Pieces of Three (13 page)

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Authors: Kim Carmichael

Tags: #Shifters, #menage, #Paranormal Romance, #Tropical Islands

BOOK: Pieces of Three
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“I think I can control the animal side of me long enough to find out where we are.” Porter stomped to front of the ship.

“Damn it, he’s probably right.” Julian took her hand and led her away.

She wanted to drop anchor and indulge. Instead, she looked back once more. Their island was no longer in sight.


* * * *


Males, human or not, shared certain universal mannerisms, inflections and a secret language, and although Alyssa’s knowledge of males was mostly limited to the two in front of her, a purely female instinct in her DNA told her something was most definitely off.

After Julian announced he might have found some land, they stood together as the island came into view.

“Is that…” Porter glanced over at her, not the look he gave her when he was aroused, or concerned, or annoyed. If she tried to define his look, it would have been that he was either caught committing a crime or wanting to hide an important fact.

Julian covered his mouth, raised his eyebrows and nodded.

She crossed her arms. “Where are we?”

Neither male acknowledged she spoke.

“Do we have to stop? Now that we know where we are, we can make it home.” Porter gave her another one of those glances.

“We are two days away from Lykos and they are friendly toward us.” Julian wouldn’t as much peek at her. “We need to check the sail and we still need supplies.”

“What island is this?” Her ignorance about the surrounding islands hit her full force, she couldn’t even identify one by sight.

All she guessed about the island they approached was it must not be part of the Archipelago Federation or Lykans wouldn’t be welcome. Of course that meant humans weren’t welcome. The last obstacle she needed was any confrontation from another species. Like it or not she was on her way to Lykos, and it might be her last stop.

Porter wiped his face. “We don’t need this. I don’t need it.”

“Well, I don’t need it either. We are in the same situation.” Julian squeezed the bridge of his nose. “That’s not what we would have said at one point.”

They laughed. Staggered chuckles that spoke of an inside joke.

She wedged her way in front of them and put her hands on her hips. “Where are we?”

“You look quite fetching when you’re demanding.” At last Julian acknowledged her presence and grinned.

She narrowed her eyes and focused on Porter.

He took a breath. “We are approaching the Island of Gatari.”

At the mere mention of the island her temperature rose, she balled her hands into fists and clenched her jaw. Not only were they approaching the island of the cat shifters, apparently her males had been here before.

Of all the places, they’d ended up here? She would rather have ended up on Echendia with the snakes.

“Its not what you think.” Julian kept his tone even. “I mean not that I would know, I’ve only passed through there on a couple of trips.”

“Be quiet.” Porter barked. “She’s a human.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She stomped her foot. Only a little while ago she called him an animal trying to flirt, and swore she saw anger rage in his eyes.

His eyes widened.

“He means you are too refined and sweet for the goings on at Gatari,” Julian piped in. “We’ll be real fast. In fact, there is no need for you to even leave the ship.”

Before she had the chance to shoot the idea down, Porter cleared his throat and shook his head.

“Or if you want to come with and police…” Julian graced her with a huge grin. “I mean join us, you are most welcome, of course.”

“I’ve never been, so thanks, I’d be more than happy to accompany you.” Once more she pushed through them to go to their quarters.

The females of Gatari were all said to be gorgeous, the perfect melding of a sleek, sensuous cat and a woman. They outnumbered the males on their island several to one, and the island became the mecca for uncouth sailors looking for an outlet. Though not a member of the Federation, tales had it that all the species visited the Island of the Cats, including the humans.

She went to the head, stared at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. With no cosmetics or anything else at her disposal, she combed her hair, straightened out her bizarre clothing the best she could and returned to the bridge.

They spoke little on their approach to the island. Unlike the oasis they left behind, Gatari seemed more of the typical island one would find. Rather than a forest and waterfalls, Gatari was laced with palm trees and small huts of ill repute.

