Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“We don’t have
I said I want you…”

He looks down at me and watches as I lower my body slowly down his. I grip his jeans and unbuckle his belt. I undo the button and slowly lower his pants. He is commando, and I love it. I look up at him, and his gaze is lusty. He grips my hair and strokes a thumb over my cheek.

“Lean on the vanity.” I growl huskily.

He steps back and supports his weight on the vanity, moving his hands around to grip the porcelain. I grip his cock in my hands, rubbing my thumb over the silky smooth skin. He clenches his teeth and his lids droop. He leans back and I lean forward, taking him into my mouth. I slide my tongue around the head, then sink him in as deep as I can. He groans and his fingers tighten on the vanity.

“God, you feel so good.” He rasps.

I suck slowly at first, dragging him in and out until he is panting and thrusting his hips forward for more, then I take him deep and fast, using my free hand to stroke the base while I work the head with my mouth. His breathing becomes frenzied, and his eyes roll slightly. His mouth is open, and I watch as he pulls his bottom lip into his
teeth to keep from yelling out. I feel him getting harder and harder and then I hear his strangled cry as he pumps his seed into my mouth.


I take it all and only pull back when he has begun to soften. He takes my arms and pulls me to me feet; he gives me a lopsided smile and his expression is hooded.

“You have a beautiful mouth.” He murmurs, stroking his thumb over my bottom lip which is full and swollen.

“You have a beautiful cock.”

“God, say that again…” He growls, fisting my hair and bringing me close.

“Beautiful cock…”

“You make me crazy, crazy…”

“Oi, what are you two doin in there?” Chief bellows through the door. “Better not be fucking my baby in my house you little…”

Travis does up his pants, and I swing open the door to reveal two fully clothed people.

“Talking father…”

Chief narrows his eyes at me. “Calling me father, you wound me girl.”

“You wound me by assuming I am banging Travis in your bathroom.”

He gives me a look, then stares over at Travis.

“Boy’s got rosy cheeks.”

“It’s hot in there.”

Chief snorts. “I fucking bet it is. Get out here now, before I cause some damage.”

“I am going home anyway, I am tired.”

“No you ain’t, you are staying here tonight.”

“No daddy.”

“Yes Mischief.”

“Stay,” Trav says walking up behind me. “It is safer, and Jaq is angry…”

“Bring it!” I say.

Chief laughs and grips my face. “You are a feisty little girl, ain’t ya?”

“Learnt from the best.”

“Come on, we got some food going; stay.”

“Fine father, because you asked so nicely.”

I turn and walk past him; his boot connects with my ass and I squeal.

“Call me father again and I am going to kick your ass harder girl!”

I laugh the entire way down the stairs.

for dinner?” I yell when I get to the bottom of the stairs.

“Nothin if you keep that attitude up!”

I laugh and plod into the kitchen. I dig through the cupboards, looks like spaghetti is the only thing I could make out of this tragic pantry. I begin preparing the sauce when Trav walks in.

“Hmmmm, garlic.”

“Ew Travis, don’t you know that makes your breath stink.”

“You would kiss me anyway
you always loved my garlic breath.”


“Hey, remember when you put garlic in my dresser?”

I snort a laugh. “Do I? I remember thinking it would work too.”

This ought to show him, no girl is going to want him when he smells like garlic. I shove piece after piece through his clothes. In your face Travis. I rush out of his room, grinning at his father Max who is sitting in the kitchen.

“Up to no good again Mischief?”

I giggle. “Maybe sir.”

“Don’t go calling me sir.”

I grin. “Sorry Mister Max.”

He laughs. “Mister Max.”

I smile at Max; he is a handsome man for his age. Even though he has grey hair, he has the same grey eyes Travis has. He is a devil of a man, but he is sweet to me. I rush out the front door and run into my house. I wait all afternoon, knowing Travis is going on a date tonight. I grin when I hear him bellow and come running next door.

“Where is she Chief, I am going to spank her sorry ass.”

Chief laughs and says something I can’t hear, then Travis runs up the stairs and bangs on my door.

“You better open up
I am going to kick your ass.”

I open the door and smile sweetly at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong,” He bellows. “What’s wrong is you put garlic all through my damn clothes and now I can’t go out tonight.”

I giggle.

“Did you just giggle at me?”

I giggle again.

“That’s it.”

He rams me with his shoulder, and I fall onto the bed, he leaps on and begins tickling me.

“Say you are sorry.”

“No!” I squeal.

He tickles harder. “Say sorry.”


“Say it!”

“I’m sorry,” I laugh. “Sorry.”

He kisses my head. “Mischief, you are going to kill me.”

Travis laughs. “That was so cruel.”

I grin, chopping the garlic.

“I thought it was kind of funny.”

“I was so mad at you, and yet I couldn’t yell at you.”

“You can punish me now if you like.”

“Enough of that.” Chief grumbles walking into the kitchen.

“Says the king of random fu…”

“Oi, I will kick your ass if you finish that sentence.”

I grin, and Travis winks at me.

“Beer?” He asks.

“Mmmmm, please.”

Trav pulls two beers out and opens one for me. I swallow the liquid down and sigh.

“So tell me girl, how is the case going?” Chief asks, lighting a cigarette.

