Pieces of Three (9 page)

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Authors: Kim Carmichael

Tags: #Shifters, #menage, #Paranormal Romance, #Tropical Islands

BOOK: Pieces of Three
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“If you’re still hungry, you can have this.” He handed her another one of the pink pleasure fruits.

“I suddenly lost my appetite.” She took a few steps back.

“Then when you decide to eat, don’t put anything into your mouth that we haven’t approved.” Julian coughed, no doubt to cover up a laugh.

“Don’t worry I won’t be putting anything in my mouth.” She stomped away.

Julian kicked the last of the poisoned fruit aside. “She’s going to have to put something in her mouth eventually.”

“She doesn’t like being in a state of need.” Well, if Alyssa didn’t know the pain they were in before, the fruit would seal the deal.

“It is torture.” Julian rubbed his hands together. “At least we know she wanted us before.”

The both walked toward the ship.

“Remember she’s a human.”       

Julian stopped and once more held his hand out. “She’s our human.”

Porter shook his hand.


* * * *


Alyssa cupped her hands full of water and splashed it on her face, but the icy liquid did nothing to cool her down.

“I’m a mess.” She frowned. The simple act of seeing them turned her body into raging inferno of unused hormones. When Julian toyed with her and Porter did whatever he did by the lake, they created a yearning in her, something she needed quenched, satisfied. The sensation seemed only amplified, growing stronger with each passing minute and they weren’t even with her.

How she could have imagined someone like either of them would want her was beyond her. They thought she was a silly human joke. Man or male, it didn’t matter, the opposite sex was something she would never master. She had to face it like she had to face a lot of things, and she stared at her reflection in the small mirror. Water dripped down her skin, her hair was all over and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

At the moment, her only option was to get herself together, stop dreaming of yet another species that didn’t want her, and figure out what would happen to her after they got off the island.

She combed her fingers through her hair and smoothed down the shirt she found to sleep in, her hands grazing her breasts. A jolt shot through her, a bit of pain from touching overly sensitive skin along with a wave of pleasure. “Oh.”

With a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure no one saw even though she was behind closed doors in the ship’s head, she closed her eyes and ran her fingers over her nipples. Like when Porter caressed her, they were already hard, and the small amount of attention filled her body with such a need she clenched her thighs together. Rather than alleviating any of the pressure, her body throbbed in response. Giving in for a moment, she pressed her hand to her center. Her breath quickened and she wondered how fast she could satiate herself without anyone being the wiser.

“Alyssa!” Julian called to her.

In a flash she jumped up, moved her hands away and gasped. Not only were these males set on torturing her, she was teasing herself as well.

“Alyssa!” Porter yelled from right outside the door.

“What?” Her voice cracked and she inhaled to try to gain any composure.

“We wanted to make sure you were all right.” Julian strummed his fingers on the door.

She dug her fingernails into her thigh. Frustration followed her and with no point in trying to continue, at least here, she slid the door open only to be faced with their bare chests. Also, she swore their pants were even tighter than before.

“Everything good? Are you in any pain?” Porter reached for her.

His voice socked her in the stomach. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to look him in the eye again, but she was certain she wouldn’t allow him to touch her. “I’m fine, I’m going to bed.” She pushed passed them, the thumping ache in her core only seeming to intensify with every step she took.

Somehow she managed to make it across the room, chose what she dubbed her bed, kicked off her shoes and slipped inside the sheets, pulling the blanket up over her and turned her back to them.

Like an ostrich she supposed if she couldn’t see them, they couldn’t see her. Her entire body seemed inflamed and her shorts twisted around, binding her.

The sounds of them doing whatever shifters did before retiring for the night echoed around her. She drummed her fingers on the thin mattress while she listened to them opening and closing cabinets and padding around the quarters.

Even though she wasn’t watching, in her mind’s eye she could make out each move they made, down to when one of them unbuckled his belt. She twisted the sheet in her fist. They didn’t even have the decorum to sleep in their clothes.