They barely had the opportunity to dock before the cats congregated. Clothing made from the flora and fauna of the island habitat didn’t do much to hide the animal underneath. With fluid movements, their feminine curves were plentiful and perfect. Their makeup emphasized and exaggerated their lips and eyes.

Try as she might, she was never able to copy that look, never had that extra something that made men stop and stare. Had Julian and Porter even wanted her or was she merely the only available female? With her sickness how long would it take for them to drop her at Lykos and take off for better, healthy, more beautiful options? The doubts she tried to push away rose to the surface again.

She bit the inside of her mouth to keep her words at bay, and though she wasn’t a shifter with super senses, she swore she heard the cats’ purrs of delight at the two Lykans from the bridge.

“Let’s get what we need to fix this barge and get out of here.” Porter ran out on deck to secure the ship. Julian followed.

While her heart was unsure if it wanted to sink or swim, her mind was certain it wanted to know everything happening. She tiptoed out, joining her males. Her males.

One of the felines slithered closer. Her long blonde hair and equally long lashes were enough to lure any male in the sea. Though in her human-like form, unlike the Lykans who could blend in with humans perfectly, the Gatari’s facial features mimicked those of their animal side, making them appear exotic and dangerous.

The kat inhaled and grabbed onto the one of the ropes, tilting way back and no doubt showing off her flexibility. “At last, we get some Lykans.”

Alyssa pursed her lips.

“We are only here for a quick stop,” Julian called down to her. “We have to return to Lykos but we need supplies to fix our sail.”

The feline twisted around the rope and hoisted herself up. Well, cats were exceptionally agile. Alyssa wondered if she knocked her down would she land on her feet or fall with a splat?

“I’ve never heard of any Lykan being fast.” The female clawed her way up to the deck, her yellow eyes taking all of them in. “Especially this time of the month. I would have thought you would be dragging several of us to one of the private rooms by now.”

What did the date have to do with anything? Alyssa stepped forward.

The cat’s focus landed on her and she let out a laugh. “Oh, I see you brought a pet with you, but maybe you should leave her out of our games. Remember, I’m affected by the lunar cycle as well and I don’t know if I want to share.”

She froze, not from the brazen words, but the ones about a cycle. What cycle? The same nagging sensation that told her instinct was spot on about her fate also sounded off a warning bell that something else wasn’t quite right.

“We only need some supplies.” As if to stop the female from speaking any further, Porter held up his hand.

“How did you get a human anyway? Isn’t she forbidden, or is that part of the fun? “ She hooked one leg over the deck railing. “Or maybe it’s the other way around. Once she understood the power she held, she’s probably been leading you around by a leash.”

Everyone, including the cat, became silent.

Julian turned to her.

She looked at him then Porter. While they wouldn’t answer her questions, she had no doubt one species would decipher the riddle. “What power do I hold, and what does it have to do with the moon?”

“Oh, now I get it.” A smile took over the female’s face accentuating her high, sculpted cheekbones. She motioned for Alyssa to come forward. “Even if we’re different species we have to stick together.”

“Alyssa.” Porter growled.

She wanted to tell him to sit and stay, but chose to bypass him and walk to the female.

“Here’s something to remember any time you delve with certain select species of shifters.” She hissed. “Once a month, when the moon is full, they can’t control themselves. Their only goal is to mate. They will say and do just about anything to get a fix, and trust me when I tell you that all of them at one point or another have fantasized about defiling a pure blood human. The more forbidden the better.”

The night the boat tossed and turned, knocking her into walls and slamming furniture into her didn’t beat her up nearly as bad as the moment every one of her doubts was clarified into something as simple as a basic shifter need.

Without a word she straightened. For someone who studied shifters she should have remembered about lunar cycles and mating rituals. For someone who never had a male she should have known there had to be such an easy explanation. For someone who consistently made snap decisions, she didn’t disappoint with this one.

She spun on her heel, pausing only to stop the returning dizziness. Her knees wanted to give out and a bizarre weakness encompassed her as she broke out into a sweat.

“Alyssa.” Julian practically jumped in front of her.

