Perfect Ten (26 page)

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Authors: Michelle Craig

BOOK: Perfect Ten
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Mrs. Esther Covington


As might be
expected, Joe and Faith were married in my home. I may have pushed them a little to get my way, but I’m an old lady and should be allowed to throw my weight around.

It was a beautiful late spring ceremony. The birds were singing, the flowers were
blooming, and the couple loved each other to distraction. It was a time for great rejoicing! I can’t tell you how it felt to have such love in my house again. I’d been alone too long.

When I found Joe Starling, I knew he was something special. He treated me with the utmost respect from day one, and
he didn’t have to fake it. He truly is that good of a young man. I always knew he was too good to be an escort.

Faith was just the thing for him. And he for her. She made him want to be a better man, and he showed her that what others thought was often wrong. I really believe they were put on this earth to find each other, but what do I know? I’m just an old romantic soul.

I didn’t last much longer past that New Year’s Eve party, but Joe and Faith made my last days the most enjoyable I’d had in many, many years.

They grieved for me, but I’m never too far away. I peek in on them now and then. I especially love when I see Joe III sliding down the banister as Joe Jr. instructs him on how to do it faster, all the while making sure Faith is nowhere to be seen.
Oh, those two get into some trouble together—father and son.

Faith’s very round with their third child now. Their second was a girl and to my eternal delight, her name is Essie. I know it’s a bit old fashioned, but I hope she’ll grow to like it.

It seems like with each pregnancy, Faith gets one or two more curves. She curses them while Joe smiles and runs his hands over them in joy.

Oh, and all their lovelies! They have even more than I did. I believe
they’re up to three dogs now—one of them missing a leg—two cats, a parrot, four turtles, and a large fish pond they had installed in the gardens.

They love my home, as I knew they would. Joe, being a
full-fledged architect now, makes sure that the old building is always up to snuff. I couldn’t have made a better decision. I simply wish them all the best.

So I leave you with a toast. Raise your glass.

To Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Starling, Jr. May they fill my home with warm memories, loving moments, and a lifetime of carefree fun!


The End


My first acknowledgements are always to my betas. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “God. That would have been humiliating if they hadn’t found that.” You ladies are worth you weight in gold!

I’d also like to give a shout out to Nikki’s Puck Bunnies. You ladies support me and share me to your friends, and I appreciate every share.

I’m always thankful for my cover designer, David Goldhahn who NEVER says, “I can’t do that.” He always figures out a way.

I certainly can’t forget my editor, Rogena Mitchell-Jones. One thing I can’t stand is reading a poorly edited book. I don’t ever want to release one!

Last but not least, I want to thank Joe Starling for being my Perfect Ten.


About the Author

Michelle Craig is a pen name for Nikki Worrell.

Nikki has a B.S.B.A in Human Resources and works full time as a bookkeeper for a law firm in Philadelphia. She reads and writes in her spare time, with her laptop being her constant companion.

A country girl throug
h and through, she lives in the Garden State of Southern New Jersey with her husband of twenty years. They both love animals to distraction, so you will always see some kind of critter in her books.

You can check out Nikki's other writings, which are primarily ice hockey romances at

You can also keep up on Michelle Craig news for future works at


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