Everything was loud, too loud, the image of them without anything on stirred her even more. She broke out in a sweat. Every piece of fabric grazing her skin taunted her and she shimmied out of the shorts leaving her entire bottom half naked and needy. A moan escaped her throat as she pulled her knees up.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Julian asked.

Since she wasn’t talking to him, she didn’t bother with an answer.

“Well as long as your fine, we should all go to bed.” Porter yawned.

She waited for them to settle down. A shudder crept down her spine with along with the distinct feeling they stared at her.

“Yes, bed.” Julian’s voice strained with a stretch.

The room went dark and she bit her lip. Only the night before she slept between them, too bad she wasn’t conscious to remember it.

Maybe they would do her a favor and go sleep outside or somewhere else, or maybe they would fall asleep first and she could take care of her needs. No way could she take a chance with their acute hearing. She ground her teeth together waiting for them to settle onto their respective cots.

The bed dipped. “Alyssa.” Julian put his hand on her shoulder.

“Julian! What are you doing?” At the intrusion her heart pounded.

“We…” Porter also joined them on the bed, moving her over to take the other side. “…are getting in bed with you.”

“There are several other bunks.” True she took the one they shared the night before, but that didn’t give them an open invitation. Trapped in between them, she held her hands out.

“This is the only one that fits the three of us.” Julian moved her hair off her shoulder.

“I don’t know what the two of you are doing, but you don’t want me, and we can’t share a bed. “ Their naked bodies pressed against hers. They wouldn’t dare fill her night with more torture and misery.

“Well, I’ll start by telling you what I’m doing.” Porter took her shoulders.

She set her jaw, priming every muscle to take action should the need arise. Jokes and games may be one thing, but if they thought they would take anything from her, they had another thing coming.

“I am going to do what I should have done earlier.” His glowing eyes stared into hers as he lowered his mouth to hers.

At last he gave her what he denied her before, a real kiss. She tried to resist, keep her lips tight and prepare for him to use force. Instead, he did the exact opposite, took his time, and waited for her.

His lips brushed against hers, soft flutters designed to create the exact same sensation throughout her already heated body.

Almost beyond her control her mouth contoured to his, and she relished in what she missed out on before.

“Open your mouth he wants to taste you.” Julian grasped her hand and ran his tongue along the rim of her ear.

She moaned and obeyed, parting her lips and squeezing Julian’s hand the moment Porter’s tongue met hers.

Porter held her tighter, and let out a growl. On her own she opened her mouth wider wanting to take in his sweet taste, better than the fruit she indulged in on her walk back to their campsite.

“That’s right.” Julian kissed her neck, making his way up to her jawline. In only what could be a coordinated move, Porter moved aside to make way for Julian. Unlike Porter’s kiss, Julian took over, guiding her tongue to his and sucking. His and Porter’s taste merged together, creating a sweet and spicy combination.

Wait. Julian. Porter. She kissed them, both of them. All three of them were in bed together, kissing while she squirmed between them.

She needed to breathe, think, clear her mind and she put her hands on each of their bare chests and pushed back. Again, she acted and didn’t think of the repercussions. “What are we doing?”

Julian licked his lips, his eyes also lit up.

Porter stared at her, but for the first time not with a scowl.

“However, there is something we need to tell you.” A small smile graced Julian’s face as if he were about to let her in on the joke.

She froze and she focused beyond them. Though she might have to hear the words, she didn’t have to see them. How did she fall into the same set of circumstances every time? “Tell me.”

“The fruit you ate before, it acts as an aphrodisiac.” Porter cleared his throat. “We know how aroused you are, and it’s making us insane.”

“What?” She covered her chest with her hand. Even with the interruption every part of her tingled, begged for attention.

“You can’t hide from us.” Julian moved her arm aside. “We can smell your arousal, we know you have wanted us for a while, but you couldn’t decide who you wanted more.”

Her research never mentioned shifters were also mind readers.

