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Authors: Taylor Branch

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as after the Freedom Rides in 1961: Branch,
, pp. 485-88.

“He is more or less the Jesus”: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, p. 15.

“record our profound”: Ibid., p. 36.

“for the ideal naive”: Ibid., p. 18.

“keep your eyes open”: William Hodes letter to “Family,” June 22, 1964, William Hodes Files, SHSW.

Wednesday night, June 17: Jacksonville LHM dated June 18, 1964, FSA-NR.

retained his customary long-windedness: Int. Israel Dresner, July 31, 1991.

Williams suffered a ribbing: Int. Hosea Williams, Oct. 29, 1991.

Vivian led the rabbis: Jacksonville teletype to Director, June 18, 1964, FSA-1427; Jacksonville LHM dated June 19, 1964, FSA-NR; NYT, June 19, 1964, p. 1; Colburn,
Racial Change
, pp. 98-100.

“Hold me, baby, I'm scared”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, p. 103.

“a study of the legitimate”:
Florida Times-Union
, June 18, 1964, p. 22.

King had responded positively: MLK statement of June 17, 1964, A/KS;
, June 29, 1964, p. 26.

hoisted a Confederate flag:
Florida Times-Union
, June 21, 1964, p. 22.

“Racial harmony has existed”: Presentment of St. Johns County Grand Jury, June 18, 1964, served upon MLK at 5:12
, A/KP20f41.

“not only an impractical request”: Handwritten statement on the back of ibid. Also Jacksonville teletype to Director, June 20, 1964, FSA-1429.

“our prayers and best wishes”: Proceedings of the 75th Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, June 17-19, 1964, p. 230, AJA.

prisoners refused an order: Int. Balfour Brickner, Feb. 4, 1991; int. Israel Dresner, July 31, 1991; int. Murray Saltzman, Jan. 8, 1991.

“We shall not forget”: “Why We Went: A Joint Letter from the Rabbis Arrested in St. Augustine,” by Eugene Borowitz, Balfour Brickner, Israel Dresner, Daniel Fogel, Jerrold Goldstein, Joel Goor, Joseph Herzog, Norman Hirsh, Leon Jick, Richard Levy, Eugene Lipman, Michael Robinson, B. T. Rubenstein, Murray Saltzman, Allen Secher, Clyde T. Sills, and Albert Vorspan, AJA.

Nelson Mandela and six other: NYT, June 12, 1964, p. 12, June 25, 1964, p. 12; WP, Feb. 12, 1994, p. 13. The Nation of Islam's newspaper,
Muhammad Speaks
, published excerpts of Mandela's speeches to the court at his 1962 and 1964 trials. MS, July 17, 1964, pp. 12, 14.

Governor William Scranton: NYT, June 12, 1964, p. 1, June 13, 1964, p. 1.

Supreme Court required: NYT, June 16, 1964, p. 1;
, June 29, 1964, p. 22.

thirty-four roll call votes: Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, p. 209.

“death scene arias”: Ibid., p. 212.

Goldwater flew to a farm: NYT, June 19, 1964, p. 1.

fuming that Eisenhower: John Grenier int. by Jack Bass and Walter De Vries, A-9, No. 4007, UNC.

counsel of his legal advisers: Edwards,
, p. 239.

decisive majority of seventy-three: Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, pp. 215-17.

retrieved copies of FBI surveillance photographs: Cf. SAC, New York, to Director, June 29, 1964, FK-NR, responding to Hoover's order of June 19, 1964.

“because of the occupations”: Garrow,
FBI and Martin
, pp. 116-17.

followed Clarence Jones: Cf. handwritten surveillance logs for the last week of June 1964, FJNY-NR.

“the most pertinent”: Director to SAC, New York, June 25, 1964, FR-NR.

“goes further to invest”: PPP, LBJ statement of June 19, 1964, p. 787.

San Francisco crowd of thirty thousand: NYT, June 21, 1964, p. 1;
, June 29, 1964, p. 21.

fn “Well, he's got a lot”: LBJ phone call with Robert Kennedy, June 20, 1964, Cit. 3800, Audiotape WH6406.12, LBJ.

“I have come to California”: PPP, LBJ at Irvine, California, June 20, 1964, pp. 793-95.

“wealthy industrialists”: Tom Wicker, in NYT, June 22, 1964, p. 18.

bar mitzvah party of young Lyle Peskin: PDD, “12:30
entry,” June 21, 1964.

bowling over Howard Smith: O'Brien to LBJ, June 18, 1964, Box 3, Henry Wilson Papers, LBJ; Whalen and Whalen,
The Longest Debate
, pp. 218-20.

“Y'all want civil rights”: LBJ phone call with House Minority Leader Charles Halleck, June 22, 1964, Cit. 3810, Audiotape WH6406.12, LBJ.

urged Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young: PDD, June 19, 1964.

“I'm just afraid”: LBJ phone call with Roy Wilkins, June 19, 1964, Cit. 3791, Audiotape WH6406.11, LBJ.

“dawning of new hope”: NYT, June 20, 1964, p. 12.

“niggers want to integrate”: Colburn,
Racial Change
, p. 103.

waded into the Atlantic Ocean: Jacksonville LHM dated June 22, 1964, FSA-1452.

slugged to their knees: NYT, June 21, 1964, p. 69; int. Dorothy Cotton, July 6, 1983.

“I can't understand why any white”: NYT, June 21, 1964, p. 68.

executive order: “State of Florida, Executive Department, Tallahassee,
Executive Order Number Two
,” signed by Governor Farris Bryant, June 20, 1964, Bryan Simpson Papers, UF.

edict further ensnarled: Colburn,
Racial Change
, p. 105.

