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Authors: Taylor Branch

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“two unidentified vessels”: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, 10:53
, Aug. 4, 1964, Cit. 4662, Audiotape WH6408.04, LBJ.

“as belligerents from first detection”: Karnow,
, p. 384.

warnings of a trap: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 3, pp. 184-85.

prepare retaliatory airstrikes: Johnson,
The Vantage Point
, p. 114.

“many reported contacts”: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 133.

Sharp reassured: Ibid.

“Certain that original”: Ibid.

sudden swarms of blowflies: MIBURN prosecutive summary, Dec. 19, 1964, FMB-1613, pp. 281-86; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 132-34; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 397-99; DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI
, p. 189.

Admiral Sharp, had conceded: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 134.

routed through the Pentagon: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 3, p. 185.

50-caliber shell fragment: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 131.

“those dumb stupid sailors”: Karnow,
, p. 390.

fn judgment of historian Stanley Karnow: Ibid., p. 389.

fn Tuesday attack never happened: McNamara, on a visit to Vietnam thirty-one years later, said he was “99 and 99-100ths percent sure it didn't occur.” NYT, Nov. 10, 1995, p. 3.

fn “The U.S. ships blazed out”:
, Aug. 17, 1964, p. 20.

fn “There was now plenty”:
, Aug. 14, 1964, p. 21.

“Some of our boys”: Notes taken at leadership meeting on Aug. 4, 1964, Box 1, Meeting Notes File, LBJ.

authorization for airstrikes: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 135.

at 8:01 Walter Jenkins: PDD, Aug. 4, 1964; LBJ phone call with Cartha DeLoach, Aug. 4, 1964, Cit. 4693, Audiotape WH6408.05, LBJ; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 135-36; DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI
, pp. 189-90; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, p. 401.

fetched two men ashore: PDD, Aug. 4, 1964.

“a day of tension”: Dan Rather, CBS, on
Presidential Address: The Tonkin Gulf Report
, Aug. 4, 1964, Tape T81:0368, MOB.

Everett Alvarez: Karnow,
, p. 388.

Seeger used movement songs: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 189.

“From now on”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, pp. 192-93.

Price escorted a hearse caravan: MIBURN prosecutive summary, Dec. 19, 1964, FMB-1613, pp. 286, 378-85;
, Aug. 17, 1964, p. 28.

“We had to call Washington”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, p. 193.

Moses held aloft: Howard Zinn,
Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal
, cited in Zaroulis and Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?
, p. 24.

“Lyndon Gives Navy”:
Jackson Clarion-Ledger
, Aug. 4, 1964, p. 1.

Moses circled with questions: Int. Robert P. Moses, Feb. 15, 1991.

James Lackey: Lackey's prior statements summarized in SAC, Atlanta, to Director, July 30, 1964, FLP-122.

“I raised the roof”: Statement of Loretta Lackey, Aug. 18, 1964, FLP-246.

“Sims and Myers kept insisting”: Statement of James Lackey, Aug. 6, 1964, FLP-151.

Guest claimed a more passive role: Statement of Herbert Guest, Aug. 6, 1964, FLP-152.

on the arrest of Myers: Rosen to Belmont, Aug. 6, 1964, FLP-139.

Sanders issued a telling statement: NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, pp. 1, 13.

DeLoach and his supervisors: M. A. Jones to DeLoach, Aug. 7, 1964, FLP-142; DeLoach to Mohr, Aug. 7, 1964, FLP-149.

50,611 investigative miles: SAC, Atlanta, to Director, Aug. 12, 1964, FLP-178.

Screws v. United States,
325 U.S. 91; Branch,
, pp. 408-9; Rosen to Belmont, Aug. 6, 1964, FLP-151.

“I am going to kill me a nigger”: Statement of James Lackey, Aug. 6, 1964, FLP-151.

“I think a soldier in uniform”: LBJ phone call with Cartha DeLoach, Aug. 6, 1964, Cit. 4781, Audiotape WH6408.09, LBJ.

Moses had posted: “
Please Post
Re: Securing Justice Department Action,” July 13, 1964, A/KP16:16.

statewide convention: Dittmer,
Local People
, pp. 281-82.

“Until the killing of a black”: NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 13.

church-issue hand fan: WLBT News footage of MFDP Convention, Aug. 6, 1964, Tape 0898/D19, MDAH.

Joseph Rauh explained: Rothschild,
Black and White
, pp. 66-68.

“When you have two”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 170.

“Bob Moses didn't seem so confident”: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 214.

“As things stand right now”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 171.

“open to
the people”: Blackside, Inc. PBS series,
Eyes on the Prize
, I vol. 5,
Mississippi: Is This America?

“Now this is not the kind”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 172.

“This was probably”: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 214.

“all of us here”: Ibid., p. 215.

Evers refused to observe: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 171.

excluded most NAACP candidates: Dittmer,
Local People
, pp. 282-83.

fund-raising memorials: Betty Garman to Dave Dennis, Aug. 14, 1964, A/SN111f18.

follow-up autopsy: Int. Jack Pratt, March 25, 1991; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 406-7.

“I have never witnessed”: Dittmer,
Local People
, p. 183.

“No Evidence of Beating”: NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 13.

“Chaney Was Given a Brutal Beating”: NYT, Aug. 8, 1964, p. 7.

“The police held up traffic”: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 191.

CORE's David Dennis: Blackside, Inc. PBS series,
Eyes on the Prize
, I vol. 5,
Mississippi: Is This America?
Also Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 409-10; Dittmer,
Local People
, pp. 283-84.