“That fruit is just giving you a little taste into the torture we feel by just looking at you. Julian cupped her breast, his thumb barely making contact with her stiff, tender nipple. “We both want you. We both wanted you from the moment we saw you fall into the room.”

“Never doubt that.” Porter wrapped one arm around her waist.

Her focus darted between the two of them and she shook her head. The words they spoke couldn’t be real, neither could be the way they were all in the same bed together. She opened her mouth but had no reply.

“So since we both want you and have agreed to both have you, you have to make one more choice.” Julian lifted his eyebrows. “Above all else remember that we want you.”

Both have her? She held her breath.

“We don’t want you to be with us because your body is in pain, we understand the agony.” Porter continued. “We are giving you the choice of either having us satisfy you, leaving you alone to take of your problem yourself, or…”

Her cheeks heated and she waited for what came next.

“We want to mate with you.” Porter pulled her toward him.

Julian lowered his face closer to hers. “He means we want to make love to you.”

In truth, there was no choice to be made, she wanted them and they knew it, and in some insane twist of luck she won the ultimate prize. No matter if it were only for this one fleeting second, as always she acted fast, scared she would change her mind and squander her chance to live the fantasy no matter what the cost. Her life opened up the moment she met them. How could being with them be wrong? They were all she had. “I want you…both.”

No sooner did she voice her answer than her two males descended upon her once again. Their lips and hands seemed everywhere, touching all the right places and making her want even worse.

She reached out to try to do something, anything.

“Tonight we are taking care of you.” Porter caught her hand and took the time to give her an open mouth kiss on her cleavage as tore her shirt open.

“You lay back and enjoy.” Julian let out a noise as he discovered she had already rid herself of everything below her waist.

Unsure what to do, how to proceed, she tried to keep up with them, kissing back, stroking her hands along their incredible skin, and did her best to try to absorb everything.

Porter slid down and took her nipple in his mouth, alternating between sucking and nipping while Julian kissed her, his fingers stoking her other nipple to full attention.

“Oh!” She arched her back.

“Looks like someone needs more.” Julian took his turn to move down.

Porter returned to her lips treating her to slow, steady kisses as his hand continued to knead her breast.

Julian slid down the side her body, kissing, licking and nibbling every inch he came in contact with. Once his lips reached her hip, he took hold of her thigh, spread her legs apart and pressed his palm over her.

“Ah!” She gasped into Porter’s open mouth as Julian applied the pressure she craved. Without even realizing it, she lifted her hips.

“She’s needs a little relief.” Julian moved between her legs. “I have to taste her.”

She lifted her head, breaking the kiss, to find Julian’s face right there and she went to close her legs.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” Porter pushed her back. “You don’t know what your scent does to us. It’s all we can do to control ourselves.”

“Don’t deny me.” Julian licked his lips and lowered his mouth down upon her most intimate spot.

Ecstasy filled sizzle overtook her. Julian’s warm mouth encompassed her, his tongue exploring every part and finally centering on that one bundle of nerves with no other purpose other than providing either torment or bliss. With Julian’s tongue it was definitely bliss.

At long last she received what she hungered for. Her breath left her, she panted to try to keep control and held on to Porter for stability.

Julian slipped a finger inside her and she automatically clenched down on the source of the pleasure. He sucked in his breath. “Port, you have to feel her. Give me your hand.”

Porter leaned over and she glanced down to find Julian guiding his hand to her, the image giving her a delightful twist in her stomach. Two males, two, were with her. Yes, it was wrong, strange, some may even say perverted, but it was right for her no matter what.

While Julian used his thumb to continue to stimulate her, Porter’s finger entered her. “She’s ready.”

“She’s so tight,” Julian whispered.

She needed to tell them she was a virgin, but didn’t want them to stop.

“We’re her first, it’s expected.” Porter added a second digit.

Of course, they knew, if they didn’t feel it, they sensed it. She writhed on the bed, wanting more and whimpered.

“She’s more than ready.” Porter let out a low chuckle. “I can’t wait.”

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