“Go get what you need to fix the ship.” She side stepped around him, but Porter came up beside her.

“What that female said means nothing.” He took her arm.

“Are you or are you not in some lunar cycle?” She pointed at each of them.

Their silence answered her question.

“Then I suggest you get whatever it is you came here for.” All she wanted at the moment was to lie down. Served her right, since they never committed to her. Another one of her snap decisions came back to haunt her, but in this case it was a snap assumption.

“We didn’t come here for her.” Porter tightened his hold.

“You didn’t show up at Anthros for me either.” She leaned over. “I’m not your charity case.”

“Are you kidding me?” Porter’s eyes dulled. “Is that what you think?”

“It’s what I know.” She shook him off her and stepped toward their quarters.

“Don’t you want to see the island?” Julian put his hand on her back.

“I’ve seen enough.” She continued toward her goal.

“I want you to come with us.” He practically tripped to keep up with her.

“There are more than enough females here for the two of you. You don’t need me.” She slipped inside and slammed the door in his face.

The bed beckoned her, but not for the usual reasons. She rushed forward and gave in to her need to lie down.

She pulled her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes. Unable to get comfortable or clear her mind, she tossed and turned. However rather than death, images of Julian and Porter swirled in front of her. Why couldn’t she just have them until the end? Maybe she wasn’t enough. Exhaustion consumed her.

With a gasp she sat up. The only indication time passed was the night sky outside the window and the light of the moon glowing throughout the quarters. Porter and Julian hadn’t joined her.

Her energy returned, she got out of bed and searched the ship. Neither male could be found, not even a note.

She ran her hands through her hair and turned toward the moon. Earlier she vowed to live every experience to it’s fullest. Lunar cycle or not, her life included her Lyknonians. She walked across the deck and scanned the island, where the huts flashed small glows of light, little flickers of passion.

Again, making a snap decision, she ran inside, grabbed the only few things she had of any worth, and climbed down the ladder to the dock. Along with living her life to the fullest, she would make sure her males never forgot her.


* * * *


“Alyssa will like this.” Julian held up a necklace with a portokali gemstone. The orange illuminescent jewel was only found on a few of the islands.

“I think Alyssa would like it more if we returned to the ship.” Porter shoved his hands in his pockets.

“You think you know all about humans, but you are wrong, at her essence she is a female, and females like gifts.” He nodded at his find.

“Let’s get back to the pier, we should have never wandered this far from her.” Porter kicked at the dirt street.

“Are the two of you lost?” Another one of those pussycats curled around a palm tree and smiled at them.

Porter moaned.

They had already been stopped three times by different females, but after doling out their third rejection he’d thought they were home free. The cats either decided they didn’t want females or didn’t like them, either way was fine with him. He just wanted to get back to Alyssa. “Oh my God, Porter.”

“I’m your God now?” Porter shoved him. “What’s your problem?”

“Nothing that I can’t fix.” With slow, deliberate movements, the female stalked over to them.

He purposely straightened up, needing to figure out something.

She came over and petted his chest.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He smiled, plucked her hand off him and grabbed Porter by the shoulders. “Nothing!”

“Unless your nothing has to do with getting the supplies and getting back to the ship, stop touching me.” Porter pushed him back.

“I don’t want this female.” Julian glanced back at her, nodded and turned back to Porter. “I mean it’s not that I couldn’t mate, cause you know the moon and all, but I can keep it under wraps until we get back to our girl.”

“Well then let’s go to her.”

He exhaled and looked down, the exhilaration of the moment waning. “Is that how you know?” Flashes of Porter’s first mate and Alyssa seemed to meld together in his head.

“Something like that,” Porter whispered. “I never thought you would know.”

“We…” He cut himself off, but he wanted to tell Porter they had to find a way to save her. Hopefully she didn’t need saving.

“We will.” As if reading his mind, Porter nodded. “We will.”

“Let’s go give her our present.” Once more he held his jewel up and shuddered as another presence came up behind them.

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