Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“All the same, it was my right to know. You and Chief shouldn’t have kept that from me. Is it why you left?”

“That amongst many things.”

“How could he have done that to you, to us?”

“It was a mistake, I believe that.”

“You are naive Momma, Chief doesn’t make mistakes.”

“Look, Jasmines mother knew Chief before me, and the reason…the reason he slept with her was for revenge.”

“Excuse me?”

“I am going to tell you this because it’s time you knew. Jasmine’s mother Clarice was married to a biker. Chief hated him, and he wanted to get back at him, so he slept with Clarice. It was only once, but it was enough. Clarice kept it from him for eight years and then ten years ago he saw her again. She told him about Jasmine, and he began seeing her. It was fine up until about three years ago when Clarice’s husband found out the daughter he thought was his, was his enemy’s. He started a war with Chief, and it is still going. Clarice’s husband is…”

“Demon.” I whisper.

“It’s why he is after you. He wants revenge; he wants to take from Chief, what Chief took from him. His daughter.”

“Oh god.”

“Jasmine is no good, but Chief won’t turn her away.”

“Momma,” I whisper, my eyes well. “Does he love her more than me?”

I sound like a venerable child, but that’s how I feel right now. My father, my hero, now has another daughter to love. I have always been his girl; his Mischief and now…my heart is breaking and I don’t know how to deal with it. I feel like my heart is being stomped on every time I take a damn breath.

“Oh baby, he loves you so much. You will always be his baby. He has been frantic these past two days, ringing me six or seven times a day to see if I knew how you were.”

“I miss him Momma, I love him, and he broke my heart.”

“I know honey, just take some time. Things always look a little better with time.”

“I miss you.”

“Oh honey, I miss you too. Listen, why don’t you come and visit for a week? Trav can come too.”

The idea puts a little brightness into my heart. “Ok, I will talk with him.”

“Call me if you decide to come visit ok? Until then, please just take some time.”

“I love you Momma.”

“You too baby.”

I hang up the phone and glance down at my messages of Reagan.

You better answer me, I am going crazy with worry.

I am sorry, I have been off.

OH MY GOD YOU ARE ALIVE! Where have you been Vi? I have been so fkin worried! Chief came by and he was all red eyed and freaking out. It’s fkin weird to see some big ass biker cryin on my doorstep.

Don’t tell him anything about me Reagan, I don’t want to see him.

He said you found out about another child, god baby, what happened?

He has another daughter. He lied.

Oh honey.

Look, I am sorry I didn’t text. I have been all over the place.

Do you want me to come over?

I am thinking I will just go visit mom for a week or two.

That’s a really good idea x

I promise to call every day, I love you x

You too, please call if you need me. I am always here.

I glance down at some of the other messages on my phone; I see one from Chief and my heart clenches.

Mischief, answer the phone. I am dying here. Call me, let me talk with you.

I know Jasmine is Demon’s step daughter. I know what you did. I know that it’s your fault I got bashed by him.

Mischief, that’s all fuckin true but I am sorry. I want to explain.

There is nothing to explain. I am going away for a while.

To your mom’s?

Doesn’t matter.

I need to know you are safe.

You don’t need to know anything anymore Chief. We are through.

Fucking don’t do that to me, come on Mischief. I made a mistake…

You broke my heart; please leave me alone.

I ain’t going to push you right now, but I want you to know this. I meant it, all those years. You are my girl and no one will ever compare. I love you Mischief.

I feel the tears pouring down my cheeks yet again. I turn and stare at Travis, who is just watching me with a pained expression. He takes me into his arms, and we fall back onto the bed, where he holds me until I can’t cry anymore. When I wake I am alone. I get out of bed and walk into the office where Trav is on the phone. He is shoving a massive bag of letters in the bin.

“Is that all fan mail?” I whisper.

He spins around and rolls his eyes. Holy crap. I never knew Trav got so much attention. He must get mauled everywhere he goes, speaking of that, we have never really gone out aside from the night we went to dinner; and I guess that’s why. Will it always be this way with us? I flick through some of the messages while Trav is on the phone.

Travis, you are my idol. I am your biggest fan. Please write to me. I love you so much, please, it would make my day, my month, my year. I will do anything. I will be anything. Just write.

I snort and open another one.

Travis I am dying of cancer in two months. My last wish is to see you, it’s all I want. Please help out a dying girl. I only have six months left.

I thought you had two? Idiot. I pull out a third, and my blood goes cold.

Travis. You have been ignoring my letters. I don’t appreciate being ignored. I will find you; you can’t hide forever. I will take down that girl you are with. No-one is safe. I will put her blood on my hands, and then you will be mine. Forever.

“Why did you just go pale?” Travis asks.

“Trav, have you seen this letter?”

“I don’t read them.”

“Read it.”

He takes it from my hands and skims through it. He shrugs and throws it in the pile.

“People get psycho, it doesn’t mean anything.”

“What if it does?”

“Baby it doesn’t. It’s just crazy fans.”

Something tells me he is wrong; that this is so much more than that. I tuck the note in my pocket.

“Trav, do you get this many letters often?”

“That’s a small amount compared to usual.”

“Is that why we don’t go out very much?”

