father had arrived and was standing in the kitchen when we walked in. He had a soft spot for Chloe ever since college when he overheard her telling me how beautiful my hair was while threatening me with bodily harm if I didn’t agree with her.

She let herself be coddled by him until he led her over to a seat at the table, plopping down next to her. “Yeah. I’m okay. The holidays are just rough, you know?”

“I know. Have some pie.”

Chloe looked over at me, and we both laughed. When Daddy didn’t know what to do with us girls, he gave us sweets. It usually worked too.

After most of the pies were gone and the dishes put away, our crowd dispersed.

Joe’s parents and my father had already left when I got up to say goodbye to Essie.

“Thank you so much for a wonderful day, dear. It was so nice of you to invite me into your lovely home to be with your family.”

“I’m so glad you came. You are part of my family now, Essie.”

Joe gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving to take her home. “Why don’t you take Chloe up on the deck? It’s a little chilly, but take that bottle of wine that’s left in the fridge and some blankets. She looks like she could use it.”

“I like that plan. Except I was thinking we’d sit here in front of the fireplace.”

“Okay. See you in a bit.” One more smooch and he was gone.

I grabbed the wine and two glasses then kicked Chloe’s chair. “Come on, Chlo. Let’s go relax in front of the fireplace. I’m beat.”

By the time Joe got back, Chloe was
softly snoring on the couch while I sat staring into the flames.

“Hi,” he whispered. “Should I carry her upstairs?”

“Nah. I’ll just cover her with a blanket.” She was still in the same exact position when I woke up the next morning. She always did sleep like the dead.


“Morning, sleepyhead.” Chloe stumbled into the kitchen at the scent of coffee brewing.

“Morning.” It was past ten already. Chloe was usually an early riser, so I knew the day before had been harder on her than she let on. “I can’t believe I slept so late.” A big yawn and stretch later, and she looked a bit more awake. “Where’s hottie?”

“He went for a run on the beach.”


“I know. He wanted me to go with him. Run? No. I’ll stick to walking, thank you very much.”

“You want to go sit on the deck and do some People Watching?”

We hadn’t played our little game since the day we went to lunch. My deck was another perfect spot for it. “Yup.” We both grabbed a mug of coffee and a jacket.

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