Florida motorist came upon:
St. Petersburg Times
, June 28, 1964, p. 4.

Lines of black and white marchers: NYT, June 22, 1964, p. 16; Jacksonville LHM dated June 22, 1964, FSA-1452, pp. 3-4.

Chicago's Soldier Field: NYT, June 22, 1964, p. 16;
, July 9, 1964, pp. 22-25; ANP press release for June 22, 1964, b107f4, Claude Barnett Papers, CHS.

pitched the eighth perfect game: NYT, June 22, 1964, p. 1. Of the seven previous perfect games, two had occurred in 1880, before the pitching distance was lengthened from 45 feet to 60.5 feet, and a third from 1917 carried an asterisk because the original starting pitcher, Babe Ruth, gave up a walk before being ejected. Ruth's substitute, Ernie Shore, came on to record the required twenty-seven consecutive outs, beginning when the walked leadoff runner was caught stealing second.

President for Life: NYT, June 22, 1964, p. 12.

fn “The Catholic church”: Very Reverend Monsignor John P. Burns to MLK, June 18, 1964, with (attached) Chancellor Irvine Nugent to Burns, quoting Archbishop Hurley, June 18, 1964, A/KP20f41.

King awakened his former professor: Int. Harold DeWolf, May 9, 1983.

26: B

Louise Hermey of Drew: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 34, 41-43; Dittmer,
Local People
, p. 248.

“we're all sitting here”: Sutherland,
Letters from Mississippi
, pp. 25-26.

nestled within a cluster: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 248, 255.

“felt a prickly sensation”: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, p. 378.

spread through emergency networks: Ibid., pp. 378-82; Holt,
The Summer
, pp. 189-90; Farmer,
Lay Bare the Heart
, pp. 271-73; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 318-19.

“We've had discussions all winter”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, p. 17.

Rita Schwerner appeared: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 320-21.

“It suddenly became clear”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, p. 18.

Moses drifted into solitary: Ibid. Hampton,
Voices of Freedom
, p. 190; int. Dorothy Zellner, Dec. 12, 1991.

“You are not responsible”: Int. Victoria Gray Adams, May 14, 1991.

Edwin King passed along: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, p. 347; Mary King,
Freedom Song
, p. 382; Holt,
The Summer
, p. 190.

James Farmer got through: Lee White, memorandum to the files, June 23, 1964, Ex HU2/ST24, LBJ.

“Developments COFO”: Thomas to Lowenstein, June 22, 1964, b9f315, Lowenstein Papers, UNC.

civic-minded local woman: Mars,
, pp. 84-86.

just after the local FBI agent: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 322-23.

“If they're missing”: NYT, June 23, 1964, p. 13.

led by an insurance executive: Mars,
, p. 92.

into the Turner Furniture Store: Reflections of Claude Sitton and Karl Fleming at the University of Mississippi symposium “Covering the South,” April 3-5, 1987.

“I'll tell you what”: Ibid.

“basic contribution to our”: PPP, June 22, 1964, pp. 799-800.

At 5:20, he informed: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, pp. 383-84; Holt,
The Summer
, p. 192.

Marshall reached Robert Kennedy: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 324-25.

Paul Good to “Just Sleaping”: Good,
Trouble I've Seen
, pp. 107-13.

“3 in Rights Drive”: NYT, June 23, 1964, p. 1.

escorted the Goodman parents: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, pp. 385-86.

Joachim Prinz: Prinz to Meyer Feldman, June 24, 1964, and Lee White to Juanita Roberts (for LBJ), June 26, 1964, Ex HU2/ST24, LBJ.

spotter planes: Holt,
The Summer
, pp. 192-93.

Johnson stuck to his breakneck schedule: PDD, June 23, 1964.

“Tell [McGeorge] Bundy to come on in.”: PDD, 5:51
, June 22, 1964.

Johnson told an impromptu: NYT, June 24, 1964, p. 1; PPP, June 23, 1964, pp. 802-8.

“I think it's the human”: RFK phone call with Jack Valenti, 3:11
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3831, Audiotape WH6406.13, LBJ.

announcement that he would not run: NYT, June 24, 1964, p. 1.

“How old are these kids?”: LBJ phone call with Nicholas Katzenbach, 3:35
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3832, Audiotape WH6406.13, LBJ.

Marshall suggested: LBJ phone call with Burke Marshall, 3:51
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3834, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

“Jim, we got three kids”: LBJ phone call with James Eastland, 3:59
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3836, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

Proctor had roared: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 63-68; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 338-40.

Sullivan had reviewed: Int. Joseph Sullivan, Feb. 3, 1991.

“I wanted you to know”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 4:05
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3837, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

five more phone calls: PDD, June 23, 1964. Hoover implied that the agents could not see through the car windows or open its doors to inspect for bodies. When Johnson impatiently asked “why in the hell they can't take a crowbar,” Hoover improvised nervously. “Well, we've broken into the car,” he said. “We got the crowbars there within I guess about a half hour ago. And uh, broke open the doors, which couldn't be opened any other way. And now they're…getting the particles on the inside of the car out, and preserving such that can be preserved.” LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 6:15
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3857, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

“offhand presumption”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 7:15
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3869, Audiotape WH6406.15, LBJ.

“expects 'em to turn up”: LBJ phone call with James Eastland, 4:25
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3845, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

fn “You better comb”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 5:35
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3853, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ.

“every facility of the department”: LBJ phone call with Robert McNamara, 5:44
, June 23, 1964, Cit. 3855, Audiotape WH6406.14, LBJ; PDD, June 23, 1964.

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