“blessed chaos”: Holt,
The Summer
, pp. 116, 233.

fourth-grade sisters: Margaret, Alice, and Lillie Dwight were among the speakers honoring their former teachers, Stanley Zibulsky and Richard Kelley, at a thirty-year reunion of the St. John's United Methodist Freedom School, Hattiesburg, June 25, 1994.

fn “In this course of human events”: Holt,
The Summer
, pp. 323-24.

education caucus proposed thirteen planks: Ibid., pp. 116-22.

fn detonated a 5-kiloton: NYT, Oct. 23, 1964, p. 2. Also NYT, Oct. 12, 1964, p. 23, Oct. 13, 1964, p. 86, Oct. 27, 1964, p. 77, Oct. 29, 1964, p. 70, Nov. 18, 1964, p. 30. “Officials refused to go ahead with the test until wind conditions were right,” the
reported on Oct. 23, “in view of the possibility that the explosion might crack the earth and permit radioactivity to escape…. On the surface of the blast site were a collection of instruments, a Confederate battle flag, and a small sign that read, ‘The South Shall Rise Again.'”

delegates eventually voted down: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 109.

“It was the single time”: Dittmer,
Local People
, p. 260.

33. W

“I want to talk to him”: PDD, Aug. 5, 1964.

Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Karnow,
, pp. 391-92; NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 1, Aug. 8, 1964, p. 1.

Johnson congratulated Rusk: “MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD,” Aug. 13, 1964, re 12:35
Aug. 10, 1964, meeting in Cabinet Room, McGeorge Bundy Office Files, b. 18-19, LBJ.

“did not wish to escalate”: Ibid.

jeep under camouflage of ferns:
, Aug. 21, 1964, cover, p. 26.

imposing a state of siege: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 2, p. 329.

“Khanh has a 50/50 chance”: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 3, pp. 530-33.

ouster of Adam Yarmolinsky: Int. Sargent Shriver, Feb. 21, 1991; Lemann,
The Promised Land
, p. 157.

Yarmolinsky had spearheaded: Int. Robert McNamara, June 18, 1991.

bellwether symbol of controversy: “We seriously objected to Adam Yarmolinsky…we knew something about his own background…[wanted] to be sure that we had a person who was not controversial, who would not become controversial…. They did get rid of Mr. Yarmolinsky.” Rep. L. H. Fountain (D.-N.C.) Oral History, July 15, 1969, pp. 16-17, LBJ.

“nothing to stop them”: NYT, Aug. 6, 1964, p. 1.

“This is my blood”: LBJ phone call with Carl Sanders, Aug. 1, 1964, Cit. 4617-18, Audiotape WH6408.02, LBJ.

“We've bled 'em to death”: LBJ phone call with Walter Reuther, Aug. 1, 1964, Cit. 4624-25, Audiotape WH6408.03, LBJ.

“magic 200”: LBJ phone call with Lawrence O'Brien, Aug. 5, 1964, Cit. 4766-67, Audiotape WH6408.08, LBJ.

scripted phone message to Louisiana: LBJ phone call with RFK, 12:00
, Aug. 7, 1964, Cit. 4793, Audiotape WH6408.10, LBJ; LBJ phone call with Lee White, 4:15
, Aug. 7, 1964, Cit. 4811, Audiotape WH6408.11, LBJ.

“it is my duty to enforce”: LBJ phone call with John McKeithen, 4:50
, Aug. 7, 1964, Cit. 4814, Audiotape WH6408.11, LBJ.

“Joe Rauh was on television”: LBJ phone call with Bill Moyers, Aug. 7, 1964, Cit. 4815-18, Audiotape WH6408.12, LBJ.

Johnson knew: Cf. LBJ phone call with Rep. George Mahon of Texas, Aug. 6, 1964, Cit. 4770, Audiotape WH6408.08, LBJ. Mahon told Johnson: “Now this Adam Yarmanlisky [sic], whatever his name is, he is not an asset.”

Shriver squirmed: Int. Sargent Shriver, Feb. 21, 1991.

From a phone in the hallway: Ibid. Also PPD, phone log, 3:00
, Aug. 6, 1964.

established the War on Poverty: NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 1.

“Well, we've just thrown you”: Adam Yarmolinsky Oral History, July 13, 1970, pp. 17-19, LBJ. (“It was like a funeral in the offices when we heard Shriver had caved in,” recalled one of Shriver's deputies at the poverty task force. Int. Hyman Bookbinder, March 21, 1991.)

“really had the gall”: LBJ phone call with Bill Moyers, Aug. 7, 1964, Cit. 4815-18, Audiotape WH6408.12, LBJ.

McCone had disclosed: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, 12:46
, Aug. 6, 1964, Cit. 4773, Audiotape WH6408.08, LBJ.

“This is a very delicate subject”: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, 8:24
, Aug. 8, 1964, Cit. 4819, Audiotape WH6408.12, LBJ.

Walter Jenkins reported: LBJ phone call with Walter Jenkins, 10:52
, Aug. 8, 1964, Cit. 4821-24, Audiotape WH6408.13, LBJ.

reported sacrifice of Yarmolinsky: NYT, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 4, Aug. 8, 1964, p. 6.

“No, your thoughts are wrong”: PPP, press conference of Aug. 8, 1964, at LBJ Ranch, p. 941.

“None of us is important”: Califano,
Triumph and Tragedy
, p. 77.

“Service—3 Years Later”: NYT, Aug. 8, 1964, p. 12, Aug. 7, 1964, p. 15.

prisoners were immensely relieved: Int. Robert McAfee Brown, July 17, 1991; int. Israel Dresner, July 31, 1991; int. Robert Stone, June 3, 1993.

two admitted pipe-beaters: Holt,
The Summer
, p. 233; NYT, Aug. 9, 1964, p. 21.

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