“Not sure, I haven’t heard a lot.”

“I have gotten a lawyer for her.” Trav says, swallowing some beer.

“Good good. If that mongrel so much as steps foot…”

“We have more to worry about daddy.” I say, giving him a look.

“Don’t you go worrying about the rest of
you just leave that to me.”

“Yes father.” I grin.



I am chewing on a piece of garlic bread and laughing with the club members; I love hanging out with them. They just feel like home.

“Stop chewing like an animal Mischief.” Chief snaps, staring at me with a fowl look. Boy is he cranky.

“Still mad because I scared off your booty call?”

“Where has this attitude come from?”

“It came right out of my as…”

“Enough, don’t you smart mouth me girl.”

I roll my eyes and continue munching. I pick up a strand of spaghetti and suck it into my mouth. Travis laughs and shoves me.


“Listen to your booty, Mischief.”

I give Chief a glare. “Touché.”

When the night has settled, and we have gone to our ‘separate’ rooms. I try hard to fall asleep, but I can’t. I miss my mom; I am worried about Jeremy and I feel guilty for treating Chief so miserably. I get up and plod down the stairs, wondering what Travis is doing. Sleeping I bet. The man can sleep through a bomb. I walk out the front and see Chief sitting on the front porch, smoking. I sit down beside him; I see him glance from the corner of his eye, but he doesn’t turn.

“You beat me, I was about to come and check you were in your bed.”

I smile. “I might challenge you daddy, but I always listen.”

“I know you do.”

“Why are you out here all by yourself?”

“Just watching, I can’t sleep.”

“Because of Momma?”

“I can’t get her face outta my mind, seeing her bashed and raped. It killed me Mischief, tore my fuckin heart out.”

“Do you love her daddy?”

“Loved her from the day she was sixteen and stumbled into my tattoo shop.”

I smile. “Tell me about that.”

“I tell you every damned year girl.”

“Tell me again anyway.”

“She came in, all beautiful and defiant. She wanted to show her family she could be bad, that she could rebel. She was so sick of being pushed around, told what to do. She came in, and she picked this flower off the wall. Told me she wanted that, and not to dare argue. I put it on her hip, and she blushed the whole time. Strong as nails, she never flinched. Her dad found out and beat the crap outta me for tattooing a young girl, but after that we were inseparable.”

I smile. “Did you ever wish you had other

He flinches. That was weird.

“No, I got my girl. You know
my number one girl, don’t ya?”

“I know daddy, you told me every year.” I grin.

“You scare the shit outta me Mischief, you are too much like me.”

“What is Demon after daddy, why does he want me so bad?”

“Long story, but I will never let him get you. You know that don’t ya?”

“I know.”

“You know, the minute you were born you wrapped your finger around mine, and you never let go. I was young and scared as hell when your Momma told me she was knocked up. Then I saw you and my life had a meaning; you are my meaning Mischief and god help anyone who gets in your way.”

I take his hand. “I love you daddy, and I know you try so hard to take care of me. I have Travis for that now, and he won’t hurt me.”

“Think I don’t know that? The boy is crazy about you. Always fuckin has been.”

I flush. “Huh?”

“You think your old dad didn’t know you two were mad about each other, even back then? Course I did, I just hoped it was a fling. When that boy left, it was the best thing at the time. I thought it was anyway until I heard you screaming down the street.”

“You heard that?”

“I heard you whimpering and cryin, fucking broke my damned heart. I knew how that felt. He came back, and I knew it would happen again, but I hoped to god you two would be honest so I didn’t have to hurt the kid and you weren’t.”

“I know daddy, and I am sorry.”

“He’s a good boy, dark but good. I only want you to be careful, that boy has a powerful secret. I can feel it.”

“He would tell me if he was hiding something daddy.” I whisper, my mind travelling back to the room in his house. The one I can’t see.

“Well, I hope so. Now go on and get to sleep, you don’t need to be sitting with me all night.”

“I miss you daddy, I miss when we all lived together, I miss when we used to laugh and play. I really miss it all.”

He wraps his arm around me. “Me too Mischief, every damned fucking day.”




I sneak upstairs and into the room Travis is sleeping in. I crawl into the bed and slide under the sheets, shoving my body against…a hairy fat one. I scream; he screams and suddenly the lights are on, and
is running into the room with a gun. Travis isn’t far behind. I look down to see biker Bill butt naked and laughing his sorry ass off.

“Well, what a good dream that was. Sleeping like a baby and next minute there is a pair of tits crushed against my back.”

looks at me, and I can feel the blood rising to my cheeks. Then, he bursts out laughing. I haven’t seen
laugh like that for years. Travis falls in close behind until we are all laughing and wiping the tears that fall from our eyes. Bill pats my hand and gives me a wink; I give him a glare.

“I thought you were Trav.”

“Why thank you.” He grins.

Travis walks over and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Come on Mischief, before you give another man a heart attack.”

“I thought he was you!” I cry.

Travis leads me to his room and shuts the door behind him. He is still chuckling. I slap his back and he turns, wrapping me in his arms.

“Would have made his night.”

“Lucky I didn’t take my clothes off first like I planned.”

“Oh,” He whispers against my hair. “You planned that did you?”

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