He sighs. “Yes, I can’t say
easy going out when everyone attacks you.”

“Is it really worth it?”

“Look, I lived my dream, and it was fun, but maybe it is time I slowed down.”

“I don’t want you to do that for me Trav.”

“It’s not just for you Mischief, it’s for me too.”

I smile and tuck myself into his arms.

“Hey Mischief?”


“I want to ask you something.”

“Ok?” I say, feeling my nerves rattle.

“I want you to move in with me.”

I look up at him. “You do?”

“Yeah, I do. I need you with me; I just need you.”

I am shocked; I don’t know what to say.

“Can I think about it?”

He grins. “Do you think about everything?”

“Yes, of course.”

“My logical little girl.”

I grin. “You know it.”

get some food, I am hungry!”

“Fancy going out for it?” I say, with a smirk.

“You know what, let’s do it. On one condition…”


“You let me take you to some of those shops.”

I frown. “What for?”

He rolls his eyes. “Are you arguing with a man offering to take you shopping?”

“No, not at all Mr Phoenix.”

We head down to a cafe and order some food; once we are done we begin walking down the street.

“Travis Phoenix!” A girl screams and suddenly he is surrounded.

I roll my eyes and throw myself down onto the sidewalk. A girl screams and suddenly they are all staring at me. I close my eyes as people tap my face; thinking something terrible has happened to me. Suddenly, I am being scooped up, and Travis is running; we are laughing like two teenagers. We duck around a side alley and he puts me down.

“Oh my god, that was hilarious!” He roars with laughter.

“I will always save you Phoenix.”

“I can’t believe you did that.”

“We need a disguise, wait here.”

I run around the corner and into a corner shop. I pick up a hat, a fake moustache and a pair of dark shades. I run back around and dress Travis up, bursting out with laughter at the finished project.

“You look like the monopoly guy.” I giggle.

He wiggles his eyebrows.

“How you doin?”

“Trav! Come on.”

We begin walking, and this time no-one notices. I turn when we are in the middle of the footpath and begin humming the pretty woman tune. Travis laughs and sings it to me while I wiggle my hips and walk down the street flicking my hair.

“Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind I’d like to meet….”

stop and laugh at us, just assuming we are a couple in love. Which we are, aren’t we? Trav takes me into a shop and hustles me into the changing room with five expensive dresses.

“Did you put me in here for the dresses or for your own pleasure Phoenix?”

“Both.” He grins.

He shoves me against the wall, jacking my dress up and sliding his tongue across my neck.

“Travis, I think they have cameras. They could see.”

“Lucky them.”



He reaches down and slides my panties to the side, swiping his fingers through my sex and bringing them to his mouth and sucking.

“So fucking sweet, so fucking ready.”

“Trav.” I whimper.

He slides one finger inside me while stroking my clit with another. I whimper into his shoulder, feeling so alive and desperate. Someone could be in the next change room, or outside and hear us. He grips my leg and wraps it around his waist, then lowers his jeans just enough to free himself. He pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his throbbing cock.

“Oh god.” I whisper.

“Don’t scream, everyone will hear.”

He jerks his hips, and I bite down on his shoulder. He has one hand flat on the wall beside my head; the other one grips my ass and yanks me hard onto his cock. He thrusts slowly, making sure not to shake the wall. I bite his shoulder harder, and I can feel his deep breathing on my ear as he thrusts slowly in and out. I try and hold my climax back, knowing I will make a noise and embarrass myself.

“Do you need any help in there?” A woman calls out.

My eyes widen in alarm and Trav plants his hand over my mouth.

“We are fine in here, just trying on some dresses.” Trav yells.

“Oh…of course. Please let me know if you need help.”

“No problem, thanks.”

He thrusts again, and I explode around him, he catches my moan with his mouth by crushing it down on mine. I bite down on his lip and suckle on his tongue as he drives every last shudder out of me. He thrusts a few more times, then explodes himself with a silent shudder. I grip his shoulders and flex my hips, then he lets me slide down. He pulls up his jeans and looks at me with a lusty expression.

“That was so fucking hot.” I whisper.

He holds his hands up. “No words.”

“We should go, that woman was totally sus.”

He grins and helps me straighten up, then he grips my hand and takes me out, buying all the dressed with a saucy grin to the sales lady. God love him.




When we get home, we fall onto the bed, laughing about our shopping experience. We talk until we fall asleep together, a tangle of arms and legs. We are woken sometime later by the doorbell ringing. Travis gets up with a groan and walks over to answer it. I stand at his bedroom door, listening to the rain pounding down on the roof. I shiver.



Daddy? Daddy? I have heard that word so many times in the last few days; it is no longer a beautiful word to me. It is the word that has crushed my soul, and I feel like it is about to do it again. I step out and stare at the girl standing at the door, holding a young child. I recognize her, from when we were younger. It’s Annabelle, the girl who was mad about Travis.

I swing my eyes to the little girl, with her blonde hair and grey eyes. I feel everything in my world stop, and suddenly it all pieces together. Travis left, then he came back and he had secrets. The room, the one I can’t go into. I turn, and I run towards the room now, I can hear Travis screaming my name. I kick the door, furiously, but it won’